
What is Facebook Live? And Can You Make Money On It?

Like most social media platforms, Facebook is increasingly looking for ways to provide you with everything you might need from social media on their website. This isn’t an altruistic goal, of course; Facebook wants people to stay on their site as much as possible because it means more money for them! Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the incentives they are dangling to keep you there.

Facebook Live is one such incentive; a live streaming option that broadcasts straight out to Facebook, and can be used for anything from casual chats with friends, to live performances and even business talks. But, as useful as it can be, can you make money on Facebook Live?

The answer is, of course, yes. You can make money on Facebook Live, and in this article, we’re going to take a close look at how you can make money on Facebook Live.

What is Facebook Live?

As mentioned above, Facebook Live is Facebook’s in-platform video streaming function. It allows users to start streaming video to their friends, followers, subscribers, and even total strangers on the platform with, in many cases, a single click. Indeed, if you are just streaming yourself in selfie mode, there would be no more setup required than it takes to get ready for a video call, and it’s as simple as that everyday task, as well.

While users have found a myriad of ways to use Facebook Live, it is designed for a personal, almost intimate experience. Consider a person of note—a celebrity or world-leading expert in a particular field, even just a regular person with a lot of friends. The sort of experience Facebook seems to have in mind is a person like that getting on video, live, and casually chatting to their fans, followers, and interested parties, answering questions from the chat, and generally “holding court”.

The video created during a Facebook Live—including the real-time chat—remains visible on that person’s Facebook page (unless they decide to take it down) and is eligible to show up in other people’s feeds when relevant.

Still unsure why you might want to use Facebook Live? Here are some common reasons;

6 Money Making Mistakes Freelancers And The Self-employed Make

Holding Q&As

One of the most common ways to use Facebook Live for interactive purposes is to hold a questions and answers session with your followers. These live streams typically just consist of the person in the video answering questions from fans. Sometimes they will get those questions directly from the chat in real-time, sometimes they will have polled their followers beforehand. It could even be a mix of the two.

Depending on the type of person doing the stream, the questions could be of a personal nature, such as would be the case for a celebrity whom fans just want to know more about, or they could be more professional, like asking a technology journalist about upcoming stories.

Giving Insight and/or Insider Information

On a related note to the hypothetical journalist above, a professional giving interested viewers an inside look at something they would not normally get to see is another good use for Facebook Live.

Some examples of this include an actor giving their viewers a glimpse behind the scenes of the set they’re working on, or a sound technician showing the chaos backstage at a gig they are setting up. Things like this will nearly always have an audience because there will always be someone interested, and it’s not something they can easily just go off and experience themselves.

Connecting With Your Audience

Facebook Lives don’t have to be offering any specific information to their viewers to have value to them. Personal blogs and vlogs have always been popular for the right people for a reason, and the same applies here. If you are popular enough that people want to know about you, they will welcome any insight into your life.

What makes this different from a Q&A Facebook Live is you don’t necessarily have to be interacting with the audience (though you certainly can). You could just be giving a bit of an update on your life, having a rant, or dropping stream-of-consciousness chatter on your viewers.

It’s worth noting that just turning the camera on with no plan and no real substance to offer is something that only really works for people with an existing fanbase. And we stress fanbase here because fans are not necessarily the same as followers. Fans will be happy to get a glimpse into your life, but people who follow you because you share industry-specific news aren’t likely to care what you’re having for dinner.

Sharing Industry-Related News

If you are a journalist (or something similar like a YouTuber who covers industry news), or a business, you could also use Facebook Live to break news, give updates, talk about new developments, and generally anything related to your field of expertise.

One example of this might be a sci-fi YouTuber going live from Comic-Con, giving a glimpse of proceedings to the thousands of people who wanted to go but couldn’t make it for whatever reason.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Groups? 3

Making Money With Facebook Live

Now that we know what Facebook Live is and what you might use it for, how do we make money from it? Fortunately, Facebook has systems in place to help you do that very thing. And, as we’ll touch on shortly, there are always other ways to monetise your content, even if it means not using the official Facebook channels for monetisation.

In-Stream Ads

Perhaps the most familiar form of monetising video content, Facebook’s in-stream ads allows streamers to run ads during their video content, earning money based on the number of views and interactions those ads get.

Facebook gives you a good degree of control (if you want it) over how these ads are displayed. For example, you can run pre-roll ads that show an ad between 5 and 15 seconds long before showing the stream. You can also opt for mid-roll ads, which temporarily take over the main feed but keeps your live stream playing in a floating window. It is also possible to choose banner ads, which show up below your video (on mobile) and above chat.

In each case, Facebook aims to serve ads with as little disruption to the viewing experience as possible.


Facebook offers a way for viewers to tip live streamers using “Stars”, which are comparable to “bits” on Twitch. Viewers buy stars and can then send them to the live streamer. As the streamer, you earn one cent for every star you receive. Viewers can send a custom amount of stars, but they are encouraged to choose from a preset selection including 50, 100, 200, all the way up to 2,000.

Stars allow Facebook to make money also, in a very similar way to how currency exchange companies make money. While live streamers will earn one cent per star received, it costs viewers more than that to buy the stars, and that is where Facebook’s profit margin comes from.

Promotional Content

Making money through Facebook Live does not necessarily mean you have to use Facebook’s built-in systems. If you have things to promote—products, courses, live appearances (such as concerts)—you can use Facebook Live as a way to build interest, drive traffic, and generally raise awareness.

Granted, this is a much less direct way of making money with Facebook Live, and one that can be hard to track the success of, but it’s certainly an effective use of the service.

Brand Deals and Sponsorship

Another method of making money with Facebook Live that doesn’t involve Facebook itself is by striking up deals with brands. Essentially, you will get paid directly from a person or company to include certain content in your live streams. This content could be a straight-up ad, a review of a product, a how-to session, or anything really that raises awareness of the thing you’re being paid to talk about.

Of course, you will need to get into a position to make these kinds of deals before being able to take advantage of them. Having a large audience is usually enough, but content creators with smaller audiences can still get brand deals if they have a focused niche with an engaged audience.

Final Thoughts

These days, it’s possible to make money using just about any content creation platform on the Internet, regardless of whether that platform has any systems in place to make it easier for you. As it turns out, Facebook Live does have systems in place that allow you to make money.

But, like anything else, you need to get into a position to take advantage of these systems (or any other method of generating revenue) before you can benefit. You will need to grow an audience, build a reputation, and become someone who people are willing to watch when they go live. What that means for you specifically will depend on what your business is, but it will almost certainly require a bit of patience.


Can You Put Ads on Facebook Groups?

Facebook’s power as an advertising platform is well-established at this point, and with good reason. While Facebook’s penchant for collecting personal data on its users is a point of contention in the world of privacy, that data collection allows Facebook to offer incredibly targeted advertising.

Being able to direct your ads with pinpoint accuracy is an incredibly appealing prospect for advertisers because, ultimately, paying to show an ad to someone who has no interest in the subject matter is just a waste of money.

In other parts of Facebook, Groups has emerged as one of the leading platforms for community building and discussion. While sites like Reddit are still popular, the accessibility and ubiquitousness of Facebook have made it the go-to place for creating new communities.

But can you put ads on them?

There are a few ways to approach advertising on Facebook groups, but for just above every way you can think of asking this question, the answer is yes; you can put ads on Facebook groups.

Of course, we’re going to dive into this subject with a bit more attention to detail, so if you’d like to know more, keep reading!

What Are Facebook Groups?

Let’s start from the beginning. If you’re not familiar with Facebook groups, you could be missing out on a valuable promotional tool, or even just a useful social tool.

Groups give users a way to break off their Facebook experience into managed portions, as well as interact with like-minded people outside of your immediate social circle. For most users, Facebook comprises largely of real-world contacts—friends, colleagues, and family members—with the wider world being something they prefer to keep separate from their Facebook feed.

Unfortunately, this rather excludes users from using the power of Facebook to find people interested in their favourite TV show, movie, book, boxer, or anything else you can think of.

Enter Facebook groups.

Groups allow Facebook users to interact with other users who have a common interest without the need to “friend” them, meaning they can still keep their private Facebook lives private.

Groups can have varying degrees of exclusivity, from open groups that anyone can join to groups where members have to be accepted, and even invite-only groups. Groups can also have different levels of visibility also, such as groups that anyone can view irrespective of whether membership is open, to groups that can only be viewed by members.

Can You Put Ads on Facebook Groups?

Why Advertise On Facebook Groups?

If you know anything about advertising, you will already be able to see the potential of Facebook groups for advertising. These are essentially collections of users who have clustered together around a common interest. They are also engaged users, meaning they are making the effort to visit the group rather than being a passive audience that is being shown things they might not be interested in.

If you, as an advertiser, have something to advertise that meshes with a particular Facebook group’s subject matter, you are pretty much guaranteed an audience that fits the correct demographic for what you’re advertising.

Advertising on Facebook Groups

So, we’ve established what Facebook groups are and why you might want to advertise on them, but how do you go about it? There are two primary ways to advertise within a Facebook feed, be it a group or the regular feed, and they are regular posts that happen to be promotional or Facebook ads.

Can You Put Ads on Facebook Groups? 1

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads gives you a good deal of control over where your ads will eventually show up, and that includes Facebook groups feed placement. Unfortunately, Facebook Ads does not presently offer a way of targeting a specific Facebook group with your ads, so you can’t just say, “only show my ads in X group!”. What you can do is ensure that Facebook groups placement is selected, and then tailor your target audience to match that of the audience in your desired group.

It’s far from a perfect solution, of course, but using the official Facebook Ads platform will give you far more in the way of performance metrics than any other method you might try.

These kinds of ads will show up with a tag stating that they are sponsored, and users will have the ability to tell Facebook they’re not interested and don’t want to see the ad again, so it pays to put as much thought and research into your desired target audience as possible.

So you can certainly use Facebook Ads to advertise to Facebook groups, but you will not have the ability to target specific groups or get guarantees on where your ads will ultimately turn up. This should be an issue if you do a good job with your targeting parameters.

Advertise in the Group Feed

Another option is to post your promotional content in the group as you would a regular post, but beware, there will often be restrictions on this kind of post. For one thing, many groups explicitly prohibit ads and other promotional content from being posted under any circumstances. In these groups, you could try contacting the admins as they may be prepared to make exceptions in some cases, but you can guarantee that posting an ad in such a group without explicit permission will result in the ad being deleted and probably you being banned from the group.

Other groups may allow ads but will likely have rules regarding what can be posted, and may also require you to get permission from the admins before posting.

In any case, it’s best to join the group you are considering posting an ad in and actively participating for a while before attempting to post any ads. Members of the group will be more receptive to an ad from someone who is actively participating in the community than someone who has just joined and started posting promotional content out of the blue. It will also help you to get a real feel for the type of group it is, which in turn will help you more accurately judge if the group is the best place for your ads.

Other Uses for Facebook Groups

If, after reading that, you have landed at the conclusion that Facebook groups aren’t necessarily the best home for your ads, that doesn’t mean you should abandon groups altogether as a promotional tool.

If you have a skill or expertise that you have built a service or business around, you can still use groups to drive traffic where you need it to be, even if ads are not allowed in the group in question. By finding a relevant group and actively participating, sharing your knowledge and helping people out, you will gain a reputation within that group that can be directly parlayed to customers or clients. If the members of the group come to know you as someone with the expertise they need, they are more likely to come looking for your products or services outside of Facebook.

If you take this approach, it is important to make sure your Facebook page is full of useful information, such as links to any necessary websites. You should also keep it up to date in terms of posts. If you run a YouTube channel, make sure the latest videos get posted there. If you write a blog, link the latest posts. If someone from a Facebook group you are part of decides to come looking for your products or services, they will nearly always head to your profile first. You want to make sure they find what they’re looking for when they get there.

Facebook Groups as Promotional Tools

So far we’ve been mainly concerned with using existing groups for promotional purposes, but you can also start your own group with promotional reasons in mind.

Like any attempt to use social media as a promotional tool, you will need to offer people something inherently valuable. Starting a group and just posting ads and links to your other content might work if you already have a large following, but for someone with a more modest fanbase, it will be an uphill battle getting people to join a group that it’s just full of ads.

Much like the above advice to participate in the group and establish yourself as an authority, starting a group around the subject matter you want to promote and actively helping people can lead to members searching you out.

Final Thoughts

As with almost all strategies for using social media to promote things, advertising and promoting through Facebook groups needs a careful approach. Always strive to remain relevant—posting ads in a group that isn’t interested in the subject matter will just be a waste of your time and/or money.

Beyond that, don’t expect to get traction just because you’ve posted something. If you are joining a group to promote things, be sure to participate in that group first and establish relationships with the members and build a reputation first. Then, when you do promote things, it will not feel disingenuous and exploitive to the people you are promoting to.


Can You Make Money on Facebook Gaming?

Gaming is big business these days, whether you are a game developer with a cool idea, a programmer on the bleeding edge of technology, or a streamer growing your following on Twitch, there is plenty of money to be made within the realm of gaming.

But is any of that money on Facebook?

The quick answer is yes, you can make money on Facebook gaming, and this is true for both gamers and developers. Of course, if you’ve clicked on an article with this headline, you’ll naturally want to know more about it. Don’t worry, we have you covered.

Facebook and Gaming

Though it’s not necessarily one of the more well-known aspects of Facebook, the platform actually has a long history with gaming, stretching right back to the early days of poking and throwing sheep at users.

Yes, throwing sheep on Facebook was a thing.

These days, Facebook games are a little more sophisticated, ranging from quizzes to perennial favourites like Farmville, and even games of the kind of quality that would once have been a standalone release.

Of course, making games is not your only avenue. Gaming streams are very popular these days, and Facebook provides the means to post and live stream video content. These two approaches naturally have very different implications for how you can make money, but the money is certainly there to be made.

That being said, there are many important keys to success online, and two of them are;

  • Write what you know
  • Know your audience

We are going to be guided by both in this post. Firstly, we’re not game developers. Secondly, the typical audience for this blog is far more likely to want to read advice on monetising gaming streams than games themselves. For that reason, the rest of this post will be primarily concerned with Facebookers who are playing games, rather than making them.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Gaming? 1

Playing Games on Facebook

The first thing to make clear about Facebook in regards to gaming is that the platform is not designed for this. Unlike Twitch, which is practically built with gaming in mind, or YouTube, which was built for something else but lends itself well to gaming content, Facebook was built with very different goals in mind.

What this means is that you shouldn’t expect much help from Facebook itself in your quest to make money gaming.

There are ways to make money gaming on Facebook, of course—there are almost always ways to make money these days. We’re going to go over some of these ways very soon, but the point we’re trying to get across is that you will, for the most part, have to find ways to monetise your content that Facebook perhaps hadn’t intended when they set out.

But before we get into how you get paid, let’s start with how you game.

How to Game on Facebook

Gaming content is, of course, mostly video-based. Facebook has a few options for you when it comes to getting video content out there, and any of them can be pressed into service as a gaming medium.

The first way you can get video content out on Facebook is, simply, by linking it. Whether it’s on Twitch, YouTube, Vimeo, or anywhere else, you can always create a post linking out to your content so that your Facebook audience is aware of it. Of course, this doesn’t present you with any way to monetise that content through Facebook, but in this case, Facebook is really just acting as a promotional platform. Any monetisation you have in effect elsewhere for the content you are linking should still be in effect.

If we’re keeping things on Facebook, however, there are two main options for monetising gaming content; posting videos and Facebook Live.

Posting videos is simple enough; you create a new post, attach your video, and away you go. As long as you make sure it is public, you can promote your Facebook video just like you would with videos on other platforms. Alternatively, going Live is more akin to streaming on Twitch. You will need to have a little technical knowledge with live streams to get your game onto Facebook Live, but there is plenty of help out there for you. Indeed, Facebook even has resources of their own to help you out.

Monetising Facebook Gaming Content

We won’t go into how to monetise content on other platforms that you are linking to from Facebook because, well, we’ve done that in other posts and videos. So, for the purposes of this post, we’re going to stick with Facebook’s built-in methods of monetisation.


For those of you who are familiar with Twitch—perhaps you’ve dabbled or perhaps you are established there and looking to branch out—Facebook’s stars are essentially the same as bits on Twitch.

These are only available for Facebook Live streams. Viewers can gift stars to the streamer who will get one cent per star received. Facebook users can buy stars in bundles, the price (at the time of writing) is around double what the streamers get per star, meaning Facebook users are paying roughly two cents per star. Viewers can gift as many stars as they want, but by default, they are presented with a selection of preset amounts, such as 50, 200, 1,000, and more.

In-Stream Ads

In-stream ads are a far more traditional form of monetising video content. These ads can be played before, during, or after the video, with a percentage of the revenue being shared with the creator. In the case of Facebook Live, mid-roll ads (ads that are played part-way throught the video) will take over the main view, but the live stream itself will still be playing in a smaller floating window for the duration of the ad. This way, the viewers are served ads with minimum possible disruption.

Of course, like other platforms, it is not as simple as clicking a button to get ads on your video content—you have to meet the criteria set out by Facebook (or as of very recently, Meta).

The first and most obvious criteria is being compliant with Facebook’s Partner Monetisation Policies. These things change regularly, so always worth have a read through before signing up to anything, but at the time of writing, there is nothing out of the ordinary in these policies. Things like residing in an eligible country, adhering to community standards, sharing content you have the rights to, and so on.

After that, the criteria gets a little more straightforward and clearcut. You must have at least 10,000 followers, for one thing. Another hurdle to jump is the fact that you must have at least 600,000 watch minutes over the last 60 days. These watch minutes are counted across all on-demand, live, and previously live videos, but does not count crossposted content or boosted/paid watch time. And, finally, your page must have at least five active videos. Again, these can be live, previously live, or on-demand, but not crossposted or boosted videos.

If you don’t meet all of these criteria, it’s not the end of the world. As we said above, there’s always other ways to monetise your Facebook content.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Gaming? 2

Speculative Side Note

You might have noticed earlier that we made a passing reference to “Meta”. Meta is something of a rebranding for Facebook (the company, not the website), and a large part of that seems to be their intention to make big waves in the virtual reality world.

Granted, Facebook has already made big waves in the virtual reality world with their release of the Oculus Quest 2, a game-changer in terms of what you get for your money, but they have even bigger plans.

The reason we bring this up is that VR is already a rapidly growing market in the gaming content space, and it looks set to keep growing in the near future. At the same time, Facebook (or, rather Meta) look poised to be one of the major players in this space. So, if you are a gamer looking to make money through Facebook and you’re not already experimenting with the possibilities of virtual reality, it may be something you want to look into. It’s not quite getting in on the ground floor, but it’s something.

Final Thoughts

Facebook’s requirements for showing ads on your gaming content may seem a little steep at first glance, but they are not your only option. With a dedicated audience (which, remember, is not necessarily the same as a large audience), you can easily make a decent amount of money through Facebook’s stars. Failing that, you can always monetise your content elsewhere, such as using a Patreon, or selling merchandise. Even just using YouTube as a traffic funnel to get viewers to your Twitch or YouTube page can be an effective strategy.

As always, however, the trick is to stick with it, and don’t be discouraged if the money isn’t pouring in after the first few months. These things take time.


How to Grow a Facebook Group

Whether you are just heavily interested in a particular subject and would like to find like-minded individuals to socialise with, or you are looking to build a community for promotional reasons, Facebook groups are an excellent tool in your arsenal. Still, as useful as Facebook groups can be, they have to have members—often lots of them—to achieve that potential.

There are several ways to grow a Facebook group, and, fortunately, the majority of those ways have nothing to do with spending any money. In this post, we’re going to take a deeper dive into what Facebook groups are, why they might be useful to you, and what you can do to ensure the success of your group or a group you are part of.

What is a Facebook Group?

A Facebook group is essentially a place for people with a common interest to get together and discuss that interest, much like any other internet forum. The interest in question can be anything that doesn’t break Facebook’s rules and guidelines, and anyone can set up a group.

The reason Facebook groups are so popular is, ultimately, down to the popularity of Facebook. With billions of people already on the platform and familiar with how it works, it is often far easier to set up a new Facebook group and get new members interested in joining than it is to build a community on places like Reddit, even as popular as Reddit is.

Group admins have the ability to set the rules of their Facebook group, removing members if they don’t follow them. They can also have the group be public, private, visible to all but only members are allowed to participate, invite-only, and more.

All standard Facebook rules apply within groups, so doing or saying anything that breaks Facebook’s terms of service can still get you in trouble, even if the admins of a group allow it.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos? 2

Are Facebook Groups Worth It?

The natural question you should be having at this stage is; are “Facebook groups worth the effort?” The answer very much depends on what you are trying to achieve, but we’re going to hazard a guess that, yes, they are worth it if you are reading this page.

Firstly, if you are just looking for a community to talk about something you are interested in, Facebook groups will certainly be able to give you that. That being said, there is a strong chance that a group already exists, and you might want to consider joining one rather than making one. We’ll get into whether you should start a group a little later on.

If you are looking to Facebook groups as a tool for promotion, it is certainly worth it, but you will have to put the time and effort in to make things work. Like most things in life and online promotion, there’s no quick fix to reaching your goals.

Things to Consider Before Starting a Facebook Group

It’s all well and good concluding that a Facebook group can get you what you’re looking for, but that doesn’t automatically mean you should make one. Running a successful Facebook group is not without effort, and even if you’re willing and able to put in the effort, there’s still no guarantee of success.

Before we look at how to grow your Facebook group, let’s take a moment to ponder whether you should be starting or running a group at all. And, remember, this is independent of whether a Facebook group could be good for you in terms of goals. A Facebook group might be an amazing tool for promotion, but if you don’t have the time and willingness needed to make it work, it won’t help you.

Do I Have a Good Subject Matter for a Facebook Group?

This is especially important if you are planning to use your Facebook group as a promotional tool. If you just want to create a community to talk about something you’re interested in, it doesn’t matter what that interest is, because your only goal is to find people to talk to about it. If you are promoting something, however, your subject matter needs to be relevant but still interesting enough to foster genuine discussion.

For example, if you are promoting a YouTube channel about technology, such as new gadgets, that subject may be too broad to create a successful Facebook group around. Remember, the beauty of these groups is the ability to find people with the same specific interests as you, not general interests. But, if you zero in too far and create your group around, say, a specific type of technology, like mobile phones, you run the risk of people in the group not being interested in your general technology YouTube channel.

How to Grow a Facebook Group

Do I Have the Time to Run a Facebook Group?

Running a successful Facebook group, whether for personal or promotional reasons, takes time. This is especially true in the early days of the group, where you will need to get out and about to garner interest and draw attention to the group. As things progress, the group will need less and less of your time to keep ticking over, but you will need to be actively working to get to that stage.

And, if promotion is your goal, this applies even more to you. If you just want to talk, you can always get the group started and then dip in and out as you please. If you want to promote things, you’ll need to keep your hand in constantly, or the members of the group will stop seeing you as someone of interest.

What Rules Should My Facebook Group Have?

There are two types of rules to consider; Facebook enforceable rules, and arbitrary rules. Facebook enforceable rules are things that Facebook provides a mechanism for, such as having the group be private and invite-only. Arbitrary rules can be literally anything you want, but you have to enforce them yourself, such as by kicking people from the group.

The best rules will vary from group to group. The only advice we can really give here is to be as unrestrictive as you can within the scope of your group. For example, it wouldn’t be wise to allow misogynist language in a group for survivors of domestic abuse. On the other hand, it would be unwise to ban adult language in a group about alternative comedy.

How to Grow Facebook Group

So, you’ve decided you want to start a group and you have the time and willingness to do so. How do you make it grow?

Have Compelling Reason to Join

The first thing you need to do is make sure your potential members have a compelling reason to join your group. The most effective way of achieving this is by offering something they can’t find elsewhere.

Of course, if you have a topic that there is no other group for, that would be the ideal situation… but it’s an unlikely one. There are a lot of groups on Facebook. If you haven’t got a unique subject matter, have a good look at the competition, and see if there is anything you can offer that they can’t. This could be more relaxed (or stricter) rules, or even just your expertise if the subject matter is something you are particularly knowledgeable about.

Leverage Your Existing Audience (if you have one)

If you already have an audience—perhaps you run a YouTube channel or blog—be sure to promote your Facebook group to them. This may seem counter-intuitive if the main reason for creating the group is to promote the thing your audience knows you for, but having a larger number of members gives your group more legitimacy in the eyes of newcomers.

We’re not suggesting paying for fake members, of course. That rarely works. Bought users will not engage, and a large group with no activity often looks less appealing than a small group with no activity.

Branch Out to New Audiences

Obviously, you will want to stay within the subject matter, but when letting people know about your group, don’t limit yourself to things like your own audience from other places. Reach out to other communities and try to find new people.

Always be sure to be respectful when you do this, however. Just barging into a subreddit or a YouTuber’s comment section and spamming about your group is unlikely to win anyone over.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos?

Encourage Members to Promote the Group

Once you have members, encourage them to let others know about the group. Don’t just tell them to go get more members, of course, they’re not your employees. Just politely mention it from time to time, and be sure to emphasise the fact that everyone benefits from more members, as there will be more discussion.

Final Thoughts

Whether you want to talk about your favourite series of novels or promote your YouTube channel about miniature castle building, Facebook groups are a powerful tool to achieve your goals. And, what’s more, it’s free! All it takes is a little time and effort on your part to build an active community.


Making Money on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace has been something of a revelation for many people, combining the convenience of sites like eBay and Gumtree with a distinctly more localised approach. Many people prefer to sell one-off items on Facebook because of how easy it is to find buyers nearby. And the same goes for buying things—it’s often more appealing to look in your local area for something you could perhaps walk to pick up, rather than something that might have to be shipped across the country. But what about something a little larger in scale?

In other words, can you make money on Facebook marketplace? Like, real money. Not just a bit of extra change for some old items you don’t need anymore.

The answer, of course, is yes. As long as you have something to sell, you can certainly make money on Facebook Marketplace. As for getting items to sell, we’ll leave that for another post, as it can be quite an in-depth topic in its own right. But, whether you buy items in bulk, import from China, or even make the thing you’re selling yourself, we have a slew of tips to help you ensure that product gets sold.

And, if you are just selling one or two items you don’t need anymore and have no intention of making this a regular thing, read on! These tips should still be useful for you.

What You Should Know About Facebook Marketplace

Before we get started, let’s cover a few basics about Facebook Marketplace for anyone who is new to it, or wants a little refresher course. The Marketplace is open to anyone who has a Facebook account and is not in trouble for breaking any of Facebook’s rules.

For the most part, there are no restrictions on the types of things you can sell. The exceptions to this include anything that is illegal, weapons or explosives (even if they are legal where you are), and anything that would require the buyer to be a legal adult, such as alcohol. Oh, and animals. You can’t sell animals.

Finally, you can’t sell services. That means you’re not allowed to offer something like car washing, dog grooming, house painting, or anything else that doesn’t involve money being exchanged for an item.

Making Money on Facebook Marketplace

Tips for Making Money on Facebook Marketplace

Now, onto the tips. We’ve put together six tips we feel will give you the best chance of a successful sale on Facebook Marketplace.

Presentation is Everything

Often the first mistake people make when selling things on Facebook Marketplace is being too casual with their listing. This can seem a little paradoxical because one of the reasons Facebook Marketplace is so popular is the decidedly local feel it gives. It’s a lot more like selling something to a neighbour at a garage or car boot sale than it is taking your items to auction.

Still, even with that in mind, it pays (literally), to put a little effort into the presentation of your item when you make your listing. Potential buyers may know that they are buying a second-hand item from a neighbour, but given two identical items for the same price, they will nearly always go for the one with the nicer photos. Here are some sub-tips for making sure your photos are up to scratch.

Clean Your Item

Firstly, give whatever it is you are trying to sell a bit of a sprucing up. If it can be cleaned, clean it. We’re not saying you should turn it into a full restoration project, but a bit of wipe or dust down will usually go a long way.

Of course, it’s important not to damage the item, so be careful about what you clean it with, as many cleaning products will have some materials they are not meant to be used on. And, if the item is somewhat fragile, such as an antique of some kind, it might be best to leave it well enough alone.

Stage Your Photo

Making sure the thing you’re selling is presentable is only half the battle, if the pictures you take don’t show the item off in all its glory, it can the same effect as not sprucing it up a bit before taking the pictures.

Always make sure you have good lighting when you take your photos. You don’t need to buy a professional lighting rig for this—everyday sunlight will do just fine. The placement of the lighting is important, too. If you have a lot of light behind the item, it will make it hard to see. Also, try and get the item in front of as plain a background as possible. If the background of the image is too busy, that also makes it harder to see the item.

Take Multiple Photos

So you’ve cleaned your item up and you’ve staged the photo perfectly… now what? Well, you certainly shouldn’t just sit back and admire your handiwork. Get the camera back out and snap a few more pictures from different angles.

Not only will having more pictures increase the likelihood of someone purchasing your item, but it could also save you time in responding to questions from potential buyers. If there are any points of interest on the item, try to include them in a picture. For example, if you are selling something electronic, try to include a picture that shows any stickers or stamps regarding voltage or classification information.

Making Money on Facebook Marketplace 1

Make Your Description Useful

It can be easy to skimp on the descriptions when selling on Facebook Marketplace. After all, you’re not writing a product description for a professional store, are you?

Leaving aside the fact that a lack of information—or badly written information—is a turn off to some, this is another situation where you should put a little extra effort in to save yourself some time in the long run. If the listing does not answer the obvious questions about the item you are selling, either through the pictures or through your description, you will almost certainly get interested parties messaging you to ask.

Use Keywords

Keywords may not be the kind of thing you’d associate with what is essentially a classified listing, but they shouldn’t be overlooked. Facebook does its best to make sure any bargain hunters on the marketplace find what they’re looking for, but there’s no sense in making it harder than it needs to be.

Make sure your listing contains any important words. For example, if you are selling a used video game for the PS4 console, your description should, at the very least, include the words “PS4”, “game”, “console”, and “used”. Also, while we’re not sure how much of a difference it makes to Facebook’s search algorithm whether the description is well-written or not, you should try to write the description clearly anyway for the sake of the potential buyers who are going to be reading it.

Be Honest About Your Item

Being honest about what you are selling is important for several reasons. Firstly, it’s just morally wrong to lie about what you’re selling. If that’s not enough, however, there’s also the fact that it could lose you sales. You might fool someone, but someone who knows the item might be able to spot the lie. And, finally, lying would be a shortsighted way to make a sale, as you would then have a reputation for it, which would make it harder to sell items in the future.

List Items Individually

Don’t group several items together for convenience, because it makes them harder to sell. Now, we’re not suggesting you sell an Xbox gaming console and its power supply separately, but if you had a dozen Xbox games to sell, grouping them may make it harder to get a sale, as the buyer will have to be willing to purchase all of the game rather than just one of them.

Price Your Item High (But Not Too High)

Don’t go crazy, but pricing your item a little higher than you’re willing to sell it for will give you a little barter room. Many buyers on Facebook Marketplace like to haggle the price down and are more likely to buy if they can get a bit of money knocked off. Adding a little on allows you to get the price you’re after while letting the buyer feel like they’ve got themselves a better deal. Of course, if you price it too high, most buyers will just keep on browsing straight by your item.

Final Thoughts

Facebook Marketplace is certainly more of a tool for selling things you no longer have a use for but could still be useful to someone else, like electronics you have upgraded from, or old furniture. That being said, it is still a viable business tool, as you can sell almost anything on there, and that includes products you stock.

As with any marketplace, presentation is most of the battle. Make sure your descriptions are accurate and give the buyer all the information they need, and make sure your pictures are clear and show all parts of the item that might need to be seen.


10 Tips to Grow ANY Facebook Page

Facebook pages can easily be seen as Facebook’s attempt to break out of the personal headspace that Facebook occupied for so long, and, if that was Facebook’s goal, it’s been quite effective. Pages have become an almost essential part of any online presence, be it an individual, company, or brand. But, like any too for promoting something, Facebook pages are only effective if they are used correctly.

Simply creating a page and calling it a day might be the kind of thing someone with millions of followers on other platforms can get away with, but if you are trying to build up a following from, shall we say, more modest numbers, you’re going to have to work a little harder than that.

This brings us to the purpose of this post. We’re going to look at a number of methods to grow Facebook page followings, but before we do, we’ve got a little crash course on Facebook pages for you.

What Are Facebook Pages?

The easiest way to think of a Facebook Page is as a public-facing profile alternative. Now, if you are a public figure and make no attempt to keep your Facebook profile private, this may seem a little strange to you, but you should try to remember that Facebook is mostly used as a platform for keeping in touch with friends and family.

The vast majority of Facebook users have a friend list full of people they know in real life, such as colleagues, friends, and family members. They don’t necessarily want their posts and comments to be visible to the wider world. Especially if they have any kind of notability. This is why a large number of Facebook users make their profiles and content only visible to people they are friends with.

Facebook pages allow those users to maintain that separation between the wider world and their private lives, but still have a public presence on Facebook—the largest social media platform in the world.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos? 2

Do I Need a Facebook Page?

If you’re a reader of this blog, there’s a good chance you need a Facebook page. If you’ve stumbled here from a search engine looking for information on Facebook pages and are not looking to promote anything or boost your online presence, you probably don’t need a page.

For the people who are promoting things—perhaps a YouTube channel, or a podcast—we would recommend having a Facebook page even if you don’t feel the need to separate your private life from the public eye. You may feel that way now, but things can change. And there’s nothing stopping you from sharing anything you would have put on your Facebook wall onto your page as well.

That’s the key element here. You will be making a conscious choice to share something publicly, and that should protect you from unintentionally sharing anything that you wouldn’t want public, such as personal matters, or controversial opinions.

10 Tips to Grow Facebook Page Followings

And now to the meat of the article. Please note that our tips are in no particular order. Let’s go!

1. Post Regularly

One of the biggest tips we can offer for growing a Facebook page’s following—or any following on a social media platform—is to post regularly. This is especially true for smaller pages.

There are two main reasons that regular and consistent posting helps grow your Facebook page. The first is that it will mean anytime a new person arrives at your page, they are going to be seeing relatively recent content. If they get to your page and the last thing you posted was eight months ago, they might understandably conclude that the page is inactive and move on.

The other reason is that every post you make on your page increases the chances of someone new discovering your page. Whether it’s through your content being shared or through Facebook organically showing it to users, the more posts you have, the more things there are for people to stumble across.

Just be careful not to let your drive to post regularly affect the quality of what you’re posting.

2. Share Inherently Useful Content

Continuing on nicely from that last sentence, it’s not enough to just post anything on a regular basis, you also need to make that content worthwhile for your potential followers. For most of us, that rules out just posting links to your latest show/video/song/book/etc.

Of course, if you are already an established personality or brand with a huge following, just having a Facebook page that posts updates like that is useful and will get plenty of engagement. If you’re trying to grow a brand, however, you need to give those users a reason to come to your page other than… well, you.

An example of this might be an author who writes books on interior design. They could post tips on interior design, giving people a reason to follow your page for that content. Then, that author has a new book out, they’ll not only have a following but one that is primed for that product.

3. Focus on a Niche

Once again following on nicely from the end of the last point, we have your niche. While this may not be possible for everybody—it’s hard to stick to a niche if you’re a pop musician, for example—if you have an area that your content or services revolve around, make sure the posts on your page stick to that niche.

Being more focused with your content will undoubtedly lower the number of potential users coming to your page, but it will ensure that the users who are interested in what you’re posting are more likely to find it. It will also make those users far more likely to stick around, and increase the chance of them engaging with your posts because they are truly interested in the subject matter.

The trick is finding a balance between narrowing you’re niche so far that the audience is minuscule, and broadening it so far that your page has too much competition to make an impact.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos?

4. Invite People to Like Your Page

We often don’t like to bother people, but inviting people to like your Facebook page is something that not only yields good results but can be done with the click of a button thanks to Facebook’s “Invite People to Like This Page” button. The like invite will show up in their notifications, and they will be free to ignore it if they don’t want to.

5. Promote Your Page Outside of Facebook

Facebook is big. It can be easy to forget there’s a whole Internet out there, and it’s important that you don’t neglect to use that Internet when you’re trying to grow your Facebook page.

Obviously, we’re not suggesting you start spamming comment sections or tweet threads, but promote responsibly wherever you can. Sometimes simply letting followers know you have a Facebook page is enough.

6. Use Facebook Live

If you have it in you to make video content, Facebook Live is an excellent tool for garnering more interest in your Facebook page. These videos not only get put into various feeds when they are live, but they also remain up (if you allow it) after the fact, acting as lasting content for your page.

As per our above tip about niches, try to keep this content in line with the subject matter (or matters) that your page represents. There’s no sense attracting people who won’t be interested in what you do.

7. Run Giveaways and Other Promotions

There are no hidden tricks here, this is exactly what it sounds like. If you are in a position to run competitions or promotions… or just give stuff away, it’s an effective way to generate interest for your page. Just be careful not to violate any local or international laws with any contests you run. Always check the law.

8. Join Relevant Facebook Groups

We’ve talked about getting off of Facebook to promote your page, but what about on Facebook? Finding relevant groups and participating can be a great way to generate interest. Like with anywhere else, be sure not to spam, and adhere to the rules of any group you join.

9. Utilise Calls to Action

If you’re writing blog posts, recording podcasts, posting videos, or generally making content elsewhere on the web, don’t be afraid to use a call to action. It could just be a line at the end of your article, a polite nudge at the end of a video, or really any mention. You’d be surprised how much of a difference it makes.

10. Advertise

You can advertise away from Facebook, but we’d suggest using Facebook’s own advertising platform if you want to advertise a Facebook page. It is more likely to land in front of a user who will be interested, as the very fact that they are seeing it means they are a Facebook user, whereas a Google AdSense ad could easily wind up in front of a person who is not on Facebook and has no intention of joining.


Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos?

Facebook remains something of an untapped resource for many when it comes to making money from your video content. YouTube is obviously the most well-known option for regular video content, Twitch might be your go-to if you’re a streamer, and there’s a myriad of other places to check out, like Vimeo, Instagram, and more. But Facebook has an understandable reputation as a platform for keeping in touch with your friends and family.

And Facebook is great for that. But there’s a lot more you can do with it.

Facebook has been making serious inroads into the video content space and a natural part of becoming a platform for releasing video content is giving content creators a reason to put content out on their platform. The main incentive, of course, is the ability to generate revenue from your content.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos? – Facebook has a monetization system that will run adverts on videos and offer branded content on pages. There are multiple levels and various requirements to qualify.

Let’s dive in.

Video Content on Facebook

There are a few ways to get video content on Facebook, and each one has very different use-cases. There is, of course, the standard method of posting a video to your wall or page. Facebook supports video files up to 10 GB in size with a maximum length of 240 minutes, so it should be sufficient for the vast majority of content creators. Video resolutions are limited to 1080p at the time of writing, however, so if you are looking to put 4K content out, you will need to look at other platforms. In most cases, however, even 4K content producers will be able to put a 1080p version of their videos on Facebook without it negatively affecting things.

Another way to get video content on Facebook is by using Facebook Live. This is Facebook’s live broadcasting solution and allows users to instantly start streaming to their followers (and other Facebook users) with hardly any setup needed. Facebook Live is heavily geared towards people switching on their phone camera and holding what could be termed as intimate live streams with their followers, but it is certainly suitable for more traditional live streams. Facebook is even taking steps to make this side of things more accessible for a wider range of live streamers, such as their Facebook Gaming push.

There are also Facebook Stories, which are Facebook’s answer to Snapchat—short videos that only exist for a brief period before disappearing off into the ether.

Monetising Video Content on Facebook

There are many ways to monetise your Facebook video content, and we’re going to start with Facebook’s own mechanisms. As with any platform, Facebook’s monetisation has certain criteria that you will need to meet, but don’t worry, we’ll give you all the information you need.

In-Stream Ads

In-stream ads are probably the most recognisable way to monetise video content, so it makes sense that Facebook would offer this on their platform. These ads can show up in a number of ways, including before the video (pre-roll), and during the video (mid-roll).

For the most part, these ads will work exactly how you’d expect them to, though mid-roll ads work slightly differently for Facebook Live videos. As Facebook want to cause as little disruption to the live viewing experience as possible (but, obviously, still show the ads) these ads will take over the main video window, but the live stream will continue playing in a smaller floating window, so the viewers don’t miss any of the action.

As per Facebook, these types of ads are suitable for longer content and content that is “suitable for advertisers”, meaning you’ll probably miss out on that ad revenue if you are making content about controversial topics. Facebook will automatically look for natural breaks in the content to insert ads, and your pay is determined by things like how many views the video gets, and who is advertising on it.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos?

Fan Subscriptions

If you are familiar with services like Patreon, or features like YouTube Membership, you will understand Facebook Fan Subscriptions. This feature allows Facebook users to support you by contributing recurring monthly payments. In exchange for these payments, as well as supporting content they like, these users will get a special badge, as well as other perks and discounts.

This option is not limited to video content, of course, as anyone on Facebook with a big enough following can enable fan subscriptions, but if you are producing video content on Facebook, this is certainly a way to monetise that content, as well as any other content you happen to produce.

Branded Content (Brand Deals)

Branded content is Facebook’s version of what you might call a brand deal in other places. Essentially, you, the content creator, strikes a deal with a brand where they will pay you to promote them. These are different from sponsored videos in that they will typically cover a period of time, or set a number of videos.

Facebook facilitates these deals for eligible channels, aiming to bring suitable brands and content creators together… and taking their cut of the deal, of course. That being said, there is nothing to stop you from striking up brand deals yourself. This can be a little trickier, as you will need to be able to market yourself to the brand, and any legalities will have to be taken care of, but for those that can do it, it will often mean more money than going through Facebook.

Subscription Groups

Subscription groups are essentially a group version of fan subscriptions, and allow fans to join smaller, more exclusive groups with the creators they want to support. Like fans subscriptions, subscriber group members will get special perks.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos? 1

Selling Merchandise

Moving away from Facebook specifically, there will always be ways to monetise your content if there is a big enough following, whether that content is on Facebook, YouTube, your personal website, or anywhere else. One such method is selling merchandise.

Granted, this doesn’t work for every type of content creator, as not every niche lends itself well to merchandise. If you are a content creator in a niche that does lend itself well to merchandising, however, you can certainly monetise your content this way.

Third-Party Subscriptions

Facebook may offer fan subscriptions, but you are in no way obligated to use them if you want to offer this kind of option to your viewers. Indeed, with Facebook’s eligibility criteria (more on that below), many content creators don’t even have the choice in the first place.

Services like Patreon do not have any eligibility criteria regarding the number of views you get, how much watch time you have over a given period, or how long you have been on the platform.

Now, we’re not saying that signing up for a Patreon account will automatically lead to the money rolling in. You still need to have a decent following to take advantage of this kind of service, and in most cases, people who don’t meet Facebook’s eligibility criteria probably aren’t missing out on much in the way of revenue. But there are always exceptions, and if you are such an exception, don’t feel like Facebook’s monetisation solutions are your only options.

Promoting a Product or Service

In this day and age, many content creators have other things on the go. This might be the aforementioned merchandise line, some kind of product or endorsement, an online course, or even public appearances, such as professional speaking, stand up comedy, or music gigs.

If this applies to you, try not to see your video content as a single entity that has to be worth your time in its own right. Consider how many of your viewers might become customers or fans of your other ventures as a result of your videos, and don’t discount that value.

Of course, you will need to take steps to make sure your viewers know about your other ventures.

Can You Make Money on Facebook Videos? 2

Facebook Eligibility

Eligibility for the various Facebook monetisation options we have mentioned varies a little depending on the specific type of monetisation you are going for, but, for the most part, you should expect to have to meet the following criteria if you want to take advantage of Facebook’s native monetisation;

  • Adhere to Facebook rules, standards, and guidelines
  • Have at least 600,000 watch-minutes over the previous 60 days
  • Have at least five active videos
  • Have at least 10,000 page followers
  • Reside in an eligible country

Other criteria include at least 60,000 of the 600,000 watch minutes being live video minutes if you want to monetise live videos.

Final Thoughts

Facebook seems committed to making it as easy as possible for content creators to monetise their video content on the platform. And it makes sense—the more money you make, the more they make. That being said, you should never feel as though Facebook’s monetisation solutions are your only option. As long as you have an engaged following for your videos, there will always be ways of monetising that content.


Can You Make Money on Facebook?

The prevalence of social media in our lives has opened many doors to success that would scarcely have been dreamed of in the past. And, by “the past”, we could be talking as recently as fifteen years ago. But, while there is an abundance of success stories from platforms like YouTube and Instagram, Facebook rarely is rarely brought up in this regard.

Sure, Facebook is an important tool in getting success on other platforms—you have to promote those YouTube videos somewhere, after all—but what about a more direct approach? Can you make money on Facebook?

The short answer is yes. There are several ways to make money through Facebook, ranging from “a little extra cash” to “this is my job now!”. In this post, we’re going to outline a number of ways in which you can start earning cash through Facebook. So let’s dive in!

How to Make Money on Facebook

With well over two billion users and a well-established advertising platform, there is certainly plenty of money floating around Facebook to be shared. Here are nine ways for you to get your hands on some of it.

Become an Influencer

We’re starting here because this is probably one of the most common ways in which people want to start making money online these days—the influencer route. Making content for an army of fans and making money from that content is the present-day version of being a celebrity, though much more attainable than being the next Tom Cruise or Lady Gaga.

It’s not nearly as well advertised as things like Facebook’s advertising platform, but Facebook does have a system in place for content creators to make money directly, and it comes in three parts.

Can You Make Money on Facebook? 1

Brand Collaborations

Brand Collabs Manager is Facebook’s system for bringing together popular content creators and brands in a managed environment where everyone can feel safe from… well, safe from being ripped off.

Essentially, Facebook ensures the brand is getting a legitimate content creator with an active audience while making sure the content creator gets paid for their collaboration efforts.

In order to qualify for this, you need to have at least 1,000 fans on your page and at least one of the following; 15,000 post engagements or 180,000 minutes watch time over the last sixty days.

That being said, even if you don’t qualify for Facebook’s system, you can always make brand deals directly with brands if you have the audience and negotiation skills.

In-Stream Ads

Much like YouTube, if you are creating video content on Facebook and you are seeing high enough levels of engagement, you can benefit from in-stream ads, earning you a small amount of cash per impression or click.

The criteria for monetising your content in this way is to have a fan or business page with at least 10,000 followers, at least 600,000 watch-minutes across live, on-demand, and replayed videos, five on-demand or previously videos published, and you must meet their policy guidelines.

Fan Subscriptions

Fan subscriptions are essentially Facebook’s answer to services like Patreon, and other platform’s solutions like YouTube Memberships. The criteria for this is a little simpler than the other options; you need to have at least 10,000 followers and at least 250 returning weekly viewers.

Once you meet those criteria, your fans can choose to pay your a regular fee for exclusive content.

Promote Your Services or Business on Facebook

Moving on to more indirect ways of making money through Facebook, if you have a service to offer or a business you are running, Facebook is an excellent platform for advertising your wares.

Like any good advertising platform, Facebook puts a lot of effort into making it so you can get your ads in front of exactly the right kind of people because paying to show an ad to someone who is not interested in what you are offering is a waste of money. Their rates are competitive compared to alternatives like Google Adsense, and you can generate a lot of traffic using this method.

Can You Make Money on Facebook? 2

Crowdsource Your Blog

If you run a blog—or you are thinking of starting one—Facebook can be an invaluable resource for researching your posts. Now, we’re not suggesting you start ripping posts directly off of Facebook and claiming them as your own. That would be wrong.

Facebook is full of groups put together with specific purposes in mind, and those groups are populated by people who are ready and willing to give their opinions and advice. If you are a little stumped for ideas, you can always ask questions in a relevant Facebook group. As long as the group is active and has plenty of members, you’re practically guaranteed to get answers.

Sell Things on Facebook Market

If you’re more interested in selling goods—or even if you just want to have a clearout of some of your old stuff—Facebook Marketplace is an effective way to do so.

Facebook Marketplace is heavily location-based, making it easier to find things that are local to you. This lends itself well to sellers who are perhaps looking to move on something like furniture they no longer need, or electronics they have outgrown. If you are running a business, it can also be a good way to build a local customers-base.

Become a Facebook Marketplace Re-Seller

Facebook Marketplace works both ways, of course, and you can buy just as easily as you can sell. You will often find things cheaper on this platform because of the local nature. Sellers have more of a “garage sale” (or car boot sale if you’re in the UK) attitude towards their items.

This presents an opportunity for someone interested in selling items because you can often find things on Facebook cheaper than those same items would be on something like eBay, or Amazon. You can then buy those cheaper items from Facebook Marketplace and sell them on platforms like eBay and net yourself a little profit!

Find Bugs

The technology behind Facebook is obviously critical to the success of the platform. And, with so many people’s data being at stake, Facebook knows how bad something like a data breach or fatal error could be for business. For this reason, Facebook has a “bug bounty”, where they essentially offer a reward for users who can find problems with the platform.

You will need some technical expertise for this—we’re talking security flaws and other vulnerabilities in Facebook’s systems, not simply reporting a link not working. The above link contains all the details about what Facebook considers a legitimate vulnerability, but if you find one, the minimum reward is $500!

Become a Social Media Manager

If you have a flair for social media—and, of course, your talents extend to Facebook—you could market yourself as a social media manager. Companies, and even individuals, are increasingly willing to pay people to take care of their social media presence for them, growing audiences and keeping them out of trouble. If this is something you would be good at, Facebook presents a huge opportunity to make money. And you wouldn’t be limited to just one client in this line of work.

Create a Popular Facebook Group

If you have an area of expertise—whether it be a professional thing or an area of deep interest on an enthusiast level—you could start a Facebook group centred around that subject matter.

This will require plenty of active participation from you, sharing your expertise and encouraging others to do the same. Once the group has reached substantial numbers, it can be a powerful tool for promoting things. And you, as the founder and established expert of the group, will be in a prime position to take advantage of that.

Can You Make Money on Facebook? 3

Become an Expert

Of course, you don’t need to create a group to establish yourself as an expert in something on Facebook. Posting helpful content on your area of expertise will likely garner interest from those people who seek that knowledge, and that can be parlayed into something more profitable.

It could simply be a way to funnel traffic from Facebook to your website or business, but it could also be the start of something. For example, you could start out answering questions on Facebook, and then move onto a podcast or YouTube channel with your already-established user-base.

Final Thoughts

Like all platforms on the Internet, Facebook is an invaluable tool for making money. And, like most platforms, there are several ways to go about making that money. The trick is finding the method that suits you the most.

For example, if you do not like dealing with people directly—and especially if you are not a fan of negotiation—you should probably steer clear of selling things through Facebook Marketplace. Similarly, if you do not have expertise in developing online systems like Facebook, you probably shouldn’t put much hope in the Facebook Bounty program.

And, most importantly, remember that nothing happens overnight. With a few very lucky exceptions, Facebook success takes time and effort, so don’t be discouraged if you’re not rolling in money by the end of your first month!