
9 BEST Tips For Small & New YouTubers – (YouTube Basics For Beginners)

9 BEST Tips For Small YouTubers – (YouTube Basics For Beginners) // In this tutorial I touch upon all the important basics for small and new Youtubers from framing yourself in videos, b-roll, youtube ranking tips for youtube video seo and more.

1 – Framing – Are you framing yourself in your videos properly? I mistake often done by new and small YouTubers. Make sure you take up a large part of your video screen and not hidden in the bottom corner of your screen.

2 – Camera Shake – If you are out and about or if you are new and haven’t figured out a way to aim your camera at yourself…. try and think about camera shake. Tripods are great for static shots, or slow your walking speed down if you are vlogging on the go.

3 – Audio – YouTube Audio is important. Most people will forgive bad footage but they will NOT forgive bad audio. Avoid background noise and try to invest in a lapel microphone or shotgun microphone for static environments.

4 – Camera / Webcam – You don’t have to spend and arm and a leg on a camera. You can record videos on a webcam or even your smartphone. In fact these days a mobile phone might be better quality than most cheap webcams you can find online.

5 – Lighting – This can be a life safer and a time winner. For years I struggled with the sunlight and had to fight the clouds or the early dark evenings in autumn. But if you have your own lighting you can record whenever you want and without needing to be at the fickle mercy of the weather.

6 – Channel Name – This is an important part of branding. With a channel name you can establish a niche and/or a focal personality within your content. My channel name is my name, Alan Spicer, which means I will be the core focus. But if your username is something silly and childish with bad spelling, it might be hard to be taken seriously should you want to be in a more business focused mindset for your channel.

7 – Notes vs Scripts – I personally use bullet points to help me make my videos. This is a good way to structure your videos, stay on topics and help you learn Youtuber video content as a small or new youtuber. Scripts can be good as well, but try to avoid sounding like a robot as you read word for word from the script.

8 – Trim Your Videos – You might have an okay 14 minute video but its filled with gaps, ers and ums. These can ruin the flow of your videos and turn your viewer off. As a new youtuber or small youtuber you need to deliver your point as quickly and cleanly as possible so why not edit that 14 minute video into 7 minutes without the mistakes.

9 – Titles, Descriptions & Tags – For you to great search results and pull people into your content you need to title your videos with keywords and intrigue. Imagine what YOU would click on if you wanted to find your video in search and then use that title to inspire a long description. Marry it to an eye catching thumbnail and you’ll soon be less of a new youtuber and more of a rapidly growing small youtuber!

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5 YouTube Tips For Small YouTubers in 2018

YouTube Tips 2018 – 5 YouTube Tips for Small YouTubers to help them grow their channel, rank better in youtube and gain more subscribers in 2018.

Sometimes it can be hard to find helpful youtube hacks as a small YouTuber. You have done the basics of picking your channel niche, deciding on a channel name and even making your branding but after that it can seem like climbing a mountain without any help.

5 Top YouTube Tricks and Tips for Small YouTubers

1 – Use TUBEBUDDY to improve your chances of ranking for your desired search terms – LINK –

2 – Find and join Communities you wish to serve. That way you can learn what they want to hear about from you and you can even help answer their questions

3 – Reply to comments. Take part in the conversation on your channel and learn what your subscribers want from you.

4 – Comment on other YouTube videos, but do not sam your links!

5 – Be patient and pace yourself. YouTube is a long haul game, take your time and plan for the future not just the short term.


▶️ YouTube Tips 2018 Playlist – Kickstart your YouTube Channel in 2018

▶️ 10 MUST SEE Tutorials for New YouTubers

▶️ How To Get More Subscribers in 2018