
How to Make Money on YouTube in India: A Comprehensive Guide

In recent years, YouTube has become more than just a platform for entertainment; it has evolved into a lucrative career opportunity for many.

With the internet boom and the increasing accessibility of digital devices, YouTube’s popularity in India has soared.

As of 2021, India has the second-largest online market, making YouTube an appealing platform for content creators to explore.

I use VidIQ to maximise my channel growth. It has helped me grow from 12K subscriber to over 50K since 2021!

This guide outlines the steps, strategies, and insights for making money on YouTube in India.

1. Understanding YouTube Monetization

YouTube offers multiple avenues to monetize content, including:

  • Ad Revenue: Through the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), creators can earn money from display ads, overlay ads, skippable and non-skippable video ads, and more.
  • Channel Memberships: Offer exclusive content and perks to subscribers for a monthly fee.
  • Super Chat and Super Stickers: Engage with your live stream audience by offering paid comments and stickers.
  • YouTube Premium Revenue: Share in the revenue generated from YouTube Premium subscribers watching your content.

2. Joining the YouTube Partner Program in India

The YPP is central to making money on YouTube. To be eligible, Indian creators must:

3. Identifying a Niche

Understanding the target audience and identifying a niche can set a channel apart in India’s diverse market. Some popular niches include:

Bollywood and Entertainment: Reviewing Movies, Music, and Celebrities


India’s love affair with Bollywood and entertainment is well-known. As a YouTuber, tapping into this passion can lead to substantial engagement.

Content Ideas

  • Movie Reviews: Provide insights into the latest movies, their storylines, performances, and overall ratings.
  • Music Analysis: Analyze music videos, lyrics, and musical compositions.
  • Celebrity Interviews: Engage with celebrities or share insights about their lives, careers, and upcoming projects.
  • Entertainment News: Cover latest happenings, scandals, and trends in the entertainment industry.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Competition: This field may be saturated, so uniqueness and creativity are essential.
  • Engagement: An enthusiastic audience is ready to engage with this content, making it a promising niche.

Education and Tutorials: Providing Guidance on Academics, Software, or Hobbies


Educational content and tutorials are in high demand in India. With a young and tech-savvy population seeking to upskill, this niche has great potential.

Content Ideas

  • Academic Lessons: Teach subjects such as mathematics, science, or languages.
  • Software Tutorials: Provide guidance on software like Photoshop, coding languages, or web development.
  • Hobby Classes: Teach skills like painting, dancing, or cooking.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Diverse Audience: Catering to various age groups and interests requires adaptability.
  • Demand: The ongoing need for educational content creates sustainable opportunities.

Food and Cooking: Sharing Recipes and Culinary Techniques


India’s diverse culinary landscape offers endless content possibilities. From traditional recipes to fusion cooking, this niche resonates with a wide audience.

Content Ideas

  • Regional Recipes: Showcase unique dishes from different Indian states.
  • Cooking Techniques: Teach specific culinary skills or kitchen hacks.
  • Food Reviews: Review restaurants or street food.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Diverse Taste Preferences: Catering to the varied taste preferences across India is both challenging and rewarding.
  • Community Engagement: Food often sparks community discussions and participation.

Travel and Vlogging: Exploring Different Places Within India and Beyond


Travel vlogging is about sharing journeys, experiences, and insights into different cultures and places.

Content Ideas

  • Destination Guides: Share travel guides, tips, and experiences for different locations.
  • Cultural Insights: Showcase cultural festivals, traditions, and lifestyles.
  • Travel Tips: Offer practical advice on budgeting, planning, and packing.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Investment: Travel may require significant time and money.
  • Uniqueness: Offering fresh perspectives can set a channel apart.

Technology and Gadgets: Reviewing and Explaining Tech Products


With the tech industry booming in India, reviewing and explaining gadgets and technology appeals to a wide audience.

Content Ideas

  • Product Reviews: Review the latest gadgets, including smartphones, laptops, and cameras.
  • How-to Guides: Provide how-to guides for using different technologies.
  • Trends and Analysis: Analyze tech trends and future predictions.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Keeping Up: Constantly evolving technology requires ongoing learning.
  • High Engagement: Tech enthusiasts actively seek out reviews and tutorials, offering strong engagement potential.

Each of these niches provides unique opportunities to connect with Indian audiences, and aligning content with local interests, culture, and needs can pave the way to YouTube success in India.

How to Make Money on YouTube in India: A Comprehensive Guide

4. Content Creation and Optimization

Quality content is crucial to success on YouTube. Utilizing SEO, maintaining a consistent posting schedule, and creating engaging thumbnails can boost a channel’s visibility.

5. Leveraging Social Media

Promoting content through other social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can help in reaching a wider audience in India.

6. Understanding Legal and Tax Implications

Indian YouTubers must be aware of tax regulations related to their income. GST might apply to various revenue streams, and creators must comply with copyright laws.

7. Collaborations and Brand Partnerships

Partnering with brands or collaborating with other creators can enhance a channel’s appeal and revenue.

nternet and YouTube Usage in India

Metric Value
Total Internet Users 700 million
YouTube Users 450 million
Average Time Spent on YouTube 27 minutes/day

Popular YouTube Content Categories in India (Views in Millions)

Category Views (Millions)
Music & Entertainment 160,000
Education & Tutorials 75,000
Food & Cooking 35,000
Travel & Vlogging 25,000
Technology & Gadgets 45,000

Top 5 Most Subscribed Independent YouTubers in India

YouTuber Subscribers (Millions)
T-Series 176
SET India 124
5-Minute Crafts 73
Cocomelon – Nursery Rhymes 127
WWE 75

Earnings and Monetization Opportunities

Revenue Stream Average Earning
YouTube Ad Revenue (per 1000 views) $3 – $5
Sponsorships $500 – $5,000/video
Affiliate Marketing Variable

Challenges for YouTubers in India

Challenge Description
Competition High number of YouTubers in popular categories
Internet Connectivity Inconsistent in rural areas
Content Regulation Strict content guidelines and censorship

These tables collectively provide insights into YouTube consumption in India, popular content categories, top YouTubers, potential earning streams, and challenges. Understanding these factors can help aspiring YouTubers to strategize their content creation, monetization, and audience engagement in India.


Making money on YouTube in India is an exciting and viable opportunity. With dedication, creativity, an understanding of the local market, and adherence to platform regulations, Indian content creators can transform their passion into a full-fledged career.

This article offers a foundational overview of the intricacies of YouTube monetization in India. Like any business venture, success on YouTube requires a mix of hard work, strategic planning, and a bit of luck. Keep experimenting, learning, and evolving, and you might find yourself among India’s YouTube success stories.


Unlocking Your YouTube Channel’s Full Potential: Why Your Channel Isn’t Growing and How to Fix It

Are you struggling to grow your YouTube channel despite your best efforts?

Frustrated with low view counts and minimal subscriber gains?

You’re not alone.

Many creators face the same challenges, but the key to success lies in understanding the crucial YouTube analytics and metrics that can help you identify areas for improvement. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of YouTube analytics, provide actionable tips, and share proven strategies to help you unlock your channel’s full potential.

How To Track Success on YouTube? – Track YouTube success by monitoring key metrics: watch time, audience retention, CTR, unique viewers, traffic sources, and engagement metrics (likes, dislikes, comments, shares). Optimize content with SEO, compelling titles/thumbnails, and audience-focused topics. Engage viewers and analyze data for growth.

Essential YouTube Metrics for Growth

There are handful of metrics that aspiring youtubers need to get to know in-depth if they are to understand how to grow and WHY they are growing.

Watch Time and Audience Retention

Watch time is the total amount of time viewers spend watching your videos, and it’s one of the most critical factors in YouTube’s algorithm. In fact, YouTube prioritizes videos with higher watch times in search results and recommendations. According to a study by Tubular Insights, the top 1% of YouTube channels have an average watch time of 3 minutes and 19 seconds, while the bottom 50% only manage 1 minute and 21 seconds.

To improve your watch time, focus on audience retention – the percentage of a video that viewers watch before leaving. Aim for a retention rate of at least 50%, as videos with higher retention rates tend to perform better.

Actionable Tips:

  • Hook viewers in the first 15 seconds with a compelling intro.
  • Structure your content with clear, engaging segments.
  • Use annotations, cards, and end screens to promote related content.

Unlocking Your YouTube Channel's Full Potential: Why Your Channel Isn't Growing and How to Fix It

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR is the percentage of viewers who click on your video after seeing its thumbnail and title. A higher CTR indicates that your video is enticing and relevant to your target audience. According to YouTube, the average CTR for most channels falls between 2% and 10%.

Actionable Tips:

  • Design eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent your content.
  • Write compelling titles with relevant keywords.
  • A/B test different thumbnail and title combinations to optimize performance.

Advanced Metrics for a Deeper Analysis

Ok, now its time to dive into the harder metrics of the handful to understand.

Unique Viewers and Traffic Sources

Unique viewers play a significant role in understanding your YouTube channel’s performance. As an estimate of the total number of individuals who watch your content, this metric sheds light on the size of your audience, which is essential for assessing your channel’s reach and potential for growth.

By tracking unique viewers, you can identify which content resonates most with your target audience. This information can guide your content creation strategy, helping you produce more of the videos that attract and retain viewers.

For example, if you notice a surge in unique viewers for a specific video or video series, it’s a strong indication that your audience enjoys that particular content.

Capitalizing on this insight, you can create similar videos or expand on the topic to maintain and grow your viewership.

Furthermore, analyzing traffic sources can unveil valuable information about where your viewers are discovering your content. YouTube provides a breakdown of traffic sources, such as:

  1. YouTube search: Viewers who find your content through the platform’s search feature.
  2. Suggested videos: Viewers who click on your content when it appears as a suggested video alongside or after other videos.
  3. Browse features: Viewers who discover your content through the home page, subscription feed, or trending section.
  4. External sources: Viewers who arrive at your content via external websites, social media platforms, or direct links.

Understanding your traffic sources enables you to optimize your content and promotion strategies. For example, if a large portion of your traffic comes from YouTube search, it’s crucial to focus on search engine optimization (SEO) by using relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. On the other hand, if most of your viewers come from external sources like social media, investing time in promoting your content on those platforms and engaging with your audience can further boost your channel’s growth.

In summary, unique viewers and traffic sources are vital metrics for assessing your YouTube channel’s performance. By examining these analytics, you can refine your content and promotion strategies to better connect with your target audience and accelerate your channel’s growth.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics serve as valuable indicators of how well your content resonates with your audience and the extent to which it encourages interaction. Tracking likes, dislikes, comments, and shares can provide you with actionable insights that can be used to refine your content strategy and foster a stronger connection with your viewers. Let’s delve deeper into each of these engagement metrics and their implications:

  1. Likes: A high number of likes is a clear sign that viewers appreciate and enjoy your content. This positive feedback not only boosts your channel’s credibility but also increases the likelihood of YouTube recommending your videos to others. To maintain a high like count, consistently produce content that appeals to your audience, and consider asking viewers to like your videos as a call-to-action.
  2. Dislikes: While dislikes can be disheartening, they also serve as constructive feedback, indicating that there may be areas in your content that need improvement. Analyzing videos with higher dislike counts can help you identify potential issues, such as controversial topics, misleading titles, or poor production quality. By addressing these concerns, you can enhance your content and reduce the number of dislikes on future videos.
  3. Comments: A high number of comments typically suggests that your content sparks conversation and encourages viewers to share their thoughts, opinions, or questions. Engaging with commenters can further strengthen your connection with your audience and create a sense of community around your channel. Additionally, responding to comments can provide you with valuable feedback and ideas for future content.
  4. Shares: Shares play a crucial role in increasing your content’s visibility and expanding your audience. When viewers share your videos on social media platforms or other online channels, they effectively endorse your content and introduce it to new viewers who may not have otherwise discovered your channel. Encourage sharing by creating share-worthy content, including engaging stories, helpful tips, or unique insights, and using a call-to-action to remind viewers to share your videos with their networks.

Fostering Community Engagement

You are growing the channel but you need to keep them engaged and coming back to the channel to help the snowball roll.

Responding to Comments

Engaging with your audience is crucial for building a loyal community. Make an effort to respond to comments on your videos, as this can foster a sense of connection and encourage viewers to return for future content.

Leveraging Social Media

Promote your content on social media platforms and engage with your audience to extend your reach and drive traffic to your YouTube channel.


By understanding and tracking the right metrics, you can make data-driven decisions and unlock your YouTube channel’s full potential. Start implementing these strategies today, and watch your channel grow!

Key YouTube Metrics for Channel Growth

Metric Importance Actionable Tips
Watch Time Crucial for YouTube’s algorithm; higher watch times improve visibility. Hook viewers in the first 15 seconds.
Audience Retention Higher retention rates lead to better video performance. Structure content with engaging segments.
Click-Through Rate A higher CTR indicates enticing and relevant content for viewers. Design eye-catching thumbnails and compelling titles.
Unique Viewers Provides insight into audience size and content resonance. Analyze which content resonates with your audience.
Traffic Sources Reveals where viewers are coming from, allowing for content optimization. Tailor promotion strategies based on top traffic sources.
Engagement Metrics Offers insight into audience interaction with your content. Encourage likes, comments, and shares to boost visibility.

Does Changing YouTube Titles Affect Views? The Surprising Impact on Your Videos

As a YouTuber, you may often find yourself asking, “Does changing YouTube titles affect views?”

The simple answer is yes, it can. Titles and descriptions are crucial components of your videos’ metadata and play a significant role in the overall success of your channel.

In this article, we’ll dive into the importance of titles and descriptions and explore how changing them can impact your views.

The Importance of Titles and Descriptions on YouTube

Titles and descriptions are not just labels for your videos; they help viewers understand what your content is about and determine if it’s relevant to their interests. They also play a significant role in YouTube’s search algorithm, affecting your video’s discoverability and ranking.

Why Titles and Descriptions Matter

Factor Importance
Relevance Viewers use titles and descriptions to decide if a video is worth watching.
SEO YouTube’s search algorithm relies on titles and descriptions to index and rank videos.
CTR Compelling titles and descriptions can increase your click-through rate and overall views.

Changing YouTube Titles: The Impact on Views

When you change a video’s title, you can potentially improve its discoverability and ranking in search results. A well-optimized title with relevant keywords can lead to increased views, as viewers are more likely to find and click on your video.

However, changing titles frequently or without proper research can have negative consequences. A poorly optimized title can result in decreased views and engagement.

Changing YouTube Descriptions: The Impact on Views

Similar to titles, modifying video descriptions can also affect your views. A well-crafted description with relevant keywords can improve your video’s search ranking, leading to increased views.

However, it’s essential to maintain a balance between keyword usage and readability. An overly optimized description that doesn’t provide value to the viewer can lead to a lower click-through rate and decreased views.

The Impact of Changing Titles and Descriptions

Change Positive Impact Negative Impact
Title Improved discoverability, increased views Decreased views, lower engagement
Description Improved search ranking, increased views Lower click-through rate, decreased views

Changing YouTube titles and descriptions can indeed affect your views. If done correctly, optimized titles and descriptions can lead to increased views, better engagement, and improved search rankings. However, it’s crucial to conduct thorough keyword research and maintain a balance between optimization and providing value to your viewers.

Remember that consistency is key, and making changes based on informed decisions and proper research will help you create a successful YouTube channel with a loyal following.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your titles and descriptions, but always keep your audience and their needs in mind. Happy YouTubing!


10 Reasons Why VidIQ Is a Must-Have Tool for YouTube Creators

If you’re a content creator on YouTube, you know that getting your videos seen by the right people can be a challenge.

That’s where VidIQ comes in.

VidIQ is a powerful YouTube SEO tool that can help you optimize your videos for search, improve your channel’s performance, and grow your audience.

I have used VidIQ for the last 5 years and grew my YouTube channel from 7K subscribers to over 45K! You can try it for FREE here.

Here are 10 reasons why you might want to use VidIQ:

Keyword Research

VidIQ offers a suite of powerful keyword research tools that can help you identify the best keywords to use in your video titles, descriptions, and tags.

By using the right keywords, you can increase your videos’ visibility in YouTube search results and attract more views.

Video Optimization Tips

VidIQ provides detailed optimization tips that can help you make the most of your video content.

From title and description recommendations to tag suggestions, VidIQ can help you optimize every aspect of your videos to improve their visibility and performance.

Analytics and Insights

VidIQ offers a range of analytics and insights that can help you understand how your videos are performing on YouTube.

From engagement metrics to audience demographics, VidIQ can help you track your progress and make data-driven decisions about your content strategy.

10 Reasons Why VidIQ Is a Must-Have Tool for YouTube Creators 1

Competitor Analysis

With VidIQ, you can also keep an eye on your competitors and learn from their success. VidIQ’s competitor analysis tools can help you identify what’s working for other channels in your niche and apply those strategies to your own content.

10 Reasons Why VidIQ Is a Must-Have Tool for YouTube Creators 2

Trend Alerts

VidIQ’s trend alerts feature can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends in your niche. By identifying popular topics and keywords, you can create content that’s timely and relevant, and attract more views and engagement.

Thumbnail Generator

VidIQ’s thumbnail generator tool can help you create eye-catching and engaging thumbnails for your videos. By using VidIQ’s customizable templates and design tools, you can create thumbnails that stand out in search results and attract more clicks.

Best Time to Post

VidIQ can also help you determine the best time to post your videos for maximum engagement.

By analyzing your audience’s viewing habits and engagement patterns, VidIQ can help you schedule your content to reach the right people at the right time.

Comment Management

VidIQ’s comment management tools can help you keep track of comments on your videos and respond to your audience in a timely and efficient manner.

By staying on top of your comments, you can build stronger relationships with your audience and improve your channel’s overall performance.

Channel Audit

VidIQ’s channel audit feature can help you identify areas for improvement on your channel.

By analyzing your channel’s performance and suggesting ways to optimize your content, VidIQ can help you take your channel to the next level.

Or if you want a more personal hands on channel review I offer my own 1-on-1 consulting service and video calls.

Customer Support

Finally, VidIQ offers excellent customer support to its users. Whether you have a question about a feature or need help troubleshooting an issue, VidIQ’s support team is always ready to help.

In conclusion, VidIQ is a powerful tool for YouTube creators looking to optimize their content and grow their audience.

With its suite of keyword research tools, video optimization tips, analytics and insights, competitor analysis tools, and more, VidIQ can help you take your channel to the next level.

So if you’re serious about growing your channel and attracting more views and engagement, consider giving VidIQ a try.

Q: What is VidIQ?

A: VidIQ is a YouTube SEO and analytics tool that helps creators optimize their videos for search and grow their channel’s audience. It offers a range of features and insights that can help creators improve their content strategy, increase engagement, and attract more views.

Q: What features does VidIQ offer?

A: VidIQ offers a suite of features and tools, including:

  • Keyword research tools
  • Video optimization tips
  • Analytics and insights
  • Competitor analysis tools
  • Trend alerts
  • Thumbnail generator
  • Best time to post
  • Comment management tools
  • Channel audit
  • Customer support

Q: How does VidIQ help with keyword research?

A: VidIQ’s keyword research tools can help you identify the best keywords to use in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. By using the right keywords, you can increase your videos’ visibility in YouTube search results and attract more views.

Q: How can VidIQ help me optimize my videos?

A: VidIQ provides detailed optimization tips that can help you make the most of your video content. From title and description recommendations to tag suggestions, VidIQ can help you optimize every aspect of your videos to improve their visibility and performance.

Q: Can VidIQ help me analyze my audience and track my progress?

A: Yes, VidIQ offers a range of analytics and insights that can help you understand how your videos are performing on YouTube. From engagement metrics to audience demographics, VidIQ can help you track your progress and make data-driven decisions about your content strategy.

Q: How can VidIQ help me stay up-to-date with trends in my niche?

A: VidIQ’s trend alerts feature can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends in your niche. By identifying popular topics and keywords, you can create content that’s timely and relevant, and attract more views and engagement.

Q: Can VidIQ help me create eye-catching thumbnails?

A: Yes, VidIQ’s thumbnail generator tool can help you create eye-catching and engaging thumbnails for your videos. By using VidIQ’s customizable templates and design tools, you can create thumbnails that stand out in search results and attract more clicks.

Q: How can VidIQ help me determine the best time to post my videos?

A: VidIQ can help you determine the best time to post your videos for maximum engagement. By analyzing your audience’s viewing habits and engagement patterns, VidIQ can help you schedule your content to reach the right people at the right time.

Q: Does VidIQ offer comment management tools?

A: Yes, VidIQ’s comment management tools can help you keep track of comments on your videos and respond to your audience in a timely and efficient manner. By staying on top of your comments, you can build stronger relationships with your audience and improve your channel’s overall performance.

Q: What is VidIQ’s channel audit feature?

A: VidIQ’s channel audit feature can help you identify areas for improvement on your channel. By analyzing your channel’s performance and suggesting ways to optimize your content, VidIQ can help you take your channel to the next level.

Q: How can I get support from VidIQ?

A: VidIQ offers excellent customer support to its users. You can reach out to VidIQ’s support team via email or social media for assistance with any questions or issues you may have.

Q: How much does VidIQ cost?

A: VidIQ offers both a free version and a paid version with additional features. The paid version starts at $7.50 per month and offers more advanced tools and analytics.


Maximizing Your Instagram Presence: A Guide to Optimizing Your Account

Are you looking to boost your Instagram presence and get more followers? Follow these tips to optimize your account and make it more visible to your target audience:

  1. Use a clear, eye-catching profile picture: Your profile picture is the first thing that people see when they visit your account, so make sure to use a clear, high-quality image that represents your brand or personal identity.
  2. Write a compelling bio: Your bio is a brief summary of who you are and what you do, so make sure to include relevant keywords and information about your niche. Use emojis and line breaks to add some personality and make it more visually appealing.
  3. Use relevant hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your posts and reach a larger audience. Use a mix of broad and specific hashtags that are relevant to your content, and consider using popular hashtags in your niche.
  4. Post consistently: Consistency is key when it comes to growing your Instagram presence. Make sure to post regularly and stick to a specific posting schedule so that your followers know when to expect new content.
  5. Engage with your audience: Building a community on Instagram is crucial for success. Make sure to respond to comments, follow accounts in your niche, and engage with other users to build relationships and increase your visibility.
  6. Use Instagram stories: Instagram stories are a great way to connect with your audience and share behind-the-scenes content. Use a mix of photos, videos, and interactive features like polls and quizzes to keep things interesting.
  7. Utilize Instagram’s paid features: If you want to reach a larger audience, consider using Instagram’s paid features such as promoted posts and sponsored content. These can help increase the visibility of your posts and reach a targeted audience.

Maximizing Your Instagram Presence: A Guide to Optimizing Your Account 1

By following these tips, you can optimize your Instagram account and increase your presence on the platform. Remember to be authentic and have fun – the more you enjoy what you’re doing, the more likely you are to succeed on Instagram!

Here are some tips for picking Instagram tags:

  1. Use relevant tags: Make sure to use tags that are relevant to your content and your niche. This will help your posts show up in relevant search results and reach a more targeted audience.
  2. Use a mix of broad and specific tags: Using a mix of broad and specific tags can help you reach a wider audience while still being relevant to your content. For example, if you’re a travel blogger, you might use tags like #travel, #adventure, and #wanderlust, as well as more specific tags like #bali or #tokyo.
  3. Use popular hashtags: Including popular hashtags in your posts can help increase their visibility and reach a larger audience. Just make sure to use them sparingly and in a way that’s relevant to your content.
  4. Avoid using irrelevant or spammy tags: Using irrelevant or spammy tags can actually hurt your visibility on Instagram. Avoid using tags that have nothing to do with your content, or tags that are commonly used by spam accounts.
  5. Research hashtags in your niche: Take some time to research popular hashtags in your niche and see which ones are being used by other accounts. This can help you get a sense of what’s working for others and give you some ideas for your own posts.

By following these tips, you can choose Instagram tags that will help increase the visibility of your posts and reach a more targeted audience. Good luck!

Here are some ways to make money on Instagram:

  1. Sponsored content: One way to make money on Instagram is by partnering with brands and creating sponsored content. This can include creating sponsored posts, hosting giveaways, or creating sponsored stories. Make sure to disclose any sponsored content as required by law.
  2. Affiliate marketing: Another way to make money on Instagram is by using affiliate marketing. This involves promoting products from other brands and earning a commission for each sale that’s made through your unique affiliate link.
  3. Selling products: If you have a product or service to sell, you can use Instagram to promote it and make sales. This can include physical products, digital products, or services. You can use Instagram’s shopping feature to make it easier for users to purchase directly from your account.

Maximizing Your Instagram Presence: A Guide to Optimizing Your Account 2

  1. Offering services: If you have a skill or talent that you can offer as a service, you can use Instagram to promote it and find clients. This could include things like photography, graphic design, or social media management.
  2. Monetizing your Instagram account: If you have a large following on Instagram, you may be able to monetize your account by working with brands or offering sponsored content. You can also monetize your account through ads or by selling merchandise.

By following these tips, you can find ways to make money on Instagram and turn your passion into a profitable business. Just make sure to follow all necessary laws and guidelines, and be transparent about any sponsored content or partnerships.


YouTube SEO in a knutshell

Are you looking to improve the visibility of your YouTube channel and get more views on your videos? Look no further, because today we’re going to be talking about YouTube SEO!

First things first, let’s define what SEO stands for:

Search Engine Optimization. In the context of YouTube, this means optimizing your channel and videos so that they show up higher in search results and suggested videos, ultimately leading to more views and subscribers.

Now, let’s dive into some key areas that you can focus on to improve your YouTube SEO:

  1. Keywords: Just like with any other type of SEO, using relevant keywords in your title, description, and tags can help your videos rank higher in search results. Make sure to do some keyword research to find out what terms people are using to search for content related to your channel.
  2. Video titles: Your video title is one of the first things that viewers will see, so it’s important to make it catchy and descriptive. Try to include your target keywords at the beginning of the title, as this can help improve your ranking.
  3. Video descriptions: Your video description should provide more context about what the video is about and should also include your target keywords. Make sure to use a mix of short and long-tail keywords, and include a call-to-action to encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel or watch more of your videos.
  4. Tags: In addition to including your target keywords in your title and description, you can also use tags to help your videos rank higher in search results. Make sure to use a mix of broad and specific tags, and consider using relevant hashtags as well.
  1. Thumbnail images: Your thumbnail image is another key factor that can influence whether or not someone clicks on your video. Make sure to use a high-quality image that accurately represents the content of your video.
  2. Engagement: YouTube’s algorithm takes into account the engagement that your videos receive, such as likes, comments, and shares. Encourage your viewers to interact with your content by asking for their opinions, responding to comments, and promoting your videos on social media.
  3. Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to YouTube SEO. Make sure to upload new videos on a regular basis and stick to a specific content schedule to keep your audience coming back for more.
  1. Playlists: Creating playlists on your channel can help improve your ranking, as it keeps viewers on your channel for longer periods of time. Make sure to include a mix of your own videos as well as relevant external content.
  2. Collaborations: Collaborating with other creators can help expose your channel to a new audience and improve your ranking. Make sure to choose partners who have a similar target audience to your own.
  3. Annotations and end screens: Annotations and end screens are a great way to encourage viewers to interact with your content and subscribe to your channel. Make sure to use these features to promote your other videos and playlists.

By focusing on these key areas, you can improve the visibility of your YouTube channel and get more views on your videos.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works best for your channel – the more you practice, the better you’ll become at YouTube SEO!

Key factors for YouTube SEO and Ranking #1 on YouTube

Video Metadata and Optimization

Factor Tips Examples
Title Use target keywords, keep it clear and concise. “Easy Vegan Pasta Recipe in 15 Minutes!”
Description Add keywords, links, and a summary of the video. “Learn how to make a delicious and easy…
Tags Use relevant tags related to your video content. “vegan pasta, quick recipes, easy cooking”
Thumbnails Use eye-catching, high-quality images. A colourful image of the finished pasta dish

Engagement Metrics and Optimization

Factor Tips Examples
Likes Encourage viewers to like the video if they found it helpful. “If you enjoyed this video, please…
Comments Ask viewers to comment with their thoughts or questions. “Let me know your favourite pasta…
Subscribers Remind viewers to subscribe and turn on notifications. “Subscribe and hit the bell icon…
Shares Make it easy for viewers to share your video on social media. “Share this video with your friends…

Watch Time and Audience Retention

Factor Tips Examples
Watch Time Create engaging content to keep viewers watching till the end. Use interesting visuals, animations, …
Audience Retention Monitor audience retention to identify drop-off points in your video. “At 2:30, 60% of viewers stopped…

Playlists and Series

Factor Tips Examples
Playlists Organize videos by topic or theme. “Vegan Recipes”, “Quick Meal Ideas”
Series Create a series of videos to encourage binge-watching. “Pasta Lovers: Episode 1 – Vegan Pesto”

I hope this article has been helpful in your journey to improve your YouTube SEO. If you have any questions or want to share your own tips, feel free to leave a comment below!

Q1: How important are keywords in YouTube SEO?

A1: Keywords play a crucial role in YouTube SEO as they help your video appear in search results when users search for related content. Using relevant keywords in your video title, description, and tags can significantly improve your video’s visibility. According to a study by Backlinko, videos with an exact keyword match in the title have a slight advantage over those that don’t.

Q2: How does the length of a video affect its performance on YouTube?

A2: While there’s no strict rule on video length, longer videos tend to rank better on YouTube because they generate more watch time. Backlinko’s study found that the average video on the first page of YouTube search results is 14 minutes and 50 seconds long. However, it’s essential to maintain audience engagement throughout the video, as a high audience retention rate also contributes to better ranking.

Q3: What is the impact of user engagement (likes, comments, shares) on video rankings?

A3: User engagement plays a significant role in video rankings on YouTube. YouTube’s algorithm takes into account factors such as likes, comments, shares, and subscribers to determine the popularity and relevance of a video. Backlinko’s study revealed that videos with higher engagement levels (likes and comments) tend to rank higher on YouTube search results.

Q4: How important is audience retention in YouTube SEO?

A4: Audience retention, or the percentage of your video that viewers watch, is a crucial factor in YouTube SEO. YouTube favors videos with high audience retention, as it indicates that viewers find the content valuable and engaging. High audience retention can lead to better search rankings and more visibility. Aim to keep viewers engaged throughout the video by providing valuable information, maintaining a good pace, and avoiding long intros or unnecessary content.

Q5: How can I optimize my videos for YouTube search and suggested videos?

A5: To optimize your videos for YouTube search and suggested videos, focus on the following factors:

  • Video metadata: Use relevant keywords in your title, description, and tags. Make your title engaging and descriptive. Write detailed video descriptions with keywords and timestamps (if applicable).
  • User engagement: Encourage likes, comments, shares, and new subscribers by interacting with your audience and creating high-quality content.
  • Watch time and audience retention: Create engaging content that keeps viewers watching until the end of the video. Monitor audience retention to identify areas for improvement.
  • Thumbnail: Use high-quality, eye-catching images that accurately represent your video content.

Q6: How can playlists improve my video’s performance?

A6: Playlists help organize your content and increase overall watch time by encouraging viewers to watch more videos from your channel. When you group related videos into a playlist, it’s more likely that viewers will watch multiple videos in a sequence, leading to higher watch time and improved SEO. Additionally, playlists themselves can appear in search results, potentially driving more traffic to your channel.

Q7: Does backlinks help gain views?

A7: Growing backlinks can show authority. You can get those organically or use a service like LinkLifting.


How to Write a YouTube Bio

So you’ve decided to start a YouTube channel? Perhaps you’ve had one for a while and just never got around to writing a bio. Regardless of the reason you’re here right now, the important thing is that you are here.

The YouTube bio—or “about” page—is often overlooked, and not without good reason. Think about it; how often do you check out a YouTuber’s about page? It’s a few clicks off the beaten path, and the chances are you already know what you need to know about them from the video. And, of course, the fact that so many people neglect their YouTube bio is another reason why so many other people never bother to look at them.

A good YouTube bio about us page summarises in the first 170 characters the core premise of the channel. WHY they would watch your content, what value they will get from you. Do not lead with who you are, you can add that later in the bio. Your bio is there to hook people – make them curious.

These are perfectly valid reasons for thinking a YouTube bio is unnecessary. However, they are built on a flawed premised. You see, the YouTube bio isn’t for viewers.

Of course, it should be there if they want it, but the reason to have a well written bio has more to do with Google than it does the person clicking on your videos.

Why a YouTube Bio is Important

One word. Or, rather, one acronym; SEO. Search engine optimisation is the reason you should put some effort into your YouTube bio. And your video descriptions, for that matter, but that deserves a post of its own.

The YouTube recommendation algorithm is not the be-all and end-all of video discovery. Sure, getting favoured by the algorithm will see mountains of traffic flowing your way, but Google’s regular old search engine shouldn’t be neglected.

Many people come across YouTubers, not through searching YouTube itself, but through searching Google and having a few video recommendations thrown their way. But Google needs to know that the videos—and the YouTuber making them—are relevant to the search term in question, which is where you bio comes in.

How to Write a YouTube Bio 1

How to Write a YouTube Bio

So, hopefully we’ve impressed upon you how important your bio is for comprehensive growth, but how do you go about making sure it is up to the task of bringing in those organic search results? Why, with our handy list of tips, that’s how!

Tell Viewers What to Expect From Your Channel

This one isn’t as important from an SEO point of view—though search engines are getting smarter all the time—but it is important for those few intrepid users who do find their way to your about page.

Remember, even if the only reason a page exists is for SEO purposes, you should always aim to write it so that it reads naturally and contains useful information. If for no other reason than search engines are always improving, and they could well come up with a way to detect whether your bio reads naturally before long. It’s better to write good content from the start than have to go back and change things because of a search engine update.

Put the Important Stuff First

Humans, sadly, have a remarkably short attention span. And its getting shorter all the time. If you have something important, something that you want viewers to know if they read your about page, put it at the top.

More than that, make it compelling. In an ideal world, someone reading your bio would take in the whole thing before moving on, but in the absence of that ideal world, you should aim to make sure they take in the vital stuff before they click away.

Use Keywords

This is where we start getting into that SEO we talked about. You’re going to want to squeeze a few keywords in there. Again, your priority should be to write useful, natural-sounding copy, so you might need to put your thinking cap on for some of the more awkward keywords.

As for what those keywords are, this is where you’ll need to do a little research. There are many ways—both free and paid—to find keywords, including just using Google auto-suggest. The trick is to find keywords that are as underserved as possible while still being in demand enough to bring an audience. A plumbing company in Toronto would be foolish to try and target “plumbing” for their keyword because there would be far too much competition, but “emergency plumbers Toronto” would be a good fit with a smaller audience.

If you focus on a specific type of content, highlight that. If you primarily do Photoshop tutorials, don’t just target “image editing”, mention Photoshop.

Treat it Like a Business Page

This part is important because, SEO aside, a lot of people who seek out your about page will be looking to contact you for some reason or other. In the best cases, that reason will be something like a brand deal offer, or to talk about a collaboration.

Make sure your contact details are up-to-date. Google hides your contact details, so you don’t just get inundated with spam from bots scraping the page, but you want legitimate enquiries to be able to reach you. You can also take this opportunity to politely mention any kind of correspondence you are not interested in. For example, tutorial channels often get inundated with requests for direct help, which, for larger channels, is not feasible. In these cases, a little note asking people not to use these contact details for that reason might save you a lot of time in the long run.

Final Thoughts

In truth, your bio is not the most important thing you will craft for your YouTube channel. Organic Google search traffic is important, but, for most YouTubers, it is far from the largest source of traffic. And most of the organic search traffic ends up going directly to a video page.

Still, if you are looking to get noticed on YouTube, there is no denying that SEO is a factor, so there is no sense in neglecting your bio for the sake of half an hour’s work. Just remember to research keywords, put the important information up top, and give an accurate account of what your channel is for.

Top 5 Tools To Get You Started on YouTube

Very quickly before you go here are 5 amazing tools I have used every day to grow my YouTube channel from 0 to 30K subscribers in the last 12 months that I could not live without.

1. VidIQ helps boost my views and get found in search

I almost exclusively switched to VidIQ from a rival in 2020.

Within 12 months I tripled the size of my channel and very quickly learnt the power of thumbnails, click through rate and proper search optimization. Best of all, they are FREE!

2. Adobe Creative Suite helps me craft amazing looking thumbnails and eye-catching videos

I have been making youtube videos on and off since 2013.

When I first started I threw things together in Window Movie Maker, cringed at how it looked but thought “that’s the best I can do so it’ll have to do”.

Big mistake!

I soon realized the move time you put into your editing and the more engaging your thumbnails are the more views you will get and the more people will trust you enough to subscribe.

That is why I took the plunge and invested in my editing and design process with Adobe Creative Suite. They offer a WIDE range of tools to help make amazing videos, simple to use tools for overlays, graphics, one click tools to fix your audio and the very powerful Photoshop graphics program to make eye-catching thumbnails.

Best of all you can get a free trial for 30 days on their website, a discount if you are a student and if you are a regular human being it starts from as little as £9 per month if you want to commit to a plan.

3. helps people read my videos

You can’t always listen to a video.

Maybe you’re on a bus, a train or sat in a living room with a 5 year old singing baby shark on loop… for HOURS. Or, you are trying to make as little noise as possible while your new born is FINALLY sleeping.

This is where Rev can help you or your audience consume your content on the go, in silence or in a language not native to the video. can help you translate your videos, transcribe your videos, add subtitles and even convert those subtitles into other languages – all from just $1.50 per minute.

A GREAT way to find an audience and keep them hooked no matter where they are watching your content.

4. PlaceIT can help you STAND OUT on YouTube

I SUCK at making anything flashy or arty.

I have every intention in the world to make something that looks cool but im about as artistic as a dropped ice-cream cone on the web windy day.

That is why I could not live on YouTube without someone like PlaceIT. They offer custom YouTube Banners, Avatars, YouTube Video Intros and YouTube End Screen Templates that are easy to edit with simple click, upload wizard to help you make amazing professional graphics in minutes.

Best of all, some of their templates are FREE! or you can pay a small fee if you want to go for their slightly more premium designs (pst – I always used the free ones).

5. StoryBlocks helps me add amazing video b-roll cutaways

I mainly make tutorials and talking head videos.

And in this modern world this can be a little boring if you don’t see something funky every once in a while.

I try with overlays, jump cuts and being funny but my secret weapon is b-roll overlay content.

I can talk about skydiving, food, money, kids, cats – ANYTHING I WANT – with a quick search on the StoryBlocks website I can find a great looking clip to overlay on my videos, keeping them entertained and watching for longer.

They have a wide library of videos, graphics, images and even a video maker tool and it wont break the bank with plans starting from as little as £8.25 ($9) per month.


Do Dislikes Matter on YouTube?

There are two ways to look at the topic dislikes and whether they matter. The first way is from your audience’s perspective; the second way is from the perspective of the YouTube algorithm.

Both of these perspectives are important, as they will ultimately determine how successful your videos are, though the impact of dislikes on each is markedly different.

So, do dislikes matter on YouTube? Everyone is in a rush these days, of course, so if you’re looking for a quick answer, it is yes. Dislikes do matter on YouTube, and for a variety of reasons. But they do not have a negative affect on ranking or views. 

Is this why people beg for likes? Now that is a completely different blog posts, I deep dive into why people ask for likes here.

If you would like to learn more about what those reasons are, and how they affect your channel, read on.

Do Dislikes Matter on YouTube?

Dislikes and the YouTube Algorithm

Dislikes do have a negative effect on your channel when it comes to the almighty algorithm, but it is an indirect negative effect.

YouTube places a great deal of significance on interaction and engagement, and dislikes fall under that umbrella. So, counter-intuitive as it may seem, dislikes can actually be seen as a positive thing by the YouTube algorithm if there are no other negative factors in play. But what might those other negative factors look like?

Well, if someone watches your video for twenty seconds, hits dislike, and closes the browser, that’s a bad thing. As far as YouTube is concerned, they didn’t like your content, and they left.

In terms of YouTube goals, that’s about as close to a cardinal sin as it gets.

If, on the other hand, they disliked your video but they watched the whole thing, and then went on to watch more videos on YouTube, well, from YouTube’s point of view, you held their attention, got some engagement out of them, and kept them on the site. That’s all good news as far as YouTube is concerned.

Now, even in that last example, there are adverse effects to your channel. YouTube may not penalise your channel’s exposure for dislikes if you are still getting plenty of watch time and engagement, but they do use those dislikes to gauge personal interest. That means there’s a higher chance that the user who disliked your videos will not get your content recommended to them in future.

Furthermore, YouTube may also decide not to recommend your content to other users with similar interests.

So as you can see, YouTube will not directly punish your channel for getting a lot of dislikes, but the indirect results of those dislikes could hamper your growth nonetheless.

But you may want to look into how to boost your retention and keep them watching for longer.

Why Do YouTubers Ask for Likes? 2

Dislikes and Your Viewers

Much as there are two ways to view the negative impact of dislikes on your channel, there are two significant ways to consider dislikes in relation to your viewers. The first of which is how they react to dislikes on your videos.

The impact that a high number of dislikes has on a viewers desire to watch a video is a little hard to quantify. From a purely anecdotal perspective, it doesn’t seem to make a great deal of difference.

Many people seem to start watching the content based on the thumbnails and titles and don’t even notice dislikes until it occurs to them to leave a dislike of their own. That being said, it is hard to think of a way in which dislikes would not have a negative effect on a viewers willingness to check your content out. At best, they might be indifferent.

The more important thing here is – what those dislikes are telling you about your content?

Remember, disliking a channel takes effort. Granted, it is not much effort, but more effort than not doing anything. YouTubers regularly ask their viewers to like their videos because it works, and it works because viewers just don’t think to hit like button a lot of the time.

What that tells you about your dislikes is that if someone was negatively affected enough to the effort of hitting dislike on your video. In other words; they meant it.

Of course, not every dislike is created equally—especially on the Internet. You certainly should not obsess over every dislike you get, but if you are consistently getting a high number of dislikes on your videos, it might be a sign that you need to rethink your content.

Why Do YouTubers Ask for Likes?

As for what constitutes a concerning number of dislikes, only you can accurately judge that. It is not a simple matter of more dislikes equals worse content for some channels, as there are channels that deal in controversial content, such as political commentary. For channels like this, dislikes should be judged proportionally, rather than as pure numbers.

If your like to dislike ratio is roughly half and half on average, you should take it as a warning sign.

And, just for a moment, even though it is not the target audience of this blog, it’s worth addressing people who are purely YouTube viewers, rather than creators.

It is important to remember that dislikes can happen for a wide range of reasons. It may be that the video quality was poor, or that the title was clickbaity. It could be a purely ideological thing as we mentioned above, or merely a divisive issue—or a divisive YouTuber. Dislikes are not a worthless metric to judge a video’s worth by any means, but let them be your only metric.

Dislikes and Monetisation

A question that will undoubtedly come up around this topic is what impact dislikes have on the earning power of your YouTube channel. Much like the impact on your exposure in the YouTube recommendation algorithm, dislikes do have a negative impact on your earnings, but only in an indirect sense.

Indeed, it is the very same mechanism that can lower your exposure that would also lower your earnings. In short, if fewer people are seeing your video due to fewer recommendations from YouTube, your earnings will obviously suffer.

Another link between dislikes and monetisation comes from the fact that controversial content—which is more likely to attract dislikes—may also turn advertisers off of your content. In this case, both the dislikes and the lack of advertising revenue are a symptom of the same thing, rather than one being caused by the other.

Do Dislikes Matter on YouTube? 1

Common Causes of Dislikes

Understanding when dislikes are an indicator that your channel needs attention is only part of the battle. You also need to be able to work out what your channel needs in order to be set back on the right path. To that end, let’s look at some of the more common causes of an increased number of dislikes.

And, just to be clear, we are talking about objective problems here. The things we mentioned earlier, such as divisive issues, cannot be “fixed”. But if you run that kind of channel, you will know all about that.

Fix Poor Video or Audio Quality

If you’ve ever tried to watch a video where the visual quality is poor or perhaps the audio quality is not great in a video where listening to the audio is essential to the content, you will understand the frustration that it can cause.

Of course, improving the quality of your videos can be easier said than done. Recording equipment costs money, and not everyone can afford the latest and greatest cameras and microphones. But if the quality of your videos is causing your channel problems, it should at least be made a priority.

And you should certainly look into any methods of improving your video quality that do not involve spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on new gear.

The good news is that if you are getting dislikes on your video because of the quality, you are doing something right. It means people have found their way to your video in the first place, meaning you must have done a good job at titling your video and creating a thumbnail for it, and you must be providing content that people want to see. Compared to figuring that side of YouTube out, improving the quality of your videos is a relatively easy task.

Avoid Clickbait

One of the most sure-fire ways to generate a lot of dislikes is to use clickbait titles and thumbnails. Understand, when we say “clickbait” we mean the traditional sense of the word—as much as any Internet slang can be traditional—where the title and thumbnail are designed to bring viewers while not necessarily being representative of the content in the video.

There has been a shift in the use of the word recently to refer to any title that is tailored towards catching a viewers interest, regardless of whether it is an accurate representation of the video. In our opinion, a title that accurately portrays what the video is about and makes people want to watch it is a resounding success.

The problem comes when those titles and thumbnails bring viewers in but do not deliver on the promise that got them there. Short cuts rarely work when it comes to YouTube growth, and this is no different. You may see high numbers to begin with, but the annoyance and frustration at your video’s lack of delivery on its promises will generate dislikes. And, whether through a bad reputation or YouTube’s lack of recommendations—or both—any success you gain will start to dwindle.

Stick to the Script

The script, in this case, does not have to be a literal script—we’re not saying that the only path to YouTube success is through carefully scripting your videos and never improvising. What we mean here is that your videos should have a clear purpose, be coherent in the delivery of that point, and not waste the viewers time.

Again, there is a lot of wiggle room in this point. It would be a boring platform indeed if every video put across only the critical aspects of the topic and nothing else. But there is a balance to be struck between a bit of colour and personality, and rambling and waffling on.

Make your videos distinct. Give your viewers a reason to watch your content over someone else’s who covers similar things. But anything that isn’t serving that purpose or delivering the stated content of the video; consider cutting it from your gameplan.

Always Improve

Okay, it’s not exactly the most actionable advice, but a failure to grow as a YouTube channel can also cause you to start picking up dislikes. Even the most diehard of fans will eventually start to tire of your content if it feels stale and overdone.

Being engaged with your community is an excellent way to gauge what might work for your channel, saving you some of the trial and error of making videos and seeing what works.

Of course, we don’t recommend pivoting your whole channel overnight, but introducing new elements and trying new things is rarely a bad idea.

And in those cases, the dislikes can help you determine what works and what doesn’t.


Dislikes can undoubtedly point to problems with your content, though a dislike in and of itself is not necessarily a cause for concern. It is unlikely that the dislikes themselves will hurt your channel, however.

Instead, the damage to your channel will come from the cause of those dislikes, which makes it no less important to address a disproportionate amount of negative feedback on your channel, even if that feedback isn’t actively harming it.

Dislikes can be a great indicator that there are things that need fixing about your content, so it pays to keep a close eye on them. Remember to judge your channel on its own merit, though.

If you are making unobjectionable content—such as software tutorials—you can probably take dislikes as a pure metric on how good your content is. But if you are making something a little less wholesome, such as political commentary or videos about controversial topics, you should probably expect a certain amount of dislikes as a matter of course.

Try to gauge what is normal for your channel, and judge any changes based on that starting point.

And, remember, you can’t please everyone. Don’t ignore dislikes entirely, but don’t let them dictate your channel either. As always, you should strive to find a healthy balance.

Top 5 Tools To Get You Started on YouTube

Very quickly before you go here are 5 amazing tools I have used every day to grow my YouTube channel from 0 to 30K subscribers in the last 12 months that I could not live without.

1. VidIQ helps boost my views and get found in search

I almost exclusively switched to VidIQ from a rival in 2020.

Within 12 months I tripled the size of my channel and very quickly learnt the power of thumbnails, click through rate and proper search optimization. Best of all, they are FREE!

2. Adobe Creative Suite helps me craft amazing looking thumbnails and eye-catching videos

I have been making youtube videos on and off since 2013.

When I first started I threw things together in Window Movie Maker, cringed at how it looked but thought “that’s the best I can do so it’ll have to do”.

Big mistake!

I soon realized the move time you put into your editing and the more engaging your thumbnails are the more views you will get and the more people will trust you enough to subscribe.

That is why I took the plunge and invested in my editing and design process with Adobe Creative Suite. They offer a WIDE range of tools to help make amazing videos, simple to use tools for overlays, graphics, one click tools to fix your audio and the very powerful Photoshop graphics program to make eye-catching thumbnails.

Best of all you can get a free trial for 30 days on their website, a discount if you are a student and if you are a regular human being it starts from as little as £9 per month if you want to commit to a plan.

3. helps people read my videos

You can’t always listen to a video.

Maybe you’re on a bus, a train or sat in a living room with a 5 year old singing baby shark on loop… for HOURS. Or, you are trying to make as little noise as possible while your new born is FINALLY sleeping.

This is where Rev can help you or your audience consume your content on the go, in silence or in a language not native to the video. can help you translate your videos, transcribe your videos, add subtitles and even convert those subtitles into other languages – all from just $1.50 per minute.

A GREAT way to find an audience and keep them hooked no matter where they are watching your content.

4. Learn new skills for FREE with Skillshare

I SUCK reading books to learn, but I LOVE online video courses.

Every month I learn something new. Editing, writing, video skills, how to cook, how to run a business – even how to meditate to calm a busy mind.

I find all of these for FREE with Skillshare – Sign up, pick all the courses you want and cancel anytime you need.

5. Shutterstock helps me add amazing video b-roll cutaways

I mainly make tutorials and talking head videos.

And in this modern world this can be a little boring if you don’t see something funky every once in a while.

I try with overlays, jump cuts and being funny but my secret weapon is b-roll overlay content.

I can talk about skydiving, food, money, kids, cats – ANYTHING I WANT – with a quick search on the Shutterstock website I can find a great looking clip to overlay on my videos, keeping them entertained and watching for longer.

They have a wide library of videos, graphics, images and even a video maker tool and it wont break the bank with plans starting from as little as £8.25 ($9) per month.


YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them.

Getting more views on YouTube is the ultimate aim for all YouTubers.


More views equal more money from the YouTube partner program. So you should seek out ways to get an edge over your competition and get more views for your content.


One way to get more views for your channel is to get the YouTube algorithm to recommend your videos. YouTube attempts to keep viewers on its platform by suggesting another video on the same topic to keep the user watching.


If YouTube can work out the content topic of your channel, then your videos have a better chance of recommendation to a viewer.


One way to assist YouTube in understanding your channel content topic is by adding keywords (tags) to your YouTube channel.


This article explains what YouTube channel keywords are, how you can choose the best ones for your channel, how you add them in YouTube Studio.

YouTube Keywords – Video vs Channel.


You probably already know that when you upload a video to your YouTube channel, it’s good practice to add some tags or keywords. YouTube uses these keywords to help it understand the topic of the video content.


So when you enter a title and add in the tags for your video, choose keyword phrases that someone might use when searching for your video topic.


For example, I made a video all about adding tags to YouTube videos. I made sure to use the keywords ‘YouTube video tags for search’ and ‘how I tag my YouTube videos’. These are potential keyphrases people might type in the YouTube search bar.


As for the tags, I took those keyword phrases and mixed them up to use as a start point for my video. Here they are:

YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them.



As you can see, video tags get very specific about the content of the video. And I make my videos with a singular focus on purpose, so that they provide educational information on a narrow, niche, subject.


It helps viewers to find my videos and get the exact information they need.

So, What Are YouTube Channel Keywords?


For YouTube channel keywords (tags), you need to be painting with a much broader brush.  If you make videos about cooking pasta dishes, then your video tags may contain words like ‘penne’, ‘farfalle’, and ‘linguini’, depending on the recipe you are cooking.


But your channel keywords need to communicate the overall topic of cooking pasta dishes. So you should use broader keywords like ‘cooking pasta’, ‘Italian food’, and ‘Italian cuisine’.


This also highlights the importance to you of focusing your YouTube channel on one general topic. There is no point on uploading a video on cooking pasta one day and one on growing tomatoes the next day. Those are two separate topics.


Uploading content for a number of topics to your channel will confuse YouTube. It works against how the algorithm operates when it suggests videos to viewers to watch next.


If you want to create videos on a different topic, create another channel. You can easily set up a second channel under the same Google account.


How to Choose YouTube Channel Keywords

OK, so now you understand that your channel keywords should be broad–how do you find YouTube channel keywords?


If you have access to a keyword tool, then you can perform a search to come up with ideas for keywords to use. But, you don’t need to over analyse selecting your keywords. You’re telling YouTube what your channel is about, not trying to rank a page in the search engines.


Browse similar channels to yours and pick up broad keywords, create a list, then add in others that you can think of.


Next circle the ones that best describe the overall topic of your videos.


Seriously, don’t overthink this.

How Many YouTube Channel Keywords Should You Use?


Don’t go overboard on the number of keyword tags you use for your channel either. Choose 5-7 keywords that are most appropriate for describing the overall topic of your channel.


It has been suggested that the more keywords you choose the more this dilutes the effectiveness of each individual one.  In the example below, the channel owner has used too many diverse keywords to describe their channel.

YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them. 1

Is the channel about music, massage, yoga, or even fresh air!?  Keep your keywords on message, so they communicate the central topic of your channel.


So now you know what to put in YouTube channel keywords, next we’ll look at how to add them to your channel.

How to Add YouTube Channel Keywords

Make sure you have logged into YouTube with your Google account and select the icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them. 2


From the drop-down menu, select ‘YouTube Studio’.

YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them. 3

When the YouTube Studio screen loads, select ‘Settings’ at the bottom of the menu on the left.

YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them. 4


In the window that pops-up select ‘Channel’.

YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them. 5


In the next screen, you will find the box to add your keywords. Add your 5 – 7 chosen keyphrases by typing them in and hitting enter after each one.

YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them. 6

Once you have entered them all, hit save, and you’re all set.


If you want to check on, or change, your YouTube channel’s keywords, simply navigate back to the above screen to repeat the process.


YouTube Channel Keywords Tips Conclusion

Entering some YouTube Channel tags, or keywords is best practice.  The tags help YouTube understand your channel topic, which should make it easier for them to suggest your videos to viewers.


Most of the videos watched on YouTube are as a result of the YouTube suggestions. So if you want more views, and more Partner Program earnings, set your channel tags today.


Here is a handy summary of what you have just learned.


  • Keep your channel tags/keywords broad and on topic.


  • Only use 5-7 keyphrases so as not to confuse YouTube or dilute effectiveness.


  • You can use a YouTube keyword generator, but it is not necessary.




How to Write a YouTube Title

Creating YouTube videos is easy right?

You just set your camera up and go. But what about gaining the traffic to your video? From a search engine perspective, the title and description of your YouTube video is equally as important as the actual video content.

A professionally written title can be the decision as to whether someone clicks to watch or keeps on scrolling

YouTube categorizes it’s video like any other web page on the internet, each video has its own unique URL and meta tags are created to help search engines like Google categorize your video and make them searchable.

The title of your YouTube video becomes the title tag for search engines. A bad title will mean you will not show up in search engine results and therefore traffic will not find you. A good title will hugely improve your click through rate and traffic.

So how do you write a good YouTube title?

How to Write a YouTube Title

Title Length is crucial

Before you begin creating your title you need to consider that Google truncates titles around the 60-character mark simply due to the pixel width limit. They attempt to truncate at the nearest word break to 60 characters.

What you need to remember in regards to YouTube is that every video that appears in search also contains the phrase “YouTube – “ which uses up roughly 10 characters leaving you 50 characters to play with to create a compelling clickable title

Do your keyword research

Creating your YouTube title will require a small amount of research to make it as successful as possible. To begin this, have a good idea of what keywords you want to include, what words you want your video to appear for on google search.

For example let’s say you’ve created a cookie recipe video you probably want to rank for the words “cookie recipe” plugging that into Google’s Keyword Planner shows that there are roughly 100k – 1M searches a month and a whopping 2642 related keyword searches.

Utilise this to find keywords with low competition, ideally a search between 1k and 10k to begin with as this will be easier to rank for. Use various keyword tools such as Google Trends and Keyword Sh*tter to help you define a title with a distinct identity that you think will rank

A little tip if you do have extra characters remaining is to include the word ‘video’ – this really helps search engines distinguish that your content will contain a video, and in certain niches such as cooking, baking, how to guides many people will search specifically for a video so it can help you rank higher and get high quality click throughs from people intending to watch a video.

Boost your click through rate (CTR) on your YouTube Title

You have a solid idea of the keywords and phrases you want to use in your title, you know how long your title needs to be and you know to add the word video if you have the character space.

Now you need to create the full title that will increase the chances of people clicking into your content.

Include your keyword as close to the beginning of your title as possible, YouTube places more weight on this and therefore your video will appear higher in searches for that phrase and increase the likelihood that searchers are actually looking for the content you’ve created.

For the remaining characters in your title there are other tools such as including a number in your title – this has been proven to increase CTR.

Using emotive language and descriptive adjectives will compliment your keywords and increase the likelihood that your audience will want to click into the video.

One thing you need to avoid is clickbait titles, YouTube has cracked down on this in a huge way if you get a high number of clicks and then drop offs YouTube will assume your title is misleading and viewers are not actually finding what they expected.

It is highly likely YouTube will then bury this video and think twice about recommending your videos to new viewers in the future so play by the rules and keep on the right side of emotive when creating your title.

If you need help with mastering the right keywords, descriptions and tags to help you rank your videos higher on YouTube why not try TubeBuddy and VidIQ – Since I added them to my tool kit I have tripled my channel growth.

Learn from others in your niche

If you are struggling with your YouTube title why not look around your niche?

Plug into YouTube what you think you would search to return your video and take a look at the competition, are the views what you would like on your own video? What about videos that have not performed as well is there something you can learn from their mistakes?

Do not ever directly copy your competitors but I recommend doing this for each video you upload, it’s a good learning exercise on what titles and keywords are working in your niche and what are not

Analyse your YouTube Title

By this point you should have a fully optimized YouTube title of approximately 50 characters, this should contain the keywords you want to rank for and descriptive emotive language around this keyword. Ready to publish? Wait right there. Before you hit publish why not use a Headline Analyser to check over your YouTube Title.

The CoSchedule Headline Analyser is a free tool which is perfect for helping you craft the best YouTube title possible.

The Headline Analyser gives you a whole heap of data to work through, it gives your current headline a score and helps you improve it by explaining which type of words you’re missing with categories of common, uncommon, emotional and power.  It also demonstrates a preview for both Google search and Email results to help you craft the best Title.

As you continue creating and crafting YouTube Titles the keywords research should become easier and you’ll start getting analytics results to understand which words and phrases are working well for you and which words you should continue using.

Each niche is different, so it is important for your first few videos you follow the above steps and then combine the advice with your analytics to reach your perfect audience every time

If you need more help with your channel why not check out my resources page where I list all my secret tools and websites I use to super charge my channel growth.


Are YouTube Tags Important?

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet, after Google. Over 3 billion searches are processed by YouTube in a month, with up to 500 hours of videos being uploaded every minute.

This means that if you have a YouTube channel and you want to get viewers, you have to work really hard to make sure your video appears at the top, or near the top, of search results.

You may have better content than your competitors but success is not just about working hard. It’s about working smart. In addition to producing quality content, you also have to make sure your channel is visible. With so many people uploading content all the time, this can prove daunting. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in.

how to pick a blog niche

So do YouTube Tags Matter? – YouTube Tags are a throw back to the old days of Website SEO. Tags used to be used to summarize a web page’s content. YouTube tags are not as important as they used to be BUT can be valuable meta data for smaller channels to help categorize content when they first upload videos.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your content such that the search engine, in this case, YouTube, ranks it as one of the top results in search results.

This makes your video visible and increases the quantity of traffic to your site.

Why is it Important?

According to a State of Inbound report in 2018, 45% of marketers invested more in YouTube that year than in any other channel. This means that for you to attract marketers, you have to attract many users who will actually spend time looking at your content because they are interested in it, and are not just passing through.

This is why SEO for YouTube is important. Different search engines have different optimization techniques and YouTube is no different.

We are interested in YouTube tags here but some other techniques are also worth mentioning because they are related to tags.

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Finding Relevant Video Keywords

For you to create content that will attract viewers to your site, you need to know what your audience is interested in and how they talk about it. You can do this by simply typing a keyword in the YouTube search box. As you do so, the autocomplete feature will suggest popular searches related to what you’ve just typed in.

You can also use different tools for this like TubeBuddy and Ubersuggest – Tubebuddy can help you deep dive into keywords and maximize your titles for better breakthroughs – you can download the plugin on their website.

You can also compare how frequently different keywords are used so you can know which keyword is most likely to appear at the top of search results.

A free, accessible tool you can use for this is Google Trends, which has a YouTube search option for specific keywords for YouTube. Once you know what your target audience is interested in, you can then create your content to suit their needs.

Choosing the Title

While your title should communicate what your video is about, it should also grab attention. Use concise, catchy phrases that resonate immediately with your audience.

Remember to incorporate keywords as naturally as possible into your title without deceiving your viewers.

YouTube Video Description

The description helps you expand on what your video is about and enables you to add additional links and information about you.

Like the title, it should be concise and attractive. Keep in mind that while Google allows up to 1000 words in the description, only the first about 100 words will appear above the “show more” link, so you have to make the first part of your description compelling and convince the viewer to look at the rest of your description.

Include relevant keywords here as well.

Using Thumbnails

This is the image that appears with your video. A great video could lose potential views if it has an unappealing thumbnail. A thumbnail is just as important as a title in grabbing and holding attention.

YouTube has auto-generated thumbnail options that you can use, but for better results, a custom thumbnail would be more effective. 90% of the best performing YouTube videos have custom thumbnails.

Note that for you to use a custom thumbnail your channel has to be verified by YouTube.

Putting Your Video in a Category

You can link your video to others with similar content by adding a category to your video in the Advanced Settings.

This increases its chances of winding up in different YouTube playlists and will in turn increase your channel’s visibility. Do some research to see who else is in the category you’ve picked. In addition, check whether your target audience also follows those creators.

Finally, check how the creators in that category make their videos to know whether your content is a good, or better than theirs. The Creators Academy at YouTube takes users through a comprehensive process to help them determine what best category to put their video in.

How to Grow a YouTube Channel (30+ Ways) 3

Renaming Your Video File Using A Target Keyword

Before you upload your video, you can incorporate your top keyword in the video file. Because YouTube won’t actually watch your video to know its content, it will use your keywords, so you want to put them in places they can be detected by YouTube.

This way, the YouTube algorithm will read your keyword in your video’s file name along with the code.

Encouraging Subscription

Make it as easy as possible for your viewers to subscribe to your channel, or to watch similar videos by you by having the option very clearly displayed in the video.

Using Video Tags

Finally, we come to YouTube, or video tags. These are words or phrases which you can use to give more context about your video and let YouTube and your viewers know what your video is about.

Using video tags helps to rank your videos higher in search results. They are thus an important search SEO tool.

Although some studies have shown that tags play a small role in ranking a video, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t spend some time on them. For famous celebrities who have constant streams of visitors to their pages, tags may not be necessary.

However, for creators with a niche audience, or who are just starting out on YouTube, tags can effectively boost the ranking of the video, leading to more visitors, which in turn raises the ranking of the video further.

Tags are also important if your name as a creator, or your subject content, constantly gets miss-spelled.

Finally, tags teach YouTube that you belong to a certain category.

This will remove you from the large number of anonymous creators constantly uploading content and place you in a smaller niche which will increase your chances of visibility as there will be less competition in your category.

How to Add Tags to YouTube Videos

Beginning in the channel dashboard, where things like your subscribers and revenue appear. On the left-hand side of the screen, click on settings.

Click on channel below settings. This where your tags are. To add a new tag, click on the white empty space, type something and click enter to make it a new tag.

Now we’ll look at some tips on how you can tag your videos for better visibility on YouTube.

Make Your Primary Keyword Your First Tag

The tags you use have to actually relate to your video, otherwise you’ll be deceiving your viewers.

Therefore, since YouTube pays a lot of attention to your first tag, try as much as possible to have it as your primary keyword.

Use Common Keywords from High Ranking Videos

If you want to know how your keyword ranks online, you can search for your keyword on YouTube. Open the top 3-5 videos that are most closely related to your content.

The videos you pick don’t have to rank at the very top, but they have to be relevant. Check the tags on these videos and pick the ones that most relate to your content.

Having tags similar to top ranking videos will increase your chances of visibility.

If you find it difficult to think of keywords, you can use different online tools to generate keywords. Here are some examples.

Keyword Keg

This tool gives different statistics like search volume, competition, SEO difficulty, trends, keyword power, suggested keywords, off-page, and on-page difficulty.

Once you enter the target keyword these different parameters come up. It also has the option of filtering results according to country and language.

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This tool shows keywords related to your target keyword, the related score, the search score, search volume, and overall score, which is a combination of all these.

A powerful plugin that combines productivity tools with deep dive stats to super charge your rankings and views.

VidIQ is creator focused and continues to add and improve its tools including recent add-ons like fast title and description translations to help you rank in foreign languages. You can get their free plugin by going to their website.

This tool gives you other related keywords once you’ve typed in your target keyword.

In addition to these, it also provides their search volume, trends over the past 12 months, and suggested hashtags and prepositions you can use with your keyword.

Use Keywords with a High Search Volume

Some keywords are more commonly used in search for particular content. Using commonly used keywords for your tags can serve to amplify your visibility to YouTube. Of course, they have to be relevant to what you’re creating.

You can use Ahref’s Keywords Explorer for this. Simply set the search Engine to YouTube and type in some keywords.

The estimated search volume for the month for each keyword will be displayed in percentages in descending order. From the list, you can pick out relevant keywords with substantial search volume.

Use Specific Categories of Tags.

I tackled this is a video before – You can can categorize your tags to get the most out of them.

Video Specific Tags – Your first tag should be very specific and should have the aim of describing exactly what the video is about.

This will directly place you in the niche your target audience are interested in.

Video Category Tags – Your next tag can be slightly broader and describe the category your video falls under. This will relate it to videos that talk about the same thing and will widen the base of your audience.

Your video can then be recommended along with other videos in a similar category, hence increasing your chances of being seen by more people.

Channel Level Tags – Lastly, you should have a tag that directly mentions your name or the name of your channel. This will link your video to other videos you’ve done that may not be related to your current video but will still be of interest to your viewers.

It will introduce your viewers to other work you’ve done.

Use Phrases Instead of Words

Keywords by themselves are important but sometimes they may be so general that they still hide your video in a long list of other related videos. Using a phrase that is more specific to your content together with the keyword increases your chances of standing out.

This is because your video will now be in a less competitive category. For example, instead of just using the word “make-up” for your video, you can use “how to do make-up” instead.

Don’t be too wordy

Although the maximum characters you can use for tags is 500, you don’t have to use all of them.

You don’t want to look spammy. The optimum number of characters, according to Briggsby, is about 200-300.

Be Relevant

The fact that a keyword has a high search volume doesn’t mean it should be used indiscriminately. Use tags that are relevant to your content.

Don’t Be Deceptive

Avoid using unrelated keywords to trick users to view your content. This could actually get your content removed by YouTube. For example, don’t use the names of famous celebrities or brands just to get people to watch your video.

Don’t Place Your Tags in the Video Description

This is another violation of YouTube policy that could get you in trouble as it can be considered as an intention to mislead users.

YouTube SEO

Tracking Your Progress

Finally, did you know that you can track your ranking in search results?

You can use different tools for this, and you can track your progress and see how the different SEO techniques are working for your channel. This is an important step to see which of your efforts are actually bringing positive results.

In conclusion, tags alone may play a small role in substantially increasing your views, but, when used together with other SEO techniques, can boost your channel’s visibility.

Upload content consistently and see your rankings rise. After all, even famous celebrities started small before they blew up.




YOUTUBE SEO TIPS — HOW TO BECOME A YOUTUBER (EP 04) // YouTube Search Engine Optimization is paramount when making youtube videos. These SEO tips for YouTube will help you rank better in search and get more views on YouTube from organic search results. Video SEO will help you title your videos better, optimise your tags with tools like TubeBuddy and maximise the relevancy of your video meta data and description.


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▶️ Top YouTube Hacks —
✅ How To Get More Subscribers —
▶️ How To Optimise and Tag Your Videos —
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▶️ IGTV Instagram TV Tutorial —
✅ 10 YouTuber Secrets to Success —
▶️ How To Live Stream on YouTube —





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How To Optimise Your YouTube Videos (Basics)

How To Optimise Your YouTube Videos (Basics) // An SEO Tutorial for beginner step by step in YouTube video seo. How To Optimize Your Video on YouTube is down to the core search engine optimisation standards of Title, Description and Tags. Video SEO helps rank videos and get you ranked in search. The better you rank in search the more you can grow a small YouTube channel and get more subscribers.

How To Optimise Your Videos on YouTube

1 — TITLE — Your title is the most important part of getting your video ranked in search. You need to pick a keyword you want your video to rank for and build your video optimization and video seo around it. Put the keyword FIRST in the title.

2 — DESCRIPTION — Echo the keyword and write at least a paragraph with similar to the key phrase you are looking to optimise your video for.

3 — TAGS — Condense all the keywords you have in the description and title into tags. Make the phrases, not single words!

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▶️ Rank Better & More Views with TubeBuddy —
🔴 Want to go Pro? Need my help? Try YouTube Coaching! —

Alan Spicer YouTube Tips Channel — YouTube Tricks, YouTube Tips & YouTube Hacks to Help Grow Your YouTube Channel. I make YouTube Training Tutorials based on my personal experience on How To Increase YouTube Views, How To Gain YouTube Subscribers and How To Grow A YouTube Brand Online.

I have been on YouTube since 2013 helping people grow their youtube channels. Within that time I have made many mistakes but have also learnt many YouTube Hacks that I want to share with you to help you Rank Your YouTube Videos On YouTube, Grow Your YouTube Channel and Get Your Brand Noticed On YouTube.

I also have a background in Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, and Web Design & Development.

We can grow together, We can learn together… Start Creating!



Note — Some of my links will be affiliate marketing links. These links do not affect the price of the products or services referred to but may offer commissions that are used to help me to fund the free YouTube video tutorials on this channel — thank you for your support.