
YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them.

Getting more views on YouTube is the ultimate aim for all YouTubers.


More views equal more money from the YouTube partner program. So you should seek out ways to get an edge over your competition and get more views for your content.


One way to get more views for your channel is to get the YouTube algorithm to recommend your videos. YouTube attempts to keep viewers on its platform by suggesting another video on the same topic to keep the user watching.


If YouTube can work out the content topic of your channel, then your videos have a better chance of recommendation to a viewer.


One way to assist YouTube in understanding your channel content topic is by adding keywords (tags) to your YouTube channel.


This article explains what YouTube channel keywords are, how you can choose the best ones for your channel, how you add them in YouTube Studio.

YouTube Keywords – Video vs Channel.


You probably already know that when you upload a video to your YouTube channel, it’s good practice to add some tags or keywords. YouTube uses these keywords to help it understand the topic of the video content.


So when you enter a title and add in the tags for your video, choose keyword phrases that someone might use when searching for your video topic.


For example, I made a video all about adding tags to YouTube videos. I made sure to use the keywords ‘YouTube video tags for search’ and ‘how I tag my YouTube videos’. These are potential keyphrases people might type in the YouTube search bar.


As for the tags, I took those keyword phrases and mixed them up to use as a start point for my video. Here they are:

YouTube Channel Keywords Tips: What They Are and How To Set Them.



As you can see, video tags get very specific about the content of the video. And I make my videos with a singular focus on purpose, so that they provide educational information on a narrow, niche, subject.


It helps viewers to find my videos and get the exact information they need.

So, What Are YouTube Channel Keywords?


For YouTube channel keywords (tags), you need to be painting with a much broader brush.  If you make videos about cooking pasta dishes, then your video tags may contain words like ‘penne’, ‘farfalle’, and ‘linguini’, depending on the recipe you are cooking.


But your channel keywords need to communicate the overall topic of cooking pasta dishes. So you should use broader keywords like ‘cooking pasta’, ‘Italian food’, and ‘Italian cuisine’.


This also highlights the importance to you of focusing your YouTube channel on one general topic. There is no point on uploading a video on cooking pasta one day and one on growing tomatoes the next day. Those are two separate topics.


Uploading content for a number of topics to your channel will confuse YouTube. It works against how the algorithm operates when it suggests videos to viewers to watch next.


If you want to create videos on a different topic, create another channel. You can easily set up a second channel under the same Google account.


How to Choose YouTube Channel Keywords

OK, so now you understand that your channel keywords should be broad–how do you find YouTube channel keywords?


If you have access to a keyword tool, then you can perform a search to come up with ideas for keywords to use. But, you don’t need to over analyse selecting your keywords. You’re telling YouTube what your channel is about, not trying to rank a page in the search engines.


Browse similar channels to yours and pick up broad keywords, create a list, then add in others that you can think of.


Next circle the ones that best describe the overall topic of your videos.


Seriously, don’t overthink this.

How Many YouTube Channel Keywords Should You Use?


Don’t go overboard on the number of keyword tags you use for your channel either. Choose 5-7 keywords that are most appropriate for describing the overall topic of your channel.


It has been suggested that the more keywords you choose the more this dilutes the effectiveness of each individual one.  In the example below, the channel owner has used too many diverse keywords to describe their channel.

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Is the channel about music, massage, yoga, or even fresh air!?  Keep your keywords on message, so they communicate the central topic of your channel.


So now you know what to put in YouTube channel keywords, next we’ll look at how to add them to your channel.

How to Add YouTube Channel Keywords

Make sure you have logged into YouTube with your Google account and select the icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

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From the drop-down menu, select ‘YouTube Studio’.

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When the YouTube Studio screen loads, select ‘Settings’ at the bottom of the menu on the left.

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In the window that pops-up select ‘Channel’.

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In the next screen, you will find the box to add your keywords. Add your 5 – 7 chosen keyphrases by typing them in and hitting enter after each one.

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Once you have entered them all, hit save, and you’re all set.


If you want to check on, or change, your YouTube channel’s keywords, simply navigate back to the above screen to repeat the process.


YouTube Channel Keywords Tips Conclusion

Entering some YouTube Channel tags, or keywords is best practice.  The tags help YouTube understand your channel topic, which should make it easier for them to suggest your videos to viewers.


Most of the videos watched on YouTube are as a result of the YouTube suggestions. So if you want more views, and more Partner Program earnings, set your channel tags today.


Here is a handy summary of what you have just learned.


  • Keep your channel tags/keywords broad and on topic.


  • Only use 5-7 keyphrases so as not to confuse YouTube or dilute effectiveness.


  • You can use a YouTube keyword generator, but it is not necessary.