
5 Things You Need To Know As A NEW YouTuber – YouTube Tips For Beginners

Starting YouTube? Are you a new YouTuber looking to grow a small youtube channel. Here are some Small youtuber tips for beginners that we should all know if you are wondering how to start a YouTube channel in 2019.

REBRAND or REBOOT Your YouTube Channel? –


9 BEST Tips For Small & New YouTubers – (YouTube Basics For Beginners)

9 BEST Tips For Small YouTubers – (YouTube Basics For Beginners) // In this tutorial I touch upon all the important basics for small and new Youtubers from framing yourself in videos, b-roll, youtube ranking tips for youtube video seo and more.

1 – Framing – Are you framing yourself in your videos properly? I mistake often done by new and small YouTubers. Make sure you take up a large part of your video screen and not hidden in the bottom corner of your screen.

2 – Camera Shake – If you are out and about or if you are new and haven’t figured out a way to aim your camera at yourself…. try and think about camera shake. Tripods are great for static shots, or slow your walking speed down if you are vlogging on the go.

3 – Audio – YouTube Audio is important. Most people will forgive bad footage but they will NOT forgive bad audio. Avoid background noise and try to invest in a lapel microphone or shotgun microphone for static environments.

4 – Camera / Webcam – You don’t have to spend and arm and a leg on a camera. You can record videos on a webcam or even your smartphone. In fact these days a mobile phone might be better quality than most cheap webcams you can find online.

5 – Lighting – This can be a life safer and a time winner. For years I struggled with the sunlight and had to fight the clouds or the early dark evenings in autumn. But if you have your own lighting you can record whenever you want and without needing to be at the fickle mercy of the weather.

6 – Channel Name – This is an important part of branding. With a channel name you can establish a niche and/or a focal personality within your content. My channel name is my name, Alan Spicer, which means I will be the core focus. But if your username is something silly and childish with bad spelling, it might be hard to be taken seriously should you want to be in a more business focused mindset for your channel.

7 – Notes vs Scripts – I personally use bullet points to help me make my videos. This is a good way to structure your videos, stay on topics and help you learn Youtuber video content as a small or new youtuber. Scripts can be good as well, but try to avoid sounding like a robot as you read word for word from the script.

8 – Trim Your Videos – You might have an okay 14 minute video but its filled with gaps, ers and ums. These can ruin the flow of your videos and turn your viewer off. As a new youtuber or small youtuber you need to deliver your point as quickly and cleanly as possible so why not edit that 14 minute video into 7 minutes without the mistakes.

9 – Titles, Descriptions & Tags – For you to great search results and pull people into your content you need to title your videos with keywords and intrigue. Imagine what YOU would click on if you wanted to find your video in search and then use that title to inspire a long description. Marry it to an eye catching thumbnail and you’ll soon be less of a new youtuber and more of a rapidly growing small youtuber!

5 EASY Ways To Get More Subscribers –
How To Get 6K Subscribers in 20 Months –


10 Small YouTuber Growth Tips with Dan Currier – Creator Fundamentals

Creator Fundamentals, Dan Currier shares his Tips for Small Youtubers – 10 Small YouTuber Growth Tips // Grow on YouTube with these tips. Dan teams up with the Alan Spicer channel to get you started.

Go watch 10 More Tips on Dan’s Channel –

1 – Sharing – Make sure when you are trying to grow on youtube that you to not spam your content and annoy people. There is always a right way and a wring way to share your content. Take part in the community and earn their trust before you start posting your content links.

2 – Heart Comments – Grow On YouTube by showing people you care about their comments. On the comment section of your videos you are able heart comments. This then send the comment owner a notification via email telling them you think their comment is special. This could win them back to your video for another view, comment or subscribe.

3 – Shout Outs – Everyone seems to think that to grow on YouTube you need to get a shout out from a huge YouTuber. This is a myth and in fact could set you back in the long run as you get subs that are their for the large creator and not you.

4 – Subtitles – Grow on YouTube by growing your audience base. Your channel will have a base of viewers that regularly watch your content. But if you check your demographics you might see a country that watches your content and might speak a different language. Add subtitles to help them read along.

5 – Link To Playlists – If you are already getting views on YouTube then you nee to grown on Youtube via playlists. When you share your video out, dont just share the video link, share the video linked in a playlist… you might get them to binge your content.

6 – Info Cards – Keep your audience engaged and hook them into your next video by prompting them with info cards. These are visible on YouTube mobile and can be a good way to reference other videos during a related video, or link to playlists.

7 – Build A Community – To grow on youtube you need to grow the community around you. The more people can find you the more likely they are to join your community and share you. Open a facebook group and grow it alongside your Youtube channel and use that to ask questions and involve your viewers.

8 – Live Streams – Engage your community by showing them your personality in a live stream. These can be much more humanising that the standard pre-recorded content you uploaded. Its a great way to give back to your audience, create quick content and maybe even make some money with Super Chat.

9 – Small Improvements – You will not be perfect on day one. The more you learn the more tweaks you can make and small improvements really do add up over time.

10 – YOU YOU YOU – Did you know that the best way to grow on youtube is to be direct and form a one on one connection with your viewers. The best way to do this is with YOU Language.



🔴 YouTube For Beginners [CHAT & Q&A]

YouTube Tips for Beginners, New YouTuber Tips and Tips For Small Youtubers to help grow a YouTube Channel, Get More Views on YouTube and Get More Subscribers.




▶️ YouTube Algorithm 2018 Series (7 Parts) —

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10 YouTube Tips For New YouTubers in 2018

YouTube Tips for New YouTubers in 2018

Being a New YouTuber in 2018 can seem like a huge mountain to climb but if you used the right YouTube Tips in 2018 you have start a new youtube channel and grow your YouTube channel in 2018 with a solid foundation.

Tips for New YouTubers can be a little hard to find but I felt it was time I opened up my box of YouTube Tricks and Tips for New YouTube to get you started in 2018.




10 Tips EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW Before Starting A YouTube Channel

Starting a new channel on YouTube requires time, passion, dedication and patience. Not only do you need to decide on your niche but also plan for the long haul, making sure you have enough passion and knowledge to fill those videos with engaging topics.

However as many small youtubers have found, it’s not just a hobby, it’s a skill set!

Here are a collection of 10 YouTube Tips Videos For Small YouTubers to get you started…

1 – Does A YouTube Channel Name Matter?

Looking for YouTube Tips and channel name ideas? Trying to think of a good YouTube channel name? Pick a channel name? Small Youtubers?

Maybe you are even wondering about Youtube Custom URLS and if a channel name matters!? Alan Spicer talks about his opinions on choosing a Channel Name on YouTube.

2 – 6 Step Video Structure Formula

A Step by Step Guide To YouTube Video Structure Tutorial – 6 Step YouTube Video Formula. Video Structure can help boost engagement, get more subscribers and help establish a type of content you offer on the channel. It can offer help you find a place for buzzwords, catchphrases and tribal loyalty.

3 – Basic YouTube Equipment Setup

Basic YouTube Equipment Setup Tutorial – Everyone always asks me about my YouTube Setup and suggested YouTube equipment and YouTube vlogging setups. You don’t have to break the bank to make videos on YouTube.

YouTube Equipment and Video Setups can be cost effective and simple.

4 – YouTube Video SEO – How To Improve Your Video Rankings

Video SEO or YouTube Video Search Optimisation is the most important thing about ranking your YouTube Video.

YouTube Video SEO tips helps teach YouTube what your video is about and where to rank your video compared to other related videos.

5 – Evergreen vs Topical Content

Evergreen videos or evergreen content vs Topical trending videos, viral trends and pop culture videos.

Evergreen videos aim to plant the seed for slower but long term growth while topical trending viral topic videos aim to ride the wave and gain rapid growth but does not guarantee a long life span.

6 – Clickbait vs Click Worthy

Clickbait or Click Worthy? Clickbait has a very bad name on YouTube but if you can make Clickbait into Click Worthy content then you’ve mastered Clickbait 2.0!

Clickbait 2.0 is the mix between clickbait content that promises something and click worthy which delivers the content.

So why not make LOUD SHOUTY CLICKBAIT TITLES and pack real helpful CLICK WORTHY content within.

7 – How To Do With Haters and Internet Trolls

How to deal with haters on YouTube and how to deal with hate comments, or trolls is a question I get asked all the time. Haters, hate comments and internet trolls have become commonplace in online communities but YouTube hater comments can actually help you.

8 – Why You Should BULK Record Videos

YOU Need to Bulk Record, 3 Reasons To Bulk Record YouTube Videos, YouTube Productivity Hacks. Meeting upload schedules can be hard some some YouTubers. Especially if you record and edit on the same day you are due to upload. That is why I bulk record my videos in advance.

9 – 10 YouTube Tips and Tricks for Beginners

10 YouTube Tips For Newbie YouTube Beginners to help you get more views, gain more youtube subscribers and grow your youtube channel. YouTuber Tips, YouTube Hacks for beginners is a YouTube Tutorial, YouTube 101 for new youtubers, as a YouTube for Dummies guide packed full of YouTube Tips for beginners to lay those foundations you need to be a successful youtuber.

10 – How To Get 10,000 YouTube Subscribers

My main channel got 10000 Subscribers on YouTube in March 2017 so im share how to get 10000 subscribers and other youtube tips and tricks i’ve learned in the journey. Hopefully these tips will help you get your first 10000 youtube subscribers.

Top 5 Tools To Get You Started on YouTube

Very quickly before you go here are 5 amazing tools I have used every day to grow my YouTube channel from 0 to 30K subscribers in the last 12 months that I could not live without.

1. VidIQ helps boost my views and get found in search

I almost exclusively switched to VidIQ from a rival in 2020.

Within 12 months I tripled the size of my channel and very quickly learnt the power of thumbnails, click through rate and proper search optimization. Best of all, they are FREE!

2. Adobe Creative Suite helps me craft amazing looking thumbnails and eye-catching videos

I have been making youtube videos on and off since 2013.

When I first started I threw things together in Window Movie Maker, cringed at how it looked but thought “that’s the best I can do so it’ll have to do”.

Big mistake!

I soon realized the move time you put into your editing and the more engaging your thumbnails are the more views you will get and the more people will trust you enough to subscribe.

That is why I took the plunge and invested in my editing and design process with Adobe Creative Suite. They offer a WIDE range of tools to help make amazing videos, simple to use tools for overlays, graphics, one click tools to fix your audio and the very powerful Photoshop graphics program to make eye-catching thumbnails.

Best of all you can get a free trial for 30 days on their website, a discount if you are a student and if you are a regular human being it starts from as little as £9 per month if you want to commit to a plan.

3. helps people read my videos

You can’t always listen to a video.

Maybe you’re on a bus, a train or sat in a living room with a 5 year old singing baby shark on loop… for HOURS. Or, you are trying to make as little noise as possible while your new born is FINALLY sleeping.

This is where Rev can help you or your audience consume your content on the go, in silence or in a language not native to the video. can help you translate your videos, transcribe your videos, add subtitles and even convert those subtitles into other languages – all from just $1.50 per minute.

A GREAT way to find an audience and keep them hooked no matter where they are watching your content.

4. PlaceIT can help you STAND OUT on YouTube

I SUCK at making anything flashy or arty.

I have every intention in the world to make something that looks cool but im about as artistic as a dropped ice-cream cone on the web windy day.

That is why I could not live on YouTube without someone like PlaceIT. They offer custom YouTube Banners, Avatars, YouTube Video Intros and YouTube End Screen Templates that are easy to edit with simple click, upload wizard to help you make amazing professional graphics in minutes.

Best of all, some of their templates are FREE! or you can pay a small fee if you want to go for their slightly more premium designs (pst – I always used the free ones).

5. StoryBlocks helps me add amazing video b-roll cutaways

I mainly make tutorials and talking head videos.

And in this modern world this can be a little boring if you don’t see something funky every once in a while.

I try with overlays, jump cuts and being funny but my secret weapon is b-roll overlay content.

I can talk about skydiving, food, money, kids, cats – ANYTHING I WANT – with a quick search on the StoryBlocks website I can find a great looking clip to overlay on my videos, keeping them entertained and watching for longer.

They have a wide library of videos, graphics, images and even a video maker tool and it wont break the bank with plans starting from as little as £8.25 ($9) per month.


10 YouTube Tips For Beginners 2017

10 YouTube Tips For Newbie YouTube Beginners 2017 to help you get more views, gain more youtube subscribers and grow your youtube channel. YouTuber Tips, YouTube Hacks for beginners is a YouTube Tutorial, YouTube 101 for new youtubers, as a YouTube for Dummies guide packed full of YouTube Tips for beginners to lay those foundations you need to be a successful youtuber.



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5 Unknown YouTube Tips And Tricks

Secret Unknown YouTube Tips & Features

YouTube for most people is the the aggregator of fail compilations, the disseminator of cat related humour and a beacon for everything viral. Killing time on YouTube is the most productive way to be unproductive, but there’s so much more to it than salacious thumbnails and unrelated debates about political theory in the comments section, there is also hidden unknown youtube tips and tricks

Aside from a few easter eggs to please medium-core trekkies and Star Wars fans, there are some genuinely useful hacks that can enhance your YouTube viewing experience ten-fold. I mean, if you’re prepared to sign away three hours of your life by watching late-nineties wrestling videos, then you should do it in style, right?

Ever heard of YouTube Leanback? Or how about turning any video into a GIF? No? Then there’s so much more to show you. Here’s a run-down of my top five YouTube hacks:

1. Make any YouTube Video into a GIF

You can turn any video into a GIF by simply adding “gif” just after the “www.” in the URL. For example “

Once you type that in, you’ll be taken to a simple gif making tool page that lets you cut out a section of the video and export it.

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Select the point at which you want to start the gif and then select how long it lasts, and you’re done. You’ve made a gif in a matter of minutes.

2.  YouTube Disco Your YouTube Videos

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You already knew that you can use YouTube to stream music, but did you know it can be a DJ too? YouTube Disco automatically puts together a playlist of songs from your prefered genre or artist.

Go to and enter any artist, song, or genre and YouTube will populate a playlist of the most watched/popular videos from your search.

You can also set it to play the current top hits and it will tell what videos are most popular at the moment.

3. Slow Motion YouTube Videos

There are a couple of ways to slow down a YouTube video, with the simplest way being to hold down the spacebar during a video. This cause the video to rapidly play and pause, which creates a budget slow motion effect.

If, however, you want some more advanced controls, head to and enter your video’s URL into the specified field. You can then either speed up, slow down, play on repeat or set a loop.

unknown youtube tips, hidden youtube features, youtube tricks, youtube tips, hidden features youtube, unknown youtube tools, youtube toolsWesley Snipe’s “always bet on black” moment in Passenger 57 in slow motion.

4. YouTube Leanback – YouTube and Chill

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YouTube Leanback is the friendlier version of YouTube on the big screen. If you’ve ever tried to watch videos on the normal desktop version of YouTube on your TV, you’ll know it’s a pain. Entering characters into the search field with your TV is just not practical, and you need to get right up close to the screen to see what’s going on.

This is where YouTube Leanback comes in. It’s a simplified YouTube UI that only requires use of the arrow keys to control. Also, if you have a smart TV, you can connect your phone or tablet to control what’s on the screen – and you don’t even have to be on the same Wi-Fi connection to do it.

Anyone in the room, providing they’ve gone through the verification process, can connect to the YouTube page and chuck videos into the communal playlist.

All you need to do is go to and begin flicking through the availble sub sections of videos. To pair up your phone or tablet, go to on your mobile device and follow the instructions.

5. Google Video Quality Report

Buffering. Endless, rage inducing, buffering. But whose fault is it? Well, it’s your throttling, lacklustre ISP, according to Google.

Google’s YouTube Video Quality Report was launched earlier this year to help consumers understand why their videos take so long to load and can’t be streamed in the best quality. Some childlike illustrations show you how video makes its way to your screen, but don’t let the welcoming graphics fool you. This is video report is a shaming exercise, designed to embarrass ISPs for providing little bandwidth.

The report, which isn’t available everywhere, will tell you how good your connection is in the area and which ISPs are offering the most YouTube friendly internet speeds. This is done via a verification system, which labels each ISP as either ‘HD verified’ or not.

Check it out here (as I said, it may not be available in your area) and see if your connection can sustain 20 minutes of 1080p footage.

Want more help? Need more hands on assistance? Get in touch we do YouTube Coaching >>

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5 Tips For New YouTubers – YouTube For Beginners

Tips For New YouTubers Just Getting Started

YouTube has 1+ billion users. While not all are content creators, it’s safe to say that several million are uploading consistently, with thousands of new creators joining every day – Here are 5 Tips For New YouTubers to help them get started.

If you’re just starting out as a video creator, your first few videos will be buried among the millions of videos uploaded each week. So how can you increase your chances of being discovered amid the massive haystack that is YouTube?


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1. Brand yourself early on

Say two people follow you on Twitter. One has the default ‘egg’ as their profile picture; one has a well-designed image. Which are you more inclined to check out and follow back?

One of the most important first steps you can complete as a new YouTuber is your branding. Attractive channel art can drastically increase the chances that a viewer will check out your other videos and subscribe.

2. Create a regular schedule

Just like popular TV shows, releasing your YouTube videos on a schedule can ensure that they get in front of the maximum amount of viewers. To start, aim to release one video per week, and be sure to tell your subscribers when to expect new content!

  • Mention your schedule at the end of each video
  • Include your schedule as part of your channel art
  • Remind fans on social media

3. Strive for originality

Creating truly original content will be your biggest advantage when starting out—and no one can do that but you. At this very moment, there are more than 60 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. So if you’re set on creating gaming videos, for instance, spend time thinking about how you can make them stand out from the very large crowd!

Here are some more tips for new youtubers in our blogs!

4. Be patient about income

Everyone likes extra money. But when you first start out as a creator, it should be strictly to have fun and grow your audience. Most creators who are making a living from their content have spent years building up their channel and are seeing more than a million video views per month. So try to be patient and focus on creating amazing content, and it’s more likely that the money will eventually come.

5. Be yourself

It may be tempting to model your content after another successful creator verbatim. But that strategy can sometimes come off as fake—and audiences can tell. Whether you’re quiet, loud, or awkward, be yourself! No matter what type of personality you have, there will be people out there who will enjoy your content.

Finally, there’ll be plenty of time to refine. As you grow on YouTube, your style will grow as well. Listen to feedback from your viewers, and most of all, have fun. Good luck with your videos!

Want more help? Need more hands on assistance? Get in touch we do YouTube Coaching >>

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