Multitasking To Grow A YouTube Channel // How To Grow A Successful YouTube Channel in 2019 is a topic many people would love to know. Youtube growth is all about learning, patience and the ability to multitask to maximise your potential
YouTube Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint (Grow On YouTube) // To grow a youtube channel in 2019 and grow on youtube you have to understand and accept one very important fact – YouTube Is A MARATHON and NOT A SPRINT! For you to make a successful youtuber and be successful on YouTube you have to play for the long haul and the long term growth. Once you put in enough time, enough content to build a back catalog, and dedicated your time to learning how to make better videos…. only then will your channel grow.
YouTube Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint
You need to get over the numbers and you need to focus on quality content, within your set niche and pump out regular, reliable, helpful content that people search for and want to see. Once you finally commit to the long hard grind that is long term success on YouTube you will finally open your mind to the amount of work you need to put in to make it all work.
Game Of Thrones Season 8 Can GROW Your YouTube Channel FAST // Game Of Thrones returns and this viral trend could be a great way to use game of thrones final episodes to grow your channel. Wrap your niche around the hype, make related content and see how much of the viral traffic could splash your way.
Game Of Throne YouTube Video Ideas — Cosplay, Deep Dive into the science/religion of the universe, make up tutorials, gameplay, reviews, book vs tv comparison, fan fiction and more.
Game of Thrones Season 8 could teach you how to ride new trends each month, why not try this with Orange Is The New Black, iPhone Launches and Superbowl’s!
Grow Your YouTube Channel — 100 Videos To Success YouTube Growth Strategy 2019 // YouTube Growth 2019 is hard but it can be soul destroying if all you do is watch your numbers. I am asked “how can i grow my channel” all the time. People asking why they have XX subs but no views etc. What i say is you should not even be looking at number until you do are 100 Videos to Success and YouTube Growth.
If you focus on making your first 100 videos and not on the views and subscribers, you will then be able to see how to improve your videos. You will learn how to make videos, get comfortable on camera, light your videos and build your skills.
You can grow your youtube channel in 2019 but you have to do the leg work first, run the marathon not the sprint!
Grow On YouTube Fast in 2018–4 YouTube Hacks to Grow Your YouTube Channel // Looking to grow your small YouTube channel fast? The best way to hack growth as a small YouTube is to hunt trends, maximise SEO with TubeBuddy and collaborate with other small youtube channels looking to grow.
How To Grow A Vlogging Channel on YouTube 2018 // Growing A YouTube channel, travel vlog channel or a vlogging channel can be hard. Daily vlogging channels like Zoella, Alfie Deyes,Logan Paul, Casey Neistat and Shaytards have seen rapid growth with vlogging channels but it’s all down to the niche of your vlogging style or what your vlog channel is all about.
How To Grow A Vlogging Channel on YouTube in 2018
1 — ALWAYS THINK OF SEARCHABLE TITLES — You need to always think of a search term or phrase to include in your title and description to make your channel searchable.
2 — CONSISTENCY AND STORYTELLING — You need to upload on a regular basis in a similar style. Maybe even tell a story about your life events. Explain your school days or how you are studying for a test or interview.
3 — HAVE A NICHE — Are you a beauty vlogger? Are you sharing your weight loss? Are you sharing your life as a Military wife?
Alan Spicer YouTube Tips Channel — YouTube Tricks, YouTube Tips & YouTube Hacks to Help Grow Your YouTube Channel. I make YouTube Training Tutorials based on my personal experience on How To Increase YouTube Views, How To Gain YouTube Subscribers and How To Grow A YouTube Brand Online.
I have been on YouTube since 2013 growing an Entertainment and News Channel, MrHairyBrit. Within that time I have made many mistakes but have also learnt many YouTube Hacks that I want to share with you to help you Rank Your YouTube Videos On YouTube, Grow Your YouTube Channel and Get Your Brand Noticed On YouTube.
I also have a background in Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, and Web Design & Development.
We can grow together, We can learn together… Start Creating!
Note — Some of my links will be affiliate marketing links. These links do not affect the price of the products or services referred to but may offer commissions that are used to help me to fund the free YouTube video tutorials on this channel — thank you for your support.