
What Happened To Shane Dawson?

Shane Dawson, born Shane Lee Yaw, is a YouTuber who came to prominence in the mid-to-late 2000s and is known for his controversial content and eccentric personality.

His career has seen significant ups and downs, with a series of controversies that have led to a notable decline in his popularity.

Here’s a deep dive into his rise and fall.

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The Rise

Shane Dawson started his career on YouTube in 2008, quickly gaining a massive following due to his comedy sketches, parodies, and vlogs. His early content often featured him impersonating celebrities, such as Paris Hilton and Miley Cyrus, which attracted a huge young audience. His channels saw exponential growth, as seen in the table below:

Year Subscribers
2008 100,000
2010 2 million
2013 6 million
2015 8 million
2017 11 million

Dawson later transitioned to creating more mature content, such as documentaries and investigative videos on controversial internet figures. His series on Jeffree Star, Jake Paul, and Tana Mongeau became incredibly popular, boosting his subscribers to over 20 million by 2019.

Podcast Career

In addition to his YouTube success, Dawson also hosted a podcast, “Shane and Friends,” from 2013 to 2017. The podcast had a successful run with over 140 episodes, featuring interviews with celebrities, YouTubers, and social media influencers. It added another layer to Dawson’s online presence and diversified his content, further contributing to his growth.

The Fall

Dawson’s fall from grace began in 2020, when several controversies surrounding his past content resurfaced. A few key incidents include:

  1. Old Racist Videos: Dawson faced backlash over old videos where he was seen using racial slurs and stereotypes. His impersonations, which had been a significant part of his initial success, were now seen as offensive and harmful.
  2. Inappropriate Comments and Actions Toward Minors: Dawson was accused of making sexualized comments and inappropriate actions towards underage fans in his past content.
  3. Association with Controversial Figures: Dawson’s close association with Jeffree Star, a beauty influencer with his own share of controversies, also hurt his image.

These controversies led to a significant decline in his popularity and subscriber count, as shown in the table below:

Year Subscribers
2019 23 million
2020 21 million
2021 20 million
2022 19 million

In June 2020, Dawson posted a video titled “Taking Accountability,” in which he apologized for his past behaviour. However, the apology was not well-received, with many criticizing him for not adequately addressing the issues.

Time Away from YouTube

Following the backlash, Dawson took a hiatus from YouTube. He was largely absent from the platform for about a year, with only occasional appearances on his fiancé Ryland Adams’s channel. His hiatus marked a significant shift in his career, as he had been a constant presence on YouTube for over a decade.

What Happened To Shane Dawson? 1

The Aftermath

Dawson attempted a comeback in 2021 with a video titled “The Haunting of Shane Dawson,” but the response was mixed. While some fans were glad to see him return, many others felt that he hadn’t adequately addressed his past controversies.

In 2023, Dawson remains a polarizing figure. His influence and subscriber count have significantly declined from his peak, and his reputation has been severely damaged by his past controversies.

As of 2023, his subscriber count stands as follows:

Year Subscribers
2023 18 million

This steep fall from his peak of 23 million subscribers in 2019 underscores the impact of his controversies on his popularity.

However, it’s worth noting that despite the backlash, Dawson retains a core group of fans who continue to support him. His videos, though far less frequent than before, still generate millions of views, indicating that he still holds a place in the online space, albeit a diminished one.

Current Endeavors

Since his return to YouTube, Dawson has tried to steer his content in a different direction, focusing more on personal growth and less controversial topics. However, he hasn’t been able to fully escape the shadow of his past controversies. His attempts to move forward are often met with mixed reactions, with some viewers appreciating his efforts to change, while others remain sceptical of his sincerity.

In addition to his YouTube content, Dawson has also tried to diversify his online presence. He’s made several appearances on his fiancé’s podcast, “The Sip,” and has hinted at working on a new series, though details remain vague.


Shane Dawson’s rise and fall serve as a stark reminder of the power and perils of internet fame. His career has been marked by incredible highs and significant lows, and his story continues to evolve. His controversies have opened up important conversations about accountability and the lasting impact of harmful content.

While it remains to be seen whether Dawson will ever regain his former status, his story offers valuable lessons for content creators and audiences alike about the importance of respectful and responsible content.

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