Take YouTube Seriously – How To Grow on YouTube #Rant


Take YouTube Seriously – How To Grow on YouTube #Rant

Take YouTube Seriously – How To Grow on YouTube #Rant // Growing on YouTube is hard and needs some serious commitment. Are you serious about your long term goals and are you truly doing everything you need to do to stand out and grow a youtube channel in 2019?

How To Grow A Channel on YouTube – So many start a YouTube channel, upload a few videos and then dream that this is their new live, their new job but then they fail to commit to how serious an idea becoming a full time YouTuber is and stop doing whats needed to grow their channel.

How I Got 6000 Subscribers in 20 Months – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IqqUqSyAQE
Sacrifice These 5 Things and GROW – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6nuRruIxso

Niche – Are you uploading random content. Are you trying to tackle every topic all at the same time. Its hard to grow a YouTube channel and to build an audience if the audience doesnt know what your core focus is. If I subscribe to a channel because I like their cooking content but they then make gaming, walking, movie reviews in the next 3-4 videos…. this will alienate me and what I subscribed for and I might never watch again. Topic one topic and drill down into it.

Lead With Value – Why should I watch your videos? What do you give me that I can’t get from someone else? What can you teach me in your next video that is worth the 3-7minutes that I just invested in your content. The value proposition is key to a successful channel. If you watch my videos you will learn how to grow your youtube channel with tutorials and tips, if I watch your disneyland vlog – will I be better off for it after consuming it?

Bulk Uploading Videos – Just because you can make 3-4 videos a day, does not mean you should upload 3-4 videos a day. People will only ever watch as much as they want to. If you upload 3-4 videos a day you will burn out your viewers and they might watch the first or second videos but even the most loyal and dedicated audience gets fed up by the 3rd hour of their favourite wrestling program in the same night. Pace your content to 1 a day at most, or even 3-4 a week if possible. Anything more than 2 a day and YouTube stops pushing your videos out to your audience.

Regular Uploads – Learn from the TV shows you love to watch. Game of Thrones is always released on a Monday and your favourite tv soup is on the same time and same days every week. This is deliberate so you learn where, when and how to find a show and you should do the same. If you know your favourite YouTuber uploads every Mon/Wed/Fri then youll be waiting for them to upload and it helps people build you into their every day routine – Cup of tea, slice of toast, listen to the Start Creating Podcast every Tuesday.

Branding – To grow a YouTube channel on the clutter crowded space of 2019 you need to stand out and look professional. A good thumbnail and channel banner can really help with this. In fact a consistent thumbnail style can be the thing people recognise more than your face.

By Alan Spicer - YouTube Certified Expert

UK Based - YouTube Certified Expert Alan Spicer is a YouTube and Social Media consultant with over 15 years of knowledge within web design, community building, content creation and YouTube channel building.

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