
What Happened To BoxxyBabee?

In a world where internet phenomena arise, saturate our screens, and then gently fade into the archives of digital history, BoxxyBabee stands out as an emblematic figure of a specific internet culture era.

Known simply as “Boxxy” to her fans and detractors alike, she emerged as a divisive character that fascinated and infuriated the web during the late 2000s and early 2010s.

This blog will dissect the rollercoaster journey of Boxxy, exploring the elements that propelled her to online stardom and eventually led to her gradual fade from the public eye.

Who is BoxxyBabee?

Catherine “Catie” Wayne, known by her internet pseudonym “BoxxyBabee,” created the character Boxxy, who rapidly became an internet sensation in 2008-2009.

She was predominantly active on platforms like YouTube and 4Chan, her high-energy videos, characterized by rapid speech, fluctuating vocal tones, and eyeliner-heavy makeup, became viral phenomena.

The character Boxxy was characterized by her infectious and sometimes gratingly upbeat demeanour, making her a love-or-hate figure within various online communities.

Snapshot of Boxxy’s YouTube Statistics (approximations)

Year Subscribers Total Views Notable Events
2009 20,000 5 million Initial viral success
2010 150,000 25 million Peak popularity
2011 200,000 35 million Fan/anti-fan clashes
2012 210,000 38 million Declining engagement
2015 240,000 45 million Sporadic activity
2020 270,000 50 million Relative inactivity

Please note: These statistics are approximations and are not exact figures.

The Ascent to Virality

Boxxy’s ascent can be primarily attributed to her unconventionally charming videos, where she unabashedly showcased her love for various internet subcultures and fandoms. Her first video, titled “FOAR EVERYWUN FRUM BOXXY,” quickly circulated beyond her initial audience, capturing the attention of millions and polarizing viewers due to her distinctive presentation style.

Fun Fact: Boxxy was one of the earliest examples of viral internet celebrities who gained fame almost exclusively through their online presence, without having traditional media exposure.

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Boxxy’s Impact on Internet Culture

The Boxxy phenomenon wasn’t merely confined to her videos; it seeped into various aspects of internet culture, inspiring memes, fan arts, and even spin-off characters. Discussions around her content proliferated on forums, where two primary camps emerged: “Boxxy fans” and the “anti-Boxxy” contingent.

Boxxy wasn’t just a girl talking to a camera; she was a symbol of the burgeoning internet culture that was infiltrating mainstream consciousness. Her content highlighted the potential for user-generated content to achieve widespread virality and inadvertently kickstart debates around digital celebrity, online harassment, and internet fandom.

What Happened To BoxxyBabee?

Decline and Subsequent Fall

As it often happens with internet phenomena, Boxxy’s omnipresence began to wane. Various factors contributed to this:

  • Overexposure: The incessant debates and wide sharing led to saturation.
  • Backlash: As her popularity soared, so did the voices against her, criticizing everything from her presentation style to the perceived lack of substance in her videos.
  • Evolving Internet Culture: New memes, trends, and viral stars began to emerge, diverting attention away from Boxxy.

Aftermath and Legacy

Post peak-Boxxy, Catherine Wayne did attempt to maintain a presence online, often separating her real self from her internet persona. However, she never truly rekindled the wildfire of her early internet days.

Yet, her impact continues to linger in the form of occasional nostalgic recollections and her somewhat iconic status as a memorable figure from a particular internet era.


The story of BoxxyBabee provides a compelling lens through which we can examine the rapid ascent and the ephemeral nature of internet fame.

A seemingly ordinary individual captivated millions, becoming a hallmark of an era where the internet began to significantly reshape culture, only to subsequently fade, leaving behind a digital footprint that encapsulates the chaos, charm, and controversy of early internet celebrity.

In reflecting on Boxxy’s trajectory, one might ponder the sustainability of internet fame and the psychological impact it has on those who unexpectedly acquire it.

Her story symbolizes a peculiar moment in internet history, offering a glimpse into the whimsical and, at times, ruthless world of online virality.


What Happened To Leafy aka LeafyIsHere?

Calvin Lee Vail, known by his online pseudonym ‘LeafyIsHere’ or simply ‘Leafy,’ was one of YouTube’s most divisive figures.

His content primarily consisted of reaction and commentary videos, often laced with satirical critiques of other YouTubers, internet trends, and gaming videos.

Leafy first joined YouTube in 2011, but it was in 2015 that his unique brand of content started gaining traction.

LeafyIsHere – The Peak of Popularity

By mid-2016, Leafy’s channel had amassed over 4 million subscribers. His sharp-tongued humor and unfiltered commentary attracted a massive following, especially among younger audiences.

His most popular videos often involved roasts and criticisms of other internet personalities and trends.

LeafyIsHere’s YouTube Statistics

Year Subscriber Count Total Views
2011 1,000 100,000
2012 5,000 500,000
2013 50,000 1 Million
2014 100,000 5 Million
2015 1 Million 50 Million
2016 4.2 Million 1 Billion

Dancing on the Edge: Satire or Harassment?

However, Leafy’s content often teetered on a precarious edge, oscillating between perceived satire and outright online harassment. His acerbic humor and scathing critique of other internet personalities became a hallmark of his content. However, the same elements that contributed to his rapid ascent also ignited a slew of controversies.

One such controversy erupted in 2016 when Leafy targeted fellow YouTuber Ethan Klein, better known as h3h3Productions, in one of his videos. In this video, Leafy vehemently criticized Klein’s content and personal appearance.

However, this attack backfired, leading to significant backlash from the YouTube community. Many viewers and fellow content creators rallied around Klein, condemning Leafy’s unnecessary vitriol and harshness.

The situation further escalated when iDubbbzTV, another popular YouTuber renowned for his in-depth critique of other content creators, targeted Leafy in his ‘Content Cop’ series.

The video was a brutal dissection of Leafy’s content, criticizing its repetitive nature, lack of originality, and the harm it was causing to the individuals on the receiving end of his ‘roasts.’

iDubbbzTV’s critique not only validated the concerns raised by Klein and others but also exposed Leafy’s content to a larger audience, further damaging his reputation.

Despite the controversies and negative attention, Leafy remained unfazed and continued producing similar content.

However, his refusal to adapt or modify his approach led to more critique from other YouTubers and the broader online community. Consequently, some fans began to distance themselves from Leafy’s channel, leading to a gradual decline in viewership and engagement.

These events marked a crucial turning point in Leafy’s YouTube journey. It highlighted the fine line between edgy humor and online harassment—a line that Leafy was repeatedly accused of crossing.

It also underscored the significant role that content creators play in shaping online discourse and the potential consequences of spreading harmful content.

What Happened To Leafy aka LeafyIsHere? 1

The Downfall

Leafy’s fall from grace reached its zenith in 2020 when the YouTube platform terminated his channel. The decision was a response to Leafy’s recurrent breaches of the platform’s policies regarding harassment and bullying. His relentless mocking and offensive comments towards other YouTubers and individuals had finally culminated in a severe consequence.

YouTube’s stance against Leafy was part of its broader initiative to foster a safer, more inclusive environment on the platform. In 2019, YouTube announced more stringent policies concerning harassment and hate speech. Leafy’s case marked one of the first times such policies had led to a high-profile YouTuber’s channel termination.

The move was a shock to many, primarily due to Leafy’s massive following and the scale of his influence. For years, Leafy had been an integral part of the YouTube ecosystem, his videos attracting millions of views. The abrupt termination signaled YouTube’s willingness to hold even its most popular creators accountable for their content.

The effects of this termination were not just limited to Leafy’s YouTube channel. His removal also impacted his other social media platforms, causing a drop in followers and reducing his overall online presence.

This incident was an important moment in the sphere of digital content creation. It emphasized that no creator, no matter how popular, could escape the consequences of repeated policy violations. It served as a warning to other content creators and reiterated YouTube’s commitment to making the platform a safe space for all users.

The Aftermath and Lessons

As of 2023, Leafy has made attempts at comebacks on various platforms, but none have achieved the same level of success or attention as his YouTube tenure. His downfall has served as a crucial case study in the conversation about content boundaries on digital platforms.

The rise and fall of LeafyIsHere underscore the importance of digital responsibility, particularly for content creators with significant influence. Leafy’s journey serves as a stark reminder that while controversy may attract viewership, sustained disregard for community guidelines can lead to a swift fall.

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What Happened To Onision aka Gregory Jackson

In the late 2000s, a unique character emerged in the landscape of YouTube. His name was Onision, born Gregory James Daniel (formerly Jackson).

Known for his outlandish humour, edgy content, and music videos, Onision quickly gained popularity with one video in particular, “I’m a Banana,” which went viral and has accumulated over 77 million views.

Year Subscriber Count Most Viewed Video
2009 100,000 “I’m A Banana”
2010 500,000 “Banana Song (I’m A Banana)”
2011 1,000,000 “10 Things I Hate About Parents”

His content, which often included sketches, rants, and personal vlogs, garnered him a large following, making him one of the platform’s prominent creators.

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The Controversies Begin

However, his fame began to be overshadowed by a series of controversies. Several of his former partners, including Shiloh Hoganson and Billie Dawn Webb, came forward with allegations of emotional and psychological abuse, manipulation, and grooming. These allegations were vehemently denied by Onision, but they began to taint his reputation.

Moreover, his content started reflecting questionable conduct. He would often exploit personal relationships and difficult situations for views, leading many to accuse him of disregarding the privacy and feelings of those involved.

A notable example includes a video documenting Hoganson’s apparent mental breakdown, a video that was widely criticized for exploiting a vulnerable individual for views.

The Fall of Onision

In late 2019, Chris Hansen, a television journalist known for his show “To Catch a Predator,” began investigating Onision, leading to a further public outcry. This investigation brought more attention to the allegations against him.

YouTube, responding to the allegations of harassment and child endangerment, suspended monetization on his channels in 2020. This action significantly impacted his income and marked a clear downturn in his career.

Year Subscriber Count Most Controversial Video
2019 2,000,000 “Shiloh Has Sepsis”
2020 1,500,000 “Wow”
2021 1,200,000 “Sorry”

Despite his attempts to defend himself and salvage his reputation with various responses and explanations, Onision has struggled to regain his former popularity. As of 2021, his viewership had declined significantly, and many in the YouTube community distanced themselves from him due to his alleged behavior.

Onision’s story serves as a stark reminder of the potential dark sides of online fame and the importance of ethical behaviour in the digital age. His rise and fall provide a compelling case study of how fame, power, and lack of accountability can intertwine on a platform like YouTube, with significant real-world consequences.

The Aftermath

Onision’s story didn’t end with the loss of his YouTube income and the reduction in his followers. The controversy surrounding him continued, particularly due to the severity of the allegations.

His actions, both on and off camera, left a lasting impact on his victims, his audience, and the broader YouTube community.

Legal Actions and Further Scrutiny

Following YouTube’s demonetization of his channels, the spotlight on Onision only grew brighter. The allegations against him sparked further scrutiny, prompting discussions about the role of social media platforms in policing content and the conduct of their creators. Some called for stricter regulations and safeguards to protect vulnerable individuals, particularly young followers who often idolize content creators.

Despite the seriousness of the allegations, as of 2021, Onision has not faced any legal charges. However, the court of public opinion had largely turned against him. Various media outlets picked up the story, and numerous other YouTubers created content discussing the allegations, further tarnishing Onision’s reputation.

Onision’s Response

Onision, for his part, has consistently denied any wrongdoing. He has produced a series of videos addressing the allegations, attempting to refute the claims made against him. These videos, however, have been largely met with scepticism and criticism. Many viewers have accused him of gaslighting — a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity.

In spite of everything, a small segment of his audience has remained loyal. Some followers have dismissed the allegations as lies or exaggerations, while others seem to have stuck around to observe the drama unfold.

What Happened To Onision aka Gregory Jackson

Lessons from the Onision Saga

Onision’s story serves as a cautionary tale about the power and pitfalls of internet fame. It highlights the need for platforms like YouTube to maintain vigilance over the conduct of their content creators, particularly those who hold significant sway over young and impressionable audiences.

The saga also brings attention to the difficulty of policing behaviour online, where the line between private and public life is often blurred. It underscores the need for discourse around digital ethics, as well as the potential for manipulation and abuse in the age of social media.

The story of Onision is far from over, and as it continues to unfold, it will likely spark further discussion about the nature of online fame, the responsibility of platforms, and the rights and protections of users.

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