How To Go Full Time on YouTube with ONLY 3000 Subscribers // A deep dive into how I became a YouTuber Full Time on YouTube with 3K Subscriber and how you can make youtube your job. Many people wish to make YouTube their full time job. it is possible but you have you focus on things outside youtube to go full time on youtube.
In this deep dive I walk through the importance of brand building, search engine optimization, monthly income, hard work, planning and consistency can help lay the foundations to earn a full time living from YouTube and other related incomes. Make money on YouTube to support the YouTube channel and fund channel growth.
HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL and VIDEOS — HOW TO BECOME A YOUTUBER (EP 05) // YouTube Promotion, or advertising your channel and video to help it grow i very important. There are a few things you need to consider when thinking of how to grow your channel — including your niche, branding and your audience demographic.
YOUTUBE SEO TIPS — HOW TO BECOME A YOUTUBER (EP 04) // YouTube Search Engine Optimization is paramount when making youtube videos. These SEO tips for YouTube will help you rank better in search and get more views on YouTube from organic search results. Video SEO will help you title your videos better, optimise your tags with tools like TubeBuddy and maximise the relevancy of your video meta data and description.
HOW TO MAKE A GOOD YOUTUBE VIDEO — HOW TO BECOME A YOUTUBER (EP 03) // If you make a good video for YouTube you can maximise your chances of ranking in search and winning over your first few subscribers. How to make a YouTube video is an art that takes time but these tips should help you get started on How To Become A YouTuber.
YOUTUBE EQUIPMENT FOR BEGINNERS — HOW TO BECOME A YOUTUBER (EP 02) // YouTube Beginners Setup Equipment can be as simple as your smartphone, a webcam or your laptop. Become a Youtuber from that you have in your pocket. YouTube equipment on a budget can be very easy to find and overtime you upgrade to best equipment and grow as you improve.
PICK A NICHE — HOW TO BECOME A YOUTUBER (EP 01) // How to pick your niche on YouTube is a very important topic. Your YouTube Channel niche is what determines what videos you will make. Are you gaming? Educational? Beauty? Once you pick your niche you can then drill down into it and make more money and highly targeted videos for your audience.
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