
What Happened To The Overly Attached Girlfriend?

In internet culture’s vast and ever-changing landscape, certain phenomena capture the public’s imagination and become iconic. One such phenomenon is the “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme.

This meme, which emerged from a single image, became a staple of internet humor, symbolizing a blend of comedy, relatable relationship dynamics, and the power of viral content.


The “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme originated from a YouTube video posted in 2012 by Laina Morris. In the video, Morris performed a parody of Justin Bieber’s song “Boyfriend,” with altered lyrics portraying a clingy, obsessive girlfriend. Her wide-eyed, intense stare directly into the camera struck a chord with viewers, leading to the birth of the meme.

Viral Spread

The meme’s rapid spread was fueled by its relatability and humor. Internet users found the exaggerated portrayal of a possessive partner funny and familiar.

Social media platforms, especially Reddit and Twitter, became breeding grounds for various iterations of the meme.

Peak Popularity: 2012-2014

  • YouTube views: Over 20 million (by the end of 2013)
  • Reddit posts: 10,000+ meme iterations
  • Twitter Mentions: Approximately 500,000

Impact and Usage

The meme was used to comment on various aspects of everyday life, not just romantic relationships. It symbolized clinginess or overattachment, whether in friendships, consumer-brand relationships, or pets.

Commercialization and Mainstream Recognition

Laina Morris, the face behind the meme, capitalized on her newfound fame. She appeared in commercials and was referenced in popular media, indicating the meme’s permeation into mainstream culture.

The Decline: 2015 Onwards

  • YouTube views: Stagnant growth post-2015
  • Social Media Trends: Decline in meme iterations and references

Reasons for Decline

  • Meme Saturation: The internet’s fast-paced environment led to a natural decline as newer memes emerged.
  • Changing Internet Culture: The humor and style of memes evolved, making earlier formats like the “Overly Attached Girlfriend” feel outdated.
  • Recognition of Privacy and Sensitivity: As discussions around internet privacy and mental health gained traction, the meme’s tone was sometimes questioned.


The “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme is an example of the dynamism of internet culture. It demonstrates how a single image or video can capture the collective imagination, leading to widespread recognition and impact. However, it also reflects the fleeting nature of internet fame and how quickly the digital landscape evolves.


How To Share Private Videos on YouTube

Hey there, YouTuber!

Did you know YouTube has been around since 2005? It’s hard to believe, right? Today, it’s the biggest video hangout spot on the internet, with over 2.56 billion users tuning in from all corners of the world​1​.

But here’s a cool secret: YouTube lets you share private videos. It’s like having a secret club where only invited members can see your special video. This can be super handy when you have a video just for family, exclusive content for super fans, or even a secret business message.

So, How Do You Share a Private Video on YouTube?

Just a heads up – you can only do this from your computer for now. The YouTube mobile app doesn’t support this yet​2​. Now, let’s get started!

  1. Fire up your favorite web browser and open YouTube Studio. Don’t forget to sign in with your YouTube account.
  2. Click on “Content” in the left sidebar of YouTube Studio.
  3. Find the private video you want to share and click on “Private” in the “Visibility” column.
  4. A menu will pop up. From there, click on “Share Privately”.
  5. A box will appear where you can type in the email addresses of your secret club members (or just the people you want to share the video with)​3​.

And that’s it! The people you’ve chosen will get an email with a link to your video. They’ll need to sign in to their Google account to watch the video​4​. If you ever change your mind and want to uninvite someone, no problem. Just remove their email address from the “Share Privately” box, click “Done,” then “Save”​5​.

A Few Fun YouTube Facts

Just for fun, here are some crazy facts about YouTube:

  • YouTube’s short video feature, YouTube Shorts, got a whopping 50 billion views per day in February 2023​6​.
  • In November 2022, YouTube had 75 billion visits worldwide. That’s like ten times the world’s population!​7​.
  • 90 percent of people visited YouTube on their phones in November 2022​8​.
  • In 2022, more than 2.56 billion users watched videos on YouTube​9​.
  • Every minute in April 2022, 500 hours of video were uploaded on YouTube. That’s a lot of cat videos!​10​.
  • In 2022, YouTube made more than 29 billion U.S. dollars from ads, which was about 11.35 percent of Google’s total annual revenue​11​.