
How to Use Copyrighted Music on Youtube @getlickd

Download Music for YouTube videos – Looking to use chart music in your YouTube videos without getting stung with copyright issues? Asking yourself – How to Use Copyrighted Music on Youtube Legally? Then LICKD might a a solution for you. LICKD helps you license popular songs that maybe in the charts of trending and put then into your videos for a small fee without any major issues from the YouTube Bots.


Lickd is a digital platform helping YouTube content creators legally use the music they love. We provide commercial music from real labels for licensing in YouTube videos without the fear of a Creator losing their ad revenue to a Copyright Claim.

How can I legally use copyrighted music on YouTube? – When you get a third party content claim YouTube suggest you do one of the following:

  • Acknowledge it. If you don’t mind the ads, you don’t have to do anything.
  • Remove or swap the music. *
  • Share revenue. If you’re a partner you can share revenues for song covers.
  • Dispute the claim if you believe you have the right to use the music.

* In 2019, YouTube added new features to make it easier for creators to resolve the claims. In particular, YouTube configured their post claim tools – Add or Replace a Song, Remove a Song, and Trimming – to automatically release claims on some of the cases.

The best option is to secure the permission of the copyright owner to use their music on YouTube and to have the owner retract the claim. This may be free (as with Creative Commons or Public Domain music) or you may need to pay a licensing fee.

Getting the permission (or the license) may be easy or hard depending on what kind of music you’d like to use.

If you are after a popular commercial song this usually involves getting in touch with the publisher and working out a deal. As you can imagine, the licensing fees in this case may be quite substantial.


5 Royalty Free Music Sites – Copyright Free Background Music for Videos

5 Royalty Free Music Sites – Copyright Free Background Music for Videos // Looking YouTube music for videos? No copyright free music for YouTube videos can be hard to find. Here are 5 Free Music Websites that offer non copyrights free from royalty free sources. Need free hip hop music, free rock background tracks? Try these free music sites.

How To Use Royalty Free Music in your YouTube Videos without getting stung for copyright. Make better videos, improve your video and audio quality. Level up your content and grow on YouTube.

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