
How To Succeed On YouTube in 2018

YouTube Tips 2018, YouTube Success in 2018 with these YouTube Hacks

How To Succeed On YouTube in 2018. Planning for the future is a sure fire way to rank better on youtube in 2018. Its all down to how you approach the platform and what you can do you increase youtube views, boost youtube watch time and maximise youtube video retention rates.

1 – BE PART OF THE COMMUNITY – Make friends, join groups, help people in forums and get your name/face seen. That way when you do drop a link to a video they wont see it as spam.

2 – PLAN FOR THE FUTURE – Are you looking to your future content? Are you planning your new year video, your valentine’s day specials, your fashion week content, world cup tricks and tips etc? Are you making enough videos? Maybe bulk record and increase how many videos a week you publish.

3 – REFINE YOUR CONTENT – Double down on what get you your views and make more of it!

4 – SET GOALS – If you have something to aim for it will drive you to do more and get better to achieve Succeed on YouTube in 2018!

5 – BE CONFIDENT – Be passionate, love what you make and love what you share. If you’re having fun making the content your viewers will feel it too!

6 – KEEP IMPROVING – Learn, learn and learn some more. Go back and look at your old content and see how you can improve them. Learn 1 new trick or skill every month and in 12 months time you will have 12 more tools for Success On YouTube in 2018.

7 – DON’T GIVE UP! – Succeed on YouTube in 2018 will not come overnight! You cant win a marathon if you give up halfway through. Keep running, keep learning, keep pushing and you will get there!

BONUS – USE TUBEBUDDY – TubeBuddy is a FREE plugin that will help you maximise the ranking of your videos, helping you to get more views, more subscribers and getting you closer to Success on YouTube in 2018 – TRY TUBE BUDDY HERE –





How I Gained 10K YouTube Subscribers in 7 Months

As you may know, YouTube can be a fickle beast! I started YouTube in July 2013 (Channel – MrHairyBrit) as an experiment to try to understand how YouTube worked and how it could help me in my day job as a web developer. I soon found out that YouTube was a very engaging, friendly social media platform that rapidly become my new hobby and passion. I started to make 3 videos a week, a mixture of movie reviews, video replies (when they still existed), rants and funny news – slowly gaining YouTube Subscribers. Each time I would look at my videos and slowly work to improve on my camera framing, audio quality, and practiced on talking to a camera – all while on a tiny budget.

Roll forward to October 2016 – I had been on YouTube for 3.5 Years, made 600+ videos and kicked, punched, scratched my way to nearly 8000 YouTube Subscribers. Its a number I am proud of because during this time I had many successes and many failures, some great videos and some horrifically cringe worthy videos… but then I did something that helped my channel EXPLODED!

I gained 10K YouTube Subscribers in just 7 months!
Gaining 2000+ YouTube Subscribers a Month!!

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After months and months of making 3 videos a week, not seeing any major changes to my monthly views, I felt I needed to shake up a few things. I started thinking “if a website had 600+ pages of content surely some of those should get traffic?!” So with that in mind I started researching YouTube Video SEO and here are….  

4 Tips To Boost An Existing YouTube Channel – Gain YouTube Subscribers

  1. Revive Old Videos – Redo Video SEO
    After 3.5 years I had over 600 videos but many of them failed in the Video SEO game. I looked back over my old videos and was horrified to see how badly I had tagged them. I updated them with new more accurate Video Titles, Descriptions, Video Tags and added a new EYE CATCHING thumbnail. Using TubeBuddy, I would update 5-10 videos a day and over time some (not all) would be reindexed by YouTube and spring back to life again!
  2. End Screens & Info Cards – Use The Tools YouTube Gives You
    I personally find that 80%+ of my viewing audience now views me on Mobile devices, smartphones, iPad and other iDevices. This was something I had not optimised for when I started making videos in 2013. The old annotation system allowed you to add helpful links but mobile users couldn’t use them…. but they CAN use End Screens and Info Cards! Using TubeBuddy, I bulk added End Screens and Info Cards to all my videos helping to boost interaction with my mobile viewers, making it easier for them to watch more videos and subscribe to me!
  3. The Power Of Playlists – Keep People Watching For Longer
    I noted that some of my videos would get regular traffic. I collected my to 10-20 videos and built playlists around them. Each playlist would have theme that matched the top video and I placed that video at the top of the playlist, making the playlist a SERIES. This mean YouTube can then associate those videos to each other and suggests them more as the next video in the related auto-play video section. This also meant that I could use the video that was getting traffic to feed the other videos in the playlist with traffic, increasing overall watch time and views!
  4. ASK – Make It Easy For Them To Become Subscribers
    One thing that I was always shy of doing was ASKING my viewers to do something. I would hide it away at the end of the video in a rushed sentence just as the video was ending … “Please like, comment, share, subscribe and ill see you soon, goodbye!” – What this did was numb people to the Call To Action (CTA). Your CTA should be clear and direct! I have now moved my CTA to the WITHIN THE FIRST 30 SECONDS of the video and making it clear how to – “Hello Hairy Family and welcome back to another video. If you want to see more funny news remember to CLICK SUBSCRIBE for 3 Videos every week….” – This tells them WHAT to do and WHY, and this and rapidly increased my subscriber click through rate. Just goes to show, if you ASK, you will receive

I am now starting my 2nd Channel (Alan Spicer – YouTube Tips and Tricks) to teach people How To Grow Your YouTube Channel.

I hope this helps you to Grow Your YouTube Channel – If you have any questions please do get in touch and I will try and help you!


Other Useful YouTube Tips Blog Posts


5 Unknown YouTube Tips And Tricks

Secret Unknown YouTube Tips & Features

YouTube for most people is the the aggregator of fail compilations, the disseminator of cat related humour and a beacon for everything viral. Killing time on YouTube is the most productive way to be unproductive, but there’s so much more to it than salacious thumbnails and unrelated debates about political theory in the comments section, there is also hidden unknown youtube tips and tricks

Aside from a few easter eggs to please medium-core trekkies and Star Wars fans, there are some genuinely useful hacks that can enhance your YouTube viewing experience ten-fold. I mean, if you’re prepared to sign away three hours of your life by watching late-nineties wrestling videos, then you should do it in style, right?

Ever heard of YouTube Leanback? Or how about turning any video into a GIF? No? Then there’s so much more to show you. Here’s a run-down of my top five YouTube hacks:

1. Make any YouTube Video into a GIF

You can turn any video into a GIF by simply adding “gif” just after the “www.” in the URL. For example “

Once you type that in, you’ll be taken to a simple gif making tool page that lets you cut out a section of the video and export it.

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Select the point at which you want to start the gif and then select how long it lasts, and you’re done. You’ve made a gif in a matter of minutes.

2.  YouTube Disco Your YouTube Videos

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You already knew that you can use YouTube to stream music, but did you know it can be a DJ too? YouTube Disco automatically puts together a playlist of songs from your prefered genre or artist.

Go to and enter any artist, song, or genre and YouTube will populate a playlist of the most watched/popular videos from your search.

You can also set it to play the current top hits and it will tell what videos are most popular at the moment.

3. Slow Motion YouTube Videos

There are a couple of ways to slow down a YouTube video, with the simplest way being to hold down the spacebar during a video. This cause the video to rapidly play and pause, which creates a budget slow motion effect.

If, however, you want some more advanced controls, head to and enter your video’s URL into the specified field. You can then either speed up, slow down, play on repeat or set a loop.

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4. YouTube Leanback – YouTube and Chill

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YouTube Leanback is the friendlier version of YouTube on the big screen. If you’ve ever tried to watch videos on the normal desktop version of YouTube on your TV, you’ll know it’s a pain. Entering characters into the search field with your TV is just not practical, and you need to get right up close to the screen to see what’s going on.

This is where YouTube Leanback comes in. It’s a simplified YouTube UI that only requires use of the arrow keys to control. Also, if you have a smart TV, you can connect your phone or tablet to control what’s on the screen – and you don’t even have to be on the same Wi-Fi connection to do it.

Anyone in the room, providing they’ve gone through the verification process, can connect to the YouTube page and chuck videos into the communal playlist.

All you need to do is go to and begin flicking through the availble sub sections of videos. To pair up your phone or tablet, go to on your mobile device and follow the instructions.

5. Google Video Quality Report

Buffering. Endless, rage inducing, buffering. But whose fault is it? Well, it’s your throttling, lacklustre ISP, according to Google.

Google’s YouTube Video Quality Report was launched earlier this year to help consumers understand why their videos take so long to load and can’t be streamed in the best quality. Some childlike illustrations show you how video makes its way to your screen, but don’t let the welcoming graphics fool you. This is video report is a shaming exercise, designed to embarrass ISPs for providing little bandwidth.

The report, which isn’t available everywhere, will tell you how good your connection is in the area and which ISPs are offering the most YouTube friendly internet speeds. This is done via a verification system, which labels each ISP as either ‘HD verified’ or not.

Check it out here (as I said, it may not be available in your area) and see if your connection can sustain 20 minutes of 1080p footage.

Want more help? Need more hands on assistance? Get in touch we do YouTube Coaching >>

Other Useful Unknown YouTube Tips Blog Posts


5 Tips For New YouTubers – YouTube For Beginners

Tips For New YouTubers Just Getting Started

YouTube has 1+ billion users. While not all are content creators, it’s safe to say that several million are uploading consistently, with thousands of new creators joining every day – Here are 5 Tips For New YouTubers to help them get started.

If you’re just starting out as a video creator, your first few videos will be buried among the millions of videos uploaded each week. So how can you increase your chances of being discovered amid the massive haystack that is YouTube?


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1. Brand yourself early on

Say two people follow you on Twitter. One has the default ‘egg’ as their profile picture; one has a well-designed image. Which are you more inclined to check out and follow back?

One of the most important first steps you can complete as a new YouTuber is your branding. Attractive channel art can drastically increase the chances that a viewer will check out your other videos and subscribe.

2. Create a regular schedule

Just like popular TV shows, releasing your YouTube videos on a schedule can ensure that they get in front of the maximum amount of viewers. To start, aim to release one video per week, and be sure to tell your subscribers when to expect new content!

  • Mention your schedule at the end of each video
  • Include your schedule as part of your channel art
  • Remind fans on social media

3. Strive for originality

Creating truly original content will be your biggest advantage when starting out—and no one can do that but you. At this very moment, there are more than 60 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. So if you’re set on creating gaming videos, for instance, spend time thinking about how you can make them stand out from the very large crowd!

Here are some more tips for new youtubers in our blogs!

4. Be patient about income

Everyone likes extra money. But when you first start out as a creator, it should be strictly to have fun and grow your audience. Most creators who are making a living from their content have spent years building up their channel and are seeing more than a million video views per month. So try to be patient and focus on creating amazing content, and it’s more likely that the money will eventually come.

5. Be yourself

It may be tempting to model your content after another successful creator verbatim. But that strategy can sometimes come off as fake—and audiences can tell. Whether you’re quiet, loud, or awkward, be yourself! No matter what type of personality you have, there will be people out there who will enjoy your content.

Finally, there’ll be plenty of time to refine. As you grow on YouTube, your style will grow as well. Listen to feedback from your viewers, and most of all, have fun. Good luck with your videos!

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How to Increase YouTube CPM

Increase YouTube CPM – Earn More On YouTube

YouTubers are sometimes called the most well a paid people, when you see YouTubers like PewDiePie raking in millions as reported by mainstream media from making videos in his bedroom somewhere. What the mainstream media dont get is that its a passion  but its also a full-time job based on views and CPM to generate ideas, record and edit the video – So how to you Increase YouTube CPM?

Its a dream of many YouTubers to one day become a full time YouTuber and to achieve that they need to be making enough money from YouTube to sustain themselves.

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What is CPM? – Increase YouTube CPM

CPM stands for Cost per mille which means cost per 1000 views on a video and YouTubers can see their CPM in their adsense earnings reports. When an advertiser starts advertising campaign they can pay per 1000 views of the ad or cost per click on the advert. Therefore if the advertisers CPM was set to a max of $1 per 1000 views, and 900 of your viewers saw the advert they would pay $0.9 theoretically.

Introducing eCPM

eCPM is the effective cost per mille basically the same as CPM but is the cost for every 1000th ad view or impression regardless of what buying method of advertisements is being used for example Fixed, Cost per click, cost per action or CPM.

For example you run a CPC campaign with a cost of $1 per click, you get 200 clicks on the advert but 2000 impressions on the advert. the eCPM is $100 dollars because you made $200 from 2000 impressions. If it was a CPM advertisement and the price you paid was $5 per 1000 views the eCPM would be $10.

How to Improve CPM – Increase YouTube CPM

There are a few ways to improve your CPM (Increase YouTube CPM) on YouTube from targeting high CPC keywords, increasing engagement and watch time and making more videos which I will explain a bit more below.

1. Target strong CPC keywords – Focus your content to Increase YouTube CPM

This is a great way to increase your eCPM rates, Increase YouTube CPM. Since you are paid with a mixture of CPM and CPC adverts on YouTube This is a sure way to increase your income. So each keyword has a value which is assigned by advertisers that ‘bid’ on that keyword with the price they want to pay per click or per impression. If you make a video on Favourite Dog Collars for example, and the cpc of a dogs advertisement is 0.5 cent, you will earn 0.5 cent per click or have a cpm of $1.20 per thousand views then you will earn $1.20.

You can find the CPM of keywords that are related to your video on the google keyword tool. You will need a google account and signed up for Adwords, Googles Advertising platform which is free to sign up to. 

If you’re solely focused on making money you may want to research keywords before you make a video. Eg. Looking up video ideas on Insurance, finding the highest keyword such as “Bluewater insurance which has a CPC value of 4.50”   You might make a video on Bluewater Insurance – My Experience/Review. Now this may not get a ton of views but the CPC/CPM will be quite high due to advertisers paying high amounts for insurance keywords.

I would not recommend switching from your niche area to accommodate CPC. You cant go from being an established beauty blogger with a ton of subscribers to becoming an insurance reviewer as you will lose your audience and will get negative feedback. So try and stay within your niche area as much as possible, although you can deviate if it relates someway to the niche or just a “Storytime/experience” video which have gotten very common.

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2. Increase your watch time and user engagement rates – Quality = Increase YouTube CPM

Watch Time. I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, watch time and engagement rates are vital for CPM. The better the engagement, the more likely google is to serve higher paying ads to your video as they see that your video has a good active audience who are paying attention.

3. Create more content – More videos = Increase YouTube CPM

Now this is a no brainer, the more content you have the more views you will bring in cumulatively. This will Increase YouTube CPM without a doubt. Create a content schedule of daily videos or a video every 2-3 days. This will allow your channel and your revenue to grow effectively. Don’t post a flood of videos as it looks spammy and may not get the attention it needs from your subscribers.

My CPM Is going down, whats happening? Seasonal Boosts to Increase YouTube CPM

CPM is determined purely by advertisers and which ads are being served to your video. Ad budgets are usually a lot lower at the start of the year, don’t worry about this.  Ad budgets pick up around the summer time and towards Christmas you will see the highest CPM/CPC rates due to holiday advertising.

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How to Gain YouTube Subscribers – YouTube Growth Strategy

Everyone Needs A YouTube Growth Strategy to Grow A YouTube Channel

Gaining YouTube Subscribers is getting harder and harder with an abundance of YouTubers entering the scene and people nowadays are pickier when choosing to subscribe to channels, as they don’t want to be bombarded with content they’re not interested in. The following YouTube Growth Strategy will allow you to gain subscribers more effectively and quicker than you have before. So get reading and start gaining a bunch of loyal subscribers!

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Make use of YouTube Customisations – Branding YouTube Growth Strategy

Like any website you may visit, one of the few things you critique is the design, name/branding and the content on the page. The same can be said for a YouTube Channel. In a Branding YouTube Growth Strategy you have to establish credibility by having a completed channel which includes channel art such as Banners and Channel Icons, amount of videos and a completed bio. YouTube has a ton of customisation options to truly make the channel yours and brand yourself using the a Trailer Video, Icons and Headers, you can truly communicate who you are and what your videos are about with your Trailer Video and channel art.

Diversifying Content – YouTube Growth Strategy

One of the main factors of subscribers is views. Views are vital to gain subscribers without views how can people find and subscribe to your videos? There are two types of content fleeting and Evergreen. To Increase views you will need to have diverse content that pulls in viewers for a phase in time (fleeting) and indefinitely (evergreen)

Fleeting content describes videos that are only relevant for a certain time period that people will watch. For example Ice Bucket Challenge.
The Ice Bucket Challenge was fleeting, it was popular for a limited time frame of a few months and it was all people were watching. Lets say if you made a video about the ice bucket challenge that was humorous and contained compelling content it would have been watched a lot during that time frame but views would have fallen off towards the end of its popularity. In the process gaining you a lot of subscribers if Call to Actions were implemented correctly.

Evergreen content decribes videos that people are consistently viewing throughout the year. For evergreen content you have to put a lot of research into trends for example on Googles Trend Tool. If there is a niche or category that consistently brings in views you should do a video on the topic. For example, “How to clean make up brushes” People are always trying to clean their make up brushes throughout the year and its a problem a lot of people have. Should the video become an authority for this term it will gain views throughout the year for many years, no matter what happens.

It is not a fad. By using CTA (Call to Actions) and having compelling & related content these videos should pull in a lot of subscribers.

Call to Action (CTA) – Ask for engagement

A call to action is a vital part of a YouTube Growth Strategy and is basically asking the viewer to do something. For us, we want them to subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Call to actions are an absolute godsend to YouTubers and can be used to increase subscribers exponentially if used correctly.

There a few ways to place a call to action in a video such as Annotation, which are those small subscribe pop up text or buttons that show up at the bottom of the page. In these annotations you put a button with a link to subscribe to your channel. You can also ask in a more personal way by asking during the video, usually during the start and end is the best time to ask as users are most engaged at the start and gives a reminder at the end, with a mixture of both you can increase your subscribers by implementing this simple feature within your videos.

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Distribution of Content – Share Your Video, Get Seen!

As said above without views your content is nothing. The more you get people watching videos, the more people can subscribe. Distribution is an important part of a YouTube Growth Strategy and you should share videos at any moment you can. You cannot simply place content and expect people to come find it, you have to show them where it is.  There are many ways to do this.

Facebook – On Facebook you can post your content on your page so your friends and extended network can find it. You can also place the video in Facebook groups, when placing in facebook groups make sure the facebook group’s interests align with the content in your video. Therefore they will find it interesting and be more likely to subscribe.

Twitter – With the use of Hashtags you can post a link to your video so your followers and audience can see it, as well as hashtag the tweet with a relevant area for example #Kyshadow and @kyliejenner for a KyShadow review to increase exposure.

Reddit – Reddit is an interesting source of views, as described above it is fleeting but if you post in the relevant section on reddit with compelling content it has the opportunity to bring in a large audience to your video if it gets upvoted by the community. In some cases, Small and Medium youtubers have gone viral with the use of reddit which really built up their audiences.

Forums/Blogs – Blogs and forums are also a great way to bring in views, by guest posting or commenting with a link to your video on a topic that is related to your video you can also bring in some new viewers who may subscribe.

Collaborations – Make Friends

Collaborations are an excellent source of new subscribers that is beneficial for both YouTubers. When collaborating you gain access to another YouTubers audience and they gain access to yours. When doing collaborations as part of a YouTube Growth Strategy, do them with people who have a similar sized audience, lets say you have 4000 subscribers, try and do collaborations with those who have an audience of 3000-5000 subscribers as they are more likely to accept collaboration requests. You should also make sure that the videos your making and that their making are related in some way. For example You’re both gaming youtubers, you should do a collab with another gaming YouTuber as their audience is also interested in gaming, it would not be effective to do a Gaming & Beauty Channel collab as gaming subscribers may not be interested in beauty and vice versa.

Intro, Outro and Channel Trailer

These are vital elements of any YouTube Channel. They show viewers who you are and what you make videos about. The channel trailer is the first thing a newcomer to your channel will see and this is the moment you have to impress them, and gain them as a subscriber. A good trailer is one that’s informative and under one minute. The use of intro’s is always important as it re-enforces your branding, as well as a video outro which you can link to other youtube videos so they can keep watching or give them the option to subscribe and like the video (Call to Action).

Consistency – Everyone Loves A Regular TV Show

Consistency is key as the saying goes and YouTube is no different. Viewers want to see a consistent stream of videos. If you really want to be a youtuber you should enjoy making videos and it should have to be a task. Therefore uploading videos on a regular schedule should be no problem and with more videos = more reach for views = more subscribers. By uploading frequently on a regular YouTube Growth Strategy schedule you are building a good relationship with your existing subscribers and developing new subscribers through new videos which will expand your reach.

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Interaction & Personality

If you’re a growing youtuber you should interact with your audience wherever you can, if they ask questions in the comment or compliment your video, interact and thank them. This will let your audience know you’re there for them and they will become loyal subscribers. Even seeing a YouTuber respond in the comments makes me like them and makes me want to subscribe as it shows me that they care for their audience and their work.

YouTube Video Optimisation – Video SEO

Video optimisation is absolutely essential for subscribers. Video optimisation allows you to rank well in YouTubes Search and Related videos section. This includes Title, Description and Tags. You should have a relevant and stand out title. For Fleeting videos make the title snappy and out there, for Evergreen Videos make it out there you should do some keyword research. Keyword research entails finding out what people are searching for using Google Adwords Keyword Tool. Type in a few terms and suggestions and related terms will come up. For example “5 Best MakeUp Brush”. You should try to target medium and high search volume keywords.

YouTube Giveaways

Giveaways are the incentivized way of getting new subscribers. When doing giveaways as part of a YouTube Growth Strategy try and make the giveaway item as relevant to your topic area as possible for example if you’re a gamer maybe give away a controller, this will ensure any potential subscriber who subscribes to win the giveaway item has a real interest in the topic you’re making videos about. When doing a giveaway you should ask the audience to subscribe and share the content on social media such as Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. This will also gain you new viewers from their bunch of followers too!

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5 Tips to Increase YouTube Watch Time and Audience Retention

Overall YouTube Watch Time Is The Secret To Growth

Overall video watch time or audience retention rate is vital factor of ranking when it comes to YouTube. YouTube watch time is how long viewers watch your videos before they drop off or leave a video, having a video watched for the full duration or more than half the video can improve your ranking in YouTube Search as well as improve ad CPM’s, therefore it is important that we can improve this metric in our videos. With Programmes like YouTube RED programme, if your content has a low retention rate (YouTube Watch Time) it correlates to a low payout from the RED programme.

Optimize Entry Points – Increase YouTube Watch Time

Your thumbnail and title are the first thing that a viewer will see and will get them to click through into your video. You must have a compelling and interesting title and thumbnail, but they must be accurate to the content and not be deceptive clickbait titles or thumbnails. If you use misleading titles or thumbnails, it will negatively affect YouTube watch time as the viewer will immediately feel mislead which will result in them leaving the video early and leaving a thumbs down.

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Use YouTube Analytics – Investigate YouTube Watch Time

YouTube Analytics is a great tool for finding out why your audience is dropping off and lowering their watch time of the videos. If you check the audience retention report on YouTube Analytics you can find out which videos have low view times. If you find a trend in low view times in videos you can see what each have in common, for example if they’re dropping off within the first 15-30 seconds you should follow the 15 second rule to optimize the content, but if they’re dropping off halfway in each video you should see if there is any relation between the video eg. the video gets slower or has less energy which are the most common reasons for drop off, to combat this you can use annotations to prompt users to keep watching or simply telling them to stick around to see whats coming up.

Create Quality Video Content – Quality = Better YouTube Watch Time

Creating quality video content is an obvious one, but it is one of the most important factors. Why would you watch a video that didnt have interesting content? The higher the quality of your content and originality the higher the youtube watch time generally is. The user will be engrossed in the video and more likely to watch if it is something they haven’t seen before. You can achieve this by using your own style in videos and not blatantly copying other youtubers styles. Voice your opinions, spark interest, and interact with your audience by posing questions and call to actions.

Editing is also a big part of  creating quality video content. You should edit your video effectively by creating interesting openings, use of cuts to edit out the boring or unrelated parts that aren’t interesting and only keeping in the compelling parts to maintain interest throughout the video. Make sure to test the video out on your friends or fellow youtubers before uploading to get an honest opinion and feedback on the video.

The 15 Second Rule – Hook Them Quickly and Gain YouTube Watch Time

When creating a video you need to grab the viewer’s attention within the first 15 seconds. If using an intro limit it to less than 5 seconds as if its longer it takes too long to get to the actual content. In order to capture the attention in the first 15 seconds you must place compelling content first with the information that the user is expecting or a build up to it. Don’t start off with boring information that is irrelevant to the video content. At the start of the video you need to channel all of your energy, be completely outgoing, energetic and fast paced and try keep it up throughout the video as this style of behaviour is highly engaging.

Video Linking and Annotations – Keep Them Watching! 

The use of video linking and use of annotations in older videos, can help build YouTube watch time as users to continue watching your other videos by linking them to newer videos or continue to stay watching the current videos by asking them to stick around to find out more in areas that they usually drop off (eg. mid video) .This will increase your overall watch time since they are watching more of your video content.

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How to Tag Your YouTube Videos – Keyword YouTube Optimisation

Rank Better with YouTube Optimisation – Tagging Your YouTube Videos

Tagging your youtube video is an extremely important factor of YouTube Optimisation & YouTube SEO. Tags allow you to be discovered for the keywords and titles you want to rank for in YouTube Search and Related/Suggested content to get your videos discovered by the masses.

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The Honeymoon Period – YouTube Optimisation Foundation Building

The Honeymoon period for YouTube Optimisation is the first 5-7 days after you post your video. In this period YouTube solely relies on the metadata you have provided to rank your video in YouTube Search and normally gives it an extra boost by displaying it in the first few pages to see how well it does. Once this honeymoon period is over, YouTube then has enough information collected from various Datapoints such as Click Throughs from search and related videos, Watch Times and user retention rates about your video and then ranks it accordingly based on the information it has collated.

This why during this period it is vital we crush YouTube Optimisation, providing accurate metadata to give your videos that extra boost as well as having appealing video thumbnails and titles to improve clickthroughs.

What Keywords to Use to Rank Videos

YouTube Optimisation is a fine art and usually people just throw in a lot of random tags into their tag boxes and usually spam it out with irrelevant tags. This is such bad practice. There are a few rules you need to follow to rank well in YouTube Search and Suggested using the following types of keywords when you are adding tags to your video.

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Should I Buy YouTube Views and YouTube Subscribers?

Is it safe to Buy YouTube Views and Buy YouTube Subscribers?

Many YouTubers are excited to kickstart their youtube careers some even buy youtube views in order to try and leap ahead, but is the practice of buying video views safe?

People buy views in order to increase the view count of their videos, grow their channels and make their videos look more attractive to the people who search for a video as it looks like the video is “Better”. For example if you were looking to find a Review of a phone or make up which video would you click on? One with 100 views or one with 50,000?

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Buying YouTube Views & Subscribers is against YouTube’s Terms of Service

Unsurprisingly, Yes buying views is against YouTube’s Terms of Service which could see your video removed or worst case scenario of your YouTube Channel being banned. If you are a partner or use Adsense on your videos then you also risk being banned from the network and banned from adsense for sending fake traffic.

The following is YouTube’s ToS in regards to Buying Views

Do not click on your own ads or use any means to inflate video views, impressions and/or clicks artificially, including manual methods.

Do not encourage others to click your ads or use deceptive implementation methods to obtain clicks, including clicks on your videos to inflate views. This includes commissioning third party agencies that advertise these services to increase your viewership. The purchase or gaming of subscribers, views or any other channel features is a violation of our Terms of Service.

Do not manipulate or incentivize others to click on video features, such as “Like” or “Favorite,” to improve your standing and visibility across the site. We consider these to be fraudulent clicks and/or queries.

Do not employ third party sites and tools to automatically generate artificial subscribers or views. (from Partner Program Policies,, Accessed 22 November 2013

If it is detected that you are buying views and/or subscribers, your account will be terminated.

What are the negative effects? Buy YouTube Views & Subscribers

There are many negative effects of fake views & inactive subscribers. The biggest negative risk to the and effect of the “Buy YouTube Views” strategy is the possible takedown of your video or YouTube Channel, and you wont get a refund for those views!

Fake views and fake subscribers can be blatantly obvious. Let’s say you buy 20,000 views, your video has now 20,000 views with little to no comments and likes/dislikes. This screams fake video to viewers which might put them off watching you. The fake views can also lead to low retention rate. Retention rate is how long the viewer stayed to watch the video,since these are fake views the fake views will only stay there as long as it needs to register a view which may only be a few seconds. If you’re worried about how you rank in YouTube’s search, you should avoid buying views or else buy expensive views with a retention rate of over 40%.

Buying YouTube Subscribers has the shame hollow affect. If you have 100,000 subscribers but only get 1,000 views with very little comments or interaction it can be a huge red flag that your subscribers are inactive and not engaged in your content. Organic subscribers are more likely to interact with a video, like, comment or share. It doesn have to be 1-to-1 subscriber count to view but you will notice a baseline average that should growth comparatively as a channel grows.

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How Does YouTube Detect When You Buy YouTube Views?

YouTube detects YouTube views in a variety of ways. The first way is through low retention rate, if the retention rate for the video is low it is a red flag, a lot of views without likes or comments or subscriber gain are also a red flag for YouTube. On the technical side of things, they can see that some view providers send views from multiple VPN’s. This traffic is obvious to YouTube as it is coming from a company and not a home/residential internet service provider.

Not all YouTube view providers are detected depending on their methods of sending views. If you are to buy views make sure the views are sent gradually and not in one burst as this can be detected.

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Youtube SEO Guide: How to Rank #1 in Youtube

YouTube Search Optimisation (YouTube SEO) – Rank #1 in YouTube

YouTube Search Optimisation, Video SEO or YouTube SEO is a vital part of being a YouTuber now-adays as its a key way to get views to your videos. YouTube is also the second biggest search engine and by employing these tips when putting your videos on YouTube, you can rank high and rake in some views!

As most of you know YouTube use an algorithm in order to rank their videos and give visibility. This is based on On-Page Optimisation of your video and User Engagement with the video. In this guide we will cover both on page video optimisation so you can achieve higher rankings and visibility on YouTube for your videos.

Getting all these factors of the video correct can position you at the top of youtube search results as well as google which can bring a lot of views to your videos – Lets start the very start of the process Uploading your video

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Video Filename – YouTube SEO Foundations

Now this isn’t a huge factor but it used to be. When uploading a youtube video make sure the name of the video file is relevant to the name of the video. This is a sneaky way to shoehorn in a keyword for the YouTube Algorithm to analyse. Lets say if you wanted to make a video about Youtube SEO, the name of the video would be Youtube_SEO_How_To_Rank.mp4

Title Of The video – Boost YouTube SEO with an EYE CATCHING HEADLINE

The title of the video is crucial, it is probably the most important thing related to your video. The title of the video needs to pull in viewers if they use the YouTube Search. By having a hard hitting title that is relevant to your video you should be able to improve your Click through rate (CTR) and Ranking/Visibility in YTSR.

In terms of YouTube SEO it should have your keyword phrase in the Title. Your title should be 4-5 words long minimum as this avoids keyword stuffing which can cause negative SEO. When creating a title preferably put the keyword phrase at the start of the title as in my experience this works best when it comes to ranking.

For example if I was trying to rank for YouTube SEO my title would be:
Eg. “Youtube SEO Guide: How to Rank #1 in Youtube”

Video Description – Give YouTube SEO some more details

Description is very important to a youtube video. It tells the user and YouTube/Search Engines about your video and your videos content. By having an interesting and optimised description it will entice people to click on your video which improves your CTR.

To optimise your description we must make use of the keyword phrase, generally it is best to put the keyword phrase at the start of the video description or within the first 25 words. This is because when the user searches for the term “ YouTube Video SEO Guide” the keyword phrase “Youtube Video SEO Guide” will show up in bold.

Make your description of your videos at least 70-100 words long with 1-2 keyword phrases included. If you need to add links, add links near the top as it will improve your click through rate to your website. However, be sparing with external links as this will end your viewers session time and can work against you.

Tags & Categories – Video YouTube SEO Tags

Using the correct Tags and Categories will ensure that your video will get seen by the right audience bringing you views. Not only are tags helpful for placing your video among similar videos and recommendations, they are also great for ranking your video in YouTube Search when using the correct tags. Make sure you’re using at least 5 tags. You should create tags based on Your title and the keyword you’re targeting, so include title keywords and other related keywords, this will influence what you search terms you appear under and related videos.

Video Transcription – Closed Captions & Title/Description Translations

YouTube automatically transcribes your video for you, and indexes the transcription. Youtube doesn’t do the best job at transcription at times and this can cause irrelevant totally out of this world transcripts. By correcting the transcript under closed captions you are optimising the video for your target keywords then by enabling the closed captions options this should increase your Click Through Rates and possibly ranking due to having an optimised transcript.

You can also translate the Video Title and Video Description in the Translation tab within the video options. This helps users with regional settings enabled to find the video in search with their native foreign language and expands the audience you can reach.

User Engagement Through Annotations, Mobile Cards & End Cards

User engagement such as Likes, Subscriptions and Comments per video has become a critical factor in how YouTube Ranks your videos. Although you as the content creator have no control over user engagement to an extent, there are a lot of ways to improve it by adding annotations asking users to “thumbs up” or “Subscribe”. You can also implement this in the video by asking the viewer to subscribe or like/comment their opinions.

Youtube has recently added Mobile Cards and End Cards to boost Click-through-rates on mobile devices. You can now actively use touch screen smartphones to lick this features to see links, or suggested videos. This feature is replacing the old Annotations feature in May 2017 as annotation were not mobile accessible.

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Views & Retention Rates – YouTube SEO Ranking = Watched Minutes

The main reason you’re probably doing video SEO is to get your content views, but views quality otherwise known as retention can be vital in ranking higher in YouTube Search. YouTube tend to rank videos with higher watch time retention over than ones with lower overall watch time. You’re probably wondering what is the difference between views and high quality views? Well there is a huge difference. High quality views are views where the user has watched over 35-50% of the video or more, depending on the length of the video. The more of the video a user watches, the better quality of the view.

You can measure the watch time of your videos by going to the ‘Analytics’ section of your youtube account. This will show you exactly when during your video your audience drops off, therefore it should give you an idea why, so you can improve on it.


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How To Increase YouTube Views – YouTube Consultancy

Increasing Video Views Doesn’t Have To Be A Mystery

I have been making YouTube videos since June 2013 but not matter if you are starting out on youtube or are a seasoned youtube veteran you may still wondering how to increase youtube views on your videos on your channel. In this blog post I will try and break down this Good Mythical Morning of a topic into VlogBrother sized chunks. This will explain exactly how to increase your youtube video views and make your video popular with a few easy steps. Increasing YouTube views doesn’t always start by just throwing traffic at a video, it starts with what’s in the content itself.

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Quality Over Quantity – Every Video Is a Chance to Increase YouTube Views

You have probably heard this phrase thrown around millions of times but it is very important when creating youtube videos. So what does quality mean? Quality isn’t just a “High Definition 1080p” video filmed by a DSLR, it’s the content within your video such as your ideas and delivery on camera and how you interact with your audience. By creating high quality youtube videos that are entertaining, you are more likely to increase your audience retention rate (How long someone stays on the page watching your videos) which in turn increases your visibility on youtube (due to their algorithms), Increase YouTube Views and if the viewer finds you entertaining they’re is more likely to subscribe and come back to watch your next video too, therefore increasing your future YouTube view count.

Upload Schedule – Consistency Helps to Increase YouTube Views

Plan an uploading schedule for your videos, if you have an uploading schedule your audience will know when to expect a video. Humans are creatures of habit and once you have a schedule they will come back at around the same time during these days to watch your next video. Think of successful youtubers like Grace Helbig, Philip Defranco, The VlogBrothers (John Green & Hank Green) and Good Mythical Morning (Rhett & Link) they all have video schedules.

Even if you can only commit to 1 video a week to start with that is better than none. Also if you feel you can do more than that but not consistently then promising 1 a week and giving them 3 videos in 2 weeks means the viewers feel they are getting more than they expected as a little bonus, and who doesn’t like a freebie every now and then! Consistency breeds Loyalty and Loyalty is a great way to Increase YouTube Views.


YouTube Video Optimisation – Get Found In Search and Increase YouTube Views

Video Optimisation & Customisation is critical these days on youtube as it’s hard to find videos that stand out. Video SEO (Video Search Engine Optimisation) is a legacy from YouTube’s owners, Google! Just like you need to make your website search engine friendly you need to make sure your youtube video has a good Title, Video Description, Thumbnails and Video Tags to help Google rank you. When Google can rank the video it will Increase YouTube Views as your video is more discoverable.

  1. Video Title & Description
    Your video title must stand out among a sea of generic titles. Make it BOLD and make a sensationalist title based on the topic of the video or based on something you said in the video. In the description of the video make sure you include your title phrase, your social media links and a description of 50-120 words.
  2. Tags
    Tags are also vital. Tags are the things that make you searchable on YouTube, so use tags wisely. Tag what you think you would search to find your video on youtube or what you want to be found under. Also tag any relevant related word/content as thats how that sidebar with videos is generated.
  3. Thumbnails
    Thumbnails are one of the main factors if someone will click your video or not. Make your thumbnails interesting. Get a screenshot of a scene in your video, edit it in a photo editor and then add some text/ images/your video title and viola. That looks 100 times better than that auto generated youtube thumbnail!

There  are many tools out there that can help you with YouTube Metadata (Titles, Descriptions, Thumbnails and Tags) one of those is TubeBuddy or you can always chat to our YouTube Consultant.

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Video Promotion – Share Your Videos to Increase YouTube Views

Video promotion is a really important factor when increasing views directly and indirectly. When you promote your videos through social media you get direct viewers from these sites and your video ranking also goes up due to SEO. YouTubes Ranking Algorithm sees you have social presence on other social media websites and will rank you higher in search and visibility.

  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram)
    It is important that you have established a social media page for your youtube channel outside of youtube. You should have a Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. When your video comes out, send out a tweet/post/IG that you have made a new video and link it. For sites like Instagram and Twitter throw a few HashTags onto your post to increase exposure.
  • Other Promoting through Your Own Blog, Buzzfeed, Reddit, Stumbleupon etc
    These social media platforms are sometimes overlooked by youtubers. These social media platforms are the reason for a number of viral videos, especially Reddit and Buzzfeed. Create a post on Buzzfeed and include your video and Reddit your video in an appropriate subreddit. Stumbleupon can be useful too, add your video to the site and add relevant keywords that relate to your video and your video will be shown to people who have entered in similar interests.Why not upload your videos to your own blog? It’s a great way to have control over your audience and content outside of the YouTube platform. Need a Custom Designed WordPress Blog/Website, get in touch!
  • Join Youtube Social Media Groups.
    YouTube Groups on Social Media platforms like Facebook can be incredibly helpful when your starting YouTube. In most cases you can post your video to gain views but always ask for feedback on your videos as they are more likely to be honest with you and you can improve your video quality. You may have local YouTube Groups for your country, city etc have a look on Facebook’s groups section, Joining groups can also be really helpful for collaboration opportunities.

YouTube Collabs & Cross Promotion – Team Up to Increase YouTube Views

Collabs can also bring you a ton of views. Collabs are best done with tag videos, challenges etc. When collab-ing, it is best to find a YouTuber with similar content/audience and a similar number of subscribers on their channels. This will make sure both of you get the equal amounts of promotion and hopefully subscribers. To find a collab partner you can join a social media group or just connect with some youtubers on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/YouTube/Tumblr and go from there.

Cross promotion is a great way to increase your view count. For Cross promotion you will need to be friends or have contact with a fellow YouTuber, preferably in the same genre that you are with a similar number of subscribers/followers on social media. You can ask them to post your video on their Twitter/Tumblr and you will do the same when their new video comes out. If you’re in need of youtube friends join a social media group.

Audience Interaction – Talk to YouTube Viewers, Make Them Feel Involved!

Building relationships with your audience is an important part of gaining and retaining views on your videos. If you have time after you upload a video, try and reply to some comments on your video. This shows you’re dedicated enough to your audience and have time for them. On other social media sites, if you get questions/comments about your videos reply/RT them.

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