
How to Make Money on YouTube in the UK

YouTube has become a viable career for many around the world, and the United Kingdom is no exception. Aspiring content creators in the UK have the opportunity to turn their passion into profit.

But how exactly does one go about making money on YouTube in the UK?

I use VidIQ to maximise my channel growth. It has helped me grow from 12K subscriber to over 50K since 2021!

Let’s explore the key steps, strategies, and unique challenges.

1. Understand the Basics of Monetization

Firstly, you need to understand how monetization works on YouTube. The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is essential for earning revenue. In the UK, you must meet the following criteria:

  • At least 1,000 subscribers
  • Minimum of 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months

2. Choose Your Niche Carefully

Selecting a niche that resonates with your interests and the UK audience is crucial. Whether it’s British culture, fashion, football, or gardening, finding your unique voice and target audience is essential for success.

3. Create Engaging Content

Quality content that engages viewers will make them return for more. Being authentic, entertaining, and informative can help you build a loyal community.

4. Utilize Different Revenue Streams

Here are the main monetization strategies available to YouTubers in the UK:

  • Ad Revenue: Through Google AdSense, YouTubers receive a share of the revenue from ads displayed on their videos.
  • Channel Memberships: Offer exclusive perks to subscribers for a monthly fee.
  • Super Chats: During live streams, viewers can pay to have their messages highlighted.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Partnering with brands and promoting products for a commission.
  • Sponsorships: Collaborating with businesses to create sponsored content.

5. Comply with UK Regulations

Understanding the UK’s regulations regarding taxes, copyright laws, and advertising guidelines is essential to operate legally and ethically.

6. Analyze Your Performance

Regularly analyzing your performance through YouTube Analytics helps in understanding what works and what doesn’t. Focus on metrics like watch time, audience retention, and engagement.

7. Network and Collaborate

Collaborating with other UK YouTubers can expand your reach and increase your credibility. Attending events and engaging with the community both online and offline can foster meaningful connections.

YouTube Partner Program Requirements

Criteria Requirement in the UK
Minimum Subscribers 1,000
Watch Hours in the Previous 12 Months 4,000

Average Earnings by Views (Estimated)

Views Range Estimated Earnings in GBP (£)
1,000 – 10,000 £2 – £20
10,000 – 100,000 £20 – £200
100,000 – 1M £200 – £2,000
1M+ £2,000+

Top YouTube Categories in the UK (by popularity)

Category Percentage of Total UK YouTube Views
Music 20%
Gaming 15%
Entertainment 12%
Beauty & Fashion 10%
Education 8%

UK YouTuber Demographics (Age Group)

Age Group Percentage of UK YouTubers
13-17 10%
18-24 35%
25-34 30%
35-44 15%
45+ 10%

These tables give an overview of various aspects of YouTube in the UK, such as the requirements for monetization, average earnings, popular categories, and demographics of content creators. Keep in mind that these numbers are illustrative and should be cross-referenced with up-to-date sources for accuracy in specific situations.

How to Make Money on YouTube in the UK 1

Challenges and Unique Aspects in the UK

  1. Stiff Competition: The UK’s YouTube scene is bustling with talent, so standing out requires creativity and perseverance.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding and appealing to the diverse cultural landscape in the UK can be a unique challenge.
  3. Trends and Preferences: Keeping up with the rapidly changing trends and viewer preferences specific to the UK audience can be demanding.


Making money on YouTube in the UK is an exciting prospect but requires hard work, persistence, and strategic planning.

By understanding the UK market, abiding by the local regulations, engaging with the community, and leveraging multiple revenue streams, you can turn your YouTube channel into a thriving business.

Whether you’re in London, Manchester, or Edinburgh, the opportunities are vast, but the journey is uniquely British, filled with both challenges and rewards.


How to Make Money on YouTube in Australia

Australia, with its robust economy and thriving online community, presents a fantastic opportunity for content creators to make money on YouTube.

With a population that embraces technology and digital media, there are numerous ways to turn your passion for video creation into a profitable venture.

I use VidIQ to maximise my channel growth. It has helped me grow from 12K subscriber to over 50K since 2021!

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to make money on YouTube in Australia.

1. Understanding the YouTube Landscape in Australia

Australia’s internet population consists of 21 million users, 15 million of whom are active YouTube users. With a reach that extensive, YouTube offers an incredible platform to communicate, entertain, and monetize.

Unique Niches in Australia:
  • Travel and Adventure: Australia’s diverse landscapes make it an ideal location for travel and adventure vlogging.
  • Wildlife: Australia is home to unique fauna and flora, providing ample content for wildlife enthusiasts.
  • Cuisine: The Australian cuisine, blending various culinary traditions, offers a wide scope for food vloggers.
  • Sports and Outdoor Activities: Surfing, rugby, and cricket are part of the Australian culture, offering sporting content creators a niche audience.

2. Monetization Strategies

YouTube Partner Program (YPP)

To start earning from YouTube, you must join the YouTube Partner Program. Requirements include:

  • A minimum of 1,000 subscribers
  • At least 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months
  • Adherence to all YouTube’s policies and guidelines
Ad Revenue

YouTube offers different types of ads like display ads, skippable video ads, and more. Australian YouTubers typically earn an average CPM (Cost Per Mille) of $5 – $8.

Channel Memberships and Super Chats

These features enable viewers to contribute money directly to the YouTubers they support. This can be a significant source of revenue for popular content creators.

Sponsorships and Affiliate Marketing

Collaborating with brands or promoting products can be a lucrative way to monetize your channel.

3. Challenges and Considerations

  • Competition: The YouTube landscape in Australia is competitive, making standing out a challenge.
  • Content Regulation: Understanding and adhering to the Australian content regulations is crucial.
  • Equipment and Production Costs: Investing in quality equipment and production can be expensive but necessary for success.

4. Strategies for Success

YouTube Usage in Australia

Age Group Percentage of YouTube Users
18-24 91%
25-34 86%
35-44 81%
45-54 73%
55-64 68%

How to Make Money on YouTube in Australia

Average Earnings from Different Monetization Strategies

Monetization Strategy Average Earnings (Per Month)
Ad Revenue $100 – $500
Channel Memberships $50 – $300
Super Chats $20 – $150
Sponsorships $200 – $2,000
Affiliate Marketing $100 – $1,000

Top YouTube Niches in Australia by Subscriber Count

Niche Average Subscriber Count
Travel and Adventure 200,000
Wildlife 150,000
Cuisine 120,000
Sports and Outdoors 180,000

These tables present an overview of YouTube usage in Australia, potential earnings from various monetization strategies, and the popularity of different content niches.

It’s important to recognize that these numbers can vary widely depending on individual circumstances, content quality, audience engagement, and other factors.


Making money on YouTube in Australia is a viable and exciting opportunity. The journey requires understanding the unique Australian landscape, identifying your niche, and employing various monetization strategies. Persistence, creativity, and adherence to the guidelines will enable you to turn your passion for video creation into a profitable venture.

By following this guide, aspiring Australian YouTubers can set themselves up for success in a continually growing and dynamic digital space.


Unlocking Your YouTube Channel’s Full Potential: Why Your Channel Isn’t Growing and How to Fix It

Are you struggling to grow your YouTube channel despite your best efforts?

Frustrated with low view counts and minimal subscriber gains?

You’re not alone.

Many creators face the same challenges, but the key to success lies in understanding the crucial YouTube analytics and metrics that can help you identify areas for improvement. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of YouTube analytics, provide actionable tips, and share proven strategies to help you unlock your channel’s full potential.

How To Track Success on YouTube? – Track YouTube success by monitoring key metrics: watch time, audience retention, CTR, unique viewers, traffic sources, and engagement metrics (likes, dislikes, comments, shares). Optimize content with SEO, compelling titles/thumbnails, and audience-focused topics. Engage viewers and analyze data for growth.

Essential YouTube Metrics for Growth

There are handful of metrics that aspiring youtubers need to get to know in-depth if they are to understand how to grow and WHY they are growing.

Watch Time and Audience Retention

Watch time is the total amount of time viewers spend watching your videos, and it’s one of the most critical factors in YouTube’s algorithm. In fact, YouTube prioritizes videos with higher watch times in search results and recommendations. According to a study by Tubular Insights, the top 1% of YouTube channels have an average watch time of 3 minutes and 19 seconds, while the bottom 50% only manage 1 minute and 21 seconds.

To improve your watch time, focus on audience retention – the percentage of a video that viewers watch before leaving. Aim for a retention rate of at least 50%, as videos with higher retention rates tend to perform better.

Actionable Tips:

  • Hook viewers in the first 15 seconds with a compelling intro.
  • Structure your content with clear, engaging segments.
  • Use annotations, cards, and end screens to promote related content.

Unlocking Your YouTube Channel's Full Potential: Why Your Channel Isn't Growing and How to Fix It

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR is the percentage of viewers who click on your video after seeing its thumbnail and title. A higher CTR indicates that your video is enticing and relevant to your target audience. According to YouTube, the average CTR for most channels falls between 2% and 10%.

Actionable Tips:

  • Design eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent your content.
  • Write compelling titles with relevant keywords.
  • A/B test different thumbnail and title combinations to optimize performance.

Advanced Metrics for a Deeper Analysis

Ok, now its time to dive into the harder metrics of the handful to understand.

Unique Viewers and Traffic Sources

Unique viewers play a significant role in understanding your YouTube channel’s performance. As an estimate of the total number of individuals who watch your content, this metric sheds light on the size of your audience, which is essential for assessing your channel’s reach and potential for growth.

By tracking unique viewers, you can identify which content resonates most with your target audience. This information can guide your content creation strategy, helping you produce more of the videos that attract and retain viewers.

For example, if you notice a surge in unique viewers for a specific video or video series, it’s a strong indication that your audience enjoys that particular content.

Capitalizing on this insight, you can create similar videos or expand on the topic to maintain and grow your viewership.

Furthermore, analyzing traffic sources can unveil valuable information about where your viewers are discovering your content. YouTube provides a breakdown of traffic sources, such as:

  1. YouTube search: Viewers who find your content through the platform’s search feature.
  2. Suggested videos: Viewers who click on your content when it appears as a suggested video alongside or after other videos.
  3. Browse features: Viewers who discover your content through the home page, subscription feed, or trending section.
  4. External sources: Viewers who arrive at your content via external websites, social media platforms, or direct links.

Understanding your traffic sources enables you to optimize your content and promotion strategies. For example, if a large portion of your traffic comes from YouTube search, it’s crucial to focus on search engine optimization (SEO) by using relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. On the other hand, if most of your viewers come from external sources like social media, investing time in promoting your content on those platforms and engaging with your audience can further boost your channel’s growth.

In summary, unique viewers and traffic sources are vital metrics for assessing your YouTube channel’s performance. By examining these analytics, you can refine your content and promotion strategies to better connect with your target audience and accelerate your channel’s growth.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics serve as valuable indicators of how well your content resonates with your audience and the extent to which it encourages interaction. Tracking likes, dislikes, comments, and shares can provide you with actionable insights that can be used to refine your content strategy and foster a stronger connection with your viewers. Let’s delve deeper into each of these engagement metrics and their implications:

  1. Likes: A high number of likes is a clear sign that viewers appreciate and enjoy your content. This positive feedback not only boosts your channel’s credibility but also increases the likelihood of YouTube recommending your videos to others. To maintain a high like count, consistently produce content that appeals to your audience, and consider asking viewers to like your videos as a call-to-action.
  2. Dislikes: While dislikes can be disheartening, they also serve as constructive feedback, indicating that there may be areas in your content that need improvement. Analyzing videos with higher dislike counts can help you identify potential issues, such as controversial topics, misleading titles, or poor production quality. By addressing these concerns, you can enhance your content and reduce the number of dislikes on future videos.
  3. Comments: A high number of comments typically suggests that your content sparks conversation and encourages viewers to share their thoughts, opinions, or questions. Engaging with commenters can further strengthen your connection with your audience and create a sense of community around your channel. Additionally, responding to comments can provide you with valuable feedback and ideas for future content.
  4. Shares: Shares play a crucial role in increasing your content’s visibility and expanding your audience. When viewers share your videos on social media platforms or other online channels, they effectively endorse your content and introduce it to new viewers who may not have otherwise discovered your channel. Encourage sharing by creating share-worthy content, including engaging stories, helpful tips, or unique insights, and using a call-to-action to remind viewers to share your videos with their networks.

Fostering Community Engagement

You are growing the channel but you need to keep them engaged and coming back to the channel to help the snowball roll.

Responding to Comments

Engaging with your audience is crucial for building a loyal community. Make an effort to respond to comments on your videos, as this can foster a sense of connection and encourage viewers to return for future content.

Leveraging Social Media

Promote your content on social media platforms and engage with your audience to extend your reach and drive traffic to your YouTube channel.


By understanding and tracking the right metrics, you can make data-driven decisions and unlock your YouTube channel’s full potential. Start implementing these strategies today, and watch your channel grow!

Key YouTube Metrics for Channel Growth

Metric Importance Actionable Tips
Watch Time Crucial for YouTube’s algorithm; higher watch times improve visibility. Hook viewers in the first 15 seconds.
Audience Retention Higher retention rates lead to better video performance. Structure content with engaging segments.
Click-Through Rate A higher CTR indicates enticing and relevant content for viewers. Design eye-catching thumbnails and compelling titles.
Unique Viewers Provides insight into audience size and content resonance. Analyze which content resonates with your audience.
Traffic Sources Reveals where viewers are coming from, allowing for content optimization. Tailor promotion strategies based on top traffic sources.
Engagement Metrics Offers insight into audience interaction with your content. Encourage likes, comments, and shares to boost visibility.