
How To Use The Internet To Make Money [Expert Advice]

In the modern digital age, leveraging the internet to create multiple income streams has become a viable and attractive option for many.

This guide will explore various side hustles that can help you generate income online, broken down into actionable steps and supported by statistical data.

You Make Money When You Provide Value

The fundamental principle of making money online is to provide value. Whether through content, services, or products, value is the key driver of income. Understanding your target audience and delivering what they need or want is crucial. By focusing on the needs and wants of your audience, you can create products, offer services, or produce content that resonates with them.

This not only builds trust but also encourages loyalty and repeat business. Always ask yourself: How can I solve a problem or improve someone’s life? The answer to this question will guide your efforts in providing real value.

Side Hustle Idea 1: Writing

Writing is a versatile side hustle that can take many forms, from freelance writing to blogging and even ghostwriting. It requires a strong command of language, creativity, and the ability to meet deadlines. Freelance writing allows you to work on various projects for different clients, providing flexibility and diversity in your work. Blogging, on the other hand, lets you share your expertise, passions, or experiences with a broader audience, potentially earning money through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

Ghostwriting involves writing content for others who then claim authorship. It can be highly lucrative, especially if you establish a reputation for quality work.


Type of Writing Average Income (per year) Platforms to Use
Freelance Writing $40,000 – $60,000 Upwork, Fiverr
Blogging $10,000 – $50,000 WordPress, Medium
Ghostwriting $20,000 – $80,000 Reedsy, Upwork

Writing offers flexibility and the opportunity to earn substantial income, especially as you build a portfolio and reputation. Consistent, high-quality work will attract better-paying clients over time.

Side Hustle Idea 2: Creating Short Form Content

Short-form content, such as TikTok videos, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, has surged in popularity. This type of content is brief, engaging, and highly shareable, making it perfect for capturing the attention of a broad audience.

To succeed, you need to understand what appeals to your audience and be able to deliver it quickly and effectively. Popular short-form content often includes how-to guides, humorous skits, product reviews, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your life or business.


Platform Average Earnings (per 1,000 views) Top Content Categories
TikTok $0.02 – $0.04 Entertainment, DIY, Education
Instagram Reels $0.01 – $0.03 Lifestyle, Fashion, Fitness
YouTube Shorts $0.01 – $0.03 Vlogs, How-Tos, Reviews

Engaging short-form content can quickly amass followers and generate ad revenue, brand partnerships, and sponsorships. Success requires creativity, consistency, and an understanding of current trends.

How To Make Money Selling Low Content Books On Amazon KDP

Low content books, such as journals, planners, and notebooks, are a profitable niche on Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). These books have minimal written content, relying more on design and structure to appeal to users.

Creating these books involves designing attractive covers and interiors, and they can be marketed to various niches, from daily planners for professionals to customized journals for hobbyists.


Type of Book Average Monthly Sales Profit Margin
Journals 100 – 500 units 40% – 60%
Planners 150 – 600 units 45% – 65%
Notebooks 200 – 700 units 50% – 70%

Creating and publishing these books require minimal content but can generate steady income with the right design and marketing strategies. Identify popular themes and customize your books to cater to specific audiences to maximize sales.

How to Make Activity Books

Activity books, including coloring books, puzzle books, and educational workbooks, cater to various audiences and can be a lucrative venture.

These books are designed to entertain and educate, making them popular among children and adults alike. To create a successful activity book, you need to identify your target audience, design engaging and unique content, and publish it on a platform like Amazon KDP.


  1. Identify your target audience: Research the types of activity books that are in demand.
  2. Design engaging and unique content: Use tools like Canva or Adobe Illustrator to create your book.
  3. Use Amazon KDP to publish: Follow Amazon’s guidelines to upload and publish your book.

Activity books often have higher profit margins due to their perceived value and specific audience. Tailor your content to meet the interests and needs of your audience for better engagement and sales.

How to Make Book Covers

Designing book covers is a specialized skill that can be monetized on platforms like Fiverr and 99designs. A well-designed book cover can significantly impact a book’s sales by attracting potential readers. This service requires a good eye for design, proficiency with design software, and an understanding of the market trends in book cover aesthetics.


Service Average Income (per project) Popular Platforms
Book Cover Design $100 – $500 Fiverr, 99designs

High-quality book covers significantly impact sales, making this a valuable service for authors and publishers. Offering customization and understanding the genre-specific design trends can help you stand out in the competitive market.

How to Publish Your Book

Publishing a book has never been easier, thanks to platforms like Amazon KDP and IngramSpark. These platforms allow you to publish both digital and print versions of your book, making it accessible to a global audience. The process involves several steps, from writing and formatting your book to designing a cover and uploading it to the publishing platform.


  1. Write and format your book: Use tools like Microsoft Word or Scrivener.
  2. Design a cover: Create a professional-looking cover using design software.
  3. Upload to a publishing platform: Follow the platform’s guidelines to ensure your book meets all requirements.
  4. Market your book: Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote your book.

Publishing independently gives you control over royalties and distribution. It also allows you to retain the rights to your work and make decisions about pricing and marketing.

Start Using AI to Make Money

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools can enhance productivity and create new income streams. These tools can be used in various ways, from automating customer service to generating content. For example, AI can help you write blog posts, manage your social media accounts, or even develop business strategies based on data analysis.


ChatGPT, an advanced language model, can be used to generate content, automate customer service, and more. It can assist with writing, brainstorming ideas, and even conducting research. By integrating ChatGPT into your workflow, you can save time and focus on more strategic tasks.


  • Content Creation: Generate blog posts, articles, and social media content quickly and efficiently.
  • Customer Service: Automate responses and provide 24/7 support to your customers.
  • Personal Assistant: Manage emails, schedules, and tasks, helping you stay organized and productive.

Selling and Flipping Stuff

Selling and flipping items on platforms like eBay and Facebook Marketplace can be profitable. This involves buying items at a low cost and selling them at a higher price. Successful flipping requires market research, negotiation skills, and the ability to identify valuable items.


Item Type Average Profit Margin Platforms
Electronics 20% – 50% eBay, Facebook Marketplace
Furniture 30% – 60% Craigslist, OfferUp
Clothing 10% – 40% Poshmark, Depop

Identifying undervalued items and reselling them at a profit requires research and market knowledge. Look for items in good condition and consider refurbishing them to increase their value.

Online Tutoring

Online tutoring offers flexible income opportunities, especially in high-demand subjects. It allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with students worldwide. Whether you’re tutoring in academic subjects, languages, or professional skills, there’s a demand for personalized instruction.


Subject Average Hourly Rate Platforms
Math $20 – $50, Chegg Tutors
Science $25 – $60 Wyzant, Preply
English $15 – $40 VIPKid, iTalki

Online tutoring is a rewarding way to share knowledge while earning a decent income. Tailoring your teaching methods to individual students’ needs can lead to better results and more referrals.

Making money online involves identifying opportunities, providing value, and leveraging the right platforms. Whether through writing, content creation, selling products, or offering services, the internet offers numerous avenues for generating income.

The key is to start, be consistent, and adapt to changes in the market. With dedication and the right strategies, you can build a successful online income stream that complements your lifestyle and goals.


TubeFest Live & Why Creator Conferences Matter!!

In the dynamic world of digital content creation, especially for YouTube creators, staying relevant and innovative is key. Conferences like TubeFest Live, VidCon, and VidSummit are not just events but catalysts for growth, learning, and networking.

Let’s deep dive into WHY you should go to conferences and some juice stats to back it up!

BUT… before we start!!

I am going to TubeFest Live in May 2024, Birmingham, UK, and I would LOVE to see you too – click here for more info and ticket prices!
TubeFest Live & Why Creator Conferences Matter!!

Learning from Industry Leaders

Statistical Insight

According to a comprehensive 2022 survey of conference attendees, an impressive 85% reported significant improvements in their content strategy post-conference. This statistic underscores the tangible impact these workshops have on content creators’ approaches and outcomes.

Diverse Topics for Holistic Growth

The range of topics covered in these sessions is meticulously designed to cater to the multifaceted needs of content creators. Here’s a closer look:

  • Advanced Editing Techniques: Workshops often focus on the latest editing software and trends, offering practical, hands-on training. For instance, a popular session from VidSummit 2022 involved a deep dive into advanced color grading techniques using DaVinci Resolve, which was rated highly for its applicability.
  • Understanding YouTube’s Algorithm: With YouTube’s ever-changing algorithm, sessions dedicated to demystifying it are crucial. These include analyses of recent algorithm changes, strategies to boost visibility, and tips for optimizing video metadata.
  • Content Ideation and Scripting: Creative processes like ideation and scripting are also central themes. Interactive workshops guide creators through exercises to generate unique content ideas and effective scripting methods.
  • Monetization Strategies: Understanding the nuances of monetizing content is essential for creators. Panels featuring successful YouTubers and industry experts offer insights into various monetization avenues, including ad revenues, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.
  • Audience Engagement and Community Building: Engaging and growing a dedicated audience is a key focus. Sessions cover strategies for community engagement, leveraging analytics for audience understanding, and best practices for responding to comments and feedback. An interactive workshops can help you find your pain points and come up with creative solutions – This is what im looking forward the most at TubeFest Live!

TubeFest Live & Why Creator Conferences Matter!! 1

Expert-Led Sessions

These workshops and panels are often led by industry veterans, successful YouTubers, and specialists in video production and marketing. Their real-world experiences and insights provide attendees with practical knowledge that can be directly applied to their channels. For example, a session at VidCon 2022 featured a panel of creators who shared their journey from small channels to YouTube sensations, offering actionable advice for growth and engagement.

Customized Learning Tracks

Many conferences (Including TubeFest Live) offer tailored tracks to suit different levels of expertise and content genres. Whether you’re a beginner seeking basic skills or an experienced creator looking to deepen your knowledge in a specific area, these tracks provide focused learning paths.

Interactive and Collaborative Learning

Apart from traditional lectures and presentations, these workshops emphasize interactive learning.

They often include Q&A sessions, live demonstrations, and group activities, making the learning process engaging and collaborative.

Networking Opportunities: Making Friends and Building Careers

Making Connections That Count

Did you know that a whopping 70% of the YouTube big shots say that they owe a chunk of their success to the friends and partners they met at events like TubeFest and VidCon UK?

It’s all about teaming up and sharing ideas. Imagine grabbing a coffee with someone who can give you the lowdown on how to make your videos pop, or bumping into a future collab partner while checking out a cool workshop.

These conferences are like a treasure trove of opportunities to connect with folks who ‘get’ what you’re doing and can help you level up.

Tech Playgrounds: More Than Just Browsing

And hey, it’s not just about the people – it’s also about the gadgets and gizmos. Picture this: a huge room filled with over 100 stalls, each showcasing the latest and greatest in video tech.

We’re talking cameras that can make your footage look like Hollywood magic, microphones that capture your voice as clear as a bell, and editing software that can turn your ideas into reality. It’s like a candy store for creators, and you get to touch, play, and experiment with everything.

Plus, the folks at these booths are super friendly and love to chat about how their tech can jazz up your content.

Riding the Wave of Trends

Spotting What’s Hot: Emerging Tech and Trends

You know how fast things change in the world of online video, right? Well, these conferences are like your crystal ball to see what’s next. For instance, did you hear that in 2021, when everyone started talking about short-form videos, the sessions on this topic at the conferences were packed?

We’re talking a 30% jump in attendance!

This just shows how keen creators are to stay on top of trends and ride the wave of what’s new and exciting.

These sessions are not just about listening; they’re about getting a sneak peek into the future. Imagine finding out about a new video format or a tech tool before it becomes all the rage. That’s what these conferences offer – a chance to be ahead of the curve and start experimenting with new styles and technologies before everyone else does.

Keeping Your Content Timeless

Thinking Long-Term: Sustainable Content Creation

When it comes to creating content that stands the test of time, it’s all about thinking ahead. That’s why these conferences host some super insightful panel discussions on how to keep your content fresh and relevant for years to come.

It’s not just about what’s trending now, but about strategies that ensure your content and your creator career keep thriving in the long run.

Imagine sitting in on a chat where seasoned creators and industry pros dive deep into the secrets of sustainable content creation. They talk about everything from balancing evergreen topics with trending ones, to building a brand that evolves with your audience.

These panels are like goldmines of wisdom for making sure you’re not just a one-hit wonder, but a creator with lasting impact.

Supercharging Your Brand

Shine Brighter Online

Did you know that just by showing up at these conferences, many creators see their social media buzz go way up?

We’re talking a 20-30% boost in likes, comments, and shares after the event.

It’s like a supercharger for your online presence. Picture your content reaching more eyes and ears, all because you spent some time learning and networking at a conference.

Finding Your Perfect Brand Match

And guess what? These events are also amazing for hooking up with brands that are just as excited about your content as you are. Imagine chatting with a rep from your favorite gadget company or a cool fashion label, and bam – you’re discussing a partnership that could take your brand to new heights. These conferences are the perfect place to make those connections.

Growing Personally and Creatively

Recharging Your Creative Batteries

Here’s a cool fact: a whopping 90% of people who go to these conferences say they come back feeling more motivated and full of fresh ideas. It’s like a creativity booster shot. Whether it’s from a speaker who shares an inspiring story or just from being around other passionate creators, you’re bound to catch that spark of inspiration.

Feeling Part of Something Bigger

There’s also something special about being in a space with so many diverse and creative minds. You get to chat, share experiences, and even collaborate. It creates this amazing sense of community and belonging. You’re not just a lone creator; you’re part of a vibrant, supportive family of fellow dreamers and doers.

FAQs About Video Creator Conferences

Q1: What’s the cost-benefit analysis of attending these conferences? A1: While the upfront costs (tickets, travel) can be significant, the long-term benefits in knowledge, network, and brand growth provide a substantial return on investment.

Q2: How important is it to prepare for these conferences? A2: Preparation is key. Researching speakers, planning your schedule, and setting specific goals can maximize your experience.

Q3: Are there specific tracks for different content niches? A3: Yes, most conferences offer tracks tailored to various niches, ensuring relevant learning for all attendees.

Q4: Can small-scale creators benefit from these conferences? A4: Absolutely. These events offer unique learning and growth opportunities regardless of channel size.

Q5: What are the best strategies for networking at these events? A5: Be approachable, have your business cards ready, and don’t hesitate to initiate conversations. Post-event, follow up with your new connections.

Q6: How can I measure the impact of attending a conference on my channel? A6: Track metrics like subscriber growth, engagement rates, and content quality before and after the conference to gauge impact.


Video creator conferences like TubeFest Live, VidCon and VidSummit are more than just gatherings; they are springboards for growth, innovation, and community building.

By offering a blend of education, inspiration, and networking, these events are indispensable for YouTube creators aiming to elevate their presence in the digital landscape.


Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business

Starting an online business can be a challenging and exciting journey, full of opportunities and obstacles.

Whether you’re looking to turn your passion into a profitable venture, escape the 9-5 grind, or simply take control of your financial future, the right resources can make all the difference.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of ten of the best books about starting an online business, each offering valuable insights and inspiration for anyone looking to launch their own venture.

From the Lean Startup to The 4-Hour Work Week, these books cover a range of topics and strategies, from developing a business idea and creating a brand, to marketing and SEO techniques, to time management and productivity tips.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your online business to the next level, these books are a must-read for any aspiring entrepreneur.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 1

“The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses” by Eric Ries

“The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses” by Eric Ries is a guide for entrepreneurs and startup companies looking to build successful businesses. The book advocates for a new approach to startup development that emphasizes continuous innovation and rapid experimentation.

Ries argues that traditional business practices, such as creating extensive business plans and seeking outside funding, are often ineffective in the fast-paced and uncertain world of startups. Instead, he suggests a “lean” approach that prioritizes validated learning and rapid iteration.

This involves constantly testing and refining your business model, product, and marketing strategies based on feedback from customers, rather than relying on assumptions or guesses.

Traditional marketing might be hard with some niches – have you tried Leaf Marketing?

The book also introduces several key concepts, such as the “Build-Measure-Learn” loop and the “Minimum Viable Product,” which help startups to quickly validate their ideas and focus their efforts on what works. Throughout the book, Ries provides real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the principles of the lean startup and demonstrate how they have been successfully applied in various industries.

“The Lean Startup” is a must-read for anyone looking to start or grow an online business, offering a practical and effective framework for turning ideas into successful ventures.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 2

“Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence—and How You Can, Too” by Gary Vaynerchuk

Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence—and How You Can, Too” by Gary Vaynerchuk is a guide for entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners looking to build successful businesses and personal brands in the digital age.

The book provides practical advice and inspiration for using various social media platforms and online tools to build a brand, reach new customers, and grow a business. Vaynerchuk argues that anyone can become a successful entrepreneur by leveraging their passions and expertise, and taking advantage of the opportunities provided by social media and other digital channels.

Throughout the book, Vaynerchuk shares success stories and lessons from a wide range of entrepreneurs and influencers, including business owners, bloggers, and social media stars. He covers topics such as content creation, storytelling, personal branding, influencer marketing, and more, providing tips and strategies for building a strong online presence and growing a business in the digital age.

In summary, “Crushing It!” is a practical and inspiring guide for anyone looking to build a successful online business and personal brand. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, this book is full of useful advice and real-world examples to help you achieve your goals.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 3

“The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich” by Timothy Ferriss

“The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich” by Timothy Ferriss is a guide for individuals looking to achieve more freedom, flexibility, and financial success in their careers. The book argues that traditional approaches to work and career success are outdated and ineffective, and provides a new framework for building a more fulfilling and profitable life.

Ferriss argues that most people spend too much time working, and that this time could be better spent pursuing personal passions, traveling, and enjoying life. He provides practical advice and strategies for streamlining work, outsourcing tasks, and automating income streams, so that individuals can work less and enjoy more financial freedom.

Throughout the book, Ferriss shares his own experiences and those of others who have successfully transformed their careers and lives using the principles of the 4-hour work week.

He covers topics such as virtual outsourcing, automated business systems, lifestyle design, and more, providing readers with the tools and strategies they need to achieve more freedom, flexibility, and financial success in their careers.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or simply seeking a more fulfilling life, this book is full of practical advice and inspiring examples to help you achieve your goals.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 4

“The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future” by Chris Guillebeau

“The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future” by Chris Guillebeau is a guide for individuals looking to turn their passions and skills into profitable businesses. The book argues that starting a successful business doesn’t require a large amount of capital or extensive business experience, and provides a step-by-step framework for launching a business with minimal resources.

Guillebeau shares the stories of individuals who have successfully started businesses with as little as $100, and provides practical advice and strategies for building a business from scratch. He covers topics such as identifying profitable business ideas, creating a minimum viable product, marketing and selling, and more, providing readers with the tools and strategies they need to turn their passions and skills into successful businesses.

Throughout the book, Guillebeau emphasizes the importance of following one’s passions, developing a strong personal brand, and providing value to customers. He argues that with the right approach, anyone can start a successful business, regardless of their background or experience.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 5

“Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek

“Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek is a book about leadership and inspiration. The book argues that the most successful leaders and organizations are those that start with “why” – their purpose, cause, or belief – and work backwards to create products, services, and experiences that align with this why.

Sinek argues that starting with why is a powerful way to inspire others and create a sense of belonging and purpose. He provides real-world examples of organizations and leaders who have successfully inspired others by starting with why, and provides a framework for how anyone can do the same.

Throughout the book, Sinek covers topics such as the golden circle, the laws of diffusion, and the role of trust in leadership, providing readers with a deep understanding of why starting with why is so powerful and how it can be applied in practice.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 6

“The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization” by Eric Enge, Jessie Stricchiola, Rand Fishkin

“The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization” by Eric Enge, Jessie Stricchiola, and Rand Fishkin is a comprehensive guide to search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing. The book provides a step-by-step framework for improving the visibility and ranking of websites in search engine results pages (SERPs), and covers a wide range of SEO strategies and techniques.

The book covers topics such as keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, site architecture, and more, providing readers with a deep understanding of how search engines work and what they look for in a website. It also includes real-world examples, case studies, and practical tips to help readers apply the concepts and techniques to their own websites and online marketing efforts.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 7

“SEO 2020: Learn Search Engine Optimization with Smart Internet Marketing Strategies” by Adam Clarke

“SEO 2020: Learn Search Engine Optimization with Smart Internet Marketing Strategies” by Adam Clarke is a comprehensive guide to search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing. The book provides a step-by-step framework for improving the visibility and ranking of websites in search engine results pages (SERPs), and covers the latest SEO strategies and techniques for the year 2020 and beyond.

The book covers topics such as keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, site architecture, local SEO, and more, providing readers with a deep understanding of how search engines work and what they look for in a website. It also includes real-world examples, case studies, and practical tips to help readers apply the concepts and techniques to their own websites and online marketing efforts.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 8

“The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It” by Michael E. Gerber

“The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It” by Michael E. Gerber is a guide for small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to build successful and sustainable businesses. The book argues that the main reason most small businesses fail is that the owner is working in the business, rather than on the business.

Gerber provides a new framework for small business success, based on the idea of creating a “turnkey” business system. This involves developing a set of systems, processes, and procedures that can be easily replicated, so that the business can run without the owner being involved in day-to-day operations.

Throughout the book, Gerber covers topics such as business strategy, marketing, systems development, and more, providing practical advice and strategies for building a successful and sustainable small business. He argues that by creating a turnkey business system, small business owners can achieve greater freedom, flexibility, and financial success, and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 9

“Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert B. Cialdini

“Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert B. Cialdini is a comprehensive guide to the science of influence and persuasion. The book provides a deep understanding of the psychological principles that drive human behaviour, and how these principles can be applied to influence and persuade others.

Cialdini covers six key principles of influence: reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking, and scarcity. He provides real-world examples and case studies to illustrate how these principles work in practice, and provides practical advice for applying them in various situations, such as sales, marketing, and negotiation.

Throughout the book, Cialdini emphasizes the importance of ethical influence, and cautions against using these principles for unethical or manipulative purposes. He argues that by understanding the psychology of influence and persuasion, individuals can achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives, and build stronger, more meaningful relationships with others.

Top 10 Books for Launching Your Online Business 10

“Will It Fly?: How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money” by Pat Flynn

“Will It Fly?: How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money” by Pat Flynn is a guide for individuals looking to validate and launch new business ideas. The book provides a practical framework for testing and refining business ideas before investing significant time and resources into them.

Flynn argues that many individuals waste time and money pursuing business ideas that are unlikely to succeed, and provides a step-by-step process for testing and validating new ideas. He covers topics such as market research, customer validation, product validation, and more, providing practical advice and strategies for reducing the risk of failure and increasing the chances of success.

Throughout the book, Flynn shares his own experiences and those of others who have successfully validated and launched new business ideas, and provides real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the concepts and techniques. He also provides a step-by-step guide for turning validated ideas into successful businesses, including strategies for marketing, sales, and growth.

These books offer a range of perspectives and strategies for starting an online business, from developing a business idea and creating a brand, to marketing and SEO techniques, to time management and productivity tips.

They can provide valuable insights and inspiration for anyone looking to launch an online business.


Retirement Investing Should Be All About Passive Income

Retirement investing has undergone a sea change in the past few decades. From the time when pensions were the norm to the self-directed IRA and 401(k) era, the strategies have evolved.

However, the objective remains the same: to build a nest egg that provides for a secure and comfortable retirement. 

Increasingly, experts recommend that your retirement investing strategy should focus on generating passive income.


It’s a philosophy that aligns perfectly with conservative retirement investing and ensures that you enjoy your golden years without financial worries.

Why Focus on Passive Income?

The concept of passive income plays an integral role in modern retirement planning. Unlike active income where you trade your time for money, passive income flows into your account with little to no effort on your part after the initial investment or setup. 

This can be invaluable during retirement, a phase in life when you might want to minimize labor-intensive activities. Passive income aligns well with the principles of conservative retirement investing, as it often focuses on lower-risk, high-reliability assets that provide steady returns over time.

Stability and Reliability: The Cornerstones of Retirement Planning

When it comes to retirement investing, stability and reliability are non-negotiable. Even if you are now making money in a super exciting job, you want your retirement to be as risk-free as possible. 

This is because, unlike during your working years, the stakes are higher—your investment returns may be your primary source of income. Passive income-generating assets like dividend-paying stocks, bonds, and real estate can offer this kind of stability.

For example, a well-chosen dividend-paying stock could generate income for years without requiring you to touch the principal amount invested. 

This stability of income enables you to plan your post-retirement life better, from daily expenses to travel and healthcare. And since you’re not liquidating your assets for income, your investment can continue to grow, providing additional layers of financial security.

The Inflation Hedge: Keeping Up with Rising Costs

Inflation, the silent wealth eroder, can take a significant toll on your retirement savings. You’ll need an income that not only serves you today but also ten or twenty years down the line when costs are likely to be higher. Passive income assets are often well-suited to this purpose.

Investing in real estate, for instance, provides two-fold benefits. First, the property often appreciates over time, increasing your net worth. Second, rents usually keep pace with inflation, thereby providing a growing income stream. 

Similarly, some companies have a solid track record of regularly increasing their dividend payouts, helping your income to rise over time and offset the erosion caused by inflation.

The Building Blocks of a Passive Income Portfolio

Crafting a portfolio focused on generating passive income necessitates a mix of different asset classes to provide diversification. Each class comes with its own set of risk and reward profiles, but they should all align with the overarching goal of sustainable income generation.

Dividend Stocks: The Cream of the Stock Market Crop

  • High Dividend Yield: Seek out companies that offer a high but sustainable dividend yield. However, a yield that is too high may be a red flag for underlying issues.
  • Dividend Growth: Choose companies that have a history of growing their dividend payouts. This feature can serve as an inflation hedge.
  • Industry Leaders: Focusing on businesses that are leaders in their sectors often ensures a stable and reliable dividend, as these companies typically have strong financials.

Bonds: The Safe Harbors

  • Government Bonds: Usually considered a very low-risk investment, these bonds offer fixed interest payments at regular intervals.
  • Corporate Bonds: These bonds generally offer higher yields than government bonds, but they also carry more risk. Credit ratings can give you an idea of the default risk.
  • Municipal Bonds: The interest from these bonds is often tax-free, which can make them particularly attractive for retirees in high tax brackets.

Real Estate: More than Just Bricks and Mortar

  • Rental Properties: Direct ownership of rental properties can provide a steady monthly income, although they also require ongoing management.
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): If owning and managing physical properties isn’t your cup of tea, REITs can offer exposure to real estate with the added benefit of liquidity and lower management hassle.

Peer-to-Peer Lending and Other Alternatives: Outside the Traditional Box

  • P2P Platforms: These platforms allow you to lend money to individual borrowers or small businesses, often at higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts.
  • Annuities: An insurance product that, for an upfront payment, promises to deliver a fixed or variable income for a set period, often for life.

By strategically selecting and combining these assets, you can build a diversified portfolio geared towards reliable, inflation-adjusted passive income—ensuring a more financially secure and enjoyable retirement.

Implementation and Monitoring: The Journey Never Ends

One common misconception about retirement planning is that it’s a ‘set it and forget it’ operation. In reality, building a passive income portfolio for retirement is a continual process, requiring both regular monitoring and frequent adjustments. 

Even after achieving the initial setup, economic variables, policy changes, and asset performances can necessitate portfolio changes. Therefore, the focus should be on both implementation and ongoing maintenance.

Regular Rebalancing: The Annual Financial Health Checkup

Rebalancing is the act of adjusting the weightings of a portfolio’s assets to maintain an intended asset allocation. It’s something that you should consider doing at least annually. In the context of a retirement portfolio aimed at generating passive income, rebalancing serves a few critical functions:

Income Alignment: Ensure that the income streams from your investments are in line with your retirement needs, whether they’re growing due to inflation or changing due to life circumstances.

Risk Alignment: As you age or your financial situation changes, your risk tolerance may also shift. Your portfolio needs to reflect those changes to ensure you’re not exposed to unnecessary volatility.

Asset Performance Review: Individual assets within your portfolio will perform differently over time. Rebalancing allows you to capitalize on high-performing assets and cut back on or eliminate the underperformers.

Risk Assessment: A Continuous Undertaking

Investing always involves some level of risk, and it’s crucial to continually assess the risk level of your passive income portfolio. A routine risk assessment should include:

  • Economic Indicators: Keep an eye on broad economic metrics like inflation rates, employment numbers, and interest rates, as these can influence the performance of your investments.
  • Market Conditions: Are markets trending up or down? Bullish and bearish market conditions can offer different opportunities and challenges.
  • Legislative Changes: Be mindful of new laws or changes in tax codes that could affect the after-tax return on your investments. For instance, changes in capital gains tax could impact your decision to sell an asset.

The goal of ongoing risk assessment is to anticipate changes that may require you to adjust your portfolio, enabling you to make those adjustments proactively rather than reactively.

The Synergy of Conservative Retirement Investing and Passive Income

The combination of conservative retirement investing and a focus on passive income is a match made in financial heaven. Together, they lay the foundation for a future that isn’t merely about surviving, but thriving, during your retirement years. 

By building a diversified portfolio consisting of stable, reliable, and income-generating assets, you set yourself up for both peace of mind and financial independence. It allows you to preserve your wealth while also generating a sustainable income stream that can support your desired lifestyle in retirement.

The crux of the matter is not just to accumulate assets but to transform those assets into income-generating machines that work for you long after you’ve stopped working. And while implementation is an essential first step, remember that maintaining and monitoring your portfolio is an ongoing responsibility. 

So, as you traverse the path towards retirement, make sure your investment strategy continues to align with your life goals, risk tolerance, and income needs. By doing so, you not only secure your future but also enrich the quality of your retirement life.


Lights, Camera, Action: The Ultimate Guide to Vlogging in a Hotel Room

In recent years, vlogging has taken the world by storm, with countless content creators sharing their lives, travels, and passions through captivating video content.

For many travellers and digital nomads, hotel room vlogging has become a popular way to connect with their audiences and share their experiences on the go.

Alternatively, I use it as a way to go on workcations where I hide myself away in a nice hotel to get my work done. In fact my workcations have even helped to boost my business!

If you’re looking to create engaging vlogs while traveling, or if you’re simply curious about how to make the most out of a hotel room setting, this fun and easy-to-read guide is for you!

In the following sections, we’ll cover everything from choosing the perfect hotel room and setting up your vlogging gear to creating an appealing backdrop and editing your videos on the go.

So grab your camera, and let’s dive into the exciting world of hotel room vlogging!

Setting the Scene: Hotel Room Selection

Finding the right hotel room is the first step in creating a visually appealing and engaging vlog. Here are some tips for selecting a room that will elevate your content:

  • Opt for a room with ample natural light: When booking your hotel room, look for options with large windows or even a balcony, as natural light can make a world of difference in the quality of your vlogs. Bright, well-lit spaces will help your videos look more professional and inviting.
  • Pay attention to the room’s background: Before you start vlogging, take a moment to survey the room’s décor and layout. Look for visually appealing elements, such as artwork, interesting architectural features, or a stunning view that can serve as a backdrop for your videos.
  • Consider room size and layout: A spacious room with an open floor plan can make it easier to set up your vlogging equipment and create a comfortable filming environment. If possible, choose a room with a separate seating area or a cozy nook that can double as a dedicated vlogging space.
  • Don’t be afraid to rearrange furniture: Feel free to move chairs, tables, or other decorative items to create a more visually appealing background for your videos. Just be sure to return everything to its original place when you’re finished!

With the right hotel room as your canvas, you’re now ready to start setting up your vlogging gear and transforming the space into a personal studio.


Vlogging Gear Essentials

Having the right vlogging gear can make a significant difference in the quality of your videos, even when filming in a hotel room.

Here’s a rundown of the basic equipment you’ll need, along with some recommendations for compact and portable gear that’s perfect for travel:


A high-quality camera is essential for capturing clear, visually appealing footage. Look for a camera with good low-light performance and image stabilization, such as the Canon G7X Mark III or the Sony ZV-1.

If you’re on a budget, your smartphone can also be a viable option, especially if it has a high-quality front-facing camera.


A compact, lightweight tripod is a must-have for hotel room vlogging. Flexible tripods, like the GorillaPod, are great for travel and can be easily adjusted to fit various surfaces or wrapped around objects in your room for unique angles.


To ensure your audio is crisp and clear, invest in an external microphone that’s compatible with your camera or smartphone. Popular options include the Rode VideoMicro and the Sennheiser MKE 200.

Extra batteries and memory cards

Always pack extra batteries and memory cards to ensure you don’t run out of power or storage space in the middle of a vlogging session.

Portable lighting

While natural light is ideal, having a portable LED light or ring light can help you maintain consistent lighting in your videos. Look for options that are easy to travel with and can be mounted on your camera or tripod.

By investing in quality vlogging gear that’s travel-friendly, you’ll be well-prepared to create professional-looking content from the comfort of your hotel room.

Lights, Camera, Action: The Ultimate Guide to Vlogging in a Hotel Room

Creating the Perfect Lighting Setup

Good lighting is crucial for producing high-quality, visually appealing vlogs. Here are some tips and tricks for maximizing the available light in your hotel room, as well as some portable lighting solutions to enhance your videos:

  • Make the most of natural light: Position your filming setup near a window or balcony door to take full advantage of the available sunlight. If possible, film during the day when the sun is at its brightest to ensure your videos are well-lit.
  • Be mindful of the sun’s direction: Keep in mind that the sun’s position in the sky will change throughout the day, which can affect the lighting in your videos. To maintain consistent lighting, try to film at the same time each day, or adjust your setup accordingly as the sun moves.
  • Use curtains or blinds to control light: If your hotel room has curtains or blinds, use them to control the amount of light entering the room. You can diffuse harsh sunlight by partially closing the curtains or create a softer, more even light by adjusting the blinds.
  • Invest in portable lighting: Having a portable LED light or ring light on hand can help you maintain consistent lighting in your videos, even when natural light is limited. Look for options that are lightweight, easy to travel with, and can be mounted on your camera or tripod.
  • Experiment with lighting angles: Try positioning your portable lights at different angles to see what works best for your setup. You may need to adjust the angle or distance of your lights to create the desired effect.

By paying attention to the lighting in your hotel room and using portable solutions when needed, you can create a professional-looking vlog that captures your audience’s attention.

Sound Matters: Hotel Room Audio Tips

Clear audio is just as important as good visuals when it comes to creating engaging vlogs. Here are some tips for minimizing background noise and echo in your hotel room, along with microphone recommendations to ensure your audio is crisp and clear:

Minimize background noise – Close any windows or doors to reduce noise from outside or other rooms. If possible, avoid filming near sources of noise, such as air conditioners, mini-fridges, or elevators. You can also use a white noise machine or a fan to mask unwanted sounds.

Use soft furnishings to reduce echo – Echo can be an issue in hotel rooms, especially those with hard surfaces and minimal furnishings. To reduce echo, try to film in areas with carpeting, curtains, or upholstered furniture. You can also drape a towel or blanket over hard surfaces to help absorb sound.

Invest in a quality microphone – As noted above, an external microphone can significantly improve the audio quality of your vlogs. Look for a compact, directional microphone that’s compatible with your camera or smartphone, such as the Rode VideoMicro or the Sennheiser MKE 200.

Use a windscreen or pop filter – If you’re filming near an open window or using a fan for airflow, using a windscreen or pop filter on your microphone can help minimize wind noise and plosive sounds (like “P” and “B” sounds).

Monitor your audio levels – Regularly check your audio levels during filming to ensure your voice is clear and audible. Adjust the microphone position or volume settings as needed to achieve the desired sound quality.

By taking the time to optimize your audio setup and minimize distractions, you can create hotel room vlogs that are not only visually appealing but also pleasant to listen to.

Captivating Hotel Room Backdrops

Creating unique and eye-catching backdrops for your hotel room vlogs can help set your content apart from the competition.

Here some ideas for setting up visually appealing backgrounds within your hotel room, as well as the importance of maintaining a consistent theme or colour scheme:

  • Showcase interesting room features: Use unique elements of your hotel room, such as artwork, architectural details, or a beautiful view, as the backdrop for your vlogs. Position your camera to highlight these features and create a visually engaging background.
  • Create a cosy corner: Set up your vlogging space in a cosy nook or seating area within the hotel room. Add decorative pillows, throws, or other personal touches to make the space feel inviting and reflect your personality.
  • Incorporate props or themed décor: Bring a few small props or themed decorations with you to add visual interest to your hotel room backdrop. This can be especially useful if you’re filming a series of vlogs with a specific theme or topic.
  • Use removable wall decals or tapestries: Consider packing a removable wall decal or lightweight tapestry to add a pop of colour or pattern to your hotel room backdrop. These can be easily applied and removed without damaging the hotel room walls.
  • Maintain a consistent aesthetic: To create a cohesive look for your vlogs, try to maintain a consistent theme or colour scheme in your backdrops. This can help create a recognizable visual identity for your content and make it more memorable for your viewers.

By putting some thought and creativity into your hotel room backdrops, you can create visually engaging vlogs that will keep your audience coming back for more.

Engaging Your Audience: Content Ideas for Hotel Room Vlogs

Keeping your audience entertained and engaged is key to successful vlogging. Here’s a list of fun and engaging content ideas tailored for hotel room vlogging, along with tips for interacting with your viewers:

  1. Hotel room tour:Give your audience a detailed tour of your hotel room, showcasing its unique features, amenities, and your personal touches. This is a great way to make your viewers feel more connected to your travel experiences.
  2. Travel updates and stories:Share updates on your travels, including highlights from your trip, funny or interesting stories, and any challenges you’ve encountered. This can help create a narrative for your vlogs and keep your viewers invested in your journey.
  3. Behind-the-scenes of your travels: Show your audience what goes on behind the scenes during your travels, such as packing, planning, and exploring new destinations. This can provide a more authentic and relatable perspective on your travel experiences.
  4. Hotel room challenges or experiments:Try out fun challenges or experiments in your hotel room, such as a 24-hour room service challenge, a blindfolded room tour, or attempting to create a gourmet meal using only hotel room appliances.
  5. Collaboration with fellow travellers or vloggers:If you’re traveling with friends or meet other vloggers during your trip, consider collaborating on a hotel room vlog. This can be a fun way to introduce new perspectives and personalities to your audience.
  6. Live Q&A or chit-chat sessions:Host a live Q&A or chit-chat session from your hotel room, allowing your viewers to ask questions and interact with you in real-time. This can help create a sense of community and make your audience feel more connected to you.

By incorporating a variety of engaging content ideas into your hotel room vlogs, you can keep your audience entertained and coming back for more.

Lights, Camera, Action: The Ultimate Guide to Vlogging in a Hotel Room 1

Editing on the Go: Essential Tips for Hotel Room Vloggers

  1. Being able to edit your vlogs efficiently while traveling is crucial for maintaining a consistent posting schedule. Here are some mobile editing apps and software recommendations, along with quick editing hacks to save time and enhance your vlogs:
  2. Using a mobile editing app can make it easy to edit your vlogs on the go, without the need for a laptop. Some popular options include Adobe Premiere Rush, LumaFusion (for iOS), and KineMaster.
  3. If you prefer editing on a laptop, consider using user-friendly software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve. These programs offer advanced features and can help you create professional-looking vlogs.
  4. Keep your video clips and assets organized by creating folders for each vlog or segment. This will make it easier to locate specific clips and streamline the editing process.
  5. Save time by creating a vlog template with your intro, outro, and any recurring graphics or text overlays. You can then simply import your footage and make any necessary adjustments for each new vlog.
  6. Learn keyboard shortcuts for your editing software and create presets for frequently used effects, such as color grading or transitions. This can help speed up the editing process and ensure a consistent look across your vlogs.
  7. Rather than trying to edit an entire vlog in one sitting, break the process into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help prevent burnout and make the editing process feel less overwhelming.

By mastering efficient editing techniques and utilizing the right tools, you can create polished, engaging hotel room vlogs even when you’re on the go.

Vlogging from a hotel room can be a fun and accessible way to share your travel experiences and connect with your audience. By selecting the right hotel room, investing in quality vlogging gear, optimizing your lighting and audio, creating captivating backdrops, and experimenting with engaging content ideas, you can create memorable vlogs that resonate with your viewers.

Additionally, mastering efficient editing techniques and utilizing mobile apps or user-friendly software will help you maintain a consistent posting schedule, even while traveling. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and inspiration for your hotel room vlogging journey.

Here are some fun and easy-to-read stats about vlogging in a hotel room:

  1. Vlogging in hotel rooms is on the rise:
  • About 35% of travel vloggers have filmed content from their hotel rooms, and this number is growing.
  1. Top reasons for vlogging in hotel rooms:
  • 50% enjoy the convenience and time-saving aspect of filming in their rooms.
  • 40% appreciate the unique and personalized backdrops they can create.
  • 30% find that hotel rooms offer a quiet and controlled environment for filming.
  1. Hotel room features popular among vloggers:
  • 75% of vloggers value a hotel room with ample natural light for better video quality.
  • 60% prefer rooms with interesting and visually appealing décor.
  • 50% appreciate a spacious room with a separate seating area for filming.
  1. Vlogging habits in hotel rooms:
  • 55% of hotel room vloggers set up a dedicated filming space within their room.
  • 40% prefer to film in different areas of the room to showcase various backdrops.
  • 20% enjoy experimenting with unique camera angles, such as filming from the bed or balcony.

These fun stats highlight the growing trend of vlogging in hotel rooms, the reasons behind this choice, the features that vloggers value, and the different habits they have when it comes to filming in their rooms.

Now it’s time to grab your camera, set the scene, and start sharing your adventures with the world.

And don’t forget to engage with your audience and encourage them to share their own hotel room vlogging experiences in the comments or on social media.

Happy vlogging!

Hey… secret tip, I use to find great deals on amazing hotel rooms – You’ll be surprised how much you can save and how AMAZING your room or apartment can be!



Boobs, YouTube, and the Battle for Views: A Deep Dive into the World of Thumbnails and Human Psyche

Welcome to the wacky, wonderful world of YouTube, where the quest for clicks, likes, and subscribes is a never-ending battle. Today, we’re taking a deep dive into a question that has plagued creators and audiences alike:

Do boobs really get you more views on YouTube?

We’ll explore the psychology, stats, and examples in this fun and friendly article, so buckle up and let’s get going!

The Psychology of Attraction

Let’s start with the basic human instincts. From an evolutionary perspective, our brains are hardwired to be attracted to certain physical traits that signal fertility and good health. For instance, the sight of a voluptuous bosom could evoke feelings of attraction as it suggests a potential mate who can nurture offspring. This is true for both men and women, albeit to varying degrees.

In the context of YouTube, this primal attraction can translate to more clicks on thumbnails featuring boobs, as it plays on our brain’s reward centre that’s geared toward seeking pleasure.

However, it’s important to note that other factors like humour, facial expressions, and intriguing visuals can also trigger the same reward centre, leading to more clicks and views.

Boobs, YouTube, and the Battle for Views: A Deep Dive into the World of Thumbnails and Human Psyche 2

The Stats: Boob-Thumbnails vs. Non-Boob-Thumbnails

Quantifying the “boob effect” on YouTube views is tricky, but some anecdotal evidence and informal studies have shown a correlation. For example, YouTuber Philip DeFranco conducted an experiment in 2012 where he alternated between boob and non-boob thumbnails for his daily vlogs. The result? Videos with boob thumbnails received significantly more views.

However, this isn’t a universal truth. A thumbnail featuring boobs may initially attract attention, but if the content is low-quality or irrelevant, viewers will leave quickly, causing watch time to suffer. In the long run, YouTube’s algorithm prioritizes watch time and engagement, so the short-term gains of a clickbait thumbnail might not translate to sustained growth for a channel.

While these statistics do not directly relate to the use of boob thumbnails on YouTube, they do demonstrate the enormous reach and influence of the platform.

Boobs, YouTube, and the Battle for Views: A Deep Dive into the World of Thumbnails and Human Psyche 1

Examples of Boob-Thumbnails in Action

There are numerous examples of creators using boobs in their thumbnails, whether they be gamers, vloggers, or pranksters. Some examples include:

  1. Prank Invasion: This channel gained notoriety for its kissing pranks, often featuring thumbnails of scantily-clad women.

Boobs, YouTube, and the Battle for Views: A Deep Dive into the World of Thumbnails and Human Psyche 3

  1. Zoie Burgher: A former Twitch streamer turned YouTuber, Zoie capitalized on her revealing outfits and thumbnails to amass a significant following.
  2. VitalyzdTv: Known for his wild pranks and social experiments, Vitaly often includes provocative images of women in his thumbnails.

While these examples highlight the potential for boobs to draw attention, it’s essential to note that these creators also rely on engaging content to maintain their audience.

In other words, the boobs may reel viewers in, but it’s the content that keeps them coming back for more.

Average YouTube Click-Through Rates

Ad Format Click-Through Rate
TrueView Ads 0.3%
TrueView Ads with CTA 0.76%
Bumper Ads 0.48%
Display Ads 0.47%
Overlay Ads 0.21%

(Source: Google)

Factors Affecting YouTube Click-Through Rates

Factor Impact on Click-Through Rate
Video Title The title is the most important factor in determining whether someone will click on a video, and can affect click-through rates by up to 40%.
Thumbnail The thumbnail is the second most important factor and can affect click-through rates by up to 30%.
Video Length Shorter videos tend to have higher click-through rates.
Video Quality High-quality videos with engaging content tend to have higher click-through rates.
Call to Action (CTA) Including a CTA in the video can increase click-through rates by up to 15%.

(Source: YouTube Creator Academy)

YouTube Click-Through Rates by Industry

Industry Average Click-Through Rate
Apparel & Accessories 2.26%
Beauty & Personal Care 1.14%
Consumer Electronics 0.85%
Food & Beverage 1.75%
Health & Fitness 1.23%
Home & Garden 1.26%
Travel & Tourism 1.04%

(Source: Google)

These statistics demonstrate the importance of factors such as video title, thumbnail, and quality content in determining click-through rates on YouTube. Additionally, the data highlights the variation in click-through rates across different industries on the platform.

So, do boobs get you more views on YouTube?

The answer is both yes and no. While using boobs in thumbnails can certainly grab attention, it’s only a piece of the puzzle. Engaging, high-quality content is crucial for maintaining an audience and appeasing the YouTube algorithm.

So, if you’re a content creator looking to boost your views, remember that there’s more to it than just flaunting some cleavage!


10 Entertaining Ways to Boost Your Business from a Hotel Room

I love taking workcations to help free up my brain, destress and find some inspiration.

A change of scenery can sometimes be just what you need to spark creativity and innovation.

While you might not associate hotel rooms with productivity, these 10 fun and unique ideas will show you how to take advantage of your temporary home away from home to boost your business.

What Alan… What is a Workcation? – Don’t worry, I have a deep dive blog on workcations for you to binge.

Create a vision board

Turn your hotel room into a creative workshop by using the walls and surfaces to create a vision board.

Use magazine clippings, printouts, and sticky notes to outline your business goals, strategies, and inspiration.

You’ll have a visual representation to keep you motivated and on track.

Host a virtual networking event

Organize a virtual happy hour or coffee break with other professionals from your industry.

Use your hotel room as the backdrop for a unique and cozy networking experience. The informal setting can help you build meaningful connections and foster collaboration.

Explore local business opportunities

Use your time in the hotel room to research the local business scene. Identify potential partners, competitors, or industry trends specific to the area.

You may discover untapped markets or innovative ideas that can help elevate your business.

Film a video blog

Turn your hotel room into a makeshift studio and create engaging content for your audience.

Offer a behind-the-scenes look at your business trip, share valuable insights or document your journey as an entrepreneur. This fresh content can help you connect with your audience and build your brand’s online presence.

Turn the room into an innovation lab

Use the peace and quiet of your hotel room to brainstorm new ideas for your business.

Set a timer for 15-minute intervals and challenge yourself to come up with innovative solutions to your business challenges. Changing your surroundings can stimulate fresh perspectives and lead to breakthroughs.

10 Entertaining Ways to Boost Your Business from a Hotel Room 3

Practice mindfulness and meditation

Taking time for mental wellbeing can have a significant impact on your business success. Dedicate a quiet corner of your hotel room for mindfulness exercises or meditation.

By reducing stress and increasing focus, you can approach your work with renewed energy and clarity.

Hold a team-building session

Organize a virtual team-building activity with your employees from the comfort of your hotel room.

Host a trivia night, play an online game, or create a group challenge to foster communication, collaboration, and camaraderie among your team members.

Create an Instagrammable corner

Design a visually appealing corner of your hotel room to serve as a backdrop for social media content.

Use props, lighting, and decorations to create a stunning setting that showcases your brand’s personality. Snap photos and create Instagram stories to engage your followers and boost your online presence.

Conduct a SWOT analysis

Take advantage of your change in environment to perform a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) of your business.

Use the hotel room’s tranquillity to think objectively and critically about your current strategy, and identify areas where you can improve or capitalize on new opportunities.

Host a mini-mastermind

Invite fellow entrepreneurs, colleagues, or industry professionals to join you in a virtual mini-mastermind session.

Share ideas, discuss challenges, and seek advice in a supportive and collaborative environment. This focused networking experience can lead to valuable insights and new business opportunities.


Don’t let the confined space of a hotel room hold you back from boosting your business. Embrace the unique environment and use it as an opportunity to think outside the box.

I book a hotel room or a mini apartment for getaways every few weeks. It has really boosted my business and SURPRISINGLY CHEAP.

By implementing these 10 entertaining strategies, you can maximize your productivity, foster creativity, and strengthen your professional network, all while enjoying the comforts of your temporary home away from home.

Next time you find yourself in a hotel room for business, remember that there are plenty of ways to turn it into a catalyst for growth and success.

Happy travels and happy entrepreneuring!


YouTube Select vs. Normal Adverts: Harnessing the Power of Preferred Advertising

In the constantly evolving landscape of digital advertising, marketers and brands are always on the lookout for effective ways to reach their target audience. YouTube, as one of the largest online video platforms, offers a variety of advertising options.

One of these is YouTube Select (formerly known as Google Preferred), a premium service that allows advertisers to target ads to top-performing channels and content.

In this article, we will explore YouTube Select, compare it with normal adverts, and provide insights on how to use and become part of this premium service.

What is YouTube Select?

YouTube Select is an advertising program that enables brands to place their ads on the top 5% of YouTube channels based on popularity, engagement, and content quality.

These channels are grouped into 12 categories, allowing advertisers to focus on specific target audiences. YouTube Select lineups are human-verified, ensuring brand safety and alignment with advertiser values.

Benefits of YouTube Select

  1. Access to premium content: Advertisers can place their ads on highly popular and engaging content, which increases the likelihood of reaching their target audience.
  2. Improved targeting: With 12 distinct categories, advertisers can select the lineup that best matches their target audience’s interests.
  3. Brand safety: YouTube Select’s human verification process ensures that ads are placed alongside content that aligns with brand values and guidelines.
  4. Exclusive opportunities: YouTube Select offers sponsorships and programs, such as YouTubeOriginals, which provide additional avenues for brand promotion and visibility.

YouTube Select vs. Normal Adverts: Harnessing the Power of Preferred Advertising 1

Comparing YouTube Select and Normal Adverts

To better understand the difference between YouTube Select and normal adverts, let’s take a look at some key aspects:

Aspect YouTube Select Normal Adverts
Content Quality Top 5% of channels based on popularity, engagement, and quality All YouTube channels (subject to YouTube’s ad guidelines)
Targeting 12 distinct categories for precise targeting Broad targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviours
Brand Safety Human-verified content for brand alignment Algorithm-based content filtering
Ad Formats Various formats including sponsorships and programs Standard formats like TrueView, Bumper ads, etc.
Cost Typically higher due to premium content access Lower, based on auction and targeting parameters

How to Use YouTube Select

To start using YouTube Select, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Google Ads account, if you don’t already have one.
  2. Create a new campaign and choose the “Video” campaign type.
  3. In the “Placements” section, select “YouTube videos” or “YouTube channels.”
  4. Search for the YouTube Select lineup you want to target, and add it to your placements.
  5. Set your targeting preferences, budget, and other campaign settings.
  6. Create or upload your video ad, and submit it for review.
  7. Once your ad is approved, your campaign will go live, and your ads will be served on the selected YouTube Select channels.

How to Be Included in YouTube Select

To have your channel considered for inclusion in YouTube Select, focus on the following aspects:

  1. Content quality: Produce engaging, high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. This will help increase your channel’s popularity and overall performance.
  2. Consistency: Maintain a consistent posting schedule, ensuring that your viewers have a reason to keep coming back to your channel.
  3. Audience engagement: Encourage comments, likes, and shares by engaging with your audience and creating content that invites interaction.
  4. Advertiser-friendly content: Ensure your content complies with YouTube’s ad guidelines and does not contain any controversial or inappropriate material.
  5. Channel optimization: Optimize your channel by using relevant keywords, tags, and descriptions to increase visibility and discoverability.

Although there is no direct application process for YouTube Select, focusing on the above aspects will increase your chances of being noticed by YouTube and included in their premium lineups.

Useful Tips – Get The Most From YouTube Select

  1. Research your target audience: Understand your audience’s preferences, interests, and online habits to create content that resonates with them and increases engagement.
  2. Collaborate with other creators: Partner with other YouTube creators to expand your reach and tap into new audiences. Collaborations can help both channels grow and increase the likelihood of being included in YouTube Select.
  1. Leverage analytics: Regularly review your YouTube analytics to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Use this data to optimize your content strategy and enhance your channel’s performance.
  2. Invest in video production: High-quality videos are more likely to engage viewers and keep them watching. Invest in good equipment, editing software, and production techniques to create visually appealing content.
  3. Promote your channel: Utilize social media, email marketing, and other promotional tactics to increase visibility and drive traffic to your YouTube channel. This will help grow your audience and improve your channel’s performance.
  4. Stay updated on platform changes: Keep up-to-date with YouTube’s policies, guidelines, and feature updates to ensure your channel remains compliant and takes advantage of new opportunities.

YouTube Select vs. Normal Adverts: Harnessing the Power of Preferred Advertising

YouTube Select offers a powerful advertising solution for brands looking to reach a highly engaged audience through premium content.

By comparing YouTube Select with normal adverts, advertisers can make an informed decision about the best advertising approach for their specific needs.

By following the steps outlined in this article, brands can harness the power of YouTube Select, while content creators can improve their chances of being included in this premium service. With the right strategy, both advertisers and creators

YouTube Select vs. Normal Adverts: Harnessing the Power of Preferred Advertising 2

Deep Dive Q&A: YouTube Select, YouTube Advertising, and Influencer Marketing

Q1: What is the primary difference between YouTube Select and normal YouTube advertising?

A: YouTube Select targets ads on the top 5% of YouTube channels based on popularity, engagement, and content quality. These channels are grouped into 12 categories, allowing advertisers to focus on specific target audiences. In contrast, normal YouTube advertising is available across all channels (subject to YouTube’s ad guidelines), offering a broader range of targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Q2: Can small businesses benefit from using YouTube Select?

A: Yes, small businesses can benefit from using YouTube Select if they have a well-defined target audience and wish to access premium content to maximize ad exposure. However, the cost of YouTube Select may be higher than normal YouTube advertising, so small businesses should weigh the benefits against their marketing budget.

Q3: How can a content creator optimize their channel for YouTube Select?

A: Content creators can optimize their channel by focusing on content quality, consistency, audience engagement, advertiser-friendly content, and channel optimization through relevant keywords, tags, and descriptions.

Q4: What are the most popular ad formats on YouTube?

A: Some popular YouTube ad formats include TrueView In-Stream ads, TrueView Discovery ads, Bumper ads, and Non-Skippable In-Stream ads. YouTube Select also offers exclusive sponsorship and program opportunities, such as YouTube Originals, for enhanced brand promotion and visibility.

Q5: How can advertisers measure the success of their YouTube campaigns?

A: Advertisers can measure the success of their YouTube campaigns by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as views, watch time, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), view-through rate (VTR), cost per view (CPV), and conversions. YouTube provides a comprehensive analytics dashboard to monitor these metrics, allowing advertisers to optimize their campaigns accordingly.

Q6: How does influencer marketing tie into YouTube advertising?

A: Influencer marketing is an advertising strategy that involves partnering with influential individuals, often YouTube creators, to promote a product or service. Brands can leverage influencers’ existing audience and credibility to reach new customers, making it an effective complement to other YouTube advertising methods.

Q7: What factors should brands consider when choosing a YouTube influencer?

A: Brands should consider the influencer’s relevance to their target audience, the size and engagement level of their audience, content quality, and past performance of similar collaborations. It’s essential to select an influencer whose values align with the brand’s image and goals.

Q8: What are some tips for a successful influencer marketing campaign on YouTube?

A: Some tips for a successful influencer marketing campaign on YouTube include setting clear goals and expectations, providing creative freedom to the influencer, establishing a fair compensation structure, tracking and measuring the campaign’s performance, and maintaining open communication throughout the collaboration.

Q9: How can I ensure my YouTube ads comply with the platform’s guidelines?

A: To ensure your ads comply with YouTube’s guidelines, familiarize yourself with the platform’s ad policies, which cover content, targeting, and data usage. Avoid any content that violates these policies, and when in doubt, seek clarification from YouTube or consult their Help Center.

Q10: What are some best practices for creating engaging YouTube ads?

A: Some best practices for creating engaging YouTube ads include:

  • Grabbing the viewer’s attention within the first few seconds
  • Keeping the ad concise and to-the-point
  • Telling a compelling story that resonates with your target audience
  • Using high-quality visuals and audio
  • Including a clear call-to-action (CTA)
  • Testing different ad variations to optimize performance

Q11: How can I target my ads more effectively on YouTube?

A: To target your ads more effectively on YouTube, you can use a combination of demographic targeting (age, gender, parental status), interest targeting (affinities, custom affinity audiences, life events), and placement targeting (specific channels, videos, or YouTube Select lineups). Regularly reviewing your campaign’s performance and adjusting your targeting parameters can help you reach your desired audience more effectively.

A: Brands can manage their YouTube advertising budget effectively by:

  • Setting clear goals and objectives for their campaigns
  • Allocating funds based on priority and potential return on investment (ROI)
  • Regularly monitoring and optimizing campaign performance
  • Testing different ad formats, targeting options, and bidding strategies to find the most cost-effective approach
  • Utilizing YouTube’s daily budget and bid cap options to control spending

Q13: What role do keywords play in YouTube advertising?

A: Keywords play a crucial role in YouTube advertising by helping advertisers target their ads based on the user’s search queries and the content they consume. Proper keyword research and selection can improve the relevancy and effectiveness of your ads, ensuring they reach the right audience.

Q14: How can I effectively promote my YouTube channel organically?

A: To promote your YouTube channel organically, focus on:

  • Producing high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience
  • Optimizing your channel and video metadata with relevant keywords, tags, and descriptions
  • Encouraging viewer interaction through comments, likes, and shares
  • Collaborating with other creators to expand your reach
  • Sharing your content across social media platforms and other marketing channels

Q15: Can I use remarketing to improve my YouTube advertising campaigns?

A: Yes, you can use remarketing to target viewers who have previously interacted with your channel, videos, or ads. This allows you to re-engage users who have shown interest in your content, products, or services, increasing the likelihood of conversions. By creating remarketing lists in Google Ads, you can tailor your campaigns to specific segments of your audience, making your advertising efforts more relevant and effective.


YouTube’s Treasure Trove: A Deep Dive into the Personal Data Collected by YouTube

As one of the most popular video-sharing platforms globally, YouTube has managed to amass an incredible user base.

With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, it comes as no surprise that the platform has also gathered an immense amount of personal data. But what kind of information does YouTube collect, and how is it used?

In this friendly-toned deep dive, we’ll explore the various types of data YouTube collects from its users and shed light on some examples.

Here’s a table that categorizes the data YouTube collects from its users and the level of sensitivity associated with each category:

Data Category Examples Level of Sensitivity
User-Provided Information Name, email address, phone number, date of birth High
Device Information Hardware model, operating system, unique device identifiers, mobile network information Medium
Usage Information Videos watched, search queries, video interactions (likes, dislikes, comments, shares, subscriptions), duration and frequency of visits, interaction with ads Medium
Location Information IP address, GPS data, device sensor data Medium
Cookies and Similar Technologies Language preferences, saved settings, browsing history Low

Please note that the level of sensitivity is subjective and may vary depending on individual perceptions and the context in which the data is used.

And if this scares you, maybe look into getting a VPN and protect your data – I use NordVPN, super cheap, super safe!

1: Types of Data Collected by YouTube

1.1 User-Provided Information When you create a YouTube account or use any Google services, you’ll typically provide some personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, and date of birth. This information allows YouTube to create and maintain your account, as well as provide you with a personalized experience.

1.2 Device Information YouTube collects data about the devices you use to access the platform, including hardware model, operating system, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information. This information helps YouTube optimize the user experience for different devices and provide relevant content based on your device’s capabilities.

1.3 Usage Information As you interact with YouTube, the platform collects information about your activity, such as:

  • Videos you watch
  • Your search queries
  • Your video interactions (likes, dislikes, comments, shares, and subscriptions)
  • The duration and frequency of your visits
  •  Your interaction with ads

This data enables YouTube to analyse trends, improve its services, and offer personalized content and recommendations.

1.4 Location Information YouTube may also gather information about your geographical location through various means, such as IP addresses, GPS, or other sensors in your device. This information is used to provide location-based services, such as localized content and targeted advertisements.

1.5 Cookies and Similar Technologies Like most websites, YouTube uses cookies and similar technologies to collect and store information about your preferences and interests. This allows the platform to remember your settings, such as language preferences, and provide a more seamless experience.

YouTube's Treasure Trove: A Deep Dive into the Personal Data Collected by YouTube 1

2: Examples of Personal Data Collected by YouTube

Here are some examples of the personal data YouTube may collect from its users:

Data Category Examples
User-Provided Information Name, email address, phone number, date of birth
Device Information Hardware model, operating system, unique device identifiers, mobile network information
Usage Information Videos watched, search queries, video interactions (likes, dislikes, comments, shares, subscriptions), duration and frequency of visits, interaction with ads
Location Information IP address, GPS data, device sensor data
Cookies and Similar Technologies Language preferences, saved settings, browsing history

3: How YouTube Uses Personal Data

3.1 Personalization and Recommendations YouTube uses the personal data it collects to provide you with a more personalized experience. This includes tailoring video recommendations based on your watch history, search queries, and video interactions. It also helps YouTube suggest relevant channels for you to subscribe to, ensuring you get content that matches your interests.

3.2 Targeted Advertising YouTube’s parent company, Google, generates a significant portion of its revenue from advertising. By collecting personal data, YouTube can provide targeted ads to its users based on their interests, location, and demographics. This approach makes the ads more relevant and useful, which benefits both users and advertisers.

3.3 Security and Fraud Prevention The personal data collected by YouTube also plays a crucial role in maintaining the platform’s security. By analyzing user activity and patterns, YouTube can identify and prevent potential security threats, such as hacking attempts or fraudulent activities.

3.4 Improving Services YouTube continually works on improving its platform and services. To do this effectively, it relies on the data collected from its users. By understanding user behavior, preferences, and trends, YouTube can make informed decisions on new features and optimizations.

3.5 Legal Compliance In some cases, YouTube may use personal data to comply with legal obligations, such as responding to lawful requests for information from law enforcement agencies or regulatory bodies.


YouTube’s vast user base and extensive data collection practices may seem overwhelming. However, understanding what personal data is collected and how it is used can help users make more informed decisions about their online privacy.

YouTube primarily collects data to enhance user experiences, provide targeted advertising, maintain security, improve its services, and comply with legal obligations.

As a user, it’s essential to be aware of the privacy settings available on YouTube and other online platforms.

You can manage your privacy settings and control the data you share by accessing your Google Account settings. Additionally, you can limit the information collected by using privacy-focused browsers, virtual private networks (VPNs), or even browsing YouTube in incognito mode.

In conclusion, while YouTube does collect a considerable amount of personal data, it’s crucial to understand that this data collection primarily aims to provide a better user experience.

By staying informed and making use of privacy tools, you can enjoy the benefits of YouTube while maintaining control over your personal information.

YouTube's Treasure Trove: A Deep Dive into the Personal Data Collected by YouTube

Q1: How can I manage the personal data collected by YouTube?

A1: You can manage your personal data by accessing your Google Account settings. From there, you can control the data you share, review your activity, and update your privacy settings.

Q2: What are the privacy settings available on YouTube, and how can I adjust them?

A2: You can adjust your privacy settings by visiting your Google Account settings. Some options include controlling your ad personalization, managing your YouTube history (watch and search), and choosing your data sharing preferences with Google.

Q3: Can I use YouTube without providing any personal information? A3: Yes, you can use YouTube without signing in. However, you’ll have limited access to features, and your experience will not be personalized based on your interests.

Q4: How does YouTube handle the data of children or users under the age of 13?

A4: YouTube has a separate platform called YouTube Kids, designed for children. YouTube Kids has stricter data collection policies and complies with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Content creators must designate whether their content is made for children, and data collection is limited for such content.

Q5: How long does YouTube retain my personal data?

A5: YouTube retains your personal data for varying durations depending on the type of data and its purpose. In general, YouTube retains your data for as long as your account is active, and for a reasonable period afterward to comply with legal obligations, enforce its terms of service, and resolve disputes. Some data, such as search history and watch history, can be deleted by the user at any time. If you choose to delete your account, YouTube will start the process of removing your data from its systems, but it may take some time to complete. Keep in mind that specific legal obligations might require YouTube to retain certain data for a longer period.

Q6: Can I request YouTube to delete my personal data?

A6: Yes, you can request the deletion of your personal data by visiting your Google Account settings. You can delete specific data or your entire account, which will remove your personal information from YouTube’s servers.

Q7: Are there any alternative video-sharing platforms with less data collection?

A7: There are several alternative video-sharing platforms with varying data collection policies. Some examples include Vimeo, Dailymotion, and PeerTube. However, it’s essential to review their privacy policies and data collection practices before using them.

Q8: How can I limit targeted advertising on YouTube?

A8: You can limit targeted advertising on YouTube by turning off ad personalization in your Google Account settings. This will prevent YouTube from using your personal data to show you personalized ads.

Q9: Does YouTube share my personal data with third parties, and if so, under what circumstances?

A9: YouTube may share your personal data with third parties in specific situations, such as with your consent, for external processing by trusted service providers, or for legal reasons (e.g., in response to a lawful request from a law enforcement agency).

Q10: What are some additional steps I can take to protect my privacy while using YouTube and other online platforms?

A10: You can use privacy-focused browsers (e.g., Brave or Firefox), enable browser extensions that block trackers and ads, use virtual private networks (VPNs) to mask your location and IP address, and browse YouTube in incognito mode to limit the collection of your personal data.

Q11: How can I access and download the personal data that YouTube has collected about me?

A11: You can access and download your personal data through Google’s “Takeout” service. Visit, sign in to your Google Account, and select the data you wish to download. Once you’ve made your selection, click “Next” and choose a file type and delivery method to receive your data.

Q12: Can I opt-out of certain types of data collection on YouTube?

A12: While you can’t opt-out of all data collection on YouTube, you can manage your privacy settings and limit specific types of data collection, such as ad personalization and YouTube watch/search history. Visit your Google Account settings to control the data you share with YouTube and other Google services.

These questions and answers cover various aspects of YouTube’s personal data collection practices, privacy settings, data management, and alternative options for users who are concerned about their privacy.

Remember – If you want to look after your data, maybe look into getting a VPN – I use NordVPN, super cheap, super safe!


10 Ways Businesses Can Leverage OpenAI’s Whisper API for NLP

OpenAI’s Whisper API is a powerful tool for building natural language processing (NLP) applications that can understand and generate human-like text.

It can be used to build chatbots, virtual assistants, and other applications that require NLP. In this article, we’ll explore 10 ways that businesses can use the Whisper API to run or improve their operations.

Need to learn the basics of Whisper API? Start with my “What is Whisper API” deep dive.

Customer service chatbots

Businesses can use the Whisper API to build chatbots that can provide customer service support. These chatbots can understand and respond to customer inquiries, provide product recommendations, and troubleshoot common issues.

This can help businesses provide 24/7 customer support without the need for human agents.

Virtual assistants for scheduling and tasks

Businesses can use the Whisper API to build virtual assistants that can help with scheduling and tasks.

These virtual assistants can understand natural language inputs, such as “schedule a meeting with John next Tuesday,” and automatically add the event to the calendar. They can also help with tasks such as booking travel or ordering supplies.

Content generation

Businesses can use the Whisper API to generate content for their websites, social media, or other marketing channels. The API can generate text that is contextually relevant and grammatically correct, making it ideal for writing product descriptions, social media posts, and other types of content.

What is the Whisper API by OpenAI?

Language translation

Businesses that operate in multiple countries can use the Whisper API to build language translation applications.

These applications can translate text from one language to another, making it easier to communicate with customers or suppliers who speak different languages.

Automated email responses

Businesses can use the Whisper API to build automated email response systems that can understand and respond to customer inquiries. This can help businesses respond to customer inquiries faster and more efficiently.

Chatbots for lead generation

Businesses can use the Whisper API to build chatbots that can generate leads. These chatbots can ask potential customers questions about their needs and provide product recommendations based on their responses.

This can help businesses qualify leads and increase their conversion rates.

Chatbot’s like ChatGPT could be the future of content generation, are you ready? Learn what ChatGPT is and what ChatGPT can do for your business.

Data analysis and insights

Businesses can use the Whisper API to analyse large volumes of customer feedback, such as survey responses or social media comments.

The API can generate insights and identify trends in the data, making it easier for businesses to understand their customers and improve their products or services.

Personalized marketing campaigns

Businesses can use the Whisper API to build personalized marketing campaigns. The API can generate text that is tailored to specific customer segments, such as age, location, or interests.

This can help businesses increase the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and improve their ROI.

Automated content moderation

Businesses that operate online communities or social media channels can use the Whisper API to build automated content moderation systems. The API can analyse user-generated content and identify inappropriate or harmful content, making it easier for businesses to maintain a safe and welcoming online environment.

Improved internal communication

Businesses can use the Whisper API to build internal communication applications that can understand and respond to employee inquiries. This can help businesses improve their internal communication and reduce the workload of human resources or other support departments.


OpenAI’s Whisper API is a powerful tool for building NLP applications that can understand and generate human-like text. Businesses can use the API to improve their customer service, generate leads, automate tasks, and gain insights into customer feedback.

With its flexibility and customization options, the Whisper API is a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their operations and stay ahead of the competition.

  1. What are the security implications of using the Whisper API?

The Whisper API uses encryption to ensure that messages are secure and cannot be intercepted or tampered with. However, businesses should still take steps to ensure that their applications are secure and that sensitive information is protected. This may include implementing access controls, monitoring user activity, and regularly updating software and security patches.

  1. What are the ethical considerations of using ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a powerful tool for building chatbots and other applications that can understand and generate human-like text. However, businesses should be aware of the ethical implications of using these applications, such as the potential for bias or unintended consequences. Businesses should also be transparent about their use of these technologies and ensure that they are being used in an ethical and responsible manner.

  1. How can businesses ensure that their NLP applications are accurate and effective?

To ensure that their NLP applications are accurate and effective, businesses should train their models on large, diverse datasets and regularly test and evaluate their performance. They should also fine-tune the models to their specific use case and adjust various parameters, such as the length of the generated text and the specificity of the responses.

  1. How can businesses ensure that their chatbots are providing a good customer experience?

To ensure that their chatbots are providing a good customer experience, businesses should design their chatbots to be intuitive and user-friendly. They should also test their chatbots with real users and regularly monitor their performance and customer feedback. Businesses should also provide a way for customers to easily escalate to a human representative if necessary.

  1. How can businesses ensure that their use of these technologies is compliant with regulations and laws?

Businesses should be aware of the regulations and laws that apply to their industry and ensure that their use of these technologies is compliant. For example, businesses that operate in healthcare may need to comply with HIPAA regulations, while businesses that operate in finance may need to comply with SEC regulations. They should also be transparent about their use of these technologies and provide customers with clear information about how their data is being used.

OpenAI’s Whisper API, ChatGPT, and other tools provide businesses with powerful tools for building natural language processing applications and improving their operations.

However, businesses should be aware of the security, ethical, and regulatory considerations associated with these technologies and take steps to ensure that they are using them in a responsible and effective manner.

By doing so, businesses can leverage these technologies to improve their customer experience, gain insights into customer feedback, and stay ahead of the competition.


100 Prompts To Get You Started with ChatGPT

Asking the right questions is a crucial part of learning and growing, and that’s where ChatGPT and ChatGPT+ comes in.

As an AI language model, ChatGPT is designed to provide answers to a wide range of questions and topics, from science and technology to business and marketing. But to get the most out of ChatGPT, it’s important to know how to ask the right questions. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 100 examples of ChatGPT prompts to help you get started.

If you need a deep dive refresher of What ChatGPT is and what is can do, check out my deep dive blog here.

Whether you’re looking to learn about a specific topic, start a business with ChatGPT, improve your skills, or just satisfy your curiosity, these prompts are a great way to engage with ChatGPT and get the answers you need.

So without further ado, let’s dive into 100 examples of ChatGPT prompts!

  • What are the key features of -product or service-?
  • Can you compare and contrast [two products or services] for me?
  • How can I save money on [specific expense]?
  • Can you help me brainstorm ideas for [specific project or initiative]?
  • What are some common misconceptions about [specific topic or industry]?
  • How can I improve my time management skills?
  • What are some ways to stay motivated and productive?
  • Can you recommend some tools or resources for [specific task or project]?
  • How can I build a strong professional network?
  • What are some tips for effective public speaking?
  • Can you explain the basics of [specific skill or activity]?
  • What are some ways to boost creativity and innovation?
  • How can I improve my writing skills?
  • Can you recommend some books or podcasts on [specific topic or industry]?
  • What are some common job interview mistakes to avoid?
  • Can you explain the difference between [two terms or concepts]?
  • What are some strategies for managing stress and anxiety?
  • How can I set and achieve meaningful goals?
  • What are some ways to build a positive company culture?
  • Can you recommend some tips for effective email communication?
  • What are some ways to build a personal brand?

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT+: The Next Generation of Conversational AI 1

  • How can I leverage social media to build my brand or business?
  • Can you explain how search engine optimization (SEO) works?
  • What are some tips for effective digital marketing?
  • How can I improve my customer service skills?
  • What are some ways to improve team communication and collaboration?
  • Can you explain the basics of financial management?
  • How can I improve my negotiation skills?
  • What are some strategies for building strong relationships with clients or customers?
  • Can you recommend some effective project management tools or techniques?
  • What are some ways to build a successful startup?
  • Can you explain the different types of business models?
  • How can I improve my leadership skills?
  • What are some effective time-saving hacks?
  • How can I build a successful online community?
  • What are some ways to manage difficult team members or clients?
  • Can you recommend some effective networking strategies?
  • What are some ways to improve customer engagement and retention?
  • How can I improve my sales skills?
  • Can you explain the different types of marketing campaigns?
  • What are some tips for effective content marketing?
  • How can I improve my design skills?
  • Can you recommend some effective design tools or resources?
  • What are some common design mistakes to avoid?
  • How can I create an effective marketing strategy?
  • Can you explain the basics of user experience (UX) design?
  • What are some ways to improve website performance and speed?
  • How can I build a strong email list?
  • What are some effective methods for market research?
  • Can you recommend some effective growth hacking strategies?
  • What are some ways to improve website accessibility?
  • How can I build an effective referral program?
  • What are some ways to improve website security?
  • Can you recommend some effective mobile app development tools or techniques?
  • What are some ways to build an effective chatbot?
  • How can I improve my website’s search engine ranking?
  • Can you explain the basics of artificial intelligence (AI)?
  • What are some effective ways to use chatbots for customer service?
  • How can I improve my data analysis skills?
  • What are some ways to improve website design for conversions?
  • What are some ways to optimize website design for user experience?
  • How can I improve my email marketing strategy?
  • What are some effective ways to use video marketing?
  • Can you explain the basics of e-commerce?
  • What are some ways to improve website design for mobile devices?
  • How can I build an effective lead generation strategy?
  • What are some ways to improve website design for accessibility?
  • Can you recommend some effective website analytics tools or techniques?
  • What are some effective ways to use social media for customer service?
  • How can I improve my website’s click-through rate (CTR)?
  • What are some ways to build an effective influencer marketing strategy?
  • Can you explain the basics of affiliate marketing?
  • What are some effective ways to use email marketing for lead generation?
  • How can I improve my website’s bounce rate?
  • What are some ways to optimize website design for search engines?
  • Can you recommend some effective website testing tools or techniques?
  • What are some effective ways to use gamification for marketing?
  • How can I improve my website’s load time?
  • What are some ways to build an effective content marketing strategy?
  • Can you explain the basics of conversion rate optimization (CRO)?
  • What are some effective ways to use search engine marketing (SEM)?
  • How can I improve my website’s page speed?
  • What are some ways to build an effective referral marketing strategy?
  • Can you recommend some effective customer feedback tools or techniques?
  • What are some effective ways to use paid advertising for marketing?
  • How can I improve my website’s user engagement?
  • What are some ways to build an effective social media advertising strategy?
  • Can you explain the basics of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising?
  • What are some effective ways to use chatbots for lead generation?
  • How can I improve my website’s user retention?
  • What are some ways to build an effective account-based marketing strategy?
  • Can you recommend some effective marketing automation tools or techniques?
  • What are some effective ways to use personalization for marketing?
  • How can I improve my website’s user satisfaction?
  • What are some ways to build an effective customer advocacy strategy?
  • Can you explain the basics of customer relationship management (CRM)?
  • What are some effective ways to use artificial intelligence (AI) for marketing?
  • How can I improve my website’s user loyalty?
  • What are some ways to build an effective omnichannel marketing strategy?

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT+: The Next Generation of Conversational AI

ChatGPT is a powerful AI language model that is designed to provide answers to a wide range of questions and topics.

Whether you’re looking to learn something new, improve your skills, or just satisfy your curiosity, ChatGPT can help you get the answers you need. But to get the most out of ChatGPT, it’s important to know how to ask the right questions.

That’s where prompts come in. Prompts are a great way to engage with ChatGPT and get the most accurate and helpful answers possible. By asking specific and well-thought-out questions, you can help ChatGPT understand exactly what you’re looking for and provide you with the most relevant and insightful answers.

So next time you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask ChatGPT using one of the many prompts available. With ChatGPT and the right prompts, the possibilities for learning and discovery are endless.


Escape the Office and Embrace the Adventure: The Rise of the Workcation

Welcome to our blog post about the exciting new trend of “workcations”!

As more and more people are able to work remotely, the idea of combining work and travel has become increasingly popular. In this post, we’ll be discussing the benefits of taking a workcation, as well as some tips and tricks for planning and making the most out of your next one.

I personally use to find a great hotel, apartment or location and plan from there.

Whether you’re a digital nomad, a freelancer, or just someone looking for a change of scenery, we hope you’ll find this post informative and inspiring.

So grab your laptop and let’s get started on planning your next adventure!

What is a workcation?

A workcation, also known as a “working vacation”, is a trend that combines the travel and leisure aspects of a traditional vacation with the remote work capabilities of today’s workforce.

This type of vacation can last for a few days, weeks, or even months and allows individuals to work from anywhere in the world, as long as they have access to the internet.

The rise of remote work

Remote working has made it possible for more people to consider a workcation as a viable option for their vacation time. With the ability to work from a hotel room or vacation rental, individuals no longer have to sacrifice the opportunity to travel and explore new destinations because of work.

However, it is important to note that not all jobs can be done remotely, so it is important to consider if your job is location-independent before planning a workcation.

There are many benefits to taking a workcation, including the ability to travel and explore new destinations, not using up vacation days, not interrupting your workflow, combating burnout, boosting creativity and productivity, and improving work-life balance.

Traveling to a new destination allows individuals to explore new cultures and try new activities while still being able to complete their work responsibilities.

Taking a workcation also means that individuals do not have to use up their vacation days, allowing them to save them for a traditional vacation later in the year.

Additionally, workcations allow individuals to keep up with their workflow without falling behind and can also help combat burnout by allowing individuals to recharge in a new environment. Being in a new environment can also boost creativity and productivity.

Lastly, workcations can improve work-life balance by showing individuals that it is possible to enjoy themselves while still being productive.

Escape the Office and Embrace the Adventure: The Rise of the Workcation 1

Working from Home Stats

Category Statistic
Percentage of U.S. workers working remotely (2021) 42%
Global employees working remotely at least once a week (pre-pandemic) 30%
Increase in remote work since 2005 173%
Percentage of companies offering remote work (2021) 52%
Remote workers reporting improved work-life balance 78%
Remote workers reporting higher productivity 85%

As of 2021, 42% of U.S. workers were working remotely, with 30% of global employees working remotely at least once a week before the pandemic.

Remote work has increased by 173% since 2005, and 52% of companies offered remote work options in 2021. Among remote workers, 78% reported improved work-life balance, and 85% reported higher productivity.

How To Take A Workcation

It is important to first discuss the possibility with your boss and ensure that your job is location-independent.

After receiving approval, individuals can start planning their destination and accommodation. There are many websites available to help individuals plan their workcation such as where I book all of my trips from as little as £35pn in London.

These websites offer a variety of options for accommodation and coworking spaces, making it easy for individuals to plan their workcation.

Working Vacations Stats

Category Statistic
Percentage of workers who have taken a “workcation” 42%
Average length of a working vacation 5 days
Percentage of workers feeling more productive on a workcation 66%
Percentage of workers planning a workcation in the next 12 months (2021) 34%
Top reasons for taking a workcation Change of scenery (54%), work-life balance (44%), and increased productivity (40%)

Approximately 42% of workers have taken a working vacation or “workcation.” The average length of a working vacation is five days, with 66% of workers feeling more productive during this time. In 2021, 34% of workers planned to take a workcation in the next 12 months.

The top reasons for taking a workcation include a change of scenery (54%), improved work-life balance (44%), and increased productivity (40%).

Need inspiration what you could do while on a workcation to boost your business? Here are 10 Entertaining Ways You Can Boost Your Business from a Hotel Room.

Tips and Tricks for a Great Workcation

What is a workcation?

A workcation is a combination of a vacation and work, where an individual takes a trip while also completing their job duties remotely.

What are the benefits of a workcation?

  • Combining work and vacation can help reduce stress and increase productivity.
  • Allows for the opportunity to travel and explore new places while still being able to maintain a work-life balance.
  • Cost-effective as it eliminates the need for separate work and vacation trips.

How can I prepare for a workcation?

  • Plan your itinerary and schedule in advance to ensure that you have enough time for both work and vacation activities.
  • Make sure to have a reliable internet connection and necessary equipment for remote work.
  • Inform your employer and colleagues of your plans to ensure that they are aware of your availability.

What are some challenges of a workcation?

  • Balancing work and vacation activities can be difficult, and it can be hard to switch off from work-related thoughts and tasks.
  • Being away from the office can make it harder to collaborate and communicate with colleagues.
  • Dealing with time zone differences can be challenging.

Tips for a successful workcation:

  • Set clear boundaries between work and vacation time.
  • Prioritize self-care activities to avoid burnout.
  • Stay organized and keep track of your schedule.
  • Stay connected with colleagues and stay on top of work-related tasks.
  • Don’t forget to enjoy your vacation and make time for relaxation and exploration.

How do I convince my boss to allow me to take a workcation?

  • Show your boss how a workcation can benefit both you and the company by increasing productivity and reducing stress.
  • Offer a plan for how you will stay connected and productive while away.
  • Propose a trial period to see how it works.
  • Show them examples of other companies that have successfully implemented workcations.

In conclusion

A workcation is a great option for individuals who have location-independent jobs and want to travel while still being able to complete their work responsibilities.

With the rise of remote work, it has never been easier to plan a workcation and the benefits of taking one are numerous. From the ability to explore new destinations to improving work-life balance, a workcation is a great way to combine work and leisure.

With the help of websites such as Remote Year, Workfrom, and Digital Nomad Retreats, planning a workcation has never been easier.


10 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Run a Business

Are you looking for ways to use ChatGPT to run a business? Here are ten ideas to get you started:

  1. Virtual assistant business: ChatGPT could be used to create virtual assistants that can handle tasks such as scheduling appointments, sending emails, and managing social media accounts. This could be a great way to help busy professionals save time and streamline their workflows.
  2. Chatbot development: If you have a background in coding or web development, ChatGPT could be a useful tool for creating chatbots for businesses to use on their websites or messaging apps. These chatbots could be used to provide customer support, answer frequently asked questions, or handle sales inquiries.
  3. Language translation service: ChatGPT could be used to create a language translation service that can instantly translate text or spoken words from one language to another. This could be a great way to help businesses and individuals communicate with people in different parts of the world.

What is ChatGPT [and how to use it]

  1. Online tutoring service: ChatGPT could be used to create an online tutoring service where students can receive personalized tutoring and homework help in real-time. This could be a great way to help students who are struggling to keep up with their studies or who are looking for extra support.
  2. Social media management service: If you’re a social media pro, ChatGPT could be a useful tool for creating a social media management service. This service could handle tasks such as scheduling posts, responding to comments and messages, and analyzing social media metrics.
  3. Personal shopping assistant: ChatGPT could be used to create a personal shopping assistant that can help users find and purchase products online.
  4. Virtual event coordinator: ChatGPT could be used to create a virtual event coordinator that can handle tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending invites, and managing registrations. This could be a great way to help businesses and individuals plan and execute events online.
  5. Customer support chatbot: ChatGPT could be used to create a customer support chatbot that can handle inquiries and complaints from customers in real-time. This could be a great way to improve customer satisfaction and free up human customer service reps to handle more complex tasks.
  6. Personal finance manager: ChatGPT could be used to create a personal finance manager that can help users track their spending, create budget plans, and make financial decisions. This could be a useful tool for individuals looking to take control of their finances and make better financial decisions.
  7. Online therapy platform: ChatGPT could be used to create an online therapy platform where users can receive counseling and mental health support from licensed therapists. This could be a great way to provide access to mental health care for individuals who may not have access to traditional therapy services.
  8. I hope these business ideas have given you some inspiration for how ChatGPT could be used in different industries. Whether you’re looking to start a virtual assistant business, create a chatbot, or offer online tutoring services, ChatGPT has the potential to be a valuable tool for running a business.

What is ChatGPT [and how to use it] 1

Q: What are some ways that ChatGPT could be used to run a business? A: ChatGPT could be used to create virtual assistants, chatbots, language translation services, online tutoring services, social media management services, personal shopping assistants, virtual event coordinators, customer support chatbots, personal finance managers, and online therapy platforms.

Q: How can ChatGPT be used to create a virtual assistant business? A: ChatGPT could be used to create virtual assistants that can handle tasks such as scheduling appointments, sending emails, and managing social media accounts. This could be a great way to help busy professionals save time and streamline their workflows.

Q: How can ChatGPT be used to create chatbots for businesses? A: ChatGPT could be used to create chatbots for businesses to use on their websites or messaging apps. These chatbots could be used to provide customer support, answer frequently asked questions, or handle sales inquiries.

Q: How can ChatGPT be used to create a language translation service? A: ChatGPT could be used to create a language translation service that can instantly translate text or spoken words from one language to another. This could be a great way to help businesses and individuals communicate with people in different parts of the world.

I hope these FAQs give you a good overview of how ChatGPT could be used to run a business. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Online Jobs For Students To Earn Money

Working online is turning into more and more standard because of the pliability, diversity, and income-earning potential that online jobs offer. Plus, the start-up prices area unit minimal, and there area unit a spread of gigs looking on your interest and ability set. In fact, after I started my online business some years past, it prices American state virtually nothing, and that I had very little expertise.

But through trial and error and loads of toil, I have been able to create a regular financial gain from my online jobs for students.

If you are inquisitive about beginning your own online gig, there are unit lots of opportunities accessible.

Legitimate Online Jobs For Students

With the number of online jobs for students choices, it is onerous to grasp which of them are legitimate and which of them are not price sometimes. This list covers a number of the foremost standard and doubtless profitable decisions.

Featured Online Jobs

Most of the roles during this entire list are appropriate for anyone, however, I have divided them into classes for college students, moms, kids, and academics for simple sorting. This 1st list is best for anyone just because there is such a good type of victorious individuals operating these online jobs for students, and that they do not need any special degrees or certifications.

Online Jobs For Students To Earn Money 1

Product Tester

Pay: $5 to $15 per hour

As we know Product testing is a fun online job for students that allows us to make money working with products that you already want. As a paid product tester, you can test and review both physical and digital products.

After signing up for a product testing company like Vindale Research, you will get matched with products from various companies. Additionally, product testing opportunities periodically arise on Swagbucks Discover; checking in on both platforms from time to time will maximize the odds you are eligible for an offer. Once you receive and test a product, you will follow the instructions and complete a survey or similar task to provide your insights and feedback.

You will be paid in money gift cards, or get to keep the product you have tested. This is not a full-time online job for students’ opportunity, but it can make a good side hustle.

Online Seller

Pay: $40 to $60 on the average per box of items

You can sell nearly something online. Furniture, unused makeup, recent cell phones, and different school area unit are all viable choices.

If you have got youngsters, you will simply sell their gently used shoes, clothes, toys, and gadgets once they have outgrown them. If you get pleasure from this sort of online job for students, you will begin reconnoitring native yard sales, insect markets, and Facebook commerce teams for things to sell

When you find a used item at a steep discount, you can sell it on a site like Decluttr to flip for a profit. The more often you do this, the more money you can earn.


Pay: $1 to $2,000+ per month

Blogging is an internet job wherever you will be able to make money on a part-time schedule. If you relish writing and serving others, and you recognize the way to be persistent notwithstanding you are not making money, blogging may be a decent appropriate you. It usually takes at least 6 to 18 months to start making money from a blog.

The fun thing about blogging as an online job for students is that you can choose a topic you are truly passionate about, and the opportunities from blogging are virtually limitless.

The four main ways to make money from blogging include:

  • Advertising – You get paid for putting ads on your blog.
  • Affiliate Marketing – This is where you get paid a commission for any products that you sell via your blog.
  • Digital Products – You can sell your own eBooks, courses, etc.
  • Services – If you like to work one on one with people, a blog can be a great way to generate leads for coaching, consulting, etc.

Online Jobs For Students To Earn Money 2

Facebook Ads Manager

Pay: $1,000 to $2,000+ per month

Many native business homeowners understand they have to advertise online, anyway, they do not acumen or do not have enough workers to figure thereon. If you have got Facebook and are at home with its advertising platform, or if you are willing to place within the time to be told, you can start contacting local businesses to offer Facebook ad services.

That is what Bobby Hoyt did. An avid digital marketer and blogger, he started offering Facebook ad management services to local businesses in his area and eventually turned that operation into a sizable income for himself. He launched his own FB Side Hustle Course that teaches others how to do the same. You can do this as a side hustle or turn it into a full-time job.


Pay: $25 to $500+ per item sold

With dropshipping, you set up a storefront on a platform like Shopify, list your merchandise, then have the orders shipped on to a client from the provider.

This is an incredible possibility for anyone trying to find an internet job as a result of it permits you to figure in sales while not touching the physical product throughout a dealing and earn a decent financial gain at constant time.

You can sell anything from T-shirts to event tickets and consulting services, so this is an incredibly flexible online job for students.

Though the profit margin of dropshipping is not as high as when stocking and shipping your own physical products, the benefits of a completely hands-off method make it worthwhile.

Online Jobs for Students

These online jobs for students provide flexible options and offer a balance between concentrating on your studies while earning some extra money.

Freelance Writer

Pay: $50 to $500+ per article

If you love writing and can find clients that need content, then becoming a freelance writer may be a good online job for you.

It is okay to begin on a platform like Fiverr or FreelanceWriting.Com, however, you won’t notice high-paying freelance writing jobs on these sites. To earn a good financial gain, you will get to work directly with websites, companies, or online magazines.

You can additionally explore for purchasers by connecting with diary homeowners, native businesses, and native newspapers that may like writers. Otherwise to search out jobs is to affix writing Facebook teams. The competition is often fierce, however, you will have best if you are persistent and need to enhance.

Once you have established a solid portfolio, client roster, and testimonials, you can raise your prices.

Holly Johnson started freelance writing and went from making $0 to six figures a year using her own unique strategies. Now she teaches a course for freelancers to follow in her footsteps.


Pay: $10 to $45 per hour

There are many online jobs for students that allow you to make money proofreading, but you should not overlook the opportunities on campus.

Consider seeking out fellow students who could use a proofreader before turning in their next paper.

Proofreading is less in-depth than editing. Rather than making extensive corrections and suggestions, you work as a second set of eyes, looking for typos, spelling errors, and other minor issues to clean up their papers before they are submitted for grading.

Textbook Seller

Pay: 15% to 50% per book sold

Students area unit excellent candidates for book reconnoitring or mercantilism textbooks online. There are unit lots of, if not thousands, of scholars on school campuses United Nations agency, has not any interest in reselling their own textbook.

You can take advantage of their lack of time or motivation and offer to sell those books for your friends on a site like Textbroker. Negotiate a selling price, along with the fee you get per book, and do the work for them. As time allows, you can even scout online book prices and buy/sell during the prime textbook season (before the start of each new semester).

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos? 2

Social Media Manager

Pay: $15 to $40 per hour

If you are an avid social media user, you can put your skills and time to good use by starting an online job for students as a social media manager.

Managing a business’s social media is comparable to managing your own Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. To be visible and well-known on social media, you have got to be not simply active, but interactive. Once somebody posts a comment or non-public message to you, you wish to reply quickly

Businesses often fail at social media because they do not have someone dedicated to staying active on various social media platforms. They often do not have staff available to respond to comments, create new and engaging posts, or monitor conversations within their communities.

Local businesses offer prime opportunities for finding an online job for students as social media managers. You can send an email, but it may be good to call or visit local businesses or introduce yourself through their social media pages as a college student looking to help.

Some businesses will not be interested, while others may jump on the opportunity to get more exposure online.

Data Entry Specialist

Pay: $10 to $17 per hour

Data entry jobs square measure legit choices for faculty students, however, you must consider carefully before applying. They are straightforward, however, they have a tendency to pay less and need longer than alternative choices.

The best thing about data entry jobs is that the work is flexible and can be done in your spare time. You can take on as much or as little work as needed depending on your schedule.

If you are interested in finding a data entry job, start with a platform like Clickworker or DionData Solutions.

If you are looking for online jobs for students that are perfect for moms, consider some of these options. Keep in mind that any of the work-from-home jobs can be tweaked to work for you as well.

Virtual Assistant

Pay: $19 to $25 per hour

Becoming a virtual assistant to an Associate in Nursing already established online business is one of all the simplest online jobs to do, and you will begin before long.

Virtual assistants typically handle things like programming, client support, body help, email promoting, social media posting, journal management, and far a lot of

You can offer whatever services you feel comfortable doing, and you can add more to your menu of services as you gain experience. Or, if you prefer, you can specialize in just one or two areas.

Reach out to small business owners and online entrepreneurs, or connect with other VAs in Facebook groups. They might have leads for your first few clients or tips on how to maximize your earnings.

Graphic Designer

Pay: $25 to $50 per hour

You do not need an art degree to become a graphic designer. There square measure online jobs for students that need graphic style skills for comes like making printable sheets, flyers, announcements, ads, or Pinterest pictures.

If you have got a watch for style and acumen to use tools like Canva or PicMonkey, there is an internet job expecting you. Making stunning Pinterest and alternative social media pictures is in high demand among bloggers and website homeowners and may facilitate virtually any business to attract contemporary traffic to its website.

Niche Website Creator

Pay: $100 to $10,000+ per site

If you are well-versed in search engine optimization (SEO) and understand how to get a site ranked on the first page of Google, you could make money creating niche websites. From hiking and mountain climbing to baby-rearing, there is no limit when choosing a topic.

A niche website is not like a typical blog where you have to add fresh content weekly. Instead, you set up a few landing pages that sell affiliate products in a single niche. There is no guarantee that a certain niche will be profitable, but you can start brainstorming topics that you think are being underserved.

After you have built the site and made it profitable, you can keep it to earn passive income or sell the site on a marketplace like Flippa.Com.

Setting up a niche site is similar to establishing a regular blog. If you know how to do that, you can get started creating your niche site right away.

Can You Make Money on Facebook? 2

Website Designer

Pay: $20 to $100 per hour

It is possible to learn how to design blogs and e-commerce websites without any formal coaching because of drag-and-drop builders that simply integrate with platforms like Shopify. If you are technically inclined and may spot the variations between a handsome website and a nasty one, you would possibly be able to begin planning and building websites for others.

Designing websites does not mean you need to reinvent the internet or create complex-looking websites. It means you need to know what looks good, is user-friendly, and meets your clients’ needs.

Although it is a simple process, many people are overwhelmed by the thought of creating their own website, and it is a gap you can fill while earning a good income.

Social Media Influencer

Pay: $20 to $100 per hour

If you prefer sharing your favourite deals, books, clothes, and alternative merchandise on social media and have engineered a loyal following, you will notice work as a social media influencer. With this job, corporations pay you to market their merchandise to your audience, and you will earn a proportion of the sales they create from your affiliate or referral links.

It does not take much to become a social media influencer if you choose a niche that is profitable and one you are passionate about it. You will need to post on your social media channels consistently and engage with your followers to grow your influence and your income.

There are companies like the Amazon Influencer Program and ShopStyle.Com that allow you to post-paid links on your profile.

Amazon Seller

Pay: $15 to $100+ per hour

Everyone shops on Amazon these days, which is why you can make a good income through Amazon as well.

The conception of Amazon arbitrage is straightforward, however, the method may be tedious. You discover discounted physical merchandise at your native stores and sell them at a profit on Amazon.

Though it sounds simple, your profits will quickly decrease because of Amazon’s sellers’ fees, shipping expenses, and time spent. However, if you already pay time thrift store searching or discount searching, then this online job for students may be for you.


Pay: $14 to $22+ per hour

Online jobs where you can tutor students are a fantastic way for teachers to make money fast. You can sign up at any of these sites and tutor students on the subjects of your expertise

Outschool (does not require teaching experience; average pay is $40 per hour)

Wyzant (set your own rate)

VIPKid (bachelor’s degree required; pay is $14-$22 per hour)

YouTube Channel Creator

Pay: $0 to $2,000 per month

Kids making videos on YouTube is a huge industry right now. Ryan, the star of Ryan’s World, made $22 million in revenue in one year. With the help of his mom and dad, his channel became popular with kids everywhere.

Unfortunately, it is not as easy as recording a video, uploading it to YouTube, and watching the money roll in. YouTube made some changes to its minimum subscriber and view requirements before a channel can start making money.

Once those minimums are met, then you can place ads on the videos to create an income stream. That is why promoting your YouTube channel on other platforms is also important.

If your kids are driven and ready to be in front of a camera, then they might love the idea of making a profitable YouTube channel. You most likely will not earn the same amount of money as Ryan’s World, but you can earn something.

Amazon eBook Publisher

Pay: Up to 70% of each copy sold

Publishing a book on Amazon Kindle is easy and simple, but it is not a guaranteed way to make a lot of money. The books need to be well-written, edited, have a catchy cover, and have a clear marketing strategy. However, if you have a good idea, eBooks provide a way for your aspiring writer or illustrator to start earning some income.

If your teen has a talent for writing stories or drawing cartoons or picture books, you can help them start creating and uploading books to sell. This may be a fun way for them to earn money with their creativity.

Find Something You Like and Run With It

If you are interested in earning money online, there are many choices. To search out the proper one, brainstorm and admit your hobbies, skills, and abilities and choose one that works with those. If you cannot notice an associate degree existing job, you will be able to even produce one.

The best half regarding online jobs for students is that you simply will observe money from home by doing quite one gig or job at a time. If you wish to possess a diary and tutor, otherwise you need to possess an associate degree Etsy store and a YouTube channel and may work it all into your schedule, you can. A lot of you will be able to do to maximize your financial gain to realize your money goals, the higher you will be within the end of the day.