
Escape the Office and Embrace the Adventure: The Rise of the Workcation

Welcome to our blog post about the exciting new trend of “workcations”!

As more and more people are able to work remotely, the idea of combining work and travel has become increasingly popular. In this post, we’ll be discussing the benefits of taking a workcation, as well as some tips and tricks for planning and making the most out of your next one.

I personally use to find a great hotel, apartment or location and plan from there.

Whether you’re a digital nomad, a freelancer, or just someone looking for a change of scenery, we hope you’ll find this post informative and inspiring.

So grab your laptop and let’s get started on planning your next adventure!

What is a workcation?

A workcation, also known as a “working vacation”, is a trend that combines the travel and leisure aspects of a traditional vacation with the remote work capabilities of today’s workforce.

This type of vacation can last for a few days, weeks, or even months and allows individuals to work from anywhere in the world, as long as they have access to the internet.

The rise of remote work

Remote working has made it possible for more people to consider a workcation as a viable option for their vacation time. With the ability to work from a hotel room or vacation rental, individuals no longer have to sacrifice the opportunity to travel and explore new destinations because of work.

However, it is important to note that not all jobs can be done remotely, so it is important to consider if your job is location-independent before planning a workcation.

There are many benefits to taking a workcation, including the ability to travel and explore new destinations, not using up vacation days, not interrupting your workflow, combating burnout, boosting creativity and productivity, and improving work-life balance.

Traveling to a new destination allows individuals to explore new cultures and try new activities while still being able to complete their work responsibilities.

Taking a workcation also means that individuals do not have to use up their vacation days, allowing them to save them for a traditional vacation later in the year.

Additionally, workcations allow individuals to keep up with their workflow without falling behind and can also help combat burnout by allowing individuals to recharge in a new environment. Being in a new environment can also boost creativity and productivity.

Lastly, workcations can improve work-life balance by showing individuals that it is possible to enjoy themselves while still being productive.

Escape the Office and Embrace the Adventure: The Rise of the Workcation 1

Working from Home Stats

Category Statistic
Percentage of U.S. workers working remotely (2021) 42%
Global employees working remotely at least once a week (pre-pandemic) 30%
Increase in remote work since 2005 173%
Percentage of companies offering remote work (2021) 52%
Remote workers reporting improved work-life balance 78%
Remote workers reporting higher productivity 85%

As of 2021, 42% of U.S. workers were working remotely, with 30% of global employees working remotely at least once a week before the pandemic.

Remote work has increased by 173% since 2005, and 52% of companies offered remote work options in 2021. Among remote workers, 78% reported improved work-life balance, and 85% reported higher productivity.

How To Take A Workcation

It is important to first discuss the possibility with your boss and ensure that your job is location-independent.

After receiving approval, individuals can start planning their destination and accommodation. There are many websites available to help individuals plan their workcation such as where I book all of my trips from as little as £35pn in London.

These websites offer a variety of options for accommodation and coworking spaces, making it easy for individuals to plan their workcation.

Working Vacations Stats

Category Statistic
Percentage of workers who have taken a “workcation” 42%
Average length of a working vacation 5 days
Percentage of workers feeling more productive on a workcation 66%
Percentage of workers planning a workcation in the next 12 months (2021) 34%
Top reasons for taking a workcation Change of scenery (54%), work-life balance (44%), and increased productivity (40%)

Approximately 42% of workers have taken a working vacation or “workcation.” The average length of a working vacation is five days, with 66% of workers feeling more productive during this time. In 2021, 34% of workers planned to take a workcation in the next 12 months.

The top reasons for taking a workcation include a change of scenery (54%), improved work-life balance (44%), and increased productivity (40%).

Need inspiration what you could do while on a workcation to boost your business? Here are 10 Entertaining Ways You Can Boost Your Business from a Hotel Room.

Tips and Tricks for a Great Workcation

What is a workcation?

A workcation is a combination of a vacation and work, where an individual takes a trip while also completing their job duties remotely.

What are the benefits of a workcation?

  • Combining work and vacation can help reduce stress and increase productivity.
  • Allows for the opportunity to travel and explore new places while still being able to maintain a work-life balance.
  • Cost-effective as it eliminates the need for separate work and vacation trips.

How can I prepare for a workcation?

  • Plan your itinerary and schedule in advance to ensure that you have enough time for both work and vacation activities.
  • Make sure to have a reliable internet connection and necessary equipment for remote work.
  • Inform your employer and colleagues of your plans to ensure that they are aware of your availability.

What are some challenges of a workcation?

  • Balancing work and vacation activities can be difficult, and it can be hard to switch off from work-related thoughts and tasks.
  • Being away from the office can make it harder to collaborate and communicate with colleagues.
  • Dealing with time zone differences can be challenging.

Tips for a successful workcation:

  • Set clear boundaries between work and vacation time.
  • Prioritize self-care activities to avoid burnout.
  • Stay organized and keep track of your schedule.
  • Stay connected with colleagues and stay on top of work-related tasks.
  • Don’t forget to enjoy your vacation and make time for relaxation and exploration.

How do I convince my boss to allow me to take a workcation?

  • Show your boss how a workcation can benefit both you and the company by increasing productivity and reducing stress.
  • Offer a plan for how you will stay connected and productive while away.
  • Propose a trial period to see how it works.
  • Show them examples of other companies that have successfully implemented workcations.

In conclusion

A workcation is a great option for individuals who have location-independent jobs and want to travel while still being able to complete their work responsibilities.

With the rise of remote work, it has never been easier to plan a workcation and the benefits of taking one are numerous. From the ability to explore new destinations to improving work-life balance, a workcation is a great way to combine work and leisure.

With the help of websites such as Remote Year, Workfrom, and Digital Nomad Retreats, planning a workcation has never been easier.