How To Delete A YouTube Video in NEW YouTube Studio 2019 // Time To Delete Your YouTube Video? Remove a Video from YouTube with the new YouTube Studio and its gone for good. If you dont want to Private a video, or unlist it to keep it hidden online you can delete youtube videos and kiss them goodbye.
How To Get 4000 Hours of Watch Time on YouTube in 2019 // How to get more watch time in 2019. Watch time and audience retention helps YouTube to decide if a video is performing well or not. An engaged viewer that is entertained by the video they are watching with stay around for longer, interact with the content and subscribe. This is why YouTube made it one of the most important metrics for any small youtuber to focus on.
In 2018 YouTube even added conditions to the YouTube Partnership Program that put watch time hours at the heart of monetization requirements. You now need 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time to apply for YouTube partnership.
How To Get 4000 Hours of Watch Time in 2019
1 – Make more videos to get more Watch Time in 2019 – The more videos you have on YouTube the more videos your audience can watch. It is much easier to stack 4000 hours of watch time if you have 100+ videos for a new subscriber to binge watch, rather than just 5-10 videos on the channel.
2 – Longer videos help you get more watch time on YouTube – You do not need to stretch a 2-3 video into a 30minute snore, but if you can extend a video, add more value within what you are offering, then your audience will watch for longer and help get you the watch time you need.
3 – Increase Watch Time on YouTube with Playlist Series – 4000 Hours of Watch Time can seem like a mountain to climb but if you make series content that links to each other and lends itself to binge watching, then you have set the trap you need to trigger this watch time hack in 2019. Series playlists auto suggest the next video in the playlists, can auto play the content and passively builds channel watch time. Pick a topic, break it down into 5-6 videos and really deep dive into the content. Why make a rushed video that is 20-30 mins long, when you can make 5-6 very detailed 10 min tutorials or documentary on a topic that explains it better and demands more engagement.
4 – Live Streams for fast Watch Time on YouTube – If you need watch time fast and your audience is engaged, why not live stream? Live-streaming is a great way to make quick less edited content that invites participation. Pop online with your favourite game or a live Q&A and watch your subscribers pop in for a chat. If you stream for an hours and have 30 people watch you, that’s 30+ hours toward your 4000 hours of watch time goal you need to apply for that YouTube Partnership Program in 2019.
How To Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube in 2019 – Get More YouTube Subscribers // 2018 was a good year for growth on my channel, from subs for nearly 3000 in 12 months. So if you follow these tips you could get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube in 2019.
There is no magic pill to get YouTube subscribers fast and I will not promise you 1000 subscribers in a few days. Growing on YouTube in 2019 should be down to great content, consistency, regular uploads, and audience growth.
How To Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube in 2019
1 – Get Subscribers by knowing what GAVE you subs in 2019 – Look back at your channel and your analytics. If you click on your subscriber stats you will be able to see what videos got you your subs in 2018. Take this information and see what videos you can remake, update or make sequels to.
2 – Grow on YouTube and get Subscribers with Collaborations – Collabs are a great way to build friendships on and a great way to grow your reach and subscribers. When you collaborated with another YouTuber you get the chance to introduce yourself to a whole me group of viewers that might then pop over to see your channel.
3 – Get Subs with How To’s, Tutorials and a Long Term Plan – If you plan for the future and make evergreen content that will always be searched you will slowly build an organic swell of traffic. If you make videos answering all the common questions of your niche you will slowly rank better in the search rankings and attract ongoing views, build trust and loyalty and get 1000 subscribers in 2019.
Should I Post Daily To YouTube — Quality vs Quantity Content in 2019 // How often should I upload to YouTube? Does Upload frequency matter? Is quality or quantity more important? Will daily uploads grow my channel? YouTube Algorithm? All of these are questions I am asked on a regular basis from Small Youtubers asking how to grow on YouTube. But it not as easy as a YES or NO answer.
We can grow together, We can learn together… Start Creating!
Note — Some of my links will be affiliate marketing links. These links do not affect the price of the products or services referred to but may offer commissions that are used to help me to fund the free YouTube video tutorials on this channel — thank you for your support.