
Clickbait or Click Worthy – How To Use Clickbait 2.0

Clickbait or Click Worthy? Clickbait has a very bad name on YouTube but if you can make Clickbait into Click Worthy content then you’ve mastered Clickbait 2.0! Clickbait 2.0 is the mix between clickbait content that promises something and click worthy which delivers the content. So why not make LOUD SHOUTY CLICKBAIT TITLES and pack real helpful CLICK WORTHY content within.



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Feel More Confident On Camera

How To Feel More Comfortable On Camera and Feel More Confident is a question that all new youtubers have to learn. Roberto Blake says all the time, being comfortable on camera or getting comfortable on camera is all down to practice. The more you make videos the more confident you will be on camera.



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How To Deal With Haters and YouTube Trolls

How to deal with haters on YouTube and how to deal with hate comments, or trolls is a question I get asked all the time. Haters, hate comments and internet trolls have become commonplace in online communities but YouTube hater comments can actually help you.

YouTube hate comments and YouTube trolls tend to pick on looks, or videos randomly. Dealing with YouTube haters is a mind set and I suggest there are 3 ways to deal with YouTube haters.

1 – Ignore Them – They are only looking for a reaction or attention. They dont know who you are or how hard you’ve worked so their opinion doesn’t matter

2 – Reply to them – Replying to a hate comment can help you get a measure of revenge or even an apology.

3 – Encourage them! – Hate comments, dislikes and trolls are ENGAGING with your video and this can HELP you in YouTube search. Every interaction on a video good or bad is seen as a positive mark in the YouTube Algorithm



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Are YOU Tagging Your YouTube Videos Properly? – 3 Levels Of YouTube Tags

YouTube SEO and YouTube Video SEO is all about the 3 Levels Of YouTube Tags or a youtube tags generator. YouTube Tags in 2017 are a very important tool to help rank your youtube videos and teaches the YouTube Algorithm what your video is about. Tagging your youtube videos with video tags with the 3 levels of YouTube Tags will help YouTube understand what your video is about, what your youtube video should be related to and when to suggest your youtube video based on your SEO tags and YouTube SEO video tags.

Alan Spicer discusses Video Optimisation and Video Tags. Video Tagging is part of YouTube best practices and Search Engine Optimisation. SEO helps rank your video on Google and sets where your video is ranked on YouTube search results. The better you rank with your video tags the better you video does – get more video views and get more youtube subscribers.



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5 Ways To Make Money Online

5 Ways To Make Money Online that everyone can do. Making money online is the holy grail for most YouTubers. Looking through the YouTube Tricks to find ways to make money on YouTube and other sites with affiliate link marketing, ebay selling, amazon affiliate links and merchandising.

In this video I outline 5 ways to make money online and how to make money on YouTube. Building in ways to make passive income is the best way to make a ongoing passive income in the future. If you can build in referral links and mailing lists you can boost your ability to make money from your blogs and make money on youtube.



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Should YOU Buy YouTube Subscribers? – Buying YouTube Subscribers

Buying YouTube Subscribers? Should i Buy Subscribers? Should YOU Buy YouTube Subs? Buying YouTube subscribers can gets you a better YouTube count but can HURT your YouTube Channel and leave you asking How To Grow A YouTube Channel.

How To Buy YouTube Subscribers is a bad questions to ask as you should be asking How To Get YouTuber Subscribers or How To Get More YouTube Subscribers.



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? Want to go Pro? Need my help? Try YouTube Coaching! –



How Do YouTubers Make Money? – Adsense and CPM

How Do YouTubers Make Money? and How Much DO YouTubers Get Paid are the 2 most asked questions about How YouTubers Make Money Online since the start of the YouTube Adpocalypse . Make money online with YouTube videos, Google Adsense and YouTuber Advertising is a balance of content, youtube views and advertising CPM rates.

How To Make Money Online is a common question asked in forums and YouTube groups. Making money online can making money on YouTube can be easy but it can also be complicated if you don’t understand the terminology.



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? Want to go Pro? Need my help? Try YouTube Coaching! –



10 YouTube Tips For Beginners 2017

10 YouTube Tips For Newbie YouTube Beginners 2017 to help you get more views, gain more youtube subscribers and grow your youtube channel. YouTuber Tips, YouTube Hacks for beginners is a YouTube Tutorial, YouTube 101 for new youtubers, as a YouTube for Dummies guide packed full of YouTube Tips for beginners to lay those foundations you need to be a successful youtuber.



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YOU Need to Bulk Record – 3 Reasons To Bulk Record YouTube Videos

YOU Need to Bulk Record, 3 Reasons To Bulk Record YouTube Videos, YouTube Productivity Hacks. Meeting upload schedules can be hard some some YouTubers. Especially if you record and edit on the same day you are due to upload. That is why I bulk record my videos in advance.

Bulk recording youtube videos can help you get ahead of the schedule and allows for flexibility in the content you upload, how often you upload and acts as a fail safe when you are just too busy to make videos.



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Get More Views with YouTube Playlist SEO

Get More Views with YouTube Playlist SEO

Ranking better in YouTube with YouTube Playlist SEO, Video SEO can help boost views and grow a YouTube Channel. YouTube Playlists are often overlooked but can be a very powerful tool to boost your youtube channel views. Playlists help hook viewers into a session, extending YouTube watch time which has a positive effect on the authority of  your channel.

How Does YouTube Playlist SEO Help You Rank Better & Make More Money?

YouTube Session Time is an important factor in the way YouTube promotes your channel. It is in YouTube’s best interest to help channels that actively drive new users to the site and keep them engaged for longer. The longer a user in on the site the more advertisements they can be shown and the more money it can make for its parent company Google.

How Does YouTube Playlist SEO Boost Views?

Playlists can help attract users users to themed videos or niches. If you have a collection of 5-10 videos all about a set topic and putt them all in a playlist it helps YouTube learn that they are related and can increase how often they are suggested against each other on the right hand right of the video. You can also use SERIES PLAYLISTS that has an even stronger effect on what is auto played as YouTube are told that not only are they are related but just like a TV program that best viewed in a set order.



Other Useful YouTube Tips Blog Posts


UNLIMITED YouTube Video Ideas – 3 Tips On How To Find Video Topics

How to find YouTube Video Ideas or Vlog Topics. Finding new ideas for YouTube Video Topics can be hard at times but I have 3 Tips On How To Find Video Topics which will give you Unlimited YouTube Video Ideas & YouTube Video Topic Ideas so you never have to worry again.

Writing block is common in most creative fields and ideas for YouTube videos can be hard for new YouTubers to come by when you can’t see the wood from the trees.

That is why I have a method to discover my YouTube Video Ideas and topics.

UNLIMITED YouTube Video Ideas - 3 Tips On How To Find Video Topics 1

1 – Personal YouTube Video Ideas

Pull from your own personal experiences. Your life can be a very deep well of information, opinions, hobbies and content ideas.

I know sometime it can feel like you have nothing to think about but why not look at your hobbies and explain that to your audience. Are you a video gamer?

Why not tell us about your favourite game!

Do you like fashion or makeup?

Why not make a video about your new summer look, your favorite make up and how you put it on. Or talk more personal, tell us about your family, your friends, your day at school. You can always find something to talk about in your personal life.

2 – Trending Topic Videos & Other YouTubers

Trending topics can be the source for UNLIMITED YouTube Video Ideas in its own right. Trending topics can be anything that is in the news right now.

Why not react to the news, a new music album, a theatre play or the latest new toy trends like Fidget Spinners. Trends can also pop up out of nowhere like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge did in 2015 or the Harlem Shake. To find trends just watch what other large YouTubers seem to be doing and make a video about it, react to it, talk about it or watch that tv show or movie.

3 – Breakdown Large Topics into in-depth smaller videos

Sometimes it can be very tempting to make a 15 minute video about a topic in depth. I have done it myself with a couple videos about Music Festivals.

These videos are 10-15 minutes long and have 10-30 tips on how to survive a music festival. They are good videos and have been well received but if I wanted to make more videos from the same topic I could drill down into the discussion and dedicate more time to each part.

From a top 10 tips video I could make 10 smaller videos giving each tip more explanation for example how to pitch a tent, what food do you need, festival recipes, best things to pack for a festival, how to survive the good/bad festival weather.

All of those videos have merit in their own right and could easily be made into videos people want to see as well as the top 10 video compilation..

Top 5 Tools To Get You Started on YouTube

Very quickly before you go here are 5 amazing tools I have used every day to grow my YouTube channel from 0 to 30K subscribers in the last 12 months that I could not live without.

1. VidIQ helps boost my views and get found in search

I almost exclusively switched to VidIQ from a rival in 2020.

Within 12 months I tripled the size of my channel and very quickly learnt the power of thumbnails, click through rate and proper search optimization. Best of all, they are FREE!

2. Adobe Creative Suite helps me craft amazing looking thumbnails and eye-catching videos

I have been making youtube videos on and off since 2013.

When I first started I threw things together in Window Movie Maker, cringed at how it looked but thought “that’s the best I can do so it’ll have to do”.

Big mistake!

I soon realized the move time you put into your editing and the more engaging your thumbnails are the more views you will get and the more people will trust you enough to subscribe.

That is why I took the plunge and invested in my editing and design process with Adobe Creative Suite. They offer a WIDE range of tools to help make amazing videos, simple to use tools for overlays, graphics, one click tools to fix your audio and the very powerful Photoshop graphics program to make eye-catching thumbnails.

Best of all you can get a free trial for 30 days on their website, a discount if you are a student and if you are a regular human being it starts from as little as £9 per month if you want to commit to a plan.

3. helps people read my videos

You can’t always listen to a video.

Maybe you’re on a bus, a train or sat in a living room with a 5 year old singing baby shark on loop… for HOURS. Or, you are trying to make as little noise as possible while your new born is FINALLY sleeping.

This is where Rev can help you or your audience consume your content on the go, in silence or in a language not native to the video. can help you translate your videos, transcribe your videos, add subtitles and even convert those subtitles into other languages – all from just $1.50 per minute.

A GREAT way to find an audience and keep them hooked no matter where they are watching your content.

4. PlaceIT can help you STAND OUT on YouTube

I SUCK at making anything flashy or arty.

I have every intention in the world to make something that looks cool but im about as artistic as a dropped ice-cream cone on the web windy day.

That is why I could not live on YouTube without someone like PlaceIT. They offer custom YouTube Banners, Avatars, YouTube Video Intros and YouTube End Screen Templates that are easy to edit with simple click, upload wizard to help you make amazing professional graphics in minutes.

Best of all, some of their templates are FREE! or you can pay a small fee if you want to go for their slightly more premium designs (pst – I always used the free ones).

5. StoryBlocks helps me add amazing video b-roll cutaways

I mainly make tutorials and talking head videos.

And in this modern world this can be a little boring if you don’t see something funky every once in a while.

I try with overlays, jump cuts and being funny but my secret weapon is b-roll overlay content.

I can talk about skydiving, food, money, kids, cats – ANYTHING I WANT – with a quick search on the StoryBlocks website I can find a great looking clip to overlay on my videos, keeping them entertained and watching for longer.

They have a wide library of videos, graphics, images and even a video maker tool and it wont break the bank with plans starting from as little as £8.25 ($9) per month.


Should I Sub 4 Sub? How Sub4Sub Can HURT Your YouTube Channel

Sub 4 Sub? Should I Sub4Sub?

Getting YouTube Subscribers can be hard when starting out and people always ask How To Get YouTube Subscribers. But begging for subs, buying subscribers and trading subscribers in Sub 4 Sub could be hurting your channel and may even get your YouTube Channel banned.

It can be hard to find that motivation to start making YouTube videos. You can take months to find the right camera, test your microphone, decide on what content you want to make and then finally muster up the courage to record and upload that first video. Only to then get hit with that frustration and sinking feeling that all that hard work might not get seen because you only have 3 subscribers, and this is where you seek out ways to buy subscribers or trading them in Sub 4 Sub groups or websites.

Sub 4 Sub means Subscriber for Subscriber and its the practice of promise to subscribe to someone else’s channel in return for getting them to subscribe back to you. This can seem like an easy way to get YouTube subscribers but what you are actually getting in inactive sub 4 sub subscribers that are very unlikely to watch your content or engage with your videos at all. This can harm your youtube channel as YouTube monitors video view velocity when a video if first published. If YouTube doesn’t think the video has enough views compared to the channels subscriber base within the first 48 hours it can negatively affect your videos ranking in search and suggested videos.



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Making YouTube Videos, Why Delay? Start making YouTube Videos Today!

Many new youtubers hesitate and worry about making youtube videos. They worry about How To Start Making YouTube Videos and keep making excuses why they can’t start just yet. In this video Alan Spicer tells you to stop delaying and make youtube videos today – START CREATING!

Everyone finds an excuse to delay making YouTube Videos. I tend to find people are worried about the quality of their first few videos, their YouTube video equipment or even over think how much time they need. It is this delaying that actually stops people from making YouTube videos entirely. Making YouTube Videos is an art that needs to be honed and practiced. The more YouTube videos you make the better you will get.

When I started making videos in 2013 they was horrible, tinny, shaky and hard to watch. However, this gave me a baseline to improve from. I can look back at the video and take notes on what I need to improve. If each time you make a video you take notes and try and fix 1 thing that bothers you, it can act as a way to teach yourself to get better. After making YouTube videos for 2-3 months you should then be able to look back and see how much you have improved since day one…. but if you dont start….. you cant get better!


Other Useful YouTube Tips Blog Posts


How To Build Your YouTube Brand – 28 YouTube Branding Tips

Build Your YouTube Brand and STAND OUT!

YouTube is a huge platform with millions of channels and maybe even billions of users watching hours & hours of video every second. This can be a huge needle in a haystack when it comes to companies or branding so you need to Build Your YouTube Brand, make it STAND OUT and drive authority.

I can be hard to get noticed but if you make your brand UNMISSABLE then it will help attract some attention. Here are 28 tips to Build Your YouTube Brand.


#1 – Choose your identity – Start to Build Your YouTube Brand

If you want viewers to subscribe to your channel and come back for more later, then they need to know what they are getting themselves into.

While there are endless YouTube video ideas to choose from, it is important that you have an identity.  Whether that means talking about beauty, travel, sports, gaming, or anything that comes up in your life, make it very clear to the audience so that you get subscribers who stick around!

#2 – Follow a passion (yours and theirs)

First of all, make sure that YOU are passionate about everything you are saying and doing on your YouTube channel. If you don’t then none of the rest of the list will matter, and you won’t have any fun!

Once you know what you are passionate about, find the groups of people that are equally passionate and likely to make a large, loyal fan base.  If you know that you love all Technology, then think about making great videos catered towards viewers who are passionate about virtual reality, or artificial intelligence.

If you become a trusted source in passionate niches, you will have a great channel.

#3 – Make great video thumbnails

build your youtube brand, branding, graphic design, youtube branding, grow your youtube brand, online brand, online branding, youtube brand, branding on youtube, youtube training, youtube coaching, youtube, alan spicer, smm, social media marketingYouTube king of subscriptions PewDiePie uses eye catching thumbnails every time

Your video’s thumbnail is the first thing people see so make it count!

Boring, or grainy images are going to look weak beside other YouTubers who are competing for the same viewers so take a few minutes to make a great thumbnail and you will see the difference.

4 Tips for Better YouTube Thumbnails

1. Use closeups of your face: Humans like eye contact and this will catch their attention in search results!

2. Convey strong emotion: Strong emotion on your face can set the tone for the video and prime the audience for what is in store.

3. Use bright backgrounds:  It’s all about being eye catching in a sea of YouTube results all over the screen.  Bright screens get people’s attention, and also tend to create stark contrast with your main image.

4. Be consistent: It helps your brand to have similar thumbnails all the way across your page

# 4 – Show off a great channel logo

Your channel logo may be small, but it can say a lot about you. Don’t underestimate the first impression that people will see representing ALL the hard work that you put into your videos. Before creating images like logos and banners, you should make sure that you are making them the appropriate size

#5 – Use Awesome Art for your banner

The images that you use on your channel can influence viewers to hit that ‘subscribe’ button.

#6 – Make a compelling channel page

Your channel page is the home base for anyone looking at your body of work.  First and foremost, make sure it looks pretty with the logo, banner, and thumbnail tips above. Now that you look like a pro, you should remember that some people might actually read (yes read!) your channel description. Use this opportunity to tell your story, and let your personality shine through.

This is an area where you can show off the benefits of subscribing to your channel, and use a call to action to try and get their sub while you have their attention. You can (and should) also organize your content with playlists.  This will let any potential YouTube subscribers find the content that is most interesting to them quickly.

It also makes for a good viewing experience for anyone who wants to binge watch your videos

#7 – Add some contact info

If you are putting yourself out there on YouTube, and you want to build an army of subscribers, it helps to be accessible. Who knows what opportunities might come up – a fellow YouTuber might want to connect, or a fan might want interview you on their blog.

One thing is for sure is that if you make yourself hard to get a hold of, it is a lot less likely that golden opportunities will fall into your lap.

#8 – Have recurring segments

Recurring segments!What do the Tonight Show, Jeopardy, and Bill Nye The Science guy all have in common? RECURRING SEGMENTS! Audiences return again and again for DECADES because they like the reliable structure and familiar nature of their favorite shows. Think about how many clicks Jimmy Kimmel gets every time he posts a “Mean Tweets” video.

If you can come up with a handful of structured segments that you can perfect, you are guaranteed to get more views. People want to see the next segment that they know they are going to love.

#9 – Upload Often

YouTube viewers subscribe to channels that are clearly active and posting new videos all the time.  If you are stingy with your posts, then there is no reason for them to follow you.

Try to start out with at least one video per week.  That way you will quickly build a library of content that viewers can go back and watch, with a pattern that they know they can count on in the future.

#10 – Have a content calendar and stick to it

Calendars aren’t just to help you stay on schedule

With so much YouTube competition, your subscribers need to know that they can rely on you for consistent content.

Make 2 key decisions

  1. How many videos will you produce each week?
  2. When will you publish them?

Once you know these answers, your YouTube channel should run like clockwork for your subscribers.  Try to hit ‘publish’ at the same time each day/ week.

DON’T OVER COMMIT – If you get subscribers with the promise of daily videos, don’t be surprised if you lose them when you downgrade to weekly episodes instead.

#11 – Choose good titles – Eye Catching

Along with the image, your video’s title will form a viewer’s first impression of whether or not you are worth a view.

People tend to click titles that are intriguing or useful to them. Using exciting terms like “Amazing” “Hilarious or “Unbelievable” tend to get people’s attention.

You should also think about driving urgency. Suggesting that watching  your video will have an immediate benefit will get more views than static titles. Think about the difference between ‘How to dress better’ vs ‘How to start dressing better today’

#12 – Keep your titles brief but teasing

Don’t give everything away in one long sentence. Keep your video titles relatively short, and leaving them wanting more.  Try to keep titles below 50 characters to have the best chance of people clicking on your video.

#13 – Cross Promote Your Videos to Build Your YouTube Brand

Always try to turn one view into many views!  When someone is watching your channel, you have a few different opportunities to cross promote your other videos.  The best ways are:

  1. Mention a suggested video during your video
  2. Include a call to action button as an annotation, or at the end
  3. Put links to suggested content in your video description

#14 – Pick the right tags

Many YouTubers actually forget about tags entirely. What a waste!

Tags are a key factor in helping Build Your YouTube Brand and get your videos in front of the right people.  They will inform the search algorithm when people are looking for content, and will also give new viewers an idea of what your videos and your channel are really about.

#15 – Include Annotations & End Screen Options

YouTube has built in excellent features to build in interactive moments during your video, as well as multiple calls to action at the very end.

Here is a helpful video Derral Eves.

#16 – Use keywords, and SEO to Rank & Build Your YouTube Brand

Speaking of titles, you should think very carefully about the specific words you use in those titles.  They will have a big impact on whether new viewers can find you in the first place.

YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world, and people everywhere are looking for answers and entertainment in that search box. Before anyone can subscribe to your channel, they need to find you first!  That’s where keywords come in.

#17 – Use Google Trends to Build Your YouTube Brand

Using Google Trends is the best way to see what people are getting more and less interested in over time.

Why does this matter?

build your youtube brand, branding, graphic design, youtube branding, grow your youtube brand, online brand, online branding, youtube brand, branding on youtube, youtube training, youtube coaching, youtube, alan spicer, smm, social media marketingFunny cat videos are more popular than funny dog videos – but both searches peaked in 2014

When the pros think about how to get more views on YouTube, they know that it helps to be talking about things that more and more people actually want to see.  You aren’t going to attract a big audience reviewing season 2 of The Adams Family in 2017.

#18 – Use multi-part episodes – Extend & Build Your YouTube Brand

Who doesn’t love a little suspense?

If all of your videos are standalone pieces with no mention of a follow-up, then there is much less incentive to hit the sub button.  However, if they want to know what happens next, then they are more likely to follow your channel long term.

#19 – Keep the audience in mind

If you want to get YouTube subscribers,  then don’t just make videos that you think will be fun.  Pay attention to trends in your niche.  For example, if you talk about TV shows, make sure you know what shows are rising in popularity and make content geared towards that rather than only shows that you think people SHOULD want to hear about.

#20 – Always ask for a subscription

Whatever you need your viewers to do, don’t be afraid to ask! Many YouTubers miss out by forgetting to simply ask people to subscribe if they enjoyed the video.

Just be sure to keep the call to action quick and simple

In many cases we are looking for a lot of things – a like, a subscription, a click to our website, a follow on Instagram etc.  Don’t overwhelm your audience with a check-list of ways they can help you. Pick one or two that are most important and mention them quickly at the beginning and end of the video

#21 – Use Channel Trailers

Channel trailers are an awesome way to establish what your channel is about, and why people should care.  Just like a movie trailer is a fast moving clip that shows the best that a film has to offer and gets people excited for more, your channel trailer can be the difference between a viewer subscribing, or moving on to the next thing that catches their eye.

#22 – Include useful info in video description

Your video description is vital for a couple of reasons:

First of all, if your title and thumbnail catches a viewer’s attention, the next thing they will check out is the description.  If you don’t have a compelling reason for them to stick around, they won’t make it far in the video.

Secondly, YouTube can’t listen to every word in your video, so it relies on descriptions for its search engine.  This means that a good description can help you show up in search results for potential new subscribers.

#23 – Add a channel watermark

build your youtube brand, branding, graphic design, youtube branding, grow your youtube brand, online brand, online branding, youtube brand, branding on youtube, youtube training, youtube coaching, youtube, alan spicer, smm, social media marketingHow to add a channel watermark to your video

You can build in your own personalized watermark that will show up on each video.  This is a subtle reminder embedded right onto the video content that the viewer should subscribe

#24 – Look for helpful resources

If you are reading Vlogging Guides, then you are already off to a good start ?

BufferBlog, Vlogging Guides, and communities like YTTalk can help you learn how to get more views on YouTube from fellow vloggers.

#25 – Attend Events

From local meetups, to massive international events, there are many opportunities to attend YouTube related events.  Use these opportunities to network with other content creators, and meet your fans!

#26 – Learn from your most popular videos

If you want more YouYube views, it helps to know what has worked in the past.  Use successful videos as inspiration for similar content and build a reputation for viral videos that people love to watch.

#27 – Avoid too many ads

Ads can be a good thing to let you make money on YouTube and fund great content, but don’t go overboard.  You get several options on what type of ads you are OK with permitting on your videos.

While it might be tempting to go all out and try to maximize your earnings, keep your viewers in mind.  You will get more views on YouTube if your subscribers think that you aren’t just in it for the money.

#28 – Be transparent with your audience

If you do want to make money with your videos, just make sure you are honest about it.  For example, if you are being paid to review a product, mention that in the video.  It doesn’t mean you can’t give your genuine opinion!

This doesn’t end with just money issues.  You can gain a lot of trust by telling people what is going on behind the scenes and making them feel a part of your channels.  Loyalty brings more YouTube views back to your channel then trying to outsmart the audience.

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Other Useful Unknown YouTube Tips Blog Posts


5 Unknown YouTube Tips And Tricks

Secret Unknown YouTube Tips & Features

YouTube for most people is the the aggregator of fail compilations, the disseminator of cat related humour and a beacon for everything viral. Killing time on YouTube is the most productive way to be unproductive, but there’s so much more to it than salacious thumbnails and unrelated debates about political theory in the comments section, there is also hidden unknown youtube tips and tricks

Aside from a few easter eggs to please medium-core trekkies and Star Wars fans, there are some genuinely useful hacks that can enhance your YouTube viewing experience ten-fold. I mean, if you’re prepared to sign away three hours of your life by watching late-nineties wrestling videos, then you should do it in style, right?

Ever heard of YouTube Leanback? Or how about turning any video into a GIF? No? Then there’s so much more to show you. Here’s a run-down of my top five YouTube hacks:

1. Make any YouTube Video into a GIF

You can turn any video into a GIF by simply adding “gif” just after the “www.” in the URL. For example “

Once you type that in, you’ll be taken to a simple gif making tool page that lets you cut out a section of the video and export it.

unknown youtube tips, hidden youtube features, youtube tricks, youtube tips, hidden features youtube, unknown youtube tools, youtube tools

Select the point at which you want to start the gif and then select how long it lasts, and you’re done. You’ve made a gif in a matter of minutes.

2.  YouTube Disco Your YouTube Videos

unknown youtube tips, hidden youtube features, youtube tricks, youtube tips, hidden features youtube, unknown youtube tools, youtube tools

You already knew that you can use YouTube to stream music, but did you know it can be a DJ too? YouTube Disco automatically puts together a playlist of songs from your prefered genre or artist.

Go to and enter any artist, song, or genre and YouTube will populate a playlist of the most watched/popular videos from your search.

You can also set it to play the current top hits and it will tell what videos are most popular at the moment.

3. Slow Motion YouTube Videos

There are a couple of ways to slow down a YouTube video, with the simplest way being to hold down the spacebar during a video. This cause the video to rapidly play and pause, which creates a budget slow motion effect.

If, however, you want some more advanced controls, head to and enter your video’s URL into the specified field. You can then either speed up, slow down, play on repeat or set a loop.

unknown youtube tips, hidden youtube features, youtube tricks, youtube tips, hidden features youtube, unknown youtube tools, youtube toolsWesley Snipe’s “always bet on black” moment in Passenger 57 in slow motion.

4. YouTube Leanback – YouTube and Chill

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YouTube Leanback is the friendlier version of YouTube on the big screen. If you’ve ever tried to watch videos on the normal desktop version of YouTube on your TV, you’ll know it’s a pain. Entering characters into the search field with your TV is just not practical, and you need to get right up close to the screen to see what’s going on.

This is where YouTube Leanback comes in. It’s a simplified YouTube UI that only requires use of the arrow keys to control. Also, if you have a smart TV, you can connect your phone or tablet to control what’s on the screen – and you don’t even have to be on the same Wi-Fi connection to do it.

Anyone in the room, providing they’ve gone through the verification process, can connect to the YouTube page and chuck videos into the communal playlist.

All you need to do is go to and begin flicking through the availble sub sections of videos. To pair up your phone or tablet, go to on your mobile device and follow the instructions.

5. Google Video Quality Report

Buffering. Endless, rage inducing, buffering. But whose fault is it? Well, it’s your throttling, lacklustre ISP, according to Google.

Google’s YouTube Video Quality Report was launched earlier this year to help consumers understand why their videos take so long to load and can’t be streamed in the best quality. Some childlike illustrations show you how video makes its way to your screen, but don’t let the welcoming graphics fool you. This is video report is a shaming exercise, designed to embarrass ISPs for providing little bandwidth.

The report, which isn’t available everywhere, will tell you how good your connection is in the area and which ISPs are offering the most YouTube friendly internet speeds. This is done via a verification system, which labels each ISP as either ‘HD verified’ or not.

Check it out here (as I said, it may not be available in your area) and see if your connection can sustain 20 minutes of 1080p footage.

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