How To Subscribe on Youtube 2019 (Desktop and Mobile) // Subscribing on YouTube is the life blood of channels. Subscribing to a channel (used to) make sure you get updated every time a channel uploads a new video. In this YouTube how to tutorial I will teach you how to subscribe to a channel on youtube on mobile and desktop.
How To Make More YouTube Videos (NO EXCUSES) // It’s time to stop making excuses and start making youtube videos. You want to grow on youtube? MAKE MORE VIDEOS! You want to build an audience? MAKE MORE VIDEOS! I am often bombarded with the same excuses…. no time, no ideas, nowhere to film… these are your fake reasons to not make content. PULL OUT YOUR CAMERA AND CLICK RECORD!
Easy Life Hacks For Small YouTubers (DEEP DIVE) // YouTube Hacks to grow a channel on YouTube with a few tweaks to your every day life. These Small YouTuber easy life hacks will have you waking up early and bulking your recording sessions to save you time and increase overall content quality.
Consistent strikes across all of YouTube
We’re also making the penalty for violating our Community Guidelines the same wherever it happens. While most strikes result from videos, our Community Guidelines cover all content on YouTube, including stories, custom thumbnails, or links to other websites included in a video’s description or infocard.
Previously, not all strikes had the same penalty on your channel. For example, first strikes on videos would trigger a 90-day freeze on live streaming, and second strikes would result in a two-week freeze on new video uploads. We heard from many of you that this was confusing and the penalty didn’t match the source of the strike. Now, based on your feedback, all Community Guidelines strikes will have the same penalty:
As mentioned, everyone who uploads content to YouTube will now receive a warning the first time their content crosses the line. Although the content will be removed, there will be no other penalty on the channel. There will be only one warning and unlike strikes, the warning will not reset after 90 days.
The first strike will result in a one-week freeze on the ability to upload any new content to YouTube, including live streaming, and other channel activities. Strikes will expire after 90 days.
The second strike in any 90-day period will result in a two-week freeze on the ability to upload any new content to YouTube.
The third strike in any 90-day period will result in channel termination.
How To Delete A YouTube Video in NEW YouTube Studio 2019 // Time To Delete Your YouTube Video? Remove a Video from YouTube with the new YouTube Studio and its gone for good. If you dont want to Private a video, or unlist it to keep it hidden online you can delete youtube videos and kiss them goodbye.
How To Go Full Time on YouTube with ONLY 3000 Subscribers // A deep dive into how I became a YouTuber Full Time on YouTube with 3K Subscriber and how you can make youtube your job. Many people wish to make YouTube their full time job. it is possible but you have you focus on things outside youtube to go full time on youtube.
In this deep dive I walk through the importance of brand building, search engine optimization, monthly income, hard work, planning and consistency can help lay the foundations to earn a full time living from YouTube and other related incomes. Make money on YouTube to support the YouTube channel and fund channel growth.
How To Add Subtitles with NEW YouTube Studio 2019 // Create subtitles and add close captions to your YouTube videos to expand the reach your videos may have. You can reach foreign viewers and help hard of hearing people understand your content and make it more accessible.
A study by Discovery Digital Networks measured a distinct increase in SEO for YouTube videos with captions, compared to videos without captions. They concluded that Google indexes closed captions uploaded to YouTube videos, which makes them more likely to rank higher in searches for relevant keywords.
The study also found that captioned YouTube videos saw a 13.48% increase in views within the first 14 days they were published. They measured the lifetime benefit of closed captioning videos to be 7.32% more views on YouTube than uncaptioned videos.
How To GO LIVE QUICK on YouTube with a WEBCAM in NEW YouTube Studio 2019 // Live Stream FAST on YouTube with your webcam at the drop of a hat. Live streaming is easy and can be done with a few quick clicks. If you want to go live on youtube this tutorial will show you have simple it is in a step by step tutorial.
GO LIVE on YouTube in 2019 - GO LIVE QUICKLY with a Webcam in the new youtube studio beta to boost your watch time and engage your audience. YouTube Live Streams are a great way yo build the community within your channel, hangout and have fun with your subscribers.
How To Bulk Edit Info Cards on YouTube with TubeBuddy 2019 // Save time with TubeBuddy and bulk edit info cards to videos on YouTube, edit info cards, update info cards, remove info cards in the matter of minutes. TubeBuddy is a FREE browser based plugin that helps you bulk edit many things and help you rank better in search.
How To Bulk End Screen Cards on YouTube with TubeBuddy 2019 // Save time with TubeBuddy and bulk edit end screens to videos on YouTube, edit end cards, update end screens cards, remove end screens in the matter of minutes. TubeBuddy is a FREE browser based plugin that helps you bulk edit many things and help you rank better in search.
How To Create A YouTube Upload Schedule // It’s time to schedule your youtube videos, upload videos and publish them in the best way to maximise views, boost watch time and in the best way to match your audience. An upload schedule will help teach your subscribers who you are, what you do and most importantly WHEN you will publish your content.
How To Create A YouTube Upload Schedule
1 – Be Honest With Yourself – Schedule Your Upload Content and Make More! Are you making too many videos? Do you need to make more videos? 3-4 Videos a Week is the sweet spot. Too few and people will forget you, too many and people will get bored of you and you will burn out faster.
2 – Match Your Upload Schedule to Your Audience – You need to understand who your audience are to best meet their needs. In the YouTube Analytics you will see how old they are and what country they are in. You can then tailor your YouTube Video Schedule to match their lifestyle and meet them where they are waiting for you. After work, after school or on weekends
3 – Create A YouTube Upload Schedule to Match THEIR needs. Is your audience young school kids? Then its best to publish before or after school or at weekends to match the times they are around. Are they in the UK or US? Shift the time to match their their time zone.
Avoid These 10 YouTuber Mistakes and You WILL Grow on YouTube. You want to grow on YouTube and get more subscribers but so many small youtubers forget core basics or repeat the same mistakes over and over.
I have been on YouTube since 2012 and every time a review a channel for a client they will have made at least one of these mistakes.
This is a great way to redirect people to a new video, an affiliate link or a updated version of your video.
If your video gets a few hundred views maybe even a few thousand, this is you chance to push your audience into binging more of your content and extending the session watch time. The more you can keep people engaged the more likely the youtube algorithm will take pity on you and start suggesting your videos to other people.
Make better YouTube Thumbnails
Think of your YouTube thumbnail as packaging for your perfect product.
Would you walk into a shop and pick up and ugly boring looking box? What if that box looked unloved, maybe even dented. Would you pick that ugly dented box over the one next to it that looks shiny, clean and colourful?
Why Subscriber Counts Do Not Matter // Every small youtuber seems to be focused on YouTube Subscriber Counts, How To Get More Subscribers on YouTube and numbers numbers numbers. I am here to tell you that Subscriber Count Does Not Matter, you want engaged loyal subscribers, not masses of zombie viewers. You want comments, likes, shares and a community… not a silent unengaged audience of non people. How many subscribers in this PewDiePie vs TSeries fight will actually be watching in 12 months time?
How To Get More Views on YouTube in 2019 // More views in 2019 means more watch time on youtube in 2019. If you want to grow your youtube channel in 2019 you need to make the videos that people want to see… and you can do that by seeing what videos that wanted to see from you in 2018.
Get More Views in 2019 – YouTube Views
1 – Boost YouTube Views by researching the videos that did well on your channel in 2018. Go into your analytics, check views, select the last year and look at your most popular videos. Try to remake those, add extra videos in that series or remake them to update them.
2 – Get More Views on YouTube with trends – Trends can be the rocket fuel that will get to grow your youtube channel fast in 2019. If you can make a interesting video on a topic just at it pops, you can ride the wave to the top of the traffic mountain.
3 – Want more views on YouTube in 2019? MAKE MORE VIDEOS in 2019. The more views you have on your channel, the more videos can binge watch or find you in search with. You need to make the spider web of rankings as large as possible to catch as many flies.
4 – YouTube Views can be easy to find FAST if you string them all together into a series. Think of a topic you can break into 5-6 steps and make into a series playlist. The series playlist guides people into a watch time session loop that can boost views and watch time, and help you get more subscribers.
How To Promote Your YouTube Video with YouTube Ads – How To Use YouTube Ads – YouTube Adwords Tutorial // Looking to get extra eyeballs on a video for your business? Google Ads or Promoting your YouTube video with YouTube Adverts might help.
PLEASE NOTE – I do not suggest that you simply buy views for a normal youtube video. YouTube ads are best used to sell products or services and not for random video views. If you are a vlogger or a gamer etc. This may give you a small short term boost but in the long haul it may hard your standing in the day to day algorithm. If you are looking to build your channel then the best way to do it is ORGANICALLY with video seo and youtube’s best practices.
YouTube adverts are great for selling a product or a service. Are you trying to get in front of customers eyes? Are you a public speaker? Are you selling a product for the festive season? Then adverts might work for you.