
How to Make Money on YouTube in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide

YouTube has emerged as a powerful platform for content creators worldwide, and South Africa is no exception. With a growing community of YouTubers, the potential for earning income through YouTube is more viable than ever.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to make money on YouTube in South Africa, with key strategies, statistics, and actionable insights.

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Understanding YouTube Monetization in South Africa

YouTube offers various ways to monetize your channel, including AdSense, Channel Memberships, YouTube Premium revenue, and more.

However, it’s essential to meet specific requirements to access these monetization features.

YouTube Partner Program Requirements:
  • Minimum 1,000 subscribers
  • Minimum 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months
  • Adherence to YouTube monetization policies

South African YouTube Statistics

Below are vital statistics about YouTube’s performance in South Africa that provide a valuable context:

Statistic Value
Total YouTube Users in South Africa 9 million
Average Watch Time per User 8 hours/week
Top YouTube Categories Music, Gaming, Education
Average CPM (Cost Per Mille) $2 – $5

Methods to Make Money on YouTube in South Africa

1. Ad Revenue

Enable AdSense on your channel and earn money through ad impressions and clicks.

  • Typical South African CPM: $2 – $5
  • Influenced by video content, audience demographics, and ad type
2. Channel Memberships

Offer exclusive content to channel members at different pricing tiers.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Promote products and earn commissions on sales made through your unique affiliate links.

  • Suitable for tech, beauty, and fashion YouTubers
  • Potential to earn varying commissions depending on the product
4. Brand Partnerships

Collaborate with brands for sponsored content.


How to Make Money on YouTube in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide

Unique Niches for South African YouTubers

1. Local Languages Content

With 11 official languages, South Africa presents a fertile ground for content creators to produce videos in different languages like Zulu, Xhosa, and Afrikaans.

2. South African Culture and Heritage

Channels focusing on South African history, art, cuisine, and traditional practices can attract a local and international audience interested in unique cultural insights.

3. Local Travel and Adventure

South Africa’s diverse landscapes offer a niche for travel vloggers to explore wildlife, adventure sports, and local tourism destinations.

4. Social Issues and Education

Content around social development, education, and empowerment resonates with a significant portion of the population, creating a niche for channels focusing on positive change and community growth.

5. E-commerce and Entrepreneurship

With the growth of local businesses and entrepreneurship, channels providing guidance on starting and running a business in South Africa can find a targeted audience.

Challenges for South African YouTubers

1. Internet Accessibility

Although improving, internet access remains limited in certain areas. This impacts both the content creators and the viewership, as high-quality video streaming requires a stable internet connection.

2. Competition with International Content

South African YouTubers often compete with international channels, and the local audience may gravitate towards global trends. Standing out requires a strong understanding of local preferences.

3. Economic Factors

Monetizing a channel might be more challenging due to lower average CPM rates and purchasing power, compared to other developed markets.

4. Regulation and Censorship

Compliance with local laws and regulations may add complexity to content creation, especially when dealing with political or sensitive social issues.

5. Equipment and Technology

Access to cutting-edge equipment and technology may be more expensive or challenging to find, potentially limiting production quality.

South African YouTubers face a unique set of opportunities and challenges shaped by cultural diversity, economic factors, and technological infrastructure. Embracing local niches and overcoming challenges through innovation and a deep understanding of the South African audience can pave the way for success on the platform.

By recognizing these unique aspects, content creators can align their strategies with South Africa’s specific dynamics, opening doors to growth, community engagement, and financial success on YouTube.

Challenges and Solutions

Growing and monetizing a YouTube channel in South Africa poses certain challenges, such as competition and compliance with YouTube’s policies. Solutions include consistent uploading, focusing on your niche (such as YouTube SEO, tips and tricks, etc.), and engaging with your community.


Making money on YouTube in South Africa requires dedication, understanding of the platform’s monetization methods, and leveraging the specific trends and behaviors of the South African audience. By focusing on creating valuable content, engaging with your target audience, and strategically monetizing your channel, you can turn your YouTube passion into a profitable business.


Do YouTubers Get Paid If You Download Their Video?

There’s a common misconception that YouTubers are paid for the number of downloads a video gets. The reality is a bit more complicated.

YouTube’s monetization system is structured around views and advertisements, not downloads.

Let’s dive deeper into this topic and dispel any lingering confusion.

How Are YouTubers Paid?

At its core, YouTube’s payment model primarily relies on advertisements and views, not downloads. It’s also important to note that not all views are created equal.

  1. Ad Revenue: This is the primary source of income for most YouTubers. Advertisements that appear before, during, or after a video are what generate income. The YouTuber is paid a share of the advertising revenue from these ads. This payment is usually calculated based on Cost Per Mille (CPM), meaning the cost per thousand views. The average CPM varies between countries and genres, but as of 2021, it ranged from $0.25 to $4.00 in the United States.The niche in which a YouTube channel operates can significantly influence the CPM rates. The rates vary based on audience demographic, engagement, and demand from advertisers.Here’s a rough estimation of average CPM rates across various popular YouTube niches:
    YouTube Niche Average CPM Rates
    Tech $4.00 – $6.00
    Finance $8.00 – $12.00
    Gaming $2.00 – $4.00
    Beauty and Fashion $3.00 – $6.00
    DIY and Crafts $2.00 – $4.00
    Health and Wellness $5.00 – $7.00
    Food and Cooking $3.00 – $5.00
    Travel and Lifestyle $2.00 – $4.00
    Education $4.00 – $7.00
    Entertainment and Comedy $2.00 – $4.00

    It’s important to note that these are rough estimates and actual rates can vary significantly. Factors such as viewer location, viewer age, and seasonality also play a role in determining CPM rates. Moreover, these rates are subject to change as market dynamics evolve.

  2. YouTube Premium: This is a subscription service offered by YouTube. It allows users to watch ad-free videos, access YouTube Originals, and play videos in the background. When a YouTube Premium member watches a video, the creator is paid out of the subscription fee. This income depends on the total watch time by YouTube Premium members.YouTube Premium revenue is split between all the creators a subscriber watches in a given month, based on the watch time. So, it’s hard to give concrete figures for individual channels, but we can certainly share a rough understanding of how the funds are divided.Please note, the following percentages are approximate, and actual percentages may vary:
    YouTube Premium Revenue Breakdown Approximate Percentage
    YouTube’s Share 45%
    Creators’ Share 55%

    YouTube usually takes approximately 45% of the total revenue as their share, leaving around 55% to be distributed among creators. The portion a particular YouTuber receives is calculated based on the amount of watch time they generated among YouTube Premium viewers.

    For instance, if a user watches one YouTuber A for 20 hours and another YouTuber B for 10 hours in a month, YouTuber A will receive twice the share of YouTube Premium revenue compared to YouTuber B from this particular user’s subscription fee.

  3. Channel Memberships and Super Chat: These are features that allow fans to directly support their favourite YouTubers. Channel Memberships allow fans to pay a monthly fee for special perks, while Super Chat lets viewers pay to have their messages highlighted during a live chat.YouTube also enables creators to earn through features like Memberships and Super Chat. These features allow fans to directly support their favourite creators. Here’s a breakdown of how much creators earn from these revenue streams:
    Revenue Stream Fees and Splits
    YouTube Memberships 70% to Creator, 30% to YouTube
    Super Chat 70% to Creator, 30% to YouTube

    For YouTube Memberships, creators receive 70% of the membership fee after local sales tax is deducted. The rest goes to YouTube. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there were three default price points: $4.99, $9.99, and $24.99 per month, but these prices can be adjusted based on the creator’s preference and local currency.

    Super Chat, on the other hand, allows viewers to pay to have their messages highlighted during a live chat. The fee breakdown is the same as Memberships – creators receive 70% and YouTube takes 30%.

    Remember, these splits apply after any local sales tax and, in the case of iOS purchases, after the app store’s transaction fee is deducted. This can significantly affect the net revenue a creator receives. As a result, the actual earnings for a creator might vary significantly based on several factors, including their location and the platforms their viewers are using to purchase memberships or send Super Chats.

  4. Merchandise Shelf: This feature allows YouTubers to showcase their official merchandise right on YouTube.
  5. Brand Partnerships: Many YouTubers also earn money through sponsorships and partnerships with brands.

The following table illustrates the most common revenue streams and their average rates:

Revenue Stream Average Rates
Ad Revenue (CPM) $0.25 – $4.00
YouTube Premium Varies
Channel Memberships $4.99, $9.99, $24.99 per month
Super Chat Varies
Merchandise Shelf Varies
Brand Partnerships Varies

Please note these rates are just averages and actual rates may vary greatly depending on numerous factors such as the YouTuber’s audience size, engagement, location, and video content.

So, What Happens If You Download a Video?

When a user downloads a video, it doesn’t directly contribute to a YouTuber’s income. The YouTuber gets paid when a viewer watches the video on YouTube’s platform, not when it’s downloaded. Downloading a video often means viewing it offline, which bypasses YouTube’s ad-serving platform and therefore generates no ad revenue for the YouTuber.

It’s worth noting that downloading YouTube videos for offline viewing without explicit permission from the creator is against YouTube’s terms of service. YouTube does provide an option for offline viewing through YouTube Premium, but this doesn’t involve downloading the video in the conventional sense. These views do count towards the total views and generate revenue for the creator.


In summary, YouTubers are not directly paid for video downloads. Instead, they earn money through ad revenue, channel memberships, Super Chat, the Merchandise Shelf, brand partnerships, and YouTube Premium views.

Downloading a video without explicit permission could potentially harm a YouTuber’s income, as it bypasses the revenue they could earn from ads.

Supporting your favourite YouTubers by watching their videos on the platform is the best way to ensure they get paid for their hard work.


What is Rumble? [A Surprisingly Different Video Platform]

Rumble is an online video platform that has been gaining attention as a viable alternative to YouTube and other video-sharing sites.

Launched in 2013, Rumble aims to provide content creators with a user-friendly space to showcase their talents and monetize their work.

So in short, What is Rumble? – Rumble, launched in 2013, is a growing video platform offering a user-friendly space for creators with a focus on free speech and content diversity. With over 30M unique users, it’s a promising alternative to YouTube, providing monetization opportunities and a transparent revenue-sharing model.

In this easy-to-read guide, we’ll explore what Rumble is, its key features, and how it stacks up against YouTube and other video platforms.

What Makes Rumble Unique?

One of Rumble’s main selling points is its commitment to free speech and content diversity, allowing creators to express themselves without fear of unwarranted censorship.

This makes it an attractive option for creators who feel stifled by YouTube’s more restrictive content policies.

Rumble offers a clean, intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to discover, watch, and share videos. The platform also includes features like channel subscriptions, video recommendations, and a “Battle” mode, where creators can compete against one another to earn rewards and exposure.

Can you monetize your content on Rumble?

Yes, you can monetize content on Rumble through its transparent revenue-sharing model, which pays creators based on video performance. Additional options include sponsored content and pay-per-view videos, offering multiple income streams.

Rumble’s transparent revenue-sharing model is designed to help content creators monetize their videos in a clear and fair manner. By sharing a portion of the platform’s ad revenue with creators, Rumble ensures that they earn money based on their videos’ performance. This model is based on factors such as video views, engagement, and the advertisement rates.

In addition to ad revenue, Rumble offers other monetization options, such as sponsored content and pay-per-view videos. Creators can work with brands to produce sponsored videos or charge viewers a fee for accessing premium content. This flexibility allows creators to explore multiple income streams, catering to their individual preferences and audience demands.

This transparent and diverse monetization system is a major selling point for Rumble, as it allows creators to be fairly compensated for their work while fostering a thriving and supportive community on the platform.

Rumble by the Numbers

Rumble Statistics
Unique users (2021) Over 30 million
Video views (2021) Over 2 billion
Top channels Dan Bongino, Devin Nunes, Diamond and Silk

What is Rumble? An Easy-to-Read Guide to the Rising Video Platform 1

Rumble vs. YouTube: A Comparison

While Rumble is still relatively small compared to YouTube, it has been experiencing significant growth in recent years. As of 2021, Rumble had over 30 million unique users and more than 2 billion video views.

In contrast, YouTube remains the dominant force in the online video market, with over 2 billion logged-in monthly users and 1 billion hours of video watched daily.

Monetization opportunities

Both Rumble and YouTube offer monetization opportunities for content creators. Rumble’s revenue-sharing model allows creators to earn money based on the views their videos receive, providing a transparent and straightforward way to monetize content.

YouTube, on the other hand, primarily monetizes through AdSense, which allows creators to earn money from ads placed on their videos.

However, YouTube’s stringent content guidelines can make monetization more challenging for some creators.

Content policies

Rumble’s dedication to free speech and diverse content is a key differentiator from platforms like YouTube. This commitment ensures that creators can express their ideas and opinions without fear of unwarranted censorship, making Rumble a popular choice for those who feel limited by YouTube’s strict content guidelines.

YouTube’s stringent content policies are in place to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for its users. However, these policies can sometimes lead to videos being demonetized or removed from the platform if they are deemed to violate community guidelines. This has raised concerns about censorship and biased treatment of certain creators, especially those with controversial or politically sensitive content.

In contrast, Rumble promotes an open platform that fosters a wide range of content and ideas. This approach allows creators to share their work without the constant worry of demonetization or removal due to strict content policies.

Consequently, Rumble has become an attractive option for creators seeking a more open and tolerant environment for sharing their content, and for viewers who value diverse perspectives and uncensored discussions.

Metric Rumble (2021) YouTube
Unique users Over 30 million Over 2 billion (logged-in monthly users)
Video views Over 2 billion 1 billion hours watched daily
Top channels Dan Bongino, Devin Nunes, Diamond and Silk PewDiePie, T-Series, Cocomelon – Nursery Rhymes, Mr Beast
Monetization model Transparent revenue-sharing based on video views AdSense and YouTube Partner Program
Content policies Focus on free speech and content diversity Strict content guidelines to maintain a safe environment

Should I join Rumble?

Rumble is an up-and-coming video platform that offers content creators a user-friendly space to showcase their work and monetize their content.

With a focus on free speech and content diversity, Rumble is positioning itself as an attractive alternative to YouTube and other video platforms.

As the platform continues to grow, it presents an exciting opportunity for creators looking to reach a dedicated and engaged audience.

Q: What is Rumble?

A: Rumble is an online video platform launched in 2013, which focuses on free speech, content diversity, and a user-friendly experience for creators and viewers alike.

Q: Can I monetize my content on Rumble?

A: Yes, Rumble offers a transparent revenue-sharing model that allows creators to earn money based on their video views. Additional monetization options include sponsored content and pay-per-view videos.

Q: How does Rumble’s content policy differ from YouTube’s?

A: Rumble is committed to supporting free speech and diverse content, attracting creators who may feel limited by YouTube’s more restrictive content guidelines. In contrast, YouTube enforces strict content policies to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for its users.

Q: How do I create an account on Rumble?

A: Visit and click on the “Sign Up” button. You’ll be prompted to provide an email address, username, and password to create your free account.

Q: How do I upload a video to Rumble?

A: After logging into your Rumble account, click on the “Upload” button at the top of the page. You’ll be able to select a video file from your device, add a title, description, and tags, and choose your video’s visibility settings before publishing.

Q: How can I grow my audience on Rumble?

A: Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content, and share your videos on social media platforms to increase visibility. Engage with your audience, collaborate with other Rumble creators, and optimize your video descriptions and tags for search visibility.

Q: Is Rumble available on mobile devices?

A: Yes, Rumble offers mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices, allowing users to watch and upload videos on the go.


The Real Cost of YouTube Premium: Regional Pricing, Key Stats, and Comparisons to Rival Streaming Services

YouTube Premium is a subscription-based service offered by YouTube, allowing users to enjoy an ad-free viewing experience, access exclusive content, and benefit from additional features such as offline playback and background play.

The short answer – How much is youtube premium? – YouTube Premium costs $11.99/month in the US, offering ad-free viewing, offline playback, background play, and access to YouTube Originals. Pricing may vary in other countries.

In this article, we will delve into the regional pricing of YouTube Premium, discuss key statistics related to its performance, and compare it to other rival streaming services.

YouTube Premium Features

Feature Description
Ad-free viewing experience Eliminates ads across all videos, providing a seamless experience
YouTube Originals Access to exclusive content such as series, movies, and documentaries
YouTube Music Premium Ad-free listening and offline playback on the YouTube Music app
Offline playback and background play Download videos for offline viewing and play videos in the background while using other apps or with the screen off

YouTube Premium Regional Pricing

Region Price
United States $11.99/month
United Kingdom £11.99/month
European Union €11.99/month
Canada CAD$11.99/month
Australia AUD$14.99/month
India ₹129/month
Other regions Varies

It’s essential to note that the perceived value and affordability of YouTube Premium can vary due to currency conversion rates and differences in purchasing power across regions.

YouTube Premium Key Stats and Metrics

Statistic Value Year
Number of YouTube Premium subscribers Over 30 million Q3 2020
Subscriber growth Over 60% increase 2019-2020
Revenue generated Over $1.6 billion 2020
User engagement 150 minutes of content/day N/A
Annual retention rate 95% N/A

The Real Cost of YouTube Premium: Regional Pricing, Key Stats, and Comparisons to Rival Streaming Services 1

YouTube Premium vs Rival Streaming Services

In this section, we will compare YouTube Premium to other streaming services, focusing on pricing, content libraries, and user experience.

The services we will compare include Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Spotify (for music streaming), and Apple Music (for music streaming).

Streaming Services Pricing Comparison

Service Basic Plan Price
Netflix $8.99/month (US)
Hulu $5.99/month (US)
Amazon Prime Video $8.99/month (US)
Spotify $9.99/month (US)
Apple Music $9.99/month (US)
YouTube Premium $11.99/month (US)

Please note that pricing may vary depending on the region.

Deciding if YouTube Premium is worth it:

  1. Think about your YouTube habits: how often you watch, your patience for ads, and if you need offline or background play.
  2. Evaluate YouTube Originals: how much you like exclusive content and how it compares to other platforms.

Tailoring your streaming choices:

  1. Find a balance with other services: consider your budget and the content you prefer.
  2. Look at free options: try ad-supported YouTube and free music sources.
  3. Make a smart decision: consider your unique needs and re-evaluate as things change.

Q: How much does YouTube Premium cost per month?

A: YouTube Premium costs $11.99/month in the US, offering an ad-free experience, offline playback, background play, and access to YouTube Originals. Pricing may vary in other countries.

Q: Is there a family plan for YouTube Premium?

A: Yes, YouTube Premium offers a family plan for $17.99/month in the US, which allows up to 6 family members (aged 13+) living in the same household to enjoy its benefits.

Q: Are there any discounts for students on YouTube Premium?

A: Yes, eligible students can subscribe to YouTube Premium at a discounted rate of $6.99/month in the US. A valid student ID and enrolment verification are required.

Q: How can I try YouTube Premium for free?

A: YouTube offers a 1-month free trial for new users to try out YouTube Premium. After the trial period, users will be charged the standard monthly fee unless they cancel the subscription.

Q: Can I access YouTube Music with YouTube Premium?

A: Yes, a YouTube Premium subscription includes access to YouTube Music Premium, allowing ad-free music streaming, offline playback, and background listening.

Q: How does YouTube Premium’s cost compare to other streaming services?

A: YouTube Premium’s cost is competitive with other streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, while offering unique features such as ad-free YouTube viewing, offline video playback, and background play.

Q: Is YouTube Premium available worldwide?

A: YouTube Premium is available in many countries, but its availability and pricing may vary. Visit the YouTube Premium page to check availability and pricing in your region.

Q: Can I cancel my YouTube Premium subscription anytime?

A: Yes, you can cancel your YouTube Premium subscription at any time. Upon cancellation, you will retain access to Premium features until the end of your billing cycle.


How Much is YouTube TV? A Comprehensive Guide to Pricing and Features

As streaming services continue to rise in popularity, more and more people are cutting the cord and switching to platforms like YouTube TV.

Offering a variety of live TV channels, on-demand content, and user-friendly features, YouTube TV is becoming a top choice for many viewers.

However, it’s important to consider the costs and features of any streaming service before making the switch. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore YouTube TV’s pricing and features, as well as compare it to other popular streaming services to help you make an informed decision.

YouTube TV Pricing – How Much is YouTube TV?

How Much is YouTube TV? – YouTube TV offers a simple monthly subscription plan, with the current cost being $64.99 per month. This base plan includes a wide selection of live TV channels, unlimited cloud DVR storage, and the ability to create up to six user profiles.

For viewers looking to expand their entertainment options, YouTube TV also offers add-on packages and premium channels at an additional cost. For example, you can subscribe to channels like HBO Max, SHOWTIME, or STARZ, each with their own separate monthly fee. Additionally, YouTube TV occasionally provides a free trial period for new users to explore the service before committing to a subscription.

How Much is YouTube TV? A Comprehensive Guide to Pricing and Features

YouTube TV Features

  1. Live TV Channels: YouTube TV offers a robust channel lineup, with over 85 popular channels, including local broadcast networks, sports channels, and entertainment networks. The exact channel availability may vary depending on your location.
  2. Cloud DVR Storage: One of the standout features of YouTube TV is its unlimited cloud DVR storage, allowing subscribers to record and save their favourite shows and movies without worrying about running out of space. The recordings are stored for up to nine months.
  3. Simultaneous Streams and User Profiles: YouTube TV supports up to three simultaneous streams, meaning that multiple users can watch different content at the same time on separate devices. Additionally, subscribers can create up to six user profiles, each with their own personalized content recommendations, viewing history, and DVR library.
  4. Supported Devices and Platforms: YouTube TV is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smart TVs, streaming devices (like Roku, Apple TV, and Chromecast), gaming consoles, smartphones, and tablets. The service is also accessible via web browsers on computers.
  5. YouTube TV vs. Cable: Many users find that YouTube TV offers a more flexible and cost-effective solution compared to traditional cable TV. With no contracts, hidden fees, or equipment rentals, YouTube TV provides a hassle-free alternative to cable.

YouTube TV Spanish Plan

For viewers interested in Spanish-language content, YouTube TV offers a Spanish add-on package that provides a selection of popular Spanish channels. This package, available for an additional monthly fee of $34.99, enhances your YouTube TV experience with channels like Telemundo, Universo, ESPN Deportes, CNN en Español, and more.

By subscribing to the Spanish plan, you can enjoy a variety of news, sports, and entertainment content tailored to Spanish-speaking audiences.

NFL Sunday Ticket

While YouTube TV currently offers the NFL Sunday Ticket for $249 this is a inaugural offer and it will return to $349 in future.

This provides access to a range of sports channels, including ESPN, CBS Sports Network, NBC Sports Network, and more, allowing you to watch NFL games and other sporting events. NFL Sunday Ticket, a service offered by DIRECTV, allows subscribers to watch out-of-market NFL games every Sunday throughout the regular season. For viewers specifically interested in the NFL Sunday Ticket, it’s essential to explore other streaming options or consider subscribing to DIRECTV to access this service.

Keep in mind that prices, features, and channel lineups may change over time. Be sure to check the YouTube TV website for the latest updates and to confirm the availability of the Spanish plan and sports channels.

Channels Including in YouTube TV Base Plan

  1. ABC
  2. CBS
  3. FOX
  4. NBC
  5. PBS
  6. The CW
  7. ESPN
  8. ESPN2
  9. FS1
  10. FS2
  11. NBCSN
  12. CBS Sports Network
  13. NFL Network
  14. Golf Channel
  15. NBA TV
  16. MLB Network
  17. SEC Network
  18. Big Ten Network
  19. ACC Network
  20. Pac-12 Network
  21. TBS
  22. TNT
  23. truTV
  24. AMC
  25. FX
  26. FXX
  27. IFC
  28. USA Network
  29. SYFY
  30. HGTV
  31. Food Network
  32. Travel Channel
  33. Cooking Channel
  34. TLC
  35. Discovery Channel
  36. Animal Planet
  37. Investigation Discovery
  38. National Geographic
  39. Nat Geo Wild
  41. A&E
  42. Lifetime
  43. Hallmark Channel
  44. Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
  45. Hallmark Drama
  46. OWN
  47. Oxygen
  48. WE tv
  49. Bravo
  50. E!
  51. MTV
  52. VH1
  53. BET
  54. Comedy Central
  55. CMT
  56. Nickelodeon
  57. Cartoon Network
  58. Disney Channel
  59. Disney XD
  60. Disney Junior
  61. Freeform
  62. Universal Kids
  63. BBC America
  64. BBC World News
  65. CNN
  66. HLN
  67. MSNBC
  68. CNBC
  69. FOX News
  70. FOX Business
  71. Cheddar News
  72. Newsy
  73. Local Now
  74. TYT Network
  75. C-SPAN
  76. C-SPAN2
  77. Smithsonian Channel
  78. Tastemade
  79. MotorTrend
  80. Science Channel
  81. DIY Network
  82. GSN
  83. POP
  84. TV Land
  85. Paramount Network

Please visit the YouTube TV website for the most up-to-date channel lineup in your area.

How Much is YouTube TV? A Comprehensive Guide to Pricing and Features 2

Alternatives to YouTube TV

  • Hulu + Live TV: Priced at $69.99 per month, Hulu + Live TV offers a combination of live TV channels, on-demand content from Hulu’s streaming library, and 50 hours of cloud DVR storage. The service also includes two simultaneous streams and allows for creating up to six user profiles.
  • Sling TV: Sling TV offers two main plans – Sling Orange and Sling Blue – each priced at $35 per month. The channel lineups differ between the two plans, with Sling Orange focusing more on sports and family content, while Sling Blue offers a mix of news, entertainment, and local channels. Sling TV also provides a la carte channel add-ons, cloud DVR storage, and the ability to watch on multiple devices.
  • fuboTV: With a focus on sports content, fuboTV’s base plan starts at $64.99 per month and includes over 100 channels, 250 hours of cloud DVR storage, and the ability to watch on up to three devices simultaneously. The service also offers premium channel add-ons and international sports packages.
  • DIRECTV STREAM: Formerly known as AT&T TV, DIRECTV STREAM offers various packages starting at $69.99 per month. With a focus on live TV and sports, DIRECTV STREAM includes a variety of channel packages, regional sports networks, and on-demand content. The service also comes with 20 hours of cloud DVR storage and allows for streaming on up to 20 devices at once on your home network.
    1. Philo: As a budget-friendly alternative, Philo offers a single package for $25 per month, featuring over 60 channels focused on entertainment and lifestyle content. While it lacks sports and local channels, Philo provides unlimited cloud DVR storage and allows for streaming on up to three devices simultaneously.
Streaming Service Base Plan Price Notable Features
YouTube TV $64.99/month Over 85 channels, unlimited cloud DVR, 3 simultaneous streams, 6 user profiles
Hulu + Live TV $69.99/month Live TV + Hulu on-demand content, 50 hours of cloud DVR, 2 simultaneous streams, 6 user profiles
Sling TV $35/month Sling Orange or Sling Blue plans, a la carte add-ons, multi-device streaming (varies by plan)
fuboTV $64.99/month Over 100 channels, 250 hours of cloud DVR, 3 simultaneous streams, sports-focused
DIRECTV STREAM $69.99/month Multiple packages, 20 hours of cloud DVR, up to 20 simultaneous streams on home network
Philo $25/month Over 60 channels, unlimited cloud DVR, 3 simultaneous streams, budget-friendly

Channel Counts

Streaming Service Base Plan Channels Local Channels Sports Channels Premium Channels
YouTube TV Over 85 Yes Yes Available as add-ons
Hulu + Live TV Over 75 Yes Yes Available as add-ons
Sling TV 30+ (Orange) / 50+ (Blue) Limited Yes (varies by plan) Available as add-ons
fuboTV Over 100 Yes Yes (sports-focused) Available as add-ons
DIRECTV STREAM Varies by package Yes Yes Available as add-ons
Philo Over 60 No No No

DVR Storage and Simultaneous Streams

Streaming Service Cloud DVR Storage Simultaneous Streams
YouTube TV Unlimited 3
Hulu + Live TV 50 hours 2
Sling TV 50 hours (optional add-on) 1 (Orange) / 3 (Blue)
fuboTV 250 hours 3
DIRECTV STREAM 20 hours 20 (on home network)
Philo Unlimited 3

Remember to verify the latest stats and features on each streaming service’s official website, as these figures are subject to change.

How to Choose the Best Streaming Service for You

  1. Assessing Your Needs and Preferences: Consider the type of content you watch most, such as live TV, sports, movies, or specific channels. Make a list of your must-have channels and features to help narrow down your options.
  2. Comparing Costs and Features: Review the pricing, channel lineups, and features of each streaming service, weighing the pros and cons based on your needs and preferences. Don’t forget to factor in any additional costs for premium channels or add-ons.
  3. Considering Local Channel Availability: Local channel offerings may vary depending on your location, so be sure to check which services provide the local networks and regional sports channels you desire.
  4. Evaluating Device Compatibility: Ensure that the streaming service you choose is compatible with the devices you plan to use for viewing, such as smart TVs, streaming devices, gaming consoles, or mobile devices.

In summary, YouTube TV offers a competitive pricing plan and a host of valuable features for those seeking a comprehensive live TV streaming experience. However, it’s crucial to consider your individual needs and preferences when choosing a streaming service.

By comparing the costs, features, and device compatibility of YouTube TV and its alternatives, you can find the best streaming option to suit your entertainment needs.

Remember to keep an eye on the ever-evolving landscape of streaming services, as prices and features may change over time.

Q: How much does YouTube TV cost per month?

A: YouTube TV’s base plan costs $64.99 per month, which includes over 85 live TV channels, unlimited cloud DVR storage, and the ability to create up to six user profiles.

Q: What channels are included in YouTube TV’s base plan?

A: YouTube TV offers over 85 channels, including popular networks like ESPN, CNN, HGTV, and local broadcast channels. The exact channel lineup may vary depending on your location.

Q: Can I add premium channels to my YouTube TV subscription?

A: Yes, YouTube TV allows you to add premium channels such as HBO Max, SHOWTIME, and STARZ to your subscription for an additional monthly fee.

Q: Does YouTube TV offer a free trial for new subscribers?

A: YouTube TV occasionally provides a free trial period for new users, allowing them to explore the service before committing to a subscription. Be sure to check the YouTube TV website for the latest offers.

Q: How many simultaneous streams does YouTube TV support?

A: YouTube TV supports up to three simultaneous streams, meaning that multiple users can watch different content at the same time on separate devices.

Q: Is YouTube TV compatible with my device?

A: YouTube TV is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smart TVs, streaming devices (such as Roku, Apple TV, and Chromecast), gaming consoles, smartphones, tablets, and web browsers on computers.

Q: How does YouTube TV’s cloud DVR storage work?

A: YouTube TV offers unlimited cloud DVR storage, allowing subscribers to record and save their favourite shows and movies without worrying about running out of space. The recordings are stored for up to nine months.

Q: How does YouTube TV compare to other streaming services like Hulu + Live TV and Sling TV?

A: YouTube TV, Hulu + Live TV, and Sling TV each offer different channel line-ups, pricing, and features. It’s important to compare these aspects based on your needs and preferences when choosing a streaming service.